
[IMPLEMENTED] Dullahan Fixes

Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. Defeating first form.
  2. >You deal a final strike to the knight. It charges past you, clearly unbalanced and in pain from its wounds."You cannot defeat me! I am the Harbinger of Death!"
  3. Spacing after quote. Also from quotation marks, they display as simple ones in game.
  6. >You gasp in horror as the knight’s head crashes into the branch, cleanly detaching it from its shoulders!
  7. "You wince as the knight's head" makes more sense, as this knight did just attack you and tried to kill you as far as you're aware.
  10. >"Hey! We’re not done yet!“
  11. Wrong quotation marks.
  14. >"You’re going to pay for knocking me off my horse like that!“, she says, unsheathing a cavalry saber and changing into a fencing position. You’re facing a Dullahan!
  15. Wrong quotation marks again and the first comma should be removed.
  18. Attack description.
  19. >She screams in a terrifying voice as her eyes glow with a menacing purple light."[name] I, the horseman of the dead, am here to claim your soul!
  20. No closing quotation, no space after "light".
  21. She shouldn't know my name yet as we've not been introduced, unless she's been stalking me for several days straight and to my camp I guess?
  24. Yeah, OK, the wrong quotation thing is prevalent for many more scenes, best just to re-check them all manually than me writing every single one of them down.
  27. Defeat scene.
  28. >with a determined stare."I’ve suffered worse! I’m the Harbinger of DEATH! The Gan Ceann! The horrifying headless horseman! The-"
  29. Space after first sentence.
  32. Stay scene.
  33. >Right. Well, nice meeting you, [name]. I know your name, by the way. I’m a Dullahan. I’m going to leave now. Maybe we’ll meet again.“
  34. How? This is completely ignored and glossed over.
  37. >You interrupt her, to her surprise, and ask why she attacked you out of nowhere, for no reason.
  38. "You interrupt her, much to her surprise, and ask why she attacked you seemingly out of nowhere."
  39. Flows better.
  42. >Probably. I guess.
  43. Replace first period with a comma. Again, flows better in the whole quote around it.
  46. About Spooking.
  47. >bury into his soul that all mortals are but moths, doomed to eternal damnation...“Her normally lithe and toned body begins to morph into a formless spectre,
  48. Space after quote.
  51. Story.
  52. >You tell her how you were chosen to enter this realm by your village, as a noble hero.You tell her about some of the most noteworthy fights you’ve been in,
  53. Space after sentence.
  56. >Your life changed a lot, huh? Do you miss your old life? You know, just going through a normal routine in Ingnam, without a care in the world, no fighting for your life every day, no looming threat in the horizon?
  57. I said I wasn't going to do messed up quotes anymore, but this one doesn't even HAVE quotation marks.
  60. >and tell the dullahan that you should head back to camp."Alright. Have a good night.“, she says, already moving on to mount her horse.
  61. Space after first sentence, remove comma after quote.
  64. >It’s pretty much a dead art right now.She gets up, unsheathes her saber,
  65. Spacing.
  68. >The dullahan is the happiest you’ve ever seen her."You learn quickly! It’s been so long since I was taught this, I’m surprised I still remember the basics. Hah, I feel so alive!
  69. Spacing.
  72. >You wonder just how she’s able to have this stamina when the two of you just spent two hours in harsh training."I could go for another duel right now!
  73. Spacing.
  76. >he changed. For the worse. He did unspeakable things to people, [name].
  77. I've still never introduced myself to her and she magically knows my name still.
  80. After accepting the manor quest.
  81. >“You will arrive along an old, decrepit road. The path towards the manor twists along and up a jagged hill, where most life has withered away, fleeing from the corruption seeping in the soil. A horrifying sight, but merely a prelude to things to come.
  84. >There is a place beneath those ancient ruins overlooking the valley, where nightmare takes shape. He resides there, performing unspeakable transgressions on life and nature. He must be stopped. You must stop him. I’m sorry to ask this from you, Jack, but someone must brave through to this abhorrent place and finish this once and for all.“
  85. These both need to have their own opening and closing quotation marks.
  88. Manor decription.
  89. >You walk up the decrepit road leading towards the ancient manor. It stands decrepit.
  90. Just remove the second three word sentence.
  93. Lust spar victory.
  94. >This is definitely a victory for you, however unorthodox it may be.She’s looking much more receptive to the premise of sex now.You follow, and ask if there’s something you could do for her since she’s looking ill, rather sarcastically.
  95. Spacing, twice.
  98. Thighjob scene.
  99. >She gives you a mischievous look and blushes a little more in response.You beginstroking your sizable
  100. Spacing and a space in begin stroking.
  103. >with her E-cup breasts maching her hips perfectly in width,
  104. Matching.
  107. >It finally overwhelms you, and you ejaculate while sliding inside her thighs staining her thigh highs and skirt with your seed.
  108. Comma after "thighs".
  111. >"Oh, trust me. I’m going to have a lot of fun with this later"
  112. Comma after "later".
  115. Rape scene.
  116. >You approach the dullahan, alreadystroking your humanoid pecker.
  117. Spacing.
  120. >The sight of a headless body on top of you is rather unnerving, but the perky breasts and toned legs more than make up for it.She lowers herself on top of you,
  121. Spacing at the end of the sentence.
  124. >She lowers herself on top of you, fully taking in your lengthy humanoid dick, and twisting her hips once she hilts herself, to completely taste your penis.
  125. Remove second and last comma.
  128. >At some point during your encounter, you came your soul out into raw lethicite, and afterwards, the rest of your life force.She gets up and puts her panties back on.
  129. Spacing at the end of the sentence.
  132. Courtyard description.
  133. >You stand at the decrepit courtyard of the old Manor.
  134. You're actually standing IN it.
  137. Main hall description.
  138. >Cobwebs cover most of the corners of the manor, and the smell of mold and rotten wood is ubiquitous.
  139. Rotting wood sounds better and is more accurate, as I'm sure it didn't stop rotting.
  142. >The middling light that invades this room lights up several specks of dust, further confirming the state of disrepair of this manor.
  143. When you see rotting wood and the whole structure creaking as well as half collapsed, I don't think you need to do a lot of confirming that it's in disrepair. Replace "confirming" with "showing".
  146. >Most windows are covered by velvet drapes, most of them broken beyond repair.
  147. Repetition of "most".
  150. >You open the book “Heptarchia Mystica”. It’s remarkably well preserved, containing several instructions and treatises on the art of magic and the weaving of spells. Despite the incredible complexity of the teachings contained in the book, your overwhelming intelligence allows you to read and comprehend it all. The knowledge you gain is exquisite!
  151. >Perk Acquired: Mystic Learnings!
  152. Perk sentence should be one more line down. It would also be neat, even if useless, if the book could be taken back home to your bookshelf, information should be preserved and seeing the book is still in good condition there is no reason not to. It would make more sense to instead acquire the book here and study it properly back at camp where you have the time to properly do so, granting you the perk there.
  155. >You approach the odd bookshelf. Most books are worn beyond all recognition, but you can still make out the names of a few of them from their spines.
  156. This has two empty lines above it.
  159. After completing the puzzle, instead of it bringing you back to the book menu, it should place you back at the menu where you have the option to move around with the unlocking text appearing there as well. It would be a better indicator of the puzzle being completed, as it might be missed when players are clicking through books.
  162. >You’re in the second floor of the forgotten manor. It is in as much of a state of disrepair as the first floor.
  163. "You’re on the second floor of the forgotten manor, and it's in as much of a state of disrepair as the first floor."
  164. Replaced "It is" with "it's" due to it looking better than four two letter words in a row. It also flows better as one sentence. Also "on", not "in".
  167. >You assume them to be the house’s ancestry, but it is hard to tell; the paintings have been defaced, “Ephraim” carved into all of them.
  168. Despite hating spoonfeeding, perhaps have Ephraim be in italics to signify its importance.
  171. >Most of the rooms are inaccessible, the roof having collapsed over them.
  172. "Most of the rooms are inaccessible, the roof having collapsed in on them."
  175. Pressing Leave while in the journal menu boots you to the hallways instead of the room you were in. Should probably be renamed to Back as well.
  178. >Found item: Family Talisman!
  179. Should be "Key item gained: Family Talisman!" to bring it in line with the rest.
  182. > There’s nothing else to find on the bed, you think.
  183. Sentences begins with a space.
  186. >You see Kiha attempting to free her kind with your help, and being enslaved again in the process
  187. Period at the end.
  190. > The images nearly cripple you and you curl down to the floor, begging for them to stop.
  191. Starts with a space.
  194. Bone Courtier fight.
  195. >Why would a reanimated skeleton be drinking such a thing?(32) (5.5 lust)
  196. Damage should be on the line below the text. The word "lust" should be removed as the colors are the indicators of the damage kind.
  199. Bone Courtier victory.
  200. >Weakened, the diminutive skeleton attempts to flee, but with one final strike to its back, it falls to the ground, a few of its bones being strewn apart the corridor.
  201. "its bones strewn across the corridor." works better.
  204. >For a brief moment, you wonder if he was the creature the Dullahan spoke of. You must continue your search to be sure.
  205. >New magical ability gained: Test Resolve!
  206. Move Test Resolve being obtained before the paragraph here, as that one is actually relevant to it being obtained. Make sure it has an empty line above and below it.
  209. Hidden tunnel.
  210. >Your intuition leads you to check your back, and, as expected, there stands the undead jester, twitching with one of his daggers on hand. The Bone Jester is also back!
  211. This is said even if the Bone Jester has never been fought or seen in the dining hall.
  214. >You scream as you deliver the final blow, the impact causing the giant to topple and fall, disassembling on impact.
  215. Repetition of "impact".
  218. >You dodge, already familiar with the shifty undead’s moves. You grab his chest and throw him into the ground. With a final, mighty punch, you break his ribcage, snuffing the remaining life out of him.
  219. If a character doesn't have high strength or is more magic oriented, there should be a magic variant of this, or a bow one for that matter. That is if should stay this specific.
  222. >You stand and look at the magician, who it too tired to cast any more spells.
  223. Is.
  226. >At the center of it stands an altar adorned with a massive, glowing Lethicite crystal.
  227. "lethicite" should only be capitalized as the first word of a sentence or when it's the name of something specific. I'll leave this up to your interpretation due to magic and shit, but lethicite doesn't glow on its own, "It sparkles and glitters with a light in the sunlight as she speaks,"
  230. When you go south from the lethicite crystal room, it puts you south one more square than it should.
  233. >It turns to face you.“The Flesh turns against itself. Like a tumor. You come here, to undo what I have created, to attempt to perpetuate the illusion that binds all living beings in this universe, foolishly seeking to undo “evil”. I know better. And I will show you.”
  234. Space after first sentence Sentence is not in italics. "evil" should be in plain and single quotation marks, fancy ones are for dialogue only. Period should be after the l.
  237. >The figure lifts its arm, revealing a scroll grasped by a hideous, fleshy and clawed hand. It shrieks, and before your eyes, several bones in one of the nearby piles assembles itself, becoming another skeleton! You’re fighting a Necromancer!
  238. "You're fighting the Necromancer!" would fit better. Also add a comma after "fleshy"
  241. >The Necromancer raises his arms, chanting some incantation. "We are all One, and the One is eternal.“ Several bones move on their own, building themselves into another skeleton!
  242. Wrong quotation marks issue again. Several more in the attacks here.
  245. In multi enemy fights, it would be a big QoL change if it wouldn't repeat "You've knocked the resistance out of the [enemy]." every single time a turn happens.
  248. After beating the Necromancer and looking at the journal, if one of the pages is viewed it shows an option called Pages that does nothing. The Leave option should also be renamed to Back.
  251. When picking up the black crystal, it simply appends itself to the last sentence of the room description like:
  252. >On a nearby table, you see a few scattered pages.You place A pitch black crystal in your ninth pouch.
  253. Put the sentence two lines down from the one it's attached to, and make the A not capitalized in this sentence. Also, you have to press Next twice to move on from this.
  256. >You press the talisman you’ve found into the slot, and the wall slides down, revealing a dark tunnel, descending into the underground. You go down, the darkness gradually overwhelming your sight. The beating sound intensifies, making you breathe deeply in anxiety. Something tells you that you should be well prepared before heading forward.
  257. This still displays after the Necromancer has been defeated with the last sentence being bold. This should probably be replaced with something else after the victory over the Necromancer.
  260. When leaving the manor, it appends you doing to to the previous area description.
  261. >Crows gather around the dead trees that surround the courtyard, a final touch to the brooding feel of the ruined place.You leave the accursed manor.
  262. Move the last sentence two lines down.
  265. Telling Evelyn about the necromancer being DEAD dead.
  266. >"It’s hard to believe. For so many years, I’ve lived under his shadow. As a housecarl, as a slave, as a runaway. And now it’s over. I don’t know what to say. Just” - She rubs one of her eyes quickly.
  267. Move the dash to before the quotation mark without a space before or after it.
  270. >"This was the symbol of his grasp over me. Now that he’s gone, I don’t need it anymore. It’s a viciously good weapon, [name]. I think you can make good use of this.“You place a dullahan’s scythe in your tenth pouch.
  271. As she hated him intensely it stands to reason she didn't need or want it anymore in the first place. That sentence should be adjusted to her wanting you to have it, instead of not needing it. Also, move the obtaining of it two lines down.
  274. Evelyn blowjob scene.
  275. >You look at the head on your arms, now almost entirely purple and covered in cold sweat.
  276. Cold sweat is when you're scared, nervous, or sick.
  279. >The... the bastard. It’s teasing me? Teasing itself?
  280. No quotation marks, all sentences after this lack them as well. Also instead of "the", "that" makes more sense.
  283. Selecting Future option.
  284. >I don’t know, Jack. I’ve spent more of my “life” as an undead abomination than as a normal woman. It’s hard to remember what it is like to have warm blood, to thirst, hunger, you know, the usual living needs.“
  285. "life" should be in plain and singular quotation marks, fancy are only for dialogue.
  288. Selecting Curse option.
  289. >You tell her you know of her curse, from reading the Necromancer’s journal. She frowns lightly at that. "So you know of the things I’ve done. The people I’ve killed, even before I’ve became undead.“
  290. "even before I became undead."
  293. Horse name option.
  294. >You ask her about the horse that she rides. Horses in general are rare in Mareth, and you imagine an undead one is truly one of a kind.
  295. Needs an empty line after this. Also useless space at the end of this sentence.
  298. Dullahan's scythe description.
  299. >A gift from the Dullahan, this scythe boasts tremendous killing potential, at a cast.
  300. Why not have it say "A gift from Evelyn," instead?
  303. Rename "AbyssalShard" to "AbyssShard" to make it fit the UI text box.
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