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A Mysterious Follower

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Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. There it was, that feeling again, like a shadow cast over her, the feeling of being watched. Flicking her head backward, Twilight found no signs of life, only an empty hallway. "I must be going crazy."
  3. Continuing her stroll through the Canterlot Palace halls, Twilight meditates on the growing problem. She had felt the same sensation the day she arrived at the palace.
  5. It had been in Twilight's quarters, her fillyhood room refurbished to accommodate a princess. It had been late, past midnight, an account of the Discordian wars keeping her mind awake. A queasy feeling in her stomach had alerted her, started her fruitless search for the hidden watcher. Celestia had found her passed out underneath a bookshelf after Twilight missed their arranged breakfast.
  7. Arriving at her destination, Twilight pushed open the ornate stone door before her with a purple glow. Her dim quarters waited behind. An architect had questioned Twilight about her favourite things when she first arrived, little did she know her answer would be her room's design.
  9. Her walls were marble shelves, each jam packed with books, her own personal library almost. Above her a magical replica of the night sky, a window to Luna's creation. The remainder of the room was plain, a simple bed, comfortable without being too flashy. Lamps that lit in response to her magic, filling the room with a sleepy purple.
  11. As she wandered across the room, Twilight lit each star-shaped lamp as she passed them before collapsing into the grasp of her mattress. Twilight allowed her eyes to wander the room, idly searching for any sign of the watcher.
  13. "Achoo!" A sneeze exploded from somewhere in the room, feminine.
  15. Suddenly feeling much more awake, Twilight leapt from her bed, prowling the room like a bloodhound, searching with eyes instead of her nose. Detecting the whisper of wings in the air, Twilight quickly bars the door with her magic, stopping the intruder's escape. "I know you're in here!"
  17. With each night her stalking grew more difficult, the cute purple prey wisening up to her watching. Still Luna continued, the temptation of a new princess too great for her resist.
  19. Cloaked in transparency magic she followed Twilight through the palace halls, keeping her hooves to the line of carpet in the centre as not to make any sound.
  21. Twilight suddenly stopped, swinging her head around, eyes meeting Luna's perfectly. Holding her breath, Luna becomes completely still, a statue, not wanting to reveal herself through the spell's slight imperfection. "I must be going crazy."
  23. Waiting till Twilight returned to her pace, Luna stepped silently after her, watching the cute purple rump swing with each movement, a streaked tail swishing against the carpet every so often.
  25. When Twilight arrived at her room, Luna sneaked as close as she dared, her shallow breaths almost within Twilight's earshot. Not wanting to be locked outside, Luna follows the young princess inside quickly before pulling away to stand in the shadows.
  27. Stars of purple lit up as Twilight passed between them, almost as if her presence powered them. Arriving at the room's end, Twilight slumps into the plain, purple bed, rolling onto her back.
  29. Staying as close to the shelves as she can, Luna inched closer, wanting to watch her desire drift into dreams. Purple eyes trace patterns across the ceiling, a supple similarly coloured belly rising and falling with each breath.
  31. Another step, another, Luna stood only a few steps from the sleepy Twilight, a smile coming to the older princess’s lips as she watched what she believed to be perfection as a pony.
  33. Blue eyelids blinked reactively, a tickle revealing itself in Luna's nose. Backing away she tried to swallow the sneeze away, her efforts as futile as trying to douse the sun.
  35. "Achoo," It exploded from her mouth and snout both, putting her off balance.
  37. Bedclothes rustled and hooves shuffled as Twilight sprang from her bed. "I know you're in here!"
  39. Panicked, Luna gathered air beneath her wings, uncaring if she were spotted or not. Turning, she discovered the door slamming before her eyes, its stony frame encased in purple.
  41. "There's no use hiding, just show yourself and I'll let you off easy." Twilight swung her horn around the room, a concentrated ball of magic held on its tip.
  43. Still searching for a way out, Luna's eyes scanned the room, finding nothing but rows upon rows of books. Luna allowed the pent up breath in her lungs to out as a sigh, Twilight's aim swinging in her direction.
  45. Donning a smile, Luna allowed the spell hiding her form to fall away, like a second coat slipping from her skin, she felt naked without it.
  47. Twilight's released her spell at the first sign of a pony, the shock of seeing Luna throwing her aim off, the bolt of purple disintegrating a book behind Luna. "Princess?" Red tint warmed Twilight's cheeks, her lips forming a questioning O. "Has it been you the whole time?"
  49. "N-" The hint of an excuse escaped Luna's mouth before she realised her compromising position, the knowledge crushing her will to escape. "Tis true, we cannot resist you Twilight Sparkle," Her eyes followed the curves of Twilight's body, moving from her horn, down the side of her neck, brushing over purple wings. "The splendour of thy body is captivating."
  51. Twilight's blush blossomed, her cheeks more red than pink. "Why didn't you just talk to me then?" Understanding the princess's motives, Twilight couldn't help but smile, having experience Luna’s fear herself.
  53. "W-we feared thou would say no, we thought it would be simpler without thy consent." Luna dropped her gaze, sudden interest in the carpet overcoming her, watching a blue hoof play on the fabric. "Were we incorrect?"
  55. The last three words were barely louder than a whisper, Twilight leaning towards Luna to catch the final murmurs. "Well," Twilight's teeth chewed at her lip, her focus danced round the room thoughtfully. "Maybe a little incorrect."
  57. Twilight's response lifted Luna's chin, her eyes meeting with Twilight's, a shy smile waiting for her. "What does thou mean, a little incorrect?"
  59. "I mean," Twilight chewed her tongue, trying to decide how to formulate her words. "I wouldn't be totally against going out somewhere, if that's what you're after." Twilight's wings twitched as the words poured from her mouth like a stream, not pausing for breath.
  61. Luna's eyes lit up, her neck straightening as her mind fantasised possible places to go, things to do. All her courting experience millennia ago failed Luna, her thoughts focusing on the end goal. "We spied a moonlit clearing during on of our flights a few weeks previous. It is silent, we will be alone, we can-"
  63. Twilight's hoof plugged Luna's mouth, knowing the lust-driven princess's intent. The thought of Luna's desire rekindling the glow on Twilight's cheeks. "I don't think that idea is appropriate, why not something of a tamer variety, like dinner?"
  65. "Dinner it shall be." Wanting to rush to the finale, Luna grasped Twilight's hoof, pulling her like a stubborn puppy, half-leading half-dragging Twilight across the carpet.
  67. Luna's hooves found themselves swimming through the air, the distance between her and the ground growing. Looking back, Luna spotted Twilight standing below, an amused look on her features, horn glowing purple. "There's no need to be so eager princess. It is nearly midnight and I am quite tired, how does tomorrow night sound?"
  69. Realising her defeat, Luna allowed her body to slump in Twilight's grasp. "If that is the period of time thou require us to wait, then we shall." The carpet jumped up to meet Luna, her spine cracking on impact.
  71. "Sorry." Twilight smiled guiltily, aiding Luna with a hoof, leading her towards the door. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow night princess."
  73. Stepping through the door, Luna turned to face Twilight, her head bobbing with a nod. "We shall be counting the hours."
  75. The sound of a hoof on stone broke through the mists of Twilight's sleep, an insistent knocking at her consciousness. "Wake up Twilight." Twilight ignored the familiar voice, instead choosing to pull her covers tighter, as if she could hide in sleep forever.
  77. The touch of a hoof against her side, a soft shaking from its owner. "I know you're awake Twilight, it's time to get out of bed, your duties are waiting."
  79. Groaning, Twilight gave up the battle of pretending, allowing the yawns trapped inside to escape. Blinking her eyes open, Twilight found Celestia's face directly above her, a warm smile on her lips.
  81. "Good morning sleepy head." Celestia ruffled Twilight's mane softly, her horn ringing with magic as Twilight felt the warmth of bedclothes slipping down her body. "You missed our breakfast again Twilight, you should set an alarm spell."
  83. "Mmmhmm," Twilight murmured, still too tired to speak. Rolling from her mattress, she found the floor shaking beneath her, tremors running through her shaky legs the cause. "Can't we just reschedule for lunch?"
  85. A chuckle rumbled softly through Celestia's lips, her smile widening as she recalled a similar complaint. "Luna's asked me the same thing for many times before, you two are very much alike."
  87. "How?" Interested, a small spark played in Twilight's eyes, her posture straightening with her question. The blurry memory of last night floated around her mind, one key moment stuck in the forefront of her thoughts.
  89. Celestia's chuckle turned to giggles at Twilight's reaction, her brow lifting in question. "I was simply speaking of your shared distaste for the morning, what exactly were you hoping for?"
  91. Mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, Twilight fumbled for an excuse, finding nothing. "Why don't we go have breakfast."
  93. "Twilight, it's nearly noon. I think lunch would be more appropriate."
  95. A stroll through the palace helped clear Twilight's head of the final remnants of sleep. Celestia chatted idly about the weather as she led Twilight towards their dining balcony. "It is the most beautiful day Twilight, no a cloud in the sky."
  97. Arriving at the balcony, Twilight's mind was far from thinking about clouds. Luna waited for them, sipping tea from a pitch black cup. The princess visibly choked at the sight of Twilight. "Good morning Twilight Sparkle."
  99. Twilight stole a glance at Celestia, the princess not appearing to notice Luna's shock. "Um, morning princess. Is the, uh, tea nice?" The words come from Twilight's mouth like blocks of wood, each heavy and awkward.
  101. "Tis truly a wonderful morning." Luna's eyes dropped into her cup, watching the little liquid left swirl around the sides.
  103. The hint of a smirk played at Celestia's lips before being swallowed by her soft smile. "Why don't you take a seat Twilight?" There were two empty pillows around the balcony, one in touching distance of Luna, the other across the table. Celestia chose the furthest one.
  105. Skirting the table's edge, Twilight lowered her body into the soft cushion, avoiding eye contact with Luna.
  107. "Now I have the two of you here together, I want to ask something of you." Celestia's words set off alarm bells in Twilight's mind. Peeking out of the corner of her eyes, she found Luna having a similar, yet more obvious reaction. The night princess drawing a sharp breath, her teeth gritted.
  109. "How is it that thou know sister?" Luna demanded, her voice rose above normal volume.
  111. "Know what Luna?" A smile played across Celestia's muzzle, one Twilight knew well, one that confirmed both Luna and Twilight's suspicions.
  113. "Nothing, continue sister." Luna urged Celestia onward with a hoof, her face calming.
  115. Celestia nodded, smothering a chuckle between her lips. "I have a special assignment for both of you."
  117. "I want the two of you to find me a certain book, situated within the ruins of the Everfree Castle." Celestia's gaze sits between Luna and Twilight, looking out onto the plains below Canterlot, hovering over the dark forest in their centre.
  119. Twilight's interest piqued at the request, the mention of ancient books drawing her attention, there was still one question on her mind. "Why Luna and I? We've never done anything together before."
  121. Pink eyes narrowed slyly as Celestia captures the nervous pair with her smile. "I thought the two of you would want to grow closer, seeing as you will be spending much time together in the coming centuries."
  123. "We will?" Luna questions, her mind pondering Celestia's intent, wondering is this were her sister's approval of her obsession.
  125. "Of course sister, Twilight is a princess now. I presume you two will be working very closely, just as I do with you." The serious words but playful expression confused both Twilight and Luna, each curious of Celestia's knowledge about their plan.
  127. "So what book are we looking for?" Twilight queried, wanting to steer the conversation away from its current topic. "An old tome full of dark spells?" Celestia shook her head, rainbow mane dancing around her ears, eyes encouraging Twilight to guess again. "A lost history book?" Another shake. "A book detailing the procedures of princess-hood?"
  129. With a final shake Celestia chuckled, her eyes flitting around the balcony. "It is called 'The Rites of Love', I wish for you to bring me the fourth volume." The title reddened Luna and Twilight's cheeks both, their eyes meeting in a sideways glance.
  131. "Sister, we only recall you writing three of that particular series."
  133. Celestia allowed a breath to escape her mouth at Luna's words, her eye searching far into the distance. "It has been one thousand years Luna, I have done many things during that time." Looking back down, she found no further questions. "Why don't you two finish breakfast?"
  135. Twilight's stomach begged for food with a grumble, the younger princess smiling guiltily at the sound. "I think that would be the best idea princess." Luna nodded in agreement to Twilight’s statement, refilling her cup with tea.
  137. "Help yourself Twilight, there's plenty on offer at the table." Celestia swung her foreleg in an arc over the scattering of food, her eyes locked on Luna. "Pancakes, tea, toast. Princess." The final word came out as a murmur, Twilight questioning if she had even heard it. "I will be leaving the two of you, meet me in my study when you are prepared."
  139. Cherry humming filled the air as Celestia strolled off, disappearing from sight. "Thou does not think my sister has knowledge of our charade?" Luna whispered as the softening sound of hoofsteps faded altogether. "Her eye gave us the impression she were toying with us."
  141. "I don't know for sure, but it seemed like she didn't mind. She was almost encouraging." Having finally realised the painful hunger in her stomach, Twilight spoke between bites of a double-decker pancake drizzled in syrup. "Either way, are you still free for tonight?"
  143. "We shall be." Luna swirled her tea nervously, hoping to find courage in the cup. "If thou does not mind us asking, where is the dinner to be held?"
  145. Twilight, with cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk, chewed through her too large bite of pancake, washing the food down with a swig of tea. "I was thinking right here, unless you have another idea. A restaurant would be too, public."
  147. "We think that would be most appropriate Twilight Sparkle," Luna agreed with her words and nods. "We have one concern however, what to do with our sister?"
  149. "I was thinking of waiting till she went to bed, she usually does so shortly after sunset right?"
  151. "Thou are correct. We cannot wait." The over pronounced sound of hooves moving away echoed from inside the palace, a giggle carried with it. "It seems our sister cannot either."
  153. The remainder of their midday breakfast was uneventful, noisy but uneventful. Twilight's chewing like a half starved pig gorging itself on rubbish. Luna ate nothing else, simply sipping tea and watching her companion devour what food remained on the table.
  155. “Are you ready to go?” Twilight’s voice broke Luna from her thoughtful daze, fantasies of the coming night on her mind.
  157. “We are.”
  159. Twilight led the way, Luna forced to shorten her steps as not to overtake her. Guards stationed in every hallway nodded as they past, princess repeated more times than Luna could bother to count.
  161. The guards waiting outside Celestia’s study greet Twilight and Luna with the same word again, bringing a line of irritation to Luna’s brow. Stepping inside, they found Celestia with her back to them, softly singing indiscernible words.
  163. “We are ready sister.” Luna’s voice caught Celestia’s attention, the princess shuffling on her pillow to face them.
  165. “Welcome, Luna, Twilight. Please, sit.” A white hoof pointed to a pair of cushions, situated close enough that their occupants would be touching. Twilight took the initiative, shifting the leftmost cushion slighting before sitting, Luna’s shoulder still brushing against Twilight’s when she joins her.
  167. “I’ve packed bags for your journey, everything you need is inside.” Two pairs of saddlebags surrounded in gold flew up from behind Celestia, one purple, the other deep-blue.
  169. Curious as to why the bags were so stuffed, Twilight flicked open one of the flaps on hers, revealing an assortment of chocolates and berries packed between a cooling spell within. “Why is there so much food in here princess?”
  171. Celestia smiled, waving the question away with a hoof. “You never know when you might need something to eat Twilight,” She joked. “I expect you to be back before nightfall, but if something happens don’t refrain from staying the night.”
  173. Twilight and Luna instinctively looked to each other, the same conclusion in both pairs of eyes.
  175. Exiting Celestia's study, their sides weighed down by saddlebags, Luna led Twilight back through the gauntlet of guards and halls, finally arriving at the dining balcony.
  177. Casting her eyes around the balcony, Twilight found the table cleared, and a distinct lack of any transport. "Why are we here princess? I thought the carriages usually departed from the palace's front."
  179. "Thou would be foolish to travel by carriage on such a personal task." Luna strolled to the edge of the balcony, relishing in the sickening drop below. "We will fly." Raising her saddlebags momentarily, Luna allowed her wings to escape their confinement, the night-blue beauties filling Twilight's vision.
  181. Joining Luna at the balcony's boundary, Twilight peeked over the rail before retreating, the drop straight to cobble sickening her stomach. "Why don't we just walk?" The question evoked a soft chuckle from Luna.
  183. "Are thou afraid of thy wings Twilight Sparkle?"
  185. Twilight craned her neck backwards, taking a peek at her rarely used wings. "Not exactly, I've used them once or twice." Her eyes swung back to meet Luna's, a hint of fear surrounding her pupils. "I'm simply afraid of what will go wrong."
  187. Stepping forward, Luna brought her muzzle within touching distance of Twilight's, the two princesses breathing the same air. "If thou shall fail we will catch you. Now follow." Luna leapt from the balcony, the sound of her wings impacting the wind like sails snapping.
  189. Still nervous, Twilight crept to the edge, hoof resting on the balcony rail. She watched with awe as Luna twirled and looped in the air, shimmering mane trailing behind.
  191. Swallowing the ball of fear in her throat, Twilight climbed over the edge, eyes closed, thinking of flight, allowing her instincts to take over. Opening them again, she found the ground disappearing below, Luna soaring beside her. A smile spread Twilight’s lips, the warmth of pride in her belly.
  193. "I'm flying Luna!"
  195. The rush of air beneath her wings, streaked mane splayed around her face, legs hanging weightless. Flight was a rush for Twilight, akin to reading a book but all at once, demanding her attention.
  197. Luna flew beside her, giggling at Twilight's excited expressions, it was the most comfortable Twilight had seen the awkward princess. Joy creased the corners of Luna's eyes, a carefree smile on her lips sending a sensation through Twilight similar to that of flight.
  199. They glided lazily towards their destination, Luna exercising her superior skill with twists and spins. One daring dive had Twilight fearing for the princess's safety before she pulled up just above the ground, the wind from her wings flattening the grass below.
  201. The shady forest grew and grew until it was directly underneath them, sights of scuttling shadows through the trees hinting at the creatures inside. In the centre ruins waited for them. Broken pillars spilled in chunks of marble across the grass, holey rooves and walls sharing sights of the destruction within.
  203. "So where do we start searching?" Twilight questioned as they landed, folding her tingling wings back into their resting place. Her gaze traces the ruin's outline, a jagged thing. The only entrance waited directly before them, a door that must have stood as tall as the golden gates of Canterlot reduced to a few metres.
  205. "There are two places where we suspect the book may reside, my sister's old chambers, or the ancient library." Luna took a few steps forward, hooves sounding against the mix of limestone and overgrown vines underneath. "We shall begin with my sister's chambers. They require less travel and are more likely to contain the tome."
  207. Twilight trailed Luna as she strolled towards the gaping darkness, the castle interior hidden by a curtain of vines. Horn glowing with blue, Luna brushed aside the overgrowth first, lighting the darkness inside with her magic.
  209. "We were such a fool."
  211. Pushing past the vines herself, Twilight found Luna stock still, head pivoting as she absorbed the sight of the walls around. Each face of marble was streaked with cracks, the hallway seeming to be made of shattered mirrors. Lighter indents lined the walls also. Hoof-sized impacts, as if someone had bucked against the walls, were dotted here and there.
  213. Luna's lips moved, but no sound escaped, as if she were floating in space with no air to breathe. Her mouth opened and closed slowly, gulping in her surroundings, memories dancing in her eyes. Dropping her gaze, Luna scans the floor, eyes following a stained pattern of faded crimson ovals along the limestone tiles.
  215. "I think we should keep moving princess." Twilight gently stroked Luna's neck with a hoof, hoping to ease her shock.
  217. "Yes, it would be best." Turning to Twilight, the corners of Luna's lips twitch in an attempted smile, her blue eyes moist. "And Twilight Sparkle, thou are not some common pony, call me Luna." Luna stepped away, the light from her horn dancing along the cracked walls on either side.
  219. Following, Twilight felt a soft warmth inside, Luna's name bouncing around the confines of her mind. Purposely staying a pace or two behind Luna, Twilight allowed her eyes to explore the princess's body. Starting at the tip of her free moving tail, following it up to the small curve of Luna's rear. Brushing over large wings and tracing the outline of her neck before finishing at the tip of Luna's horn, long length something Twilight had always wanted herself.
  221. They travelled along up broken stairwells and through corridors open to the late noon sun. Doorways, some blocked, others too dim to see inside, passed them, more numerous than Twilight could be bothered counting.
  223. A dizzying spiral staircase sent them high into the sky, gaps in the surrounding walls hinting at the dwindling ground below. At the top waited a destroyed room, possessions strewn across the floor.
  225. "My sister's old quarters."
  227. The room had remarkably little vegetation despite its age, with only a few vines clawing at the window sills. Shaped like an octagon, sunlight seeped in from the windows carved into each wall. The floor was covering in a layer of paper, broken stone, and books with their pages fused together from rain's and sun’s constant wetting and drying.
  229. Luna stepped between the mess, hooves picking holes between it all. She stood beside what must have been the frame for a bed, the marble broken in multiple places. Beside the bed rested two halves of the same desk, split as if a headsman had separated them with his axe.
  231. "It does not seem that what we search for is here," Luna declared, her words slow as she studied the old desk, eyes tracing its ornate decoration. On one half an alicorn inside a sun was engraved, the other depicting another alicorn, this one resting in a crescent moon's embrace.
  233. Understanding Luna's want to leave, Twilight turned back down the stairs, setting a slow pace to allow Luna to catch her. "So it will be in the library then?"
  235. "If it is here at all, yes." Holding her gaze to the wall, Luna peeked through the gaps as they passed, observing the destruction that lay below. "This castle is in a worse state than we remember."
  237. They travelled down flight after flight of stairs, deep enough that the holes in the walls no longer opened to the sky, but the earth. Twilight felt herself drifting closer to Luna as the pair walked, the surrounding darkness making her thankful for Luna's light.
  239. Eventually they came upon a balcony that opened up into darkness, the walls on either side impossible to see, what appeared to be a never ending abyss waiting below.
  241. "We hope the lanterns still remain," Luna commented as she closed her eyes, the light on her horn pulsing with white. They showed themselves slowly, like stars revealing themselves for the first time at night, rows of light stretching into the hundreds.
  243. "Is this the library?"
  245. Luna nodded.
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