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a guest
Sep 15th, 2019
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text 2.61 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ;___________________
  2. ; [Opcje]
  3. ;___________________
  4. StartAfk=F8
  5. ExitApp=F9
  8. ;____________________
  9. Hotkey,%StartAfk%,Start
  10. Hotkey,%ExitApp%,Exit
  11. Return
  12. ;____________________
  14. Start:
  15. WinMove, Minecraft, , , , 1280, 720
  16. loop{
  17. reJoin() ;Wbijanie na serwer;\; Komendy
  18. Command("heal") ;\
  19. Command("freeturbo") ;
  20. Command("repair") ;/
  21. Command("bloki") ;/
  22. Block() ;Wymiana eme
  23. Command("bloki") ;/
  24. Blockk() ;Wymiana zlota
  25. InventoryChecking() ;Sprawdza Eq
  26. Command("sellall")
  27. Command("cx")
  28. Write("OlaZp0rnOla69 to Generalnie dobra jest - TAG TOP 1 <3 <3 <3")
  29. Dig(7) ;Ilosc Okrążeń na stoniarce
  30. }
  31. Return
  33. ;____________________
  34. Exit:
  35. ExitApp
  36. Return
  37. ;____________________
  40. Command(string){
  41. SendInput {T}
  42. Wait(200)
  43. Send /%string%
  44. Wait(600)
  45. SendInput {Enter}
  46. Wait(600)
  47. }
  48. Write(string){
  49. SendInput {T}
  50. Wait(200)
  51. Send OlaZp0rnOla69 to Generalnie dobra jest - TAG TOP 1 <3 <3 <3
  52. Wait(600)
  53. SendInput {Enter}
  54. Wait(600)
  55. }
  56. reJoin(){
  57. SendInput {T}
  58. Wait(100)
  59. setMPos(500, 420)
  60. SendInput {LButton}
  61. Wait(500)
  62. SendInput {Enter}
  63. Wait(200)
  64. }
  65. Eat(int){
  66. SendInput {2}
  67. loop, %int%{
  68. SendInput {RButton down}
  69. Wait(1600)
  70. SendInput {RButton up}
  71. Wait(200)
  72. }
  73. SendInput {1}
  74. }
  76. Dig(int){
  77. SendInput {LButton down}
  78. Move(int)
  79. SendInput {LButton up}
  80. }
  82. Move(int){
  83. loop, %int%{
  84. Press("D", 10)
  85. Press("S", 2)
  86. Press("A", 10)
  87. Press("W", 2)
  88. }
  89. }
  90. Block(){
  91. x := 503
  92. y := 385
  93. l := -4
  94. i := 0
  95. SendInput {b}
  96. loop, 4{ ;TODO liczba paskow
  97. if(i = 9){
  98. i := 2
  99. l++
  100. }
  101. Wait(300)
  102. setMPos(x +36*i, y + 35*l)
  103. DropGold()
  104. i++
  105. }
  106. SendInput {j}
  107. Wait(500)
  108. }
  109. Blockk(){
  110. x := 503
  111. y := 385
  112. l := -4
  113. i := 4
  114. SendInput {n}
  115. loop, 2{ ;TODO liczba paskow
  116. if(i = 9){
  117. i := 2
  118. l++
  119. }
  120. Wait(400)
  121. setMPos(x +36*i, y + 35*l)
  122. DropGold()
  123. i++
  124. }
  125. SendInput {}
  126. Wait(1000)
  127. }
  128. InventoryChecking(){
  129. x := 503
  130. y := 385
  131. l := 0
  132. i := 0
  133. SendInput {e}
  134. loop, 36{ ;TODO liczba paskow
  135. if(i = 9){
  136. i := 0
  137. l++
  138. }
  139. Wait(200)
  140. setMPos(x +36*i, y + 35*l)
  141. DropGold()
  142. i++
  143. }
  144. SendInput {e}
  145. Wait(100)
  146. }
  147. dropGold(){
  148. goldcolor := 0x808080
  149. color:= getColor()
  150. if(color = goldcolor){
  151. SendInput {LCtrl down}{Q}
  152. Wait(100)
  153. SendInput {LCtrl up}
  154. }
  155. }
  156. getColor(){
  157. MouseGetPos, X,Y
  158. PixelGetColor, color, %X%, %Y%
  159. return color
  160. }
  162. Press(charkey, dist){
  163. t := getTimeFromDis(dist)
  164. SendInput {%charkey% down}
  165. Wait(t)
  166. SendInput {%charkey% up}
  167. }
  170. getTimeFromDis(s){
  171. t:=0
  172. t:= s*235
  173. return t
  174. }
  176. setMPos(x, y){
  177. MouseMove,x,y
  178. }
  181. Wait(s){
  182. sleep, s
  183. }
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