
Time Travel Trouble [WIP] [Updated]

Aug 9th, 2014
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  1. 8/9/14
  3. Notes:
  7. >A portal appears from thin air and your body flings out of it
  8. >You collapse onto the grass breathing heavily
  9. "F-FUCK!" you shout
  10. >You lay motionless on the ground for a minute, eyes closed
  11. >You're either dead or something miraculous just happened here
  12. >You open your eyes and gaze into the night sky
  13. >The moon shimmers back at you
  14. >Wait
  15. >It was daytime when you stepped into your...
  16. "H-Holy shit... D-Did it..?"
  17. >You quickly pick yourself up and look around
  18. >Trees surround you, and a small town with odd buildings lights up in the distance
  19. "N-No way..." you stutter
  20. >You grip your chest in shock
  21. >This definitely isn't your apartment lawn
  22. >This can't possibly be what you think it is
  23. >You feel like you're going to have a heart attack
  24. "I... I fucking did it... I don't believe it..."
  25. >Repeating it over and over isn't enough for you
  26. >The portal you've been working on, the portal to Equestria... worked
  27. >Well, either that or you passed out and this is a dream
  28. >If that's the case, this is the best lucid dream you've had ever
  29. >You could never get those to work, so better not waste this if that's the case
  30. >You reach down and grab a patch of grass
  31. >Feels real enough
  32. >You toss that aside and start moving
  33. >Your body feels weak, but you slowly jog towards the light of the town
  34. >Approaching the back of the closest house you peek around
  35. >Your jaw literally drops
  36. >It's exactly what you imagined
  37. >Ponies
  38. >Furiously you rub your eyes and stare back
  39. >Your head aches in disbelief
  40. >This is too much for your brain to handle
  42. "Breath Anon..." you whisper to yourself
  43. >This is too incredible
  44. >So many things you want to do, so many places you want to see
  45. >So many ponies you want to...
  46. >Your brain clicks wildly
  47. >You have to see if she's here
  48. "Of course she'd be here... right..?"
  49. >Time to find out
  50. >Slowly you creep behind the buildings, avoiding any and all that appear to have residents awake inside them
  51. >You feel like you've been creeping for a good 10 minutes until you stop
  52. "Where the hell can it be, I know it's here somewhere!"
  53. >You poke your head out more clearly to try and find things you remember from the show
  54. >Nothing is clicking, it's all just unfamiliar houses and buildings
  55. >Your chest aches
  56. >This better not be some alternate dimension bullshit
  57. >You sigh to yourself
  58. "I guess if it is, this is nice enough just being..."
  59. >Then you see it
  60. >How could you miss the giant fucking tree on the edge of the town
  61. "She's here..."
  62. >Your heart beats intensely the more you stare at it
  63. >Seeing it with your own eyes is breathtaking
  64. >Quickly your eyes dash around, looking for an opening
  65. >No one's around so you book it towards the tree
  66. >Your heart is pumping, your palms are getting sweaty
  67. "H-Holy shit I need to calm down..."
  68. >Just seeing her for real would be enough for you, anything besides that is an incredible bonus
  69. >Multiple thoughts rush through your head at the speed of sound
  70. "Has she seen a human before?"
  71. "Oh man I hope this is like one of those fics where ponies aren't scared of humans."
  72. "I wonder how soft she feels."
  73. "I hope her voice is the same"
  74. >You roll towards a lower window and peer inside
  75. >Completely black
  76. >You don't know what you were expecting, really
  78. >It is nighttime, so obviously she'd be in bed
  79. >Should you wait until daytime to meet her?
  80. >Where the hell would you sleep until daytime?
  81. >What if some pony finds you while you're sleeping? What then?
  82. "Fuck it."
  83. >You head towards the front door and go for a knock
  84. >You stop yourself at the last second
  85. "What the hell am I thinking." you whisper to yourself
  86. >Quickly you dash back into the bushes and peer through them
  87. >You see a few ponies in the distance talking, and some more walking around, but none seem to notice anything
  88. >Close one
  89. >Seriously your excitement is getting the better of you
  90. >You look up and notice the lights on the top floor are still on
  91. >She must be reading or something?
  92. >God damn it you can't wait, you have to see her
  93. >You jump out of the bushes and dash towards one of the lower sections of the tree
  94. >Quickly and efficiently you hoist yourself up onto what seems like a small room
  95. >From here you reach for a branch, and wiggle yourself up
  96. >You sit on the branch and look around
  97. >The view from here is pretty good, and you're not even half way up
  98. >A brightly lit window sits right above you
  99. >Slowly you lift yourself onto what seems like a custom built platform
  100. >Careful not to slip, you inch yourself closer to the window to get a better look
  101. >Your heart feels like its going to fly out of your chest, for more than one reason
  102. >You're kinda surprised you didn't slip and fall down the tree from excitement
  103. >Also it just dawns on you this isn't kinda fucking creepy
  104. >Actually really creepy
  105. >You shake your head and continue carefully inching closer
  106. >The closer you get the more you can hear voices
  107. >Her voice
  108. >You're grinning like you won the lottery
  109. >Finally you get up to the window and gaze in
  110. >"O-Oh Anon!~ Please d-don't stop!~"
  111. "What."
  113. >"K-Keep going.. r-right there!~" she moans
  114. >"Hah, you like that, huh?" the man says
  115. >"Mmhm!~ she coos, biting her lower lip
  116. >You just stare wide eyed, mouth agape
  117. >What the hell are you looking at right now
  118. "Anon...? What..?"
  119. >You look at the man fucking Twilight senseless
  120. >He bares a striking resemblance to...
  121. "Wait..."
  122. "Is that.. IS THAT ME?" you shout
  123. >They're fucking so loud they can't possibly hear you outside
  124. >Your brain deflates as you try and comprehend a few things
  125. >Words can't come out as you speak
  126. >How do you genuinely describe something like this?
  127. >You completely forgot about enjoying the experience of seeing her the first time
  128. >Instead you're filled with rage
  129. >Your fists tighten as you slip down and hop from the branch of the tree
  130. >You rush to the front door and slam on it with your fist
  131. >A moment of silence for a bit, before you hear Twilight speak
  132. >"L-Library's closed for today -- Sorry!~"
  133. "No it's not! Open up Twilight!" you shout
  134. >Silence again before you hear yourself
  135. >"I'll deal with it Twi, hold on." you hear muffled behind the door
  136. >He opens the door just enough to put his face through
  137. >It's you, no doubt
  138. >"Look pal, you--"
  139. >Quickly your fist reaches his face, throwing him back and ripping the door open
  140. >Yes, you just punched yourself
  141. >And it felt fucking good
  142. >You slowly walk into the library and see Twilight rush over to the collapsed Anon
  143. >"What the hell do you think--!" she starts to say, before looking directly at you
  144. >"A-Anon?"
  145. >God fucking damn it, you really wanted to enjoy your first moments with her
  146. >Not like this
  148. >She stares and you, then back at yourself on the floor, then back to you
  149. >"I.. uh.. what's going on?" she says
  150. >Anon picks himself up off the ground
  151. >"I know what this is, I thought I prevented this."
  152. >You stare at yourself intensely
  153. "Prevented what?" you ask, fists still clenched
  154. >He notices your stance and reacts unexpectedly
  155. >"Relax Anon, you might not know what's going on, but I do."
  156. >"You do?" Twilight asks
  157. "So what the hell is all this?"
  158. >"Sit down Anon. Twi, go get me a glass of water, will ya?"
  159. >"S-Sure.." she complies
  160. >He quickly pulls up 2 chairs and you have a seat
  161. >You're confused, but still angry
  162. >You want answers
  163. "How is there already a version of me here? I JUST got the portal working."
  164. >"I know."
  165. "How?"
  166. >He frowns
  167. >"Because I'm you, you idiot."
  168. "No, how did you know I got the portal working? You're not answering my questions!"
  169. >Twilight hovers a glass in front of you and sits between the both of you
  170. >She's just as confused as you are, you think
  171. >"Anon, I'm you. Like, literally you. I'm just you from the future of arriving here."
  172. "Well yeah no shit you're me. I already know this."
  173. >"No, I mean.. ugh.. alright. Think of it this way."
  174. >He rips a book from the wall and snatches a quill
  175. >He sketches down a timeline of sorts and shoves it towards you
  176. >"Pretend there exist 20 Anons trying to reach this dimension. They are listed as Anon 1, Anon 2, Anon 3, etc."
  177. "Okay..."
  178. >"Now each Anon is different right? Well in this case, pretend I'm Anon 12. The twelfth Anon to successfully reach Equestria. If you somehow arrived after me, you should be Anon 13, since you're the next version in the cycle. But I prevented any further Anons from arriving here."
  179. "Dude what the fuck. How did I get here then?"
  180. >He rubs his temples for a bit
  181. >"Because I forgot to take in account of myself. I removed any possibility of future Anons from getting here, but I forgot about closing one last thing. Myself."
  183. >Twilight has been listening intensely the entire time
  184. >Clearly your future self didn't inform her of any of this
  185. "So what happens now?" she asks
  186. >He looks over at her before looking back at you
  187. >"We need to destroy the portal you came into before more versions enter."
  188. "We can't, it's back on Earth!" you retort
  189. >He rubs his chin before speaking again
  190. >"No, there's a way back. It's how I got rid of the previous versions."
  191. >You squint in his direction
  192. "How did you get rid of previous versions of us?"
  193. >"How do you think?"
  194. >You look over towards Twilight and she gives you a small shrug
  195. >Before you can speak again he cuts you off
  196. >"Twi, you remember that spell? Looks like we need to use it one last time."
  197. >She nods her head reluctantly and stands up
  198. "What are we doing?" you ask
  199. >He quickly tosses on a shirt and looks at you
  200. >"We're going back to Earth."
  201. "W-What! No!"
  202. >"Relax. We're just going to change a few things. If something happens to you, I'll cease to exist here, remember?"
  203. >That's right
  204. >If you were to disappear, he would too, if he actually is you from the future
  205. >But if he were to disappear...
  206. >"You ready Twi?" he asks
  207. >"I'm ready Anon." she replies
  208. >Her horn glows a bright purple in front of the both of you
  209. >A once low buzz now gets ear piercingly louder
  210. >You instinctively put your hand in front of your face to shield your eyes from the increasing light but it's too intense
  211. >This is same feeling you had when you arrived here
  212. >Your chest tightens and your head aches as you're surrounded by whiteness again
  213. >You blink just once
  214. >"We're here Anon, get up."
  215. >A hand pulls you up, as you wobble to try and maintain your balance and vision
  216. >Your eyes adjust to the background
  217. >It's your apartment
  219. >Everything looks the same before you left
  220. >Your clothes still scattered on your floor
  221. >Open books litter your work desk
  222. >The teleporter before you still flashing furiously
  223. >"This looks exactly how I remember it..." Anon says
  224. >You were about to say the same thing
  225. "Yeah... How long have you been in Equestria?"
  226. >He picks up one of the books on your desk
  227. >"Who knows. I have no concept of time anymore."
  228. >You cross your arms
  229. "I don't blame you. Why care about time in paradise?"
  230. >He looks towards you and smiles
  231. >"Exactly."
  232. >The teleporter whirs and shines in the corner of your eye
  233. >You can't help but stare back at it
  234. "So what happens now?" you ask
  235. >He redirects his gaze towards the teleporter as well
  236. >"We have to destroy this."
  237. >You quickly retort
  238. "We can't! How will we get back?"
  239. >"We?"
  240. >He points his finger towards your chest
  241. >You hadn't noticed until now, but your entire body is covered in a purple aura
  242. "What is..?"
  243. >"Magic, remember?"
  244. >You scan your body all around
  245. >"Oh right, this would be my... your.. first time."
  246. >You stare at him in confusion before speaking
  247. "Wait, I'm being sent back to Equestria? What about you?"
  248. >He opens your closet and pulls out your work equipment
  249. >"I'll soon cease to exist. You will go back to where I started. You'll take my place."
  250. >Your head starts becoming foggy and you drop to your knees
  251. >"Shit! Anon hurry, I need you to take this!"
  252. >He quickly places a small slip of paper, torn from what seems like a scroll into your hands
  253. >"Good luck Anon."
  254. >Before you can react your vision darkens further and you feel yourself fall over
  257. >A portal appears from thin air and your body flings out of it
  258. >You collapse onto the grass breathing heavily
  259. "F-FUCK!" you instinctively shout
  260. >You lay motionless on the ground for a minute, eyes closed
  261. "Wait..."
  262. >You rip open your eyes
  263. >The same moon from before shines brightly, staring back at you
  264. "This..."
  265. >You pull yourself to your feet, looking around
  266. >The same trees and background town greet you once more
  267. >Everything appears exactly as you first saw it, like déjà vu.
  268. >Except...
  269. >You look down at the slip of paper you were given
  270. "To Twilight" you read aloud
  271. >Your future self must of had this planned from the start
  272. >Quickly you dash towards the town again, making effort to remain unseen
  273. >Twilights tree house greets you again as you approach
  274. >You instinctively go for the front door again
  275. >Once more, you stop yourself
  276. "Not this shit again..."
  277. >You head towards the lower section of the tree again and hoist yourself up quietly
  278. >Grabbing the same branch from before, you pull yourself up, careful not to fall
  279. >With ease you manage to grip the final platform to where her window would be located
  280. >You slowly pull yourself up, careful not to make any noise
  281. >Speaking of noise... you don't hear any
  282. >No voices or sounds come from inside the treehouse, yet the light is on
  283. >You inch forward as you once did and reach the window
  284. >Hesitantly you peer inside
  285. "..."
  287. >Inside you see her... alone
  288. >Twilight sits alone, snuggled up in her bed, reading an indistinguishable book
  289. >You sigh a breath of relief
  290. >Your future self told the truth, you are now experiencing his time line
  291. >Twilight's spell must of been fixed to send you not just back to Equestria, but to back when you first came here
  292. >But since she didn't know when you came here, she sent you back to when your future self first arrived here
  293. >You smack your head for not understanding earlier
  294. >Twilight hears your audible slap and looks out her window, staring directly at you
  295. >You both stare at each other wide eyed for a moment, before she immediately jumps out of her bed
  296. "No no no no wait!" you instinctively yell out
  297. "Fuck fuck fuck, what was I thinking?!" you yell as you hop down the tree
  298. >You head towards the door and give a few knocks
  299. >Obviously theres no answer
  300. >As quiet, but as audible as you can, you yell through the door
  301. "Twilight, I need to talk to you! You shouldn't know who this is, because well... we haven't met yet. But... uh..."
  302. >How the hell do you go about this
  303. >An idea strikes you
  304. >Fuck it, lets go all out
  305. "Twilight Sparkle, I've not only traveled here from an alternate dimension, but from an alternate time and universe as well. I would just like to have a word with you regarding your future self."
  306. >No answer
  307. "O-Oh, and I come in peace."
  308. >A small crack opens in the front door and you see a familiar purple eyeball look through
  309. >"W-What is this." you hear her peep
  310. >You hold your hands up surrender style
  311. "Hey. I really need to talk to you."
  312. >She eyeballs you up for a bit before speaking again
  313. >"How d-do you know my name?"
  314. "I told you, I'm from another universe. I hold uh... vast knowledge."
  315. >She scoffs and then closes the door
  316. "Oh come on Twi!"
  317. >Silence
  318. >You shuffle through your pocket and pull out the note
  319. >You've been so caught up in the moment you almost forgot about this
  320. >Lightly tapping on the door once more, you quietly shout out
  321. "I have a note for you. At least take it, I don't know what it says myself, but I suppose its regarding an inter dimensional time spell. Or something at least."
  322. >The door creeks open just a crack
  323. >You slowly slide the note vertical through the crack and you see it fly away with a familiar purple aura
  324. >The door closes again and you sit in silence
  326. >You stand on her doorstep for what feels like 5 minutes
  327. >You're kinda wishing you actually read the note earlier, so you can at least feel confident on what's going on
  328. >For all you know the note could of said "When this monkey like creature shows up at your door, blast him with a spell" or some shit
  329. >Imagine that
  330. >The door opens fully before you, slightly making you jump
  331. >The purple pony stands in front of you now, hovering the note beside her
  332. >She looks at you for a bit, then switches back to the note
  333. >You'd open your mouth to speak but you honestly can't think of anything
  334. >She speaks first regardless
  335. >"I'm not sure what this is but..."
  336. >You stare in silence at her
  337. >"Come in, quickly."
  338. >The door closes behind you as you enter
  339. >"Sit down." she says, as she hovers a chair over to a nearby table
  340. >She places the note down on the table in front of you and you have a look
  341. >You try and read it but it looks like gibberish. The handwriting is really weird, incredibly difficult to make out.
  342. >"That's my handwriting." she says
  343. >You internally chuckle. Of course it would be.
  344. >"I don't know how this exists but.. apparently I wrote down everything explaining your situation here."
  345. >You sigh in relief
  346. "Well that's good, because if I'm honest, I can barely keep up."
  347. >She smiles
  348. >"Well... I'm not quite sure I can handle all this information at once... this is a little too... exciting for me."
  349. >Your brow raises
  350. "Exciting?"
  351. >She blushes and looks away
  352. >"W-Well yeah! Not only have I just met someone who traveled through time and different dimensions but... I mean... you're a human being! I-I've never even seen one until now!"
  353. >You rub your chin
  354. "Yeah I suppose all that is nice."
  355. >You ponder for a moment
  356. "Wait, you're telling me you've got magic but you haven't found an inter dimensional travel spell yet?"
  357. >She looks at you intensely
  358. >"N-No! Never! If one existed, it'd have to be locked away in Canterlot archives or something!"
  359. >Hmm
  360. "What if Princess Celestia found one and stashed it away?"
  361. >"You know the Princess!?" she blurts out
  362. >You poke her nose with your finger
  363. "I already told you, I have a vast knowledge of things."
  365. >"W-Wow..." she stutters
  366. >She stares at you in awe instead of fear now
  367. >At least it's something
  368. "Anyways." you cough
  369. "I'm not sure if it's specified in the note or not, but in some amount of time, another version of me is going to successfully reach Equestria via portal."
  370. >"Wow... okay..."
  371. >God damn it her genuine wonder is so fucking cute
  372. "I didn't have enough time to go over a game plan with my future self but, we have to prevent the other version of me from reaching here."
  373. >She physically ponders for a moment, tapping her hoof on her chin
  374. "Any ideas?"
  375. >"Hmm... We can't do that." she states
  376. >You shake your head
  377. "What? Why not?"
  378. >She looks up at you
  379. >"Well if we prevent that version of you from reaching here, wouldn't that make this version... you... disappear?"
  380. >Oh god damn it not this again
  381. "This cycle... It.. It can't be broken then..." you moan
  382. >You plop your head into your arms on the table
  383. >You're doomed to repeat an endless cycle
  384. >When the new Anon gets here, you two will have to travel back to Earth to destroy the teleporter. You'll have to stay behind and have him repeat the cycle.
  385. >It's literally endless
  386. >"Wait..."
  387. >You look up at Twilight, who's closely studying the note
  388. >"This says here I created a spell that alters dimensions? It says it's how I sent you back to this.. "Earth" place?"
  389. >Your arm props your head up on the table
  390. "You sure did. You not only sent me back to earth, but you sent me back in time to live out my future here in place of my other self."
  391. >"Oh my Celestia..." she mutters
  392. >She speaks again
  393. >"The spell... it's listed here on this page."
  394. "Is it? That saves us a lot of time."
  395. >"There's also something else here."
  396. >She slides the note over towards your side of the table
  397. >Her hoof points to a certain written table on the bottom
  399. >"Do you see this here?" she asks
  400. >You make out the text but not the contents of the actual spell
  401. >A Unicorn only thing, you guess
  402. "Danger. Untested. Last Resort..?"
  403. >You scratch your head
  404. "What is the spell listed below this?" you ask
  405. >She looks at it for a bit
  406. >"Seems to be a combination of the earlier ones. A mix of dimensional, and time spells."
  407. >You desperately try and make out the contents but it's literally blurry letters to you
  408. "I don't understand, what does the spell contain?"
  409. >Her expression changes dramatically
  410. >"It's... wow... it's a spell that... well it..."
  411. "It what?"
  412. >She pauses, as if to try and comprehend it herself
  413. >"It copies and moves this dimension over to another plane of existence."
  414. "What does that mean specifically?"
  415. >"Well... it makes it so that when something, anyone, tries to interfere with any time or inter dimensional travel on this dimension, it gets sent to the original dimension, leaving this one unchanged."
  416. >Your mouth drops open
  417. "So you're telling me that this spell... it prevents any further travel in this dimension? As in, no one can travel to or out of this dimension?"
  418. >Both your eyes are bulging at this point
  419. >"T-That's correct. This spell alters time and space itself."
  420. >You push yourself on the back of your chair
  421. "Holy shit this is just too much."
  422. >She throws her hooves up into the air
  423. >"This is incredible!"
  424. >What now?
  425. >"Mister uh.. um.."
  426. "Anon."
  427. >"Right..."
  428. >"Mister Anon, I, Twilight Sparkle, have the opportunity to preform a spell in which could alter the very time and space around us! Can you believe that!?"
  429. >You frown
  430. "I've been doing this all day sweetheart."
  431. >Your comment slows her down none, as she glides past you, hovering the note in front of her
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