
Terminus: Centricon Of The Aspirant [Veld]

Feb 18th, 2023
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  1. [13:22] Talguth scurries out from around the house, its beady red eyes spying the larger demon, Terminus. A small, tattered satchel is fetched from its waist, the seams of the bag threatening to tear, the ratty leather container filled to the brim with various herbs, reagents, and other items of alchemical interest.
  3. A sharp claw cuts a large gash in the bag and its contents spill out next to the larger demon, an offering of alchemical wealth, tribute from the small imp. It begins to speak, its voice high-pitched, nervous, instinctively submissive in the presence of those more powerful than itself, as all demons are.
  5. "Talguth give tribute! And, rngh, Talguth make request. Need potions, make Talguth stronger, faster, yes? Hunt prey better, hide better, gather better, yes?"
  7. With that, it takes a few hesitant steps back, muscles tensed to flee if the response is not favorable.
  8. (Talguth)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [13:24] Wra'gul says, "I'll pay for the Ky'iah."
  12. [13:24] Wra'gul says, "And perdegrine."
  13. [13:28] The demon turned for Talguth with an expression of nonchalance. The tribute was observed, analyzed and counted over in silence, before Wra'gul made an input.
  15. "You may pay for the Ky'iah." Terminus claimed, "...But everything else, is tribute to me." The declaration was made, with a hand presented forth to levitate the reagents from the ground before him. Gluxul loomed closer for the ingredients...
  17. Closer...
  18. Only to earn a sharp glare that'd leave only once they'd take their retreat.
  20. "Don't. You. Dare."
  22. Alas, attention was presented back to the original persona;
  24. "I have a ritual in mind for you. Consider it, my thanks little one... Come."
  25. (Terminus)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [13:31] Once again he would briefly open the book made of human flesh reading the page that he bookmarked and he would come looking for Terminus specifically as he looked at the demon with curious eyes about some things... though he would interrupt anything as right now he was a observer
  29. (Veld )
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [13:31] Terminus says, "Ah, perfect timing..."
  32. [13:32] Terminus points a finger for Veld.
  33. (Terminus)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [13:32] Terminus says, "You will conduct the ritual..."
  37. [13:34] Conduct a ritual? he wasn't sure he was capable of doing such but if it did fail he would be able to see the result of such and though the young and tall giant would simply look towards Terminus as he closes the book... the whispers he heard from it lessening as he asked.
  39. "Which ritual are you referring to? The marked or the other one."
  40. (Veld )
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [13:35] Terminus says, "A demon is of purest blood. They have no need to be marked."
  44. [13:35] Terminus says, "This one's intent is to ascend."
  45. [13:36] Veld says, "Ah so the ritual of lesser Ascension then.."
  46. [13:36] Talguth says, "Rngh."
  47. [13:36] Talguth says, "Talguth only want potions."
  48. [13:36] Talguth says, "No want bigger."
  49. [13:36] Talguth says, "If big, cannot sneak; cannot hide; cannot gather."
  50. [13:36] Terminus says, "This ritual will give you want you seek... Simply in alternate form."
  51. [13:39] Veld says, "I assume that the little gatherer has gotten enough tributes to preform such a ritual as from what I've read it takes a decent amount of ingrediants "
  52. [13:43] Talguth scurries in behind Terminus as they lead them into their lair, additional bits of reagents it had hidden away produced. It had previously learned of what ingredients were in these 'booster' potions and it had been storing them away, keeping them for itself for this very moment.
  54. They are placed down on the black-wood boards, presented to Terminus.
  56. "Talguth have bits for potions, yes, can make?"
  58. It was still nervous, hesitant about this 'ritual'. It truly wished to remain at its size, although it has long since grown enough to molt into the next stage.
  59. (Talguth)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [14:01] There was a hut in the western front of Abendrot - The former Fel Kahn's tower was near, amongst other things. Not too far, an Aenite ship coasted the southern cliff-side, allowing for glaring eye contact between the demon Terminus and their crew.
  64. A hand directed the two to enter the small house, without Terminus in tow... Which, if the offer was taken to, lead to the sound of soil grinding away outside. The creature was... Tunneling through soft spots in the ground. The hut took to a subtle shake, as dim light from occultic pyre burned to illuminate it with a mauve glow.
  66. At the end of the room, was a cultist - An Acolyte of The End...
  67. The holes in the shoddy structure soon revealed the gargantuan Terminus through them, reaching through the holes offered with three of his four arms, overarching the three within the room.
  69. "Provide, a basin..." Directed the elemental's voice aloud; the Seer immediately took their inventory amongst theircoffers, procuring one to be placed within the center of the room.
  71. "The ingredients..." Terminus' voice boomed, "--are yours... Initiate the ritual."
  73. It was time, for things to begin.
  74. (Terminus)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [14:19] He would look around and see that this place was quite unique in its decorations. As there were cracks and holes in the ground, one covered in blood, the other three had red glowing eyes glowing in the dark... what were they? lesser demons hiding in the shadows? or perhaps little vermin with red eyes. Though its aesthetic was on point for what it was. The home of a demon and its demonic rituals.
  79. the young giant would have heard the voice of the elemental as a basin was provided and the ingrediants taken as he would simply voice in a dark tone while occultic energies would begin to leak from his body.
  81. "Let Us Begin."
  83. The contents would be poured into the basin, the ingrediants would be mixed and tossed in as he simply took his index finger, warped by blood magic and black magic as the nails were sharpened like claws that would so easily rend and cut trough his own flesh slicing his wrist... Blood begins to pour and collect, a Giants blood no less which can be a potent catalyst for magic and potions.
  85. Once filled enough he would use blood magic to dissolve and mix the ingredients, His hands would hover over the cauldron as he poured out occultic magic, the bit of black magic he knew as a initiate of the Mori and had the bloody contents boil and fester with such magics before he would use the bloodied finger he use to cut himself to make a slow come hither motion towards the demon as he said.
  87. "Come... Drink and receive the rituals blessing to ascend to greater heights."
  89. He would wait as now it was the demons turn to take part in the ritual...
  90. (Veld )
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [14:28] Talguth watches on, beady red eyes observing the scene with hesitation, the small demon clearly nervous for what should have only been a transaction for the potions it desired. But, it was still young, still without greater understanding of the world at large, especially on alchemical methods.
  94. As far as it knew, this was the boosters it needed. It scampers closer to the basin's edge, peering over the cauldron and into the mixture within. It pauses for a brief moment, looking up at Veld and Terminus, and then leans further over the cauldron, a long, thin proboscis emerging from the creature's mouth to siphon out the bloody, boiling liquid within.
  96. The effects? Hard to say.
  98. But its desire to remain at its current size is firm; anything larger than it is now would be resisted against. It was a creature of low cunning, of stealth and subterfuge, brighter than it presented to the outside world. It would continue to keep this unintimidating form for as long was demonly possible.
  99. (Talguth)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [14:42] The arms of the elemental protruded from the openings through the floor. They hovered overhead, relinquishing ingredients for Veld to use.
  103. The X-booster fluid was produced and blood mixed into the basin, all the while the Seer of The End watched from the chair allotted to them.
  105. ''Now cast one's arm out, feel the very substance that flows through their body.'' they'd instructed, while Terminus remained silent under the floor boards.
  107. ''Manifest the very essence that burns within your heart... Embrace shadow, and speak the words that peer from His being, through your lips.''
  108. Surely, the majority of the room could comment absolute confusion as to what the man was referring to -- What was he talking about.
  109. Though, the answer lied in the text of The Centricon within Veld's possession.
  111. The demon's presence could be felt enveloping Veld... Enveloping Talguth…
  112. Fillingthe room, and invading the lesser's form. It was as though something was physically poking at the flesh to break through... And soon enough, with this substance consumed, it'd feel as though something was trying to ebb its way out, from every corner and crevice.
  114. What was going on here? At first, it was minute... But soon it grew intense, as though seeking to tear the lesser apart.
  115. (Terminus)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [14:42] Terminus's voice (to Veld ): Pervide in Aeternum, Cognoscere potentiam tuam et crecere...
  119. [14:52] He would be swift to enter the next stage of this ritual as he with a swift hand while the book that he had would begin to float, the tattered skin of some unfortunate fellow was crafted to be the cover of this book as the strange markings would ooze occultic energy.
  121. Then the book would crack open as the voices from within could be heard beckoning them onward to preform this sacrilegious right and ritual. the pages fluttering, fliping quickly as if a strong wind had taken ahold of it, the words on the pages would glow with magic as he would begin to speak the incantation. the room growing darker as a aura of occulic magic would surround the boy his words echoing throughout the room as for the moment he was acting as a conduit of sorts listening to the words as he did not need to be told such as his mind listened to the book and its voice as it instructed him.
  123. "Pervide In Aeternum Cognoscere… Potentiam Tuam Et Crecere"
  125. this would warp the foul liquid into that of a raw potion that would gift the demon strength, agility, and more durability its desire not to grow was not going to be affected by this but once he was finished warping the liquid and it was finished he would feel himself driping in a cold sweat as he lossed a decent amount of blood for the ritual though he will be fine as he was just a bit tired.
  127. "It is done..."
  128. (Veld )
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [14:55] ** Terminus has inflicted an injury upon Talguth. ("Ritualistic Warping", "The enchanted potion-fluid forcibly kneads through the body, rapidly accelerating muscular density in some places and rerouting pathways throughout the mana circuitry network. The growth outpaced the body's efforts to adapt, warping muscle against bone for microfractures althroughout. Physical fatigue comes quickly for the time being...", "Temporary", "Duration: Short (1 day)") **
  132. [15:08] The imp worriedly looks up as the rooms darkens, but it does not cease its imbibement of the bloody mixture within the cauldron. To the demon's own palate, it was quite refreshing, different from the disgusting slop humans called 'food'.
  134. Bones crack and bend as the alchemical mixture takes hold within the imp's frame, invoking a groan of pain from the small creature, but it does not stop drinking. It can feel the power swell within it, muscles straining beneath its skin as they writhe and wriggle unnaturally, its own flesh shifting colors as its camouflage is disrupted by this intake of energy.
  136. A pulse of demonic ether ripples off its form, the two others in the room somehow more focused on the demon than before. It always seemed to blend in the background, somewhat out of mind of those that observe it, but as its mana is running wild, the spells it had always kept written on it are briefly halted.
  138. This was a creature of dark intellect, its mind evolved beyond the limits of its physical form. A grand act so it may continue to operate without anyone paying it mind, taking the part of the fool so it may grow with little to no interruption or outside threat.
  140. For a brief moment, one could see this low cunning in the demon's eye, a spark of malevolent intelligence where before there was only a blank, dull stare.
  142. But, soon enough, it recovers, and the spells continue. This was only a small imp, after all, a threat to no one, a stupid look in its face as it groans in pain, collapsed on the black wood boards. There was never any thought behind its actions nor any grand scheme at works here. How could there be? It's only a lesser demon, a small pest.
  144. All that lingers is an itch at the back of one's mind, as if one went into a room and forgot the reason why. The demon picks itself off the ground, its muscles shaking, and speaks, a high-pitched, painful wheeze.
  146. "Talguth stronger? It done?"
  147. (Talguth)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [15:19] One of the three arms of Terminus extending from the holes in the floor reached down almost to pat over Talguth's head. The physical contact immediate forged a telepathic connection betwixt the two. Though, as briefly as it held, it swiftly snapped aloose.
  152. It recoiled slowly to give the lesser demon space, with the remaining two lumbering over Veld and the nameless Seer Acolyte respectively.
  154. ''Usque Terminus.''The Seer took clasped their hands together, similar to that of holy prayer and bowed their head in reverence to the hand overhead. Then, there was silence...
  155. What exactly were they waiting for?
  157. An eye poked open for Veld from the Seer, irking for something closer to anger.
  159. ''Do you not mind yourself?'' They chastised in hushed tone, ''You thank him for this blessing, through the ushering of his name.'' The Seer spoke as though Terminus himself could possibly hear them from beneath the floorboards, his arms wading in a nigh buoyant fashion over their heads for the ceiling.
  161. They were waiting for the ritual's departing words to be spoken...
  162. (Terminus)
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. [15:19] Terminus's voice (to Talguth): It, is done.
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