
SERBIA/CROATIA/SLOVENIA 29/10/2015 Thursday 22:15 evening

Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. SERBIA/CROATIA/SLOVENIA 29/10/2015 Thursday 22:15 evening
  3. General note: According to our informations, major changes in transport of refugees are expected within a few days and already happening. New winterized camp in Slavonski Brod (Croatia) is being prepared and is due to open on November 2nd with capacity 5000 people. This will most likely mean dismantling Bapska/Berkasovo border crossing, as refugees will be transported via Šid train station.
  5. Follow for detailed info.
  7. Dalimil Petrilak ( will be posting updates in the next few days, please let him know all the key information from the field.
  11. ===============
  13. BERKASOVO/BAPSKA (Serbian side) - There might be new route in the next week - Serbia and Croatia have agreed on providing trains directly from Sid on the serbian side to Slavonski Brod in Croatia. Latest news say this could start on 2nd of November. If this happens, volunteers will be needed a to move the material to Sid train station. Please be ready to help. At this moment number of volunteers here is sufficient (100+ at this moment). Czech team should be covered for the following days. Problems with Serbian police growing.
  15. Truck and van with material supplies not allowed to enter Serbia today. If you are able to provide gloves, hats, socks, please bring them. Also plastic cups, 5000 pieces.
  17. Contact number +381 649 366 029.
  19. OPATOVAC - Thousands came through during the day. Refugees spend in the camp just few hours, transported to Tovarnik and by train from there. Supplies, especially shoes (size 39-45), socks and children & men jackets needes. Officials say, that the camp might be closed, when Slavonski Brod opens, we will keep you updated.
  21. PRESEVO - Situation calm today, similar to previous days. Refugees waiting in line, but not extremely long. Donations and warm clothes, blankets appreciated - contact +381 63 88 46 729 for donations and supplies. Volunteers needed to replace the current ones. Steady flow of people expected for the future (7 000 crossed Macedonia/Greece borders today), so be prepared. Contact number for volunteers +381 642 653 479, please register here, when coming:
  23. DIMITROVGRAD - Refugees: 200-400 per day. Needs: shoes, jackets, gloves, hats, socks. Medical help would be appreciated. Contact: Nerissa +381 642 18 7291. No volunteers needed now, accreditation very difficult, but no crisis.
  25. BEOGRAD - Refugees taken to a camp with hot meals and shower to rest, after that transported to Berkasovo by bus. At "Miksaliste" Volunteers are still needed, despite it's not so sexy as direct field volunteering. Join us distributing clothing, shoes, food and hygienic items and creating a welcoming atmosphere for the stop-over in Belgrade. We're still accepting and also redistributing donations to border points, which requires help in sorting and packing. Find out more and please register at Volunteer Spot to see what is needed there and to sign up for timeslots.
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  30. BREZICE - camp empty, not used anymore.
  32. DOBOVA 1 (old camp) - empty, not used anymore.
  34. DOBOVA 2 - hundreds of people still here, but with sufficient help, enough volunteers. NO volunteers needed, STAND-BY mode. Fluent flow of refugees when changing trains from Tovarnik to Sentilj, Red Cross present.
  36. RIGONCE - camp empty, not used anymore.
  38. SPIELFELD/SENTILJ - In the Sentilj camp, the situation is under control considering the circumstances. On Austrian side Red Cross and Army organise the welcome camp, heated tents are available - but not enough. Volunteers ARE needed and are swiftly integrated by the Red Cross Einsatzleitung (call 06645146532 - AT nr.). You can also register here:
  39. Situation in Sentilj is stabilised, but nervous, a lot of people have to sleep outside, incl. people trapped in no man's land between Šentilj (SLO) and Spielfeld (AT).
  41. In Obenaus we invite volunteers to come for a rest, it's just five minutes away from the border station Spielfeld. They also offer a few places for volunteers to stay over. Contact: +43 680 132 71 77 or +43 680 306 09 00. If coming to Spielfeld, please check out this site:
  42. On Slovenian, Slovenska filantropija is providing food and water on the field - contact them if you think you can help
  45. =================
  47. - Situation in Macedonia is somehow stabilized, official NGO's helping. Independent volunteers NOT able to help, accreditation with official NGO necessary! (5 000 - 7 000 refugees crossing border from Greece daily)
  49. - If you have enough time and sources to travel to Lesvos, Greece, where situation is more desperate, do that. Volunteers are saving lives from sea, but many desperate scenes including those refugees, who were not lucky enough and drowned in the sea. Read this volunteering guide to Lesvos:
  51. - There is still possibility to get supplies in Szeged at MigSzol warehouse at Gárdonyi utca 6. So if you are on the way via Hungary, you can go and pick up what will be needed. MigSzol unfortunately does not have any cars to drive the supplies down to Serbia/Croatia. Always contact coordinator before approaching Szeged: Szalai Balázs +36 20 229 6669 or Szőke - Tóth Ágnes +36 304 27 34 60.
  53. - Large amounts of supplies could be picked up also in Zagreb, please call Lejla +385 91 456 77 05 if you are able to bring any supplies from Zagreb to any of the borders.
  55. - Thousands of refugees are reported to be on their way from Greece, so the flow will continue for some time for sure.
  57. - Supplies which are needed almost at all places: warm and/or waterproof clothing (jackets, pullovers), blankets, shoes, hats, gloves, socks, dry and canned food, fruit; food for babies and milk. Generally, anything what could make them at least little bit warm and help them of hunger.
  59. - Also SIM cards for those who has to wait would be great so they can contact their relatives.
  61. - and don't forget to act:
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