
RP Logs for a 1 rpp reward

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. swing, taking time to recover before she was able to charge at him again. And in a fight like this, each second mattered.
  3. Aadi was able to dominate the fight despite being handicapped and all the child could do was struggle to keep up with him. She struggled and struggled, all to no avail. Keeping up with him was hard enough on its own and she expended a great deal of energy from her constant swings. She did however land a couple of swings and was oddly happy in this moments; they were few and short lived.
  5. A part of her wanted to quit and give up mid-fight, but she couldn't possibly do it when she was the one who had challenged him. Until it all ended, she pushed herself to keep it up. As she closed in on him, she lifted her sword decisively. She wanted to end it all in one final strike so that she wouldn't have to bear facing him any longer. Mustering up all her courage, she swung her wooden sword downward with all the strength she could.
  7. And.. It was grabbed.
  9. Shocked by this, she hardly had any time to recover. She hadn't been expecting it since it didn't feel like a reasonable way to fight. Naturally the young girl didn't want to lose her weapon and she dug her heels into the ground and tugged at it in an attempt to free it from his hold. In this time, a blow connected with her stomach.
  11. The child reeled backwards a bit and stumbled, slipping to the ground without much say in the matter as she caught one final glimpse of her brother. And, against her will, the weapon she had fought to protect slipped from her grip due to how lax it had become. For the second time that day, she had fallen.
  13. She laid there dazed, pursing her lips as she tried to refrain from crying or being upset about her loss. It was hard and she didn't like losing one bit and there was nothing she could bring herself to say just yet.
  14. (Ciel K. Deva)
  15. It was over after that. With Ciel sliding to the floor, and Aadi not to sure of what just happened. His body moved on it's own- based off instinct, what was done probably couldn't be repeated efficiently. It was one of those once in a lifetime things he might think.
  17. Really, the reflexes from swordplay still applied, but he didn't register that just now. "Are you alright, Ciel?" Checking on his sister first of all leanin down, he offers a hand for her- wooden sword in his other, and his own some feet away from them currently.
  19. "I didn't really mean to do any of that..." Where he had been struck hurt- strength behind it, even if it was just a wooden sword. Ciel had some talent there, and her muscles- probably magically charged- left him with some worry.
  21. "Do you need me to fix anything for you?" He says, a hand outstretched- the flicker, and glimmer of golden light there as he offers to soothe any pains, and restore any marks that might have been left without any intention for them having been present.
  22. (Aadi Avharain)
  23. The moment she had more or less gotten over the pain in her head from where the bump she had recently acquired was struck yet again, she was able to speak. "N- Mhm! I'm super okay, Aadi," she informed him, offering a thumbs up along with a nervous chuckle. Very rarely did she lie and she felt terrible about it. Even while trying to hide it, it was as clear as day by her tone alone for she was no expert when it came to deceit. She rose up to her feet after accepting taking hold of his hand and began to rub at the inflicted bruised area on the back of her head almost immediately. More than the push she had been given to her stomach, it hurt. If she were willing to trouble him for her own sake, it likely would be all better.
  25. "You were great! I'm gonna beat ya one day for sure. Hm.." Prior to now, the thought hadn't struck her that he might be hurt. Her smile faded and she began to slowly circle around him, searching for any visible wounds. "Hey, hey.. You're okay, right? I didn't hurt you?" Like an overprotective mother, she couldn't help worry about Aadi's safety. If he had managed to get injured, it meant that she had done something awful. That wouldn't stand with her one bit.
  27. She stopped in front of him and glanced over at her wooden sword in his hand, holding both hands up palms first. "I wanna get it back. Ares might be real mad if I lost it.." She had a terrible feeling she wouldn't get another if she lost it which made her situation even worse. Without her sword, she wouldn't be able to train and get stronger and then she may never beat her brother. It was unthinkably troubling and temporarily distracted her from her headache.
  28. (Ciel K. Deva)
  29. Tatsuo Ryozo-Nagano: z9i can darken he tones
  30. Fiani E. X. Kosigona: Hello. <*Leans on the railing*>
  31. It doesn't take long for her to take note of the gesture and take a seat, her curious gaze only giving focus to the Neries once she had settled, and opened her ears for a lesson. She figured, if there was a way to understand the reason behind his 'abilities', then perhaps the same could be replicated through some sort of understanding. So, when it comes to actually believing in the religion? Well, she's seeking something rational, or... at least appealing, like the illusions he could make.
  33. "God, hmn. Blessed like many others, usually. But.. different. Does not use mana, like us... hmn?" That, and he looks entirely different. Leylines weren't a given, and while she'd normally ask what that was immediately, she allowed for the story to progress.
  35. "Leylines, hmn. What are?" She cants her head. Magic to her was a mystery, and the soul itself something that's lost to her little mind. She heard many spoke of depravity, and evil. But hardly did that connect to the likeness of one's spirit. Did it?
  36. (Caelumn)
  37. Soranis Ventiza: Queen I forgot something
  38. Daphne Rosengard: Hmm?
  39. Soranis Ventiza: Have you seen Hera recently? Since apperently someone from your guys's past has suddenly reappeared.
  40. Soranis Ventiza: I belevie his name was Nio? I didn't hear to much of the conversation between them but he was dead or belevied to be dead.
  41. "Leylines are like the veins in your physical body..but they're used for your source of strength and power. For you...'magis' as you call yourselves, you store mana and channel it through yourself, using said leylines. The weaker ours is, the more pure we are, hence why you never see a Neries hurling fire, or launching waves of earth at people. I'll continue on though, if those are the only questions you wanted to have answered. But our mana is most certainly different, we don't possess the same type." He states, a hand extending outward, swathed with a white aura as it submerges his hand in his latent power. He allows her to gaze upon it fo a few moments, before it quietly dispells, leaving him to continue the small lesson.
  43. "There are three states of the world that we Neries recognize, and identify. Those being 'Reality', 'Dream', and 'Nightmare', each respectively separated, yet connected through one another. The dream is salvation, love, peace, and enlightment. It is apart of the Neries religion and centers around the ideal utopia, a life where everything is perfect, where everyone is in their place, and where the Dreamer guards and guides them throughout their trials and tribulations. It is where all ‘Good’ and ‘Loyal’ Neries go when they finally ‘fade’ away." He makes idle hand gestures, before turning his attention to the next segment.
  45. "Reality is...just that, what you believe to see what is around you, and what occurs on a daily basis. Reality is seen as the neutral path of progression. A stepping stone into The Dream, or shattering pathway leading to The Nightmare. No matter what path a Neries chooses, they will always inevitably return to 'Reality'. Under a new name, a new form, and reborn to progress the Will of the Dreamer. It is a path that is often taken when there are uncertainties...but the Nightmare is all together different."
  47. "The Nightmare is hell, the Nightmare is Atmos. Yet even then it has its own appeal. The Nightmare promises strength for the lesser castes of the Neries. This is the trial, this is the tribulation. It is a promise that through the pain of damnation, they will be reborn, one step higher and one step closer to a better life within Reality, and a better life within the Dream. It is a place where some Neries claim that the Dreamer recounts his failures there, where his creations have gone wrong....It's a place for redemption, oddly enough, if you think about it hard."
  49. With all of that mouthful being said, Ayperos would lean back within the bench, motioning to guzzle down some water from a canteen. He rarely spoke this much in one sitting, so it was clear that it had a special form of exhaustion upon his body.
  50. (Ayperos)
  51. Soranis Ventiza: Does that name ring any bells?
  52. After his little fight with the Ookami kid, Mario decide it is finally time to return to his home, frozen north and report back whatever which happened and his few accomplishes to the King. Entering the town and passing through frozen streets of Frostvale, while carrying and pulling a cart behind himself, Mario would make his way towards the markets of Frostvale, while wearing those white fancy expensive cloths over his body, and that cart full of items which would be covered by a single piece grey cloth.
  54. In the markets, Mario would finally place down the cart close to the well once more, starting to relax his body and take few deep breaths, surely carrying that giant cart behind himself was a tiring thing but for now, he didn't cared, as he would already notice the man he was seeking for, Ace!
  56. Soon he would change his direction towards the young King, and move his giant figure towards them, while reaching his right hand for his pocket, bringing out a golden coin again, and start playing with it in his right hand, flipping it through his fingers and such. Mario was mostly just like Balder, though looked much older over face, and had some more serious scars over his face, such as one over his lips, one over his cheek and one over his eyebrows which would continue on downwards till its reach the cheeks. And all of them, being made by himself simply to change his look a little bit . . . .
  58. As he reached a good range by Ace, where he could see and talk in a good way, he would pause and put on his old smirk over his face, "Hello there Ace, its me Mario, Aka Balder. I returned . . . your request of me helping Cyano had been done. " His words were short, he had much more to explain from establishing of a spying network in Danarium to what actually Cyano done, but he preferred to have them in a letter for the King, expect talking out in the public about it.
  60. (Mario the Merchant)
  61. Error
  63. This was another. In the wychwoods, at it's most southern end is where any who travel would find him. The young Avharain was at it again- his body was one that was a host to small scratches, knicks, scars, and bruises; he was clean otherwise -- his clothes only slightly ripped in some places, but he didn't appear feral.
  65. Horns sit there, grey, a deep coloration of it, and there was a strange groove that went inward from their center, and exited outward at the opposite ends of exterior. "Haaa..." Comes a release of breath, his head allowed to hang low, and he finding time for respite alongside a tree.
  67. Nearby there's the unmistakable sound of a growling beast. Tracks leading away from him, one might be able to connect his presence here, and the sound of retreating monstrosity. But why did it leave? The boy while not looking to be indanger did not come off as someone who was strong. A loose and baggy shirt, rolled up pants, and sandals- no weapon on him currently.
  69. That was how he looked wile wandering the big bad wychwoods.
  70. (Aadi Avharain)
  71. A sound so soniferous that it scared away whatever query that Aadi was near. Yokai and animals alike quelled by the unique harmony that it created. It filled the Wychwood for nearly half a mile around, seeming to reverberate even further thanks to the trees and foliage that littered the landscape. It was not a natural sound... And as the source grew closer, it seemed as though it was growing less and less tenous to the ears. More pelasant, more simple. Until it was akin to the bell that one might put around the collar of their favorite pet.
  73. Once the sound evened out, the figure that emerged around the bend of the path upon which Aadi walked was one mired in such staunch amounts of depravity... One might marvel at the fact that she was nothing more than a little girl. Stark white hair with like colored iris' peering out from beneath it's shoulder length wreathe, and a cadre of grotesque burlap dolls behind her stitched together of wicked design... The girl herself was clad in a soft white pleated jacked that extended to her knees, parting in the center to reveal the fabric of a dress beneath. Black silk gloves clung tightly to her fingers- from which extended five blue strands of mana that connected with the aforementioned dolls.
  75. The source of the jingling was a bell... Just as strange to behold, perhaps, as the horn from which it hung. The other half of a pair of wicked ram's horns curling out from her skull, marking her as a descendant of Falco birth.
  77. The stave upon her back too, was no less depraved than the rest. Mechanical ticking and tocking left it, as though it were a clock mounted upon her back... When her movements ceased causing the grass beneath to cry in protest, her eyes rested upon the only thing that they could.
  79. Aadi.
  81. "Oh!" The girl exclaimed loudly, lifting up her right hand and curling her fingertips inwards to press them lightly to her lips... "What... What are 'you' doing here? You have horns, like me! Doesn't that mean... Are you from Nostvale?"
  83. The questions were sudden!
  84. (Camelia Falco)
  85. It wasn't natural.
  87. The sound of jingling bells. The ring that echoed through the trees, and found him. He sat there, leaning against bark; eyes are shut, he's tired. His body isn't, mental fatigue, and he was ready to call it a day. Too many failures, drawing up short of what he wanted to do -- Fiends had attacked him. His efforts to befriend, to influence them had constantly failed.
  89. The sound grew, it settled, and mellowed out; soothing now, it rang, and as it did -- closer to him. It was a nice addition, and a smile spreads- finding him, and he lets his head sway in motion to the 'beat' of jingle. Letting it take him, he finds a reason to absolve himself of the weight of failures, and consider it for another day.
  91. Around the bend.
  93. Where things change. The instinctive pull away from Depravity. It's effects were new -- unlike Yokai, and while he was the product of such a being who was house to it; unaware of them. He was in some regards 'immune' to Ariadne's more sickening, and twisted influences. She was too close in relation, she didn't register as an affront to the stream of life as his family ties sullied such images.
  95. Different.
  97. Camelia was not given such freedom. "Huh?" His eyes open, set on her, and he before anything else- horns. As she had noticed his, he also noticed her's. The adornments that marked them 'special', different from many others- even by margin of magi - "You're.. Family?"
  99. Assumptions.
  101. His mother had horns, and he did. The only two to exist with such adornments, and so when she asks her questions, he has one of his own- spilling out as her's had suddenly, he can not contain himself.
  103. From Nostvale. She asked a question that should have raised alarms. For that had been his home, but now? It was a distant memory -- his mother's throne vacated, and he, once a Prince nothing more than a Pauper in this situation. "Are you- related to me - I mean."
  104. (Aadi Avharain)
  105. She was just as confused as he was.
  107. The girl's eyes regarded Aadi with caution... Her father had told her that most of their family had been killed off due to their relation with the cult of Belial. That they were so few, that they were likely to never make a resurgence. She had embraced that knowledge. So wholeheartedly that she had practically pushed it to the back of her mind as a nonissue! So now that another stood before her... The brand of horns grasping upwards from his skull indicative of far more than just 'his' blood. She wasn't sure if they were... But the answer was probably yes.
  109. Her dolls all ceased their march. Stopping as dominos fell and saluting towards Aadi with exaggerated enthusiasm! Afterwards, they bowed in turn... Lowering their heads to Aadi in the very same way that they had done to the other people that she had met in her travels up to here.
  111. "I... Maybe?" She questioned uncertainly, running a hand through her hair as she thought it over. Judging by the lost look on her face... She wasn't exactly sure one way or another. "My dad never told me about any other family beside those in Nostvale. And I think that i'm the only one with horns! Well, besides my cousin..." She trailed off here, realizing that she was once again distracting herself. She wasn't certain what manner of thoughts were running through his head, neither was she overly keen on asking.
  113. When she returned her attention to him, she shifted her stance. Her right arm holding itself vertically against her chest, fingertips curled inwards to lightly touch her lips while her left wrapped around her stomach.
  115. "I wouldn't say we're family. But we might be something like it?.. What's your name?"
  117. Again with the stubbornness. She hated starting introductions!
  118. (Camelia Falco)
  119. Cousins.
  121. She seemed to be more in tuned with family than he. He couldn't really place her as a member. No questions were ever asked though, his old home was not even known. Since he could remember- Frostvale was where he laid his head, and in recent times- Danarium was where he had ended up.
  123. Those dolls positioned at her waist, and what not were active. A strange thing to see them move, and wave to him on their own- the assumed thing that happened -returned, and with a flash of teeth; nervous over it as they suddenly go still.
  125. "My mom has never brought it up.." Something to ask her. The surprise of brothers had already happened, so maybe this was just another one of those things she neglected to inform him of. Raising himself now- sliding along the bark, his back scrapes off the chips, and he dusts himself off, a hand lightly swiping at his underside, and clearing off any debris that remained.
  127. He couldn't stay here all day, and it was strange to remain seated as she stood. "Aadi. Nice to meet you. . . ?" A hand is extended, and wrist rotated- he lets it roll around there as he hopes to let her know that he was hoping she'd give her own name. Leaning forward slightly, his body following his head.
  128. (Aadi Avharain)
  129. There was a lot that she had left to learn about the world she lived in, she supposed. She may as well start with family... Right?
  131. "Your mother was probably not very close with the rest then. But that's alright." She shrugged it off. She wasn't certain what type of person could forget their own family... But then, the only real family that she had had was her own father. The man who had been with her for the entirety of her first ten years- and continued to be so. Giving her guidance when she needed it, and directing her to the right places when he did not have the information that she sought. It was this that spurned her out of the city... This that spurned her to finally start trying on social interaction for size. She had blossomed into it as one could expect from a young girl who was already at the level of many older magi...
  133. She spoke well. And carried herself even better.
  135. His hand extended towards her, and she knew what it meant. Tentatively, she reached outwards with the opposite of her own and lightly entrapped his within her fingertips. "Camelia. The pleasure is mine, really! They want handshakes too... Just try not to squeeze too hard. Their fingers are sharp." As she looked down to her dolls, they all extended their arms. Each of their 'finger's being nothing more than stitches... Large stitches, jutting out some four inches easily capable of ripping through flesh, or their own burlap construct.
  137. Lovely creatures.
  139. "You look... Like you've been better. Are those marks fresh?"
  141. Of course, she was talking about his cuts and bruises.
  142. (Camelia Falco)
  143. She shakes his hand. His weird little act of twirl, and twist turning into a pretty polite exchange. "Camelia..." He had definitely never heard the name, and it wasn't like he expected it to jar a memory he had forgot, but maybe his mom had mentioned it once or, something. Apparently not the case though.
  145. "Oh.." The dolls wanted to shake hands. This was strange, and Aadi being Aadi- he doesn't refuse it. Careful to follow her warning; sharpened ends existed at the end of their finger tips. He goes along the path for each- crouching slightly - index, and thumb for every doll there, and a shake, and nod given to complete the little moment.
  147. "I've.. This is nothing." This was a daily occurrence. On that he could do away with had he wanted to. He liked to let the scars remain; reminders of both his constant failures, but his achievements as well. The Yokai had slowly been allowing his presence more, and more -- no deaths to cause it, and even as the lesser clawed, and bit at him; some unspoken familiarity was there.
  149. "They'll heal in no time." Upon his neck, and through the open folds of shirt, one might notice they existed there. Red markings that dotted paled flesh; a map beginning to take formation on his body. This was definitely not a one time occurrence, and even though he smiled, and brushed it off- someone might consider this a pretty serious matter if they saw the full extent that ran along his form.
  151. "I'm surprised you don't have any though, Camelia." Those dolls. "Your uh.. toys- they have sharp fingers..."
  152. (Aadi Avharain)
  153. Oh.
  155. She looked away at his expression of surprise... It wasn't that she didn't have any, no. It was just that she was vain enough to make every attempt to make it seem as though she didn't. Her eyes shut, but the right cracked open to keep track of him... He had gone through and shaken the hand of every single doll, PLUS he had horns like she did! that was enough to make him fine to show, right? She pursed her lips, steadily lifting her right hand while her left moved to remove the tight fit glove from it. Beneath? Her skin was far from fair. Large scars littered her fingertips, and what seemed to be a single long gash trailed from the center of her palm, all the way down into the obscurity of her jacket sleeve.
  157. "Don't tell anyone... I... I messed up a lot when I was making them. They already apologized to me for it though. Because friends don't hurt friends intentionally." Adverse to how she had presented herself, she was seeming far more timid now... As she slid the silken glove back on to her hand- presuming she was allowed. "I tried to fix them with my magic. But they won't go away, no matter how hard that I try to make them." She paused here, clearing her throat as she looked him in the eye.
  159. "If you're okay, though. My magic can close up wounds you know... So if you've got any really bad ones, I can help you!"
  161. Changing the subject was the easiest way out of talking about her scars- or anything else that she may have deemed unpleasant. So why not talk about things that made Aadi uncomfortable?!
  162. (Camelia Falco)
  163. It seemed he made the right choice shaking the 'hands' of all of those dolls at her waist, It opening up another topic to go off of. With Camelia taking some time to think of it, he pulls back; eyes are shut, and he watches this for a moment- a bit nervous until one opens up to set on him.
  165. When the gloved is removed, and those scars are flashed he can't help but inhale sharply through now grit, and grinded teeth. They weren't pretty, not in the slightest. He almost wanted to reach out towards them- checking the authenticity, but he knew that they were not fake, or that they were just for show..
  167. "I'm sorry..." He didn't know what else to say. Her friends- the dolls - were the cause, but it was unintentional. Despite such, it made it no easier to look at them, and as she moves to return he glove over them, he finds himself relaxing a bit.
  169. "I'm fine though, really. This is nothing after seeing what you have to deal with, Camelia.." His could heal- something he could do then, and there had he a mind to. He let them sit on his body as a reminder, a constant one for every failure today, yesterday, and of course- tomorrow. The boy was using his body as a way to mark every 'sin' that he committed when he continuously failed to act as he felt Kraus truly meant for him to.
  171. "Thank you though. That's nice of you, and I appreciate it." She was pretty cool. Offering her aid, and with the horns, and all- he couldn't help but gravitate towards her now. Assumed family member still, it wasn't often one found another with the same physical anomaly in this world he found out. "So are you learning to be a healer then too?" Comes a question to expand on her offer, and her comments.
  173. Breaking off, and going this route for now as they remain there in the woods for the moment. He letting a hand press to bark, and there the creak of wood, as he prepares to just let his load off with no more fiend junctures planned today.
  174. (Aadi Avharain)
  175. "Mm mm."
  177. Her head shook... She wasn't trying to be a healer! "It's just something I can do with the magic I use! I can make blood stop coming from cuts... Or I can draw out poison and things like that." She seemed to be speaking of it fairly knowledgeably. More knowledgeably than a child her age likely had any right to. Her fingers curled in towards her palm a few times, and her throat cleared as she seemed to elect to move beyond the topic altogether. She wanted to forget what they had done to her... Because that was what friends did, right? They ignored the mistakes that their friends made. They forgave them, no matter what it was that they did.
  179. "It's nice to meet someone else like me... I thought that my dad and my cousins in Nostvale were the only ones." Of course, she didn't know the names of her cousins... Neither did she know if they were still in Nostvale following what had happened. She hadn't given it much thought- but it seemed like this was her answer.
  181. They had gone north.
  183. "I... Want to know though. Where is it that you're staying? Isn't Danarium against our family because of our reputation..?"
  185. She knew about it, apparently.
  186. (Camelia Falco)
  187. Camelia knew a lot. So much that he kind of doubted how she appeared right now- was she around his age? He hadn't asked, but the assumption was that she couldn't be too much older, and yet here she was- going into detail on the way she used her magic, and what it was possible to do with it. Nodding along a bit, he listens- his own magic wasn't as versatile he felt, and for a moment- his hands go up, and a frown sets in.
  189. "My magic isn't good those sort of things..." He spoke of fire specifically, there being hints of the orange embers, and flares emitting in accordance to his reference as he allows a show of his skills for a moment. With fire came a lot of pain, destruction- things exhibited by Yokai, and what he had known was one of the reasonings many used against them as they sought out to eradicate the fiends without a true 'choice' in life.
  192. To him- it represented a lot of bad, offset only slightly by the 'affliction' of Light within his very peculiar bloodline. "My aunt- our Aunt, maybe? She taught me how to control it, but I don't know... I still feel weird..." Aadi was pretty close with his family; Arcelia, and Ariande making up the whole of it most of the time, but he had younger siblings running around. Considering that, he agreed with Camelia- "It's nice meeting you too. I like this- someone besides my mom who can understand. . ." A hand up at his horns, knocking a hand against them. "These. I don't know if I have cousins though... Maybe just you- I'd like that. If you were my cousin that is."
  193. (Aadi Avharain)
  194. "Sure it is! I bet there's a ton of things you can use your magic for that you haven't even 'thought' of yet!"
  196. She seemed sure of herself as she nodded her head... The bell upon her right horn jingling in time, before her eyes lifted to meet his purposefully. "To think that you're limited by the magic you chose to explore is silly. There's hundreds of ways to use it... All you have to do is try them out." Her gaze was keen for a moment as he displayed his alignment with flame. There were a number of reasons already that she could think of for application of such arcana- but none of them were overly pleasant for a child to be thinking of. "It'll just take a lot of time. And you're gonna' need to really really try, or else you'll never be able to do more than just... Burn things. And that's boring!"
  198. "She might be my aunt... My daddy kept me very sheltered- at my own request of course! So I wasn't even that close with the rest of the family in Nostvale!" She pursed her lips, humming softly as she mulled things over... If he thought that she was his cousin, then why wouldn't it be true? They both possessed horns. She had been told that the rest of her family had moved to the north, so all in all? Everything lined up with what she had expected!
  200. "Weeeeell. I bet nobody would be able to tell the difference, even if we aren't. So... Can I maybe just... Call you Cousin Aadi anyway?"
  202. It was the easiest solution. If they were wrong? What difference would it make?!
  203. (Camelia Falco)
  204. Nodding along.
  206. Camelia had a good head on her shoulder, and much of what she said were among the things Arcelia had left him with already. Imagination had a part to play with his magical choice; learning how to manipulate a blaze, and rid himself of the fears of burning, and what not. Focused control was a sign of mastery, and he was confident when saying his was not below any magi found in the intermediate ranges of Pyromancy.
  208. "Hm.. You're right. You remind me of Aunt Celi, Camelia." Accepting her wasn't hard. Not just cause of the horns present, but the fact that she was able to apply her knowledge, and thoughts actively. Even giving a suggestion, or really- expressing what she felt; "Cousin Aadi works fine. I'll call you Cousin Camelia then." She was quick to jump to this, and he wasn't actually opposed. Holding back maybe, finding her to be family was not a hard idea at all.
  209. (Aadi Avharain)
  210. The fact that she was warming up to it so quickly... Whether it was a good or bad thing? Was indeterminable. She was an oddity in the way that she carried herself- even moreso with the lack of levity that she seemed to attach to things that deserved far more respect. "Idunno who Celi is. Or if she's even 'my' aunt. You can call me Cammie ya know! Everyone else does it... I didn't like it at first but they wouldn't stop, so I guess that's it." Her lips pursed for a moment with that fact. She adored her full name- but so many people just wanted to shorten it!
  212. So she had taken petty revenge in shortening all of theirs. It was only fair.
  214. "There's... A bunch out here to be careful of though. Are you sure that you're strong enough to be wanderin' around out here on your own?"
  216. Her gaze narrowed upon him with what could only be described as concern. With the density of the yokai within cleared, it was true that the Wood was less dangerous than it once was. But in place of the yokai numbers that were lost, she believed there to have been an influx of more powerful kin. That, or more magi capable of filling the power vacuum left by those that had perished.
  218. "I can get you back to the city if you want... But I can't go in!"
  219. (Camelia Falco)
  220. Mint Chartreuse: oh yee0
  221. He would have normally asked why she couldn't go in- the city of Danarium was open enough to everyone, save for Yokai. Something that upset him, but as the world worked currently -- little could be done about that fact.
  223. Why he doesn't ask though still, seeing that she's not a COMPLETE yokai; blood line intermingled with it as his own was. It was due to where she claimed her family resided. Nostvale a target of controversy, and attack from Danarites, and Frostvalians- her's was a face probably best not seen around the city, same as his own infact.
  225. "I'll be fine, Cammie. Thanks for the offer though." She asked if he could handle himself amongst the yokai. The boy proving to be some kind of involuntary masochist as he allowed them to continously gnaw, and scratch at him as he attempted to 'teach' them other routes to live by, and pursue in life. Failing still, not even one had been turned towards an 'acceptable' path, and so he struggled on.
  227. "And Celi is my mom's Sister- my aunt - she taught me how to use my magic properly; the reason I don't burn myself now." Arcelia was a source of pride, and admiration for him. A bad influence some might say, but to him- she was someone who understood, and aided him along his intended path, even if she thought it was pretty crazy herself.
  229. "The city isn't too far for me... Why are you so far away from home though again?" Nostvale was pretty far, with a deser to cross to even get within sights of it. That was something worth wondering about, seeing her this far away from her own childhood stomping grounds.
  230. (Aadi Avharain)
  231. "If you saaaay so."
  233. There was a touch of disbelief in her tone- but it seemed suspended enough that she could buy his claims that he would be able to handle himself in the event that they were attacked. She looked over her shoulder at her dolls- adjusting her fignertips experimentally mto see that they were still responding as they should have been. "Mmm." She verbalized with a soft nod, looking back at Aadi with the usual inquisitiveness. "But if you need my help, don't be afraid to ask, okay?" She looked around the area, scuffing her feet lightly on the grass.
  235. "I do this quite often, actually. Leaving home and going abroad!~" There was little she could elarn from staying within the walls of her home city... And perhaps in part, she was put on edge by the attacks that had come as of late and the frequency and ferocity which had accompanied them. "I enjoy seeing how the areas differ in the seasons... And seeing what types of magic that people use and how they use them. You'd be amazed how it differs!"
  237. Stomping grounds though they were, it was evident that she held little sentimental attachment to them.
  239. "There was something I was looking for though... But I think I forgot what it was. Maybe I walked too far, even?" Blink blink. She seemed to be more than alittle bit forgetful!
  240. (Camelia Falco)
  241. Travel wasn't new to him, but he had never gone too far. The woods, and Danarium were as far as he ever went, and looking at the Sarab's entrance from the safety of the trees in the distance was the greatest of things he done pertaining to exploration.
  243. "No one worries about you then?" His mother was the reason in part. He going too far was something that effected her adversely it seemed, and so the child was never allowed to expand his horizons too far out. Danarium was still a stretch, and it seemed as though that privilege could be denied were he not careful.
  245. "I can't go too far myself. My Mother begins to worry if I consider crossing pass Danarium now..." He, and his friends had goals in mind- that would leave them away from their homes as they were carried out. A crutch is what he was when it came to getting permissions. A school field trip slip that she refused to sign basically, Aadi was stuck in a hard place with desires to travel, but no intention to go against his mother too openly.
  247. "You're sort of lucky if that's how it is. I'd like it if she eased up just a tad bit..." He wasn't weak after all. True to what he said, even if she was a skeptic- Aadi did not worry over damage inflicted here; none of it would be lasting, and should he had wanted it- the lesser of the fiends would scatter within minutes had he felt overwhelmed.
  249. "Do you treasure hunt then? I met someone who did that- he visited the city once; in town to restock before heading into the nearby caves looking for some mask he said."
  250. (Aadi Avharain)
  251. "Mm mm. Nobody worries about me, because they know that i'm capable opf defending myself." She had never had the misfortune of experiencing an overbaring parent. In fact, Adrian had been rpecisely the opposite! He had only kept her sheltered at her own request... The request to allow her to do as she pleased- only when she affirmed that she was capable of doing it. When that day had come, she had parted ways with her father with little sentimentality on her part.
  253. Whether it had been the same for him, she couldn't exactly recall. To her? It was practically nothing but irrelevant.
  255. "I bet that if you showed your mother how strong that you are, she'd be more keen on letting you wander! Maybe I could even convicne her to let me take you places?" Her head angled ever so slightly as she posed her question... How far they would wander and what they would get into were things that his mother didn't need to know. Camelia was an unrepentant child... To hide things form an adult was no large matter in her eyes!
  257. "Or you could just... Wait until she says you're old enough. But that wastes so much time!" She shook her head, clicking her tongue emphatically. But, treasure hunting... Is that what she did? She paused for thought, a fingertip pressing lightly to her chin in rumination.
  259. "Treasure, not precisely. Knowledge, perhaps. I'm good at magic... Really good! But I know that I could be better. That's what I aim to be, and that's what I pursue."
  260. (Camelia Falco)
  261. "Yeah well you and a lot of people have gone through some stuff, you all have like dealt with the problems I've created --" A look is given to his wife, sure she was a big problem but he smiles nonetheless, that was love after all. "-- Recent times have been worse, Danarium is pissed! This happened under my nose though and the lies still surface after Arwen has been going for so many years, she really wasn't in the cult that much she just stayed in -- no point to get into it right now." A shake of the head is made as he disregards this and moves on.
  263. "Abram was captured helping us go against New Alteros anyway, so Daphne is wrong, Eve and Abram...Cultist still? I don't think so, they live here and care for the people here --" This may seem like a lie, he honestly didn't know 00 well more so he just assumed they had changed, they were given a chance to do so, weren't they? The former cultists have changed for the better and why they are still stuck up on the same shit is just...Annoying. "-- Abram helped tried to save a Danarium prisoner and they spit in our face after -- I understand though, we took a princess ... Well not we but some Nivis people did and they did bad things, messed up things that shouldn't have happened but..."
  265. A nod is made as he somehow managed to turn his talk with Balder into a speech for all to hear now. "The biggest problem is New Alteros and not petty matters that are happening, if one can't see that New Alteros plans to actually get rid of everything and refuses to help then they are selfish and we shouldn't even involve ourselves with them in whole, of course this might seem like a bad choice, but their demands are harsh -- Brienne is the next queen and what not, Red would be the next King. We can't allow our youth to be stripped from their homes after they had started their lives together, one mistake has been made and it should be forgiven!! No big deal though, that's just on my mind." A shrug follows and he pats Balder's shoulder while smiling.
  267. "Yes, power! You will get this, the power of Jain, it's a big thing and you were supposed to be a part of that thing when I first came into power, I'm sorry it never worked out -- Kidoku, I'm alright. How are you?"
  268. (Ace D. Deva)
  269. Ran'ko: Huh, he looks a lot younger than you, Mr.Lizard.
  270. Kidoku scratches the back of his snow white hair and adjusts his scarf before he musters up the courage to tell Ace about what happened to Selaneath and Amyas' almost random appearance. Kidoku holds his head down with his hair covering over his eyes.
  272. ''I am not doing so good actually Ace, its about my wife, Selaneath. . . She was captured by Amyas Lionheart...And I believe she's dead now because of the final letter she's sent me and the absence of letters for the past almost year and a half...
  274. Kidoku gently puts down his Magi Staff and tries to find the right words to say before going nuts about how he plans on killing his old rival Amyas.
  277. (Kidoku Takashi)
  278. Soon Ace would start talking, about recent events which happened in Frostvale, things about Brienne and Red, about attack over Nostalve happened few months ago and such things, and all the way from speech, Balder would keep thinking about some names and people.
  280. Red, Balder never actually met the man so far, but had a feeling that he meet him in the past so maybe if they both met, something may come out of it, right? . . . but many of those peoples were somehow strangers to Balder, which he hoped to change, it was time to finally release office job of an Angius and embrace the power of Jain and use it to lead his people towards a brighter future in leadership of Ace.
  282. Soon the King would pat over his shoulder and those words, all made Balder to chuckle a little as he would nod towards the King, "No problems, you know you can count on me whenever you need me!" And with those words coming to an end, Kidoku and Ran'ko would join them, smiling towards the man and the girl, which he met in deserts under name of Mario. "Hello there you two! And thanks Kidoku, I am sure if you try harder you can get it one day too!" And with that he would face Ran'ko, "Hello there, Drakatine I met in deserts, How are you?"
  284. And by those words he waited till he heard words of Kidoku about his wife and Amyas, that man which he planned to face for years now, he felt bad and sad, angry as well . . . thus didn't tried to answer Kidoku, clearly he felt bad for not being there to protect the woman from being taken away . . . .
  286. (Balder Rosenberg)
  287. Balder Rosenberg whispers something.
  288. King Aub Rwam: camelia
  289. King Aub Rwam: aadi
  290. King Aub Rwam: what should i do if i just started
  291. King Aub Rwam: ok thz
  292. Were it a matter of strength...
  294. He's probably set to lose as it was, but still. Relaying his strength through trial, he could convince her even if he lost. What she feared was retribution; the once great Prophet seeking for her sins to be forgotten, and attempting attonement through silence, and nothing else.
  296. "She's... Pretty strong though actually..." One of the strongest people he knew actually. Running from a fight was not something he'd partake in, but it'd be silly to say that his body didn't scream for him to retreat if Ariadne was ever to be his enemy.
  298. "Even so- it's not too bad. She stays in Frostvale; my time is spent in Danarium. That bothers her some, but she's let me act as I've wanted with some things." She had once told him she'd never demand, or deny anything of him. His freedoms were his own, and the first time she had ever actually attempted to forbid something- when enemies potentially were at their doorstep, and she faced the risk of losing all that she had acquired once more.
  300. "So you're looking for magic, to make you stronger?" Hey! They had another thing in common. The stories of Lysterg were still there- remembering what Arcelia had said, the Avaharain recalling the first High King of Valmasia who had successfully treaded into the domain of 'Gods' in his rather long, and extensive lifetime.
  301. (Aadi Avharain)
  302. "Strong as she is, surely she is capable of recognizing the capability of others. Right?" A blaise question as she lifted her gloved left hand, idly examining the fabric with disdain before she looked back towards him. "If you really, really want to go somewhere... And you can prove to her that you'll be safe without making your argument like a child. I bet she'll let you do what you want." Though she did lack the emotion behind her words- she spoke what she believed to be the truth!
  304. There was no reason to deny someone capable of fighting their own battles the right to do so.
  306. "I've already got a few leads, really. I just need to gather my friends and go... Nowhere you'd like to go, for certain. And likely nothing you'd like to know!" There was little desire within her to explain to him what it was that she sought... Much less to ask him to come along. Not only would his mother never allow it at present- but the goal that she was looking for was nothing that a holy magi would allow to pass unhindered.
  308. A holy magi that was worth their exorcism, anyhow.
  310. "I'm positive that it'll help me get where I want to be. Even more positive that there'll be even more than what I know there... Maybe i'll tell ya' about it once I make it through!~"
  311. (Camelia Falco)
  312. "Not really, no."
  314. His mom was pretty selfish. A trait of family, or a product of her own life growing up. While she was loving, she was stubborn -- as stubborn as a goat one might say. "Maybe when things calm down." He shrugs- abiding by rules as best he could; breaking them was expected, and he was doing that even now as he stood out here in the forests with marks, and scratches on him.
  316. "She's only worried about me. It's not too bad." Although he could possibly do more with the peace of mind that came with knowing his actions were not constantly ridiculded due to how they kept him from home.
  318. Ah well.
  320. "I want to know actually, tell me." Boy was he eager, and it wasn't like this didnt't benefit him. Arcelia had told him to find people to bring along with them- friends who could help with Lysterg, and raiding his many dungeons hidden away around Eternia, and Valmasia. Camelia seemed the type to explore, and Aadi saw this as a moment to scratch one another's back if such were possible...
  322. "Maybe I can help! You never know- there's not harm in telling me, right?"
  323. (Aadi Avharain)
  324. She had figured that he would ask something like that.
  326. She lifted a hand to run through her hair absentmindedly, clicking her tongue thoughtfully as she re-evaluated her reasoning... For one, he was just a child! Moreso than she was! For two... If one of her companions had difficulty just staying around her, what sort of adverse effect would the place have on her cousin? Her stark white eyes rested back on him in the midst of her thought process, and she shrugged.
  328. "Maybe you can. Maybe you can't. But as long as your mother won't allow you to go very far- then there's no way you can." The place that she had found was far off. Deep in the Marshlands on a route that was renowned for the amount of merchant caravans that simply... Vanished beneath a thick mist. Reportedly, the sound of hacking limbs and breaking bone mingled with the feral, guttural growls of otherwordly creatures was the common theme of the few that survived.
  330. She wasn't one to follow false rumors. But with so many people confirming them from different parties... it must've been true, right?
  332. "All that you need to know, in that case. Is that it's in the Deadland Marshes."
  333. (Camelia Falco)
  334. FROWNS
  336. One sets in, his expression changes -- deepening, and he's visibly upset over how Camelia caries herself with the information. "The Marshlands... Never heard of it- can't be too far though." Little did he know that was on the opposite of the world.
  338. The boy blind to distance, and much of everything outside of Danarium's encompassing area; Brighthold, and Sarab being the most foreign sounding places to him to be honest. "As long as I don't do something like give my name, or let someone know who I am- She won't mind." That was actually the truth.
  340. Ariadne's only concern was that his lineage was discovered, and so she could be ruined. He thought it easy to deal with that. Neglecting the infamy his genes granted him; those protrusions that painted him a child of Falco Descent- Ariadne's seed, the boy was so sure it'd work out if he threw on a hood or something!
  342. "So tell me a bit more about it. I'll tell you about some place that has magic I want too in exchange if you do."
  343. (Aadi Avharain)
  344. She was hard pressed to deny this... The opportunity to go to another place, no doubt as equally drenched in possibility or even more so than her own pursuit. Yes, to say that she wasn't interested would have been a lie. But the thought of his mother was relatively offputting... What if he 'did' go with her, and it was found out that she was the one who convinced him to come? Her lips pursed as her eyes closed, and she seemed to mostly relent. However, it was not without issue that she did so. Her right eye cracked open, and a faint smirk played across her lips...
  346. "I'm only bringing capable people with me. I know you use fire magic... But just 'having it' isn't enough." Her other eye opened, and she placed her hands thoughtfully on her hips.
  348. "Why don't you prove to me that you're capable of going into the Marshes..? There's plenty there more dangerous than me. So if you can't even give 'me' a challenge, then you'd just be crellus food there!"
  349. (Camelia Falco)
  350. There's was a rite of passage he needed to go through.
  352. Something to prove himself, the young Avharain having to go against Camelia to do so. "Prove myself how, in a fight?" He raises the question actually, not concerned, but when considering they were just meeting today. . .
  354. "I didn't expect this..." He really did not, and boy was it sudden. She needed capable people though. That was something he needed to show her- that he was one of them. Considering that as it was, "Okay." Nodding along, he agrees.
  356. "That sounds fear enough, Cammie- let's do it then."
  357. (Aadi Avharain)
  358. He was game for it... So she supposed that would mean that she needed to oblige. He hadn't backed down, which surelt meant that he was going to do his best to prove to her that he was capable of accompanying them! Her hand reached over her shoulder as the threads binding her dolls grew taut- forcing them bolt upright while her opposite hand grasped firmly unto the bare brass of clockwork. Upon contact, her teeth grit so roughly that one might have expected her mouth to begin to bleed!
  360. Her eyes grew wide with terror, and her pupils dilated with an all consuming- primal fear. Her breath ceased, and it wasn't until she wrested the weapon from her back that she once again gasped in a shallow series of breaths... She could hear it all. The clocklike sounds of ticking cogs and whirring gears... The voices discouraging her. The negativity baring down upon her- and the white hot pain lancing through every inch of her body.
  362. Through her very soul.
  364. She had to grow used to this. She had to grow capable of utilizing this weapon along with the drawbacks it implied in order to fully draw on its power... And what that meant for her? Fighting through the fear and pain even in the most unnecessary situations. She did not need Clockwork to test Aadi's skill... No, she needed Clockwork to test her 'own'. She slammed the stave into the ground- eliciting a visceral 'tear' from the many dolls around her. From them, gouts of blood shot forth to coalesce around the Falco's figure like a mana infused barrier.
  366. Dense. Difficult to overcome... The nature of her magic had been revealed, and it was truly quite gruesome to behold.
  368. "T-then... Show me... Every step t-that you know. You'll n-need them all, where i-i'm... Going!"
  369. (Camelia Falco)
  370. Urin's is brushed against. Fingers leading up to it, tracing along it's handle, down tot he pommel, and back up -- the blade is retrieved, and taken hold of with both hands around it.
  372. Twisting around the grip, he looks over towards Camelia. From her end there is a stirring -- stave end sent into the ground, and with it- the magic of her fancy is utilized. Deep red jets of it spilling up, and around her as command after a bout of self-mutilation.
  374. Those dolls do their work, and their blades cut through with ease. New scars forming on her while his still lingering, not tended to so quickly, what happens next as he nods along at her stammering voice. "R-Right..." Is a fire that burst to life, starting from his hands; coated flames that spread along forearms, and up to shoulders.
  376. There they stop, but the fur of his coat is seen riddled with crimson embers as he lets manifest one of the most basic pyromantic abilities. Lighter than his hair color, but still burning a magnificent red -- the heat of the blaze travels, across the forest grounds, and over flora, and plant-life everywhere. Some may have been set aflame; forest fire imminent, this place in need of a touch up after all was said, and done surely.
  377. (Aadi Avharain)
  378. {RP BATTLE} (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  379. {RP BATTLE} (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  400. She was used to fighting her battles like this... But no matter how many times she expereicned it, the heat of a fire magi was not something that she could easily overcome. Her father had been the medium with which she had trained herself in the past, and she was keen on bringing that training to bare here... She was meant to pose a challenge to him, wasn't she? A challenge wouldn't topple to the basic katas of pyromancy... And a challenge certainly wouldn't be overcome by the way that he was swinging that impressive blade!
  402. Though it struck her barrier and added new marks to the clothing- and undoubtedly the flesh beneath- there was no sign that Camelia's calculation was failing... She was watching his every movement. Trying to judge where he would be next- before launching a pinpoint attack of compressed water and energy. Though she missed a number of times- it was one of her lesser attacks that finally hit their mark! A tendril of water shot out from her extended wrist- stave hand quivering and seemingly incapable of real movement... It wrapped around his leg, yanking with enough force to pull him upwards as her wrist lifted!
  404. She sliced back through the air... The blood of her wounds mingling with the blood that had been stored within her dolls- striking him square in the back and sending him forth to land flat on his stomach.
  406. "Good... G-good! You fight like... Like Vanessa!" She coughed loudly, her legs shaking visibly... Whether from his damage or something else entirely however, was difficult to determine.
  408. "Get... Back up! Don't let... Pain stop you!"
  409. (Camelia Falco)
  410. Vanessa might had been a familiar name if he could think back to the times when he first met Galahad, and the group. The one who was labeled a murderer due tot he mistakes of children. It didn't have a basis here, an so when she shouted it- he was confused.
  412. Maybe it showed in how he moved. Limiting himself, his flames were still that brilliant orange, and red color- no infection of Light magic, nothing to heal him. Suffering through more wounds inflicted, the scratches he already had stinging him all the while.
  414. Water coming from her, the opposite to his heat. It was the first time he met this -- elements colliding, and the hiss of steam that came as a result masking the movements of his Cousin now.
  416. The benefit of Surprise.
  418. She sure had it; expertise with her element, and he no experience with it. It showed so clearly with each mis step that he took, every early swing of a sword, and the constant awkward eruption of flames that bordered on uncontrolled, instead of pinpointed, and well-maintained. Such was the issue with him, and there was nothing to do to fix that actually.
  420. He goes down, the wind knocked out of him. It was intense. She's excited, and really- he is too. With his blood pumping, and his heart racing; "R-right...!" He shouts back. Having taken knee, but finding the strength, or really- utilizing the magical benefits of exorcism to cast himself a second breath, he stands once more.
  422. Recuperated slightly, and the that familiar shroud flames around him. With it came the addition of mana -- surging through him, and activating every dormant muscle momentarily; strength beyond his mortal frame could allow, Urin suddenly wielded in one hand as a sphere of fire is erected in the other.
  424. "I'm ready then- this time for real!"
  425. (Aadi Avharain)
  426. {RP BATTLE} (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  427. {RP BATTLE} (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  448. Second verse, same as the first some would say... Were it not that the crescendo in the tune that Camelia set was beyond what she was intending to put forward. Spurned onward by the goading of Clockwork and th e terror that coursed through every inch of her body- it was all that she could do to keep herself from acting with the same lethal force that she had employed against the yokai that had set upon her in the months prior. The steps of her dance that she had practiced time and time again... She managed to finally piece them together against her younger cousin.
  450. The same two whips of limquid that had disabled him before did so again... yet, instead of sending him to the ground? Thye second whip lashed him with such force as to propel him higher again. A stinging sensation not unlike being struck by a whip adorned with fish hooks. It tore through clothing, digging shallow cuts into flesh... Restrained only by what little conscious effort she could msuter through the pain of Clockwork- only to be followed up with a sinister finish.
  452. The vaunted stave pointed forwards, and from its focus... A brilliant orb of blue formed and discharged nigh instantaneously. It caused the grass beneath them to sway as though in a breeze- hissing through the air until it caught him fully in the chest. propelling him back until it fizzled out and vanished... Thankfully sparing him the fate of crushing into a tree or boulder- it also served the purpose of dispersing the dense steam that had overcome their battle.
  454. He was not yet practiced... But some of the pain that she felt was certainly not from Clockwork alone. She staggered forwards, taking a doublehanded grip on the stave as her shallow breaths fought to keep herself upright. The aura of blood around her fell- staining the grass around as the mana keeping it upright faded...
  456. To an onlooker, the only thing that would be able to differentiate winner from loser would be that one was on the ground.
  458. "Y-... You're... Okay, right?"
  460. Right.
  461. (Camelia Falco)
  462. Lashing strikes.
  464. They disabled him. Soundly defeated, it was like a wake-up call. Aadi might have boasted he was strong once in a while, never gaining a big head, but man- this was just tragic. What he experienced today was something to definitely paint a picture in his mind of his own levels of strength.
  466. For all of his restraint, there was no need for it. water extinguished his fire so easily, and he could do nothing but exist there in the moment, dumbfounded. It was a tough thing to see happen- knocked around so easily, jets of liquids taking him under.
  468. His mouth is filled with it, his clothing ruined, his shroud of flames- wavering. He's on the ground, looking like afish out of water with all of it everywhere around him, coughing up some amounts of it, and a hand beating at his chest as he considers what just happened.
  470. "I'm.. Fine..!" He says in-between coughs, and chokes; sitting upwards, he's collecting himself after such a poor display. It really wasn't close, and there was no reason to pretend it was. Scratches are open again, he's bleeding a bit because of that.
  472. He can't help it at this point.
  474. As flickers of embers ignite- carrying the golden glow of light with them that set to work easing his ailings. A show of what he could do fully, what he thought was best kept hidden, even if it had been flashed in someways throughout the battle.
  476. "Just... Wow. I suck." Yes he did. The realization of it was a great, and cruel one. His head hung low, and man- he just takes it really hard... His 'first' real loss, and it was after he had talked to big.
  477. (Aadi Avharain)
  478. She could barely see it through the formation of tears... The pain was immeasurable. Her body was yet unused to using Clockwork in situations like this- but she was getting closer. Steadily, she pushed herself to her feet. Reaching into her clothing- she reduced what looked to be an impossibly large roll of thick cloth. A roll of cloth that she immediately set to work wrapping around her stave, feverish and furtive. Her breathing evened out as she succeeded in wrapping half of the weapon- her flesh no longer in contact with it and free of the deeper pieces of the torment the wicked weapon bequeathed.
  480. When she was done, she slung it back over her back. Slouching forward ever so slightly, and breathing as though she had just completed a triathlon in record time. Her cousin was fixed with an indecipherable stare... Did she approve, or did she disapprove? Her lips pursed as she attempted to draw herself to her full height, coughing slightly as the throes finally made their way off of her and into oblivion.
  482. "You do suck. But... It's not as though you don't have the ability to move beyond that." She ran a hand through her hair, testing a few spots for blood to be sure she wasn't injured in more ways than mentally.
  484. "Like I said though... The things where i'm going will be way more dangerous than I am. Are you certain you want to risk that? Would your mother kill me if we made it back alive?"
  485. (Camelia Falco)
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