
Timeline of events

Feb 12th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. A brief timeline of events:
  4. 1861: The Confederate War of Independence begins with the states states of Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri being Confederate States. With the added populations, the CSA performs better in the war although the CSA secures the intervention of the British and French Empires on their side later on.
  6. 1864: The Confederate War of Independence comes to an end with the Treaty of London. The United States is forced to recognize the sovereignty of the Confederates, and to relinquish their claims over the south. Shortly after, most of the world's nations have recognized the CSA.
  8. 1873: The Confederates establish their first African colony in Liberia.
  10. 1885: The Confederates deal with minor revolts throughout their territories and concede to minor demands for economic reforms. To deal with these issues, the government centralizes to a larger degree.
  12. 1894-1897: Following the establishment of an Anti-Confederate government in Mexico after the French pulled out of Mexico, the Confederates go to war with Mexico. In the Confederate-Mexican War, the Confederates invade Mexico through the coast, although are further bogged down in the interior of the country. The war ends in 1897 as the CSA annexes all of Mexico, though the CSA will deal with further instabilities later on as a result.
  14. 1905: The Confederates narrowly abolish slavery due to international pressure and the failing economic conditions at the time. This results in a fairly harsh segregationist system being established shortly after.
  16. 1914: World War One begins with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Confederates have firmly aligned themselves with the Entente, and the US aligned themselves with the Central Powers. This leads the two nations to go to war.
  18. 1917: In October, Communist revolutionaries rise up in Russia, several months later they sign a treaty with Germany ceding western Russia to the Germans. The Russian Monarchy and remnants of the White army flee to Alaska, which was never sold to the US in this timeline. The Germans shift their military west in hopes of defeating France, ending up in a victory. The Russian Civil War begins.
  20. 1918: Peace in Europe is signed with a Central Powers victory. Meanwhile, the Confederate States annexes the United States, ending the separation of the two nations. While the Central Powers have lost the United States, they succeeded in Europe.
  22. 1919: The treaty of Versailles is signed, leading to the humiliation of France and Britain.
  24. 1922: The March on Rome occurs and the National Syndicalist party of Agostino Lanzillo is ushered into government in the Kingdom of Italy, abolishing the Kingdom and declaring the National Republic of Italy.
  26. 1923: The Russian civil war comes to an end with the USSR having total victory over the white army on the mainland.
  28. 1929: The world economy crashes and the Great Depression begins.
  30. 1932: The French Communist Party comes to power in France, declaring the Socialist Republic of France. They establish a Communist dictatorship over the course of the 1930s with their main goal being to re-claim their lost lands. Various discrimination laws made against Jews, Germans, and Minorities are made.
  32. 1933: Huey Long is elected president of the Confederacy due to the Democratic party's inability to handle the recession. With his powerful rhetoric, he is able to secure the popular vote although is bogged down by the plantar elite in congress. Because of this perceived threat to his power, he claims absolute power for himself over the Confederacy and with his paramilitary supporters, he outs the plantar elite from the country, resulting in the first dictatorship era of the Confederacy.
  34. 1935: The Italo-Ethiopian war begins and Italy is able to succeed in conquering Ethiopia.
  36. 1936: Britain holds elections. The ineffective Conservative government is kicked from office and the Communists under Albert Inkpin come into power in coalition with the Labor Party.
  38. 1937: The Spanish Civil War begins between the Syndicalists and the Nationalists in Spain.
  40. 1938: Following the start of civil strife in Mongolia, the USSR invades and annexes Mongolia. The British also narrowly vote to abolish the monarchy in a referendum supported by the Communists (who merged with the labor party). A short civil war breaks out but ends by May of 1939.
  42. 1939: A border shootout between communist France and Germany occurs. France declares war on Germany and World War Two begins. Communist Britain joins in soon after war breaks out, in direct aid of France. Italy invades and quickly conquers Albania.
  44. 1940: A Canadian communist assassin fails to assassinate Huey Long, and enrages the Confederacy. The Confederacy declares war on the Canadian Republic (which was formed after the Monarchy in Britain was abolished), this leads the Confederacy to enter the war on the side of Germany.
  46. 1941: The Japanese begin their invasion of Siberia, aided by the White Russians in Alaska. This catches the Soviets off guard, who were beginning to invade Germany's Eastern client states at that timeframe.
  48. 1943: By this time, the Comintern are on the defensive with the Allies (Comprised of the CSA, Japan, White Russia, Germany, Australia, and others). Britain itself is invaded by a Confederate backed Ireland, and faces uprisings in Scotland. Moderate Republican generals depose the communist government in London and declare the British Republic The Second British Civil War breaks out as backers of the Peoples Republic fight the Allied-backed Republicans.
  50. 1944: The Japanese see massive victories within China, with the death toll being in the high millions. Siberia is also beginning to be over-ran by Japanese and White Russian forces while the Soviet forces are facing off against the Finns, and securing major victories against the Germans.
  52. Operation Neptune begins on June 6th as Allied forces land in Normandy. Despite the best attempts of the French Red Army, the Allies cannot be dislodged and fighting has come to France.
  54. 1945: The Confederates have developed an atomic bomb along with German Scientists and in hopes of bringing an end to the war, simultaneously bomb Tours and Lyon. The French government stands down and surrenders unconditionally on May 18th. The Italians, facing internal upheaval and not wanting to share the same fate as the French surrender unconditionally on June 26th.
  56. The USSR also agrees to stand down, Stalin is outed by the Soviet Government. Border territories are ceded to Finland, the Japanese annex bits of Siberia while the White Russians are able to gain territories in Siberia as well. Canada is annexed in full by the CSA, while the USSR cedes western Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltics back to Germany. Their pre-war governments are restored.
  58. The Confederacy of Nations is founded (an analog of the UN). The CSA, Germany, Japan, USSR, and Brazil are the 'Big Five', the Permanent members. France is divided into occupation zones until 1950.
  60. 1946: The British people vote in a referendum to abolish stick with the Republican system and the Monarchy won't return.
  62. 1947: The Roswell crash occurs in the Confederacy, leading there to be speculation of the Confederacy having ties with non-terrestrial entities although this is never confirmed.
  64. 1948: The Indian Civil war breaks out between various forces. The Japanese, Germans, Confederates, and USSR all manage to have various factions with India that fight for control. This sours relations between the former allies.
  66. 1949: The Germans test their first Nuclear bomb, while the Soviets test their first one later in the year as well.
  68. 1950: France is divided East and west with the Confederates backing the French Republic in the East and the Germans backing the French Kingdom in the East. The Paris Airlift begins as German air forces attempt to resupply their forces and civilians of West Paris. by air. After ten months of near-constant landings, the Confederates give up and reopens ground routes into West Paris.
  70. 1952: The Japanese face an uprising within China backed by the Soviets, leading the Chinese People's Republic to form from rebel groups within the interior, they will engage in war with Japan until 1961.
  72. 1953: The Confederates test the first hydrogen bomb. The Frost War officially begins between the former allies.
  74. 1955: The Confederates form the Dublin Pact with the Republic of Australia, Britain, South Africa, Brazil, Italian Republic, and other South American / East Asian allies.
  76. 1956: In response to this the Germans form the Compact of Aligned States (CAS for short).
  78. 1957: The Germans launch the first Earth satellite named Hindenburg-1 on August 31st (as a remembrance for the loss of the airship). The Confederates launch the General Lee probe into on October 17th.
  80. 1958: The Japanese test their first nuclear weapon and begin to rapidly build up their nuclear weaponry in the following years.
  82. 1959: The Confederates launch the first man into space (Michael Grant). The Space Race begins.
  84. 1961: The Chinese Revolution ends with the Chinese People's Republic securing its victory on the interior of China. The Japanese are very enraged by their failure to contain the revolutionaries. The Second Internationale is formed between the USSR and China.
  86. 1963: The European Missile Crisis occurs within Europe, where the Confederates established Nuclear Missiles in Britain and West France. Negotiations prevail and Nuclear War is adverted.
  88. 1965: The Japanese test their first Hydrogen bomb. The Arms race at this point is at its most intense.
  90. 1968: Various proxy wars occur in Africa, primarily within German MittelAfrika. This leads to a massive amount of foreign entanglement within Africa as various revolutionary forces are aided by all sides in the Frost War.
  92. 1969: The Confederates land the first men on the Moon although the Germans are able to secure a landing just before the end of the year. Permanent interest in the Moon is established.
  94. 1972: The Antarctic treaty is officially revoked, leading the major powers of the Frost War to divide the continent between themselves. The Confederacy and the Germans take most of the continent, with the Japanese and USSR having some areas, and Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia all having their own slice of the cake.
  96. 1973: Huey Long steps down from office thanks to failing health. His successor, Russel Long takes power and reforms the government. Actions taken against KKK insurgent groups are taken.
  98. 1978: The Japanese land a man on the Moon and begin to lay claim to the Lunar surface. This leads the Confederacy of Nations to oversee the division and allocation of the Lunar Surface into official claims between the nations of the world. The Big Five receive the Lions's Share yet again, and claims of lesser nations aren't respected. The claims in Antarctica are also finalized.
  100. 1980: Segregation laws within the Confederacy begin to lose support due to external pressures. Various states within the North abolish their segregation laws.
  102. 1983: The Japanese Recession begins, leading to the decline of Japanese influence across the globe.
  104. 1985: The Proxy Wars within Africa officially end, and détente between the Confederates and Germans is established although the USSR and Japan maintain their belligerent stances.
  106. 1986: The Three Mile Island disaster occurs, in which the Nuclear Plant within Pennsylvania melts down. This results in the contamination of a large area of Pennslyvania. Further action is taken to prevent something like this in the future.
  108. 1987: The International Space Station between the Confederacy of Nations is established. By this point all major nations have a few space stations in orbit.
  110. 1990: The Japanese Empire falls apart due to a coup, various regions break away and declare independence. The nation liberalizes. The Chinese People's Republic invades and annexes Taiwan, as well as the various other areas within China. Korea stays independent and aligned with Japan.
  112. 1991: Russel Long steps down from power and the Cult of Personality around the Long Family ends. Regular elections take place from this day onward, as well as official de-segregation across the Confederacy.
  114. 1993: An attempt at re-unifying East and West France fails. The two nations stay divided, but open travel is established between both of them.
  116. 1998: The Confederate colonies of the Congo and Liberia are granted independence as Confederate allies. Official decolonization of Africa is made.
  118. 1999: The Germans reform their government to become more open towards democratic movements although the Kaiser remains as the figurehead of the Nation.
  120. 2002: Japanese terrorists hijack an airline and fly it into the Red Square. This results in severe tensions between the Empire of Japan and the USSR.
  122. 2006: The Global Recession occurs and results in the reform of the USSR and Chinese People's Republic, opening both to capitalism.
  124. 2011: The Confederates officially apologize for the legacy of slavery and further legal action is made to ensure the elimination of various white supremacist groups within the Confederacy.
  126. 2015: A manned landing on Mars is made by the Germans. The Race to Mars begins.
  128. 2017: Mars is divided between various nations on Earth although the technology to establish manned bases is years away. By this point, the Moon hosts a population of 3,000.
  130. 2020: The CVD-20 pandemic is adverted thanks to early containment measures.
  132. 2022: All nations sign a charter to limit nuclear arms and begin to cut back on Nuclear Weapons as part of a global treaty to prevent ecological devastation.
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