
The World Hereafter. [Ch6] Questions and curiosities.

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. >Oh boy. This doesn't look good.
  2. >The first human you've seen since you appeared here and he seems visibly displeased to hear of your arrival.
  3. >Not only that but from his outfit he looks like royalty. Those are never good to displease.
  4. >You can feel the beating of your heart as silence rolls over the room.
  5. >Twilight keeps looking between you and the man called Solaris.
  6. >Then she stops at Celestia and blink.
  7. >"Princess? What's going on?"
  8. >She steps down from her stool and walks over towards her mentor.
  9. >You remain seated, nervously switching between Solaris, Celestia and Twilight.
  10. >"Something that's not supposed to happen, that's what."
  11. >Solaris is speaking calmly, but his voice contains a subtle groan that makes him sound weary.
  12. >Celestia turned her head back to Solaris and give him a questioning look.
  13. >"Did something happen to the crystal?"
  14. >He uncrosses his arms and shakes his head, planting his hands on his hips.
  15. >"When I received your summons I immediately went to see if that was the case. But it's still functional, which raises the question... why didn't it pull him in?"
  16. >Celestia looks down at Twilight who's now looking confused at the bearded man.
  17. >"Oh, forgive me Twilight. This is king Solaris. I know you may have a lot of questions and I assure you, I'll answer them all in due time but for now, we need to figure this out."
  18. >She turns back to the king.
  19. >"It also raises the question... what do we do now? My subjects know of him and will definitely ask questions. He's walked around in Ponyville in full view."
  20. >She looks to you and seems to adapt a bothered frown like the king.
  23. >Just as you are about to interject, Solaris speaks up.
  24. >"Alright. Anonymous, was it? Would you mind coming over here for a bit?"
  25. >You put down the fork you have been holding in a vice grip. A red mark in your hand where it had been.
  26. >You stand up and round the table, walking up to him with nervous steps.
  27. >Once you stand before him, you suddenly realize you're standing in front of royalty. You give them both a clumsy bow.
  28. >The king breaks out in a merry chuckle and pats your shoulder, followed by a musing hum from Celestia.
  29. >"No need to be formal, my boy. I have just a few questions, no need to worry. At least I hope not."
  30. >He gives you a wide grin and puts his hands back onto his hips.
  31. >"Now! What is the last thing you remember before you woke up here?"
  32. >The question lingers for a bit.
  33. >How did he know something happened to you?
  34. >Who was this guy?
  35. >The questions keep coming and he seems to take notice of this.
  36. >"Don't worry, son. I know what you're thinking and I'll be answering your questions as well as I can when the time comes. But for now, could you indulge me?"
  37. >Seems fair enough you suppose.
  38. >Why are you so lenient all of a sudden?
  39. >This place is just bonkers, for sure.
  40. "I.. The last thing I remember is.. I was walking along the coast in France when I slipped on a piece of wet sea weed. I fell down over the railing towards the water and cliffs."
  41. >He listens intensely as you speak.
  42. >He then interjects with another question.
  43. >"Do you remember if the fall was lethal for sure, or if it was short enough that you might just have survived?"
  44. >This stumps you a bit. Was he insinuating that you may have survived the fall and...
  45. "I don't know. I've heard of people surviving bigger falls so there's a chance that it wasn't deadly."
  46. >His lips twist into a frown once more. This answer seemed to bother him quite a bit.
  47. >"Damn it. Always the same."
  48. "What?"
  49. >"It's always ambiguous. Never certain."
  50. "I-I don't get it."
  51. >"Nobody does, Anonymous."
  53. >You don't get it. What's he talking about?
  54. >Did he also end up here from something that could or could not have killed him?
  55. >What he said implied that he had asked this question a lot though.
  56. >Which sparked a question.
  57. "So... are there more of us here? Humans, that is."
  58. >He looks at Celestia who shrugs in return.
  59. >"Yes. There are quite a few of us here in Equestria."
  60. >You're at a loss for words. So, this wasn't unique to you anymore.
  61. >You don't know if that makes you feel better or worse.
  62. >Others who had been taken from their home and dumped in a strange world of talking ponies?
  63. >Yeah, that didn't really sit well at all.
  64. >He turns to Celestia again.
  65. >"Taking him to Amberia doesn't seem like it would do much good right now, Celestia."
  66. >He sighs and looks up to the domed ceiling.
  67. >"Perhaps... yes. Perhaps Anonymous could help us. After all.."
  68. >He turns to you, a wide smile visible under his white beard.
  69. >"He's been seen by those in Ponyville and from we have heard he's quite the gentleman."
  70. >This doesn't sound too comforting.
  71. >Sure, the compliment from a king was pretty nice, but it seems they have plans for you.
  72. >Plans you suspect you don't have much say in.
  74. >Celestia catches onto his scheme and her head rises up regally.
  75. >"Why.. that's an excellent plan. I think my faithful student would be well suited to help him out in this."
  76. >Twilight takes a step back, standing a bit closer to you. She looks up at you and you both share a nervous gaze at each other.
  77. >"P-princess? What are you talking about?"
  78. >Twilight sounds as confused as you felt right now and she looks at her mentor with large eyes.
  79. >Celestia gazes back and gives her that motherly smile. You have a sneaking suspicion she uses it to get what she wants.
  80. >"Like I said, my faithful student. I'll answer all your questions just like Solaris will answer Anonymous' questions later. Please, have faith in us."
  81. >Twilight doesn't look pleased with the answer, but she seems to trust Celestia fully and just nods.
  82. >You however, is about to burst with questions right now and before you can stop yourself, you blurt out.
  83. "Hold up! I wanna know what the hell is going on here? One second I'm in France doing business, the next I'm in a weird place with talking horses and now, I'm being whisked into some kind of secret plot for god knows what?!"
  84. >One second too late you realize that you just shouted straight in the face of royalty and your face becomes white with fear.
  85. >They however, are snickering to themselves, giving you amused looks.
  86. >"I'm sorry, Anonymous. We got a bit carried away there."
  87. >Celestia smiles widely and nods slightly.
  88. >"You see... human existence isn't common knowledge here. Their presence has been kept a secret and only the regents of the kingdoms have been let in on it."
  89. >She turns to Solaris and nods, urging him to continue.
  91. >"Indeed. I myself knew little of our kind since I was so young when I ended up here, but those after me have gradually began to fill me and Celestia in on the human condition."
  92. >The king takes a few steps in a circular pattern, hands held behind his back.
  93. >"I've been king for a little more than a thousand years now."
  94. >Your shits are in orbit.
  95. >This man was over a thousand years old?
  96. >He looks at you, calmly explaining it as if he has repeated this speech many a times.
  97. >"We suspected more would show up over time, so Celestia and Luna helped me found a kingdom of my own to help new arrivals settle in and to observe if they can be integrated into pony society one day."
  98. >Solaris walks closer to you.
  99. >He doesn't tell you the reason for his age and he seems to leave a lot of details out.
  100. >He also seems to avoid telling you the reason you are here. Or is the truth that he himself doesn't know?
  101. >You look at Celestia.
  102. "That doesn't explain WHY I'm here."
  103. >They both look down at the same time, showing signs of uneasiness.
  104. >Solaris opens his mouth to speak, but just sighs and looks to Celestia as if looking for the right words.
  105. >She seems to be holding them however.
  106. >"Nopony knows, Anonymous."
  108. >She then continues after giving Solaris a serious stare.
  109. >"He doesn't want to say it, so I will, Anonymous. As it stands right now, we don't know of any way to return you to your home."
  110. >Fuck, that really hurt. You don't feel like breaking down, but it was like someone slapped you across the face.
  111. >"Even if we did, it would most likely not be the place you left either. Time moves different in your world from what we have heard. So even if we could, you would probably not be in the same time and place."
  112. >Your arms hang limply at your sides.
  113. >Why doesn't this feel worse?
  114. >You want to feel bad right now. You want to pity yourself.
  115. >But all that comes is a morose feeling of helplessness.
  116. >Twilight's hoof lands gently on your leg and she looks up at you.
  117. >"I'm sorry to hear that, Anonymous. Will you be alright?"
  118. >You honestly don't know. It's too much to take in at he moment.
  119. >You lean down and pat her hoof.
  120. "I.. I hope so."
  121. >You then turn to the regents.
  122. "So.. what's going to happen now?"
  123. >They light up a bit and look at each other. They seem to come to a mutual agreement in silence.
  124. >"Well. Like I said before. Celestia and I are kind of tired of this secrecy, Anonymous. We want to bring humans into the world properly."
  125. >Celestia continues the king's speech.
  126. >"Humans, even in a large amount have proven that they can be trusted, put simply. The only reason why it hasn't happened is because we haven't thought of a good way to test it yet."
  127. >Solaris finishes the thought.
  128. >"Until you showed up. They know of you now and that gives us an opportunity."
  130. >The king walks over to a window and looks up at the ornate designs, showing brave ponies defeating some weird looking dragon-horse.
  131. >"Since you're here. I want you to be our envoy. I'll make sure to fill in the paperwork to make you a citizen of Amberia while allowed to stay in Ponyville and help ease the ponies into co-existing with a new people."
  132. >Celestia joins him.
  133. >"Twilight. I want you to keep an eye on things. There is nopony else more fit for this task than you. I ask of you to help him integrate into pony society and send me regular updates on his progress."
  134. >They turn back to look at the two of you.
  135. >A long silence follows. Twilight is shuffling her hooves a bit while you just stand there, jaw hanging.
  136. >Where they serious?
  137. >You just got here and now they want you to be some kind of representative of the entire human race here?
  138. >This has to be a joke.
  139. >Solaris looks at you. He seems to pick up on your thoughts and shakes his head subtly.
  140. >You look at him and speak in your mind. "Don't tell me you can read thoughts."
  141. >You see him blink at you before he rolls his eyes and looks at Celestia.
  142. >What the fuck?! Is this dude reading your thoughts?
  143. >Twilight suddenly looks at you and speaks up.
  144. >"What do you think, Anonymous?"
  145. >Is she seriously fine with all of this?
  146. >Are you?
  147. >You're honestly not sure. You can't go back after all.
  148. >It's tearing at your mind. You need to think about this. You need to get some peace and quiet and re-think your life as it stands right now.
  149. "Is.. is it fine if I think about it first? I'm honestly lost right now."
  150. >They give each other another look and nod in unison.
  152. >"That won't be a problem. As long as you stay in Canterlot until you make up your mind, you'll have all the time you need to decide."
  153. >Celestia's voice ring reassuringly in your ears and it makes you feel a bit calmer.
  154. >The king meanwhile walks over to you, places his hands on your shoulders.
  155. >"Don't rush it. We're in no hurry. You've been through a lot and we have no intent on forcing you to do something you don't want to."
  156. >Wow, they really know how to sound like parents these two. It honestly makes you feel more at ease.
  157. >He then lets you go and takes up a calm pace to towards the doors.
  158. >He stops at the end of the throne room and looks at Celestia.
  159. >"I need to return to my court for now. I'm putting him in your hooves, Celestia, Twilight."
  160. >The doors are pulled open by the guards on the other side.
  161. >He gives a final bow.
  162. >"Until next time, Princess Celestia."
  163. >He turns around, but stops as the princess clears her throat with an annoyed tone.
  164. >"What was that, dear?"
  165. >her voice is frighteningly low, but it echoes across the room. That voice they had was a thing to behold.
  167. >He drops his head in defeat, sighs loudly and turns back to her.
  168. >A slight hint of red visible on his cheeks.
  169. >"Until next time... Mother."
  170. >With that he quickly makes his way out of the room, his footsteps quick and awkward.
  171. >You and Twilight could feel each others jimmies rustle almost audibly.
  172. >You stare at the princess, who for a split second you could swear sported a huge shit-eating grin before her formal calmness returned.
  173. >Wat
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