Guest User


a guest
Jun 13th, 2017
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text 91.80 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.11.2
  2. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Loading properties
  3. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [WARN] resource-pack-hash is deprecated and found along side resource-pack-sha1. resource-pack-hash will be ignored.
  4. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
  5. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3fb9445-6e3cec8 (MC: 1.11.2) (Implementing API version 1.11.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  6. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Debug logging is disabled
  7. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  8. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
  9. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Generating keypair
  10. 2017-13-06 12:34:55 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
  11. 2017-13-06 12:34:56 [INFO] Using epoll channel type
  12. 2017-13-06 12:34:57 [ERROR] Ambiguous plugin name `ExtraGear' for files `plugins/ExtraGear_v1.1.1.jar' and `plugins/ExtraGear.jar' in `plugins'
  13. 2017-13-06 12:34:57 [INFO] Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
  14. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard placeholder %name% for plugin BannerBoard...
  15. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard placeholder %BannerBoard:name% for plugin BannerBoard...
  16. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard placeholder %uuid% for plugin BannerBoard...
  17. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard placeholder %BannerBoard:uuid% for plugin BannerBoard...
  18. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer COLOR for plugin BannerBoard...
  19. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:COLOR for plugin BannerBoard...
  20. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer IMAGE for plugin BannerBoard...
  21. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:IMAGE for plugin BannerBoard...
  22. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer TEXT for plugin BannerBoard...
  23. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:TEXT for plugin BannerBoard...
  24. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer SKIN for plugin BannerBoard...
  25. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:SKIN for plugin BannerBoard...
  26. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer LIVEIMG for plugin BannerBoard...
  27. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:LIVEIMG for plugin BannerBoard...
  28. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer URLIMG for plugin BannerBoard...
  29. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:URLIMG for plugin BannerBoard...
  30. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer INTERACT for plugin BannerBoard...
  31. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard:INTERACT for plugin BannerBoard...
  32. 2017-13-06 12:34:58 [INFO] [ViaVersion] Hooking into ProtocolSupport, to prevent issues!
  33. 2017-13-06 12:34:59 [INFO] [eZProtector] Your server is running version v1_11_R1
  34. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [CleanroomGenerator] Loading CleanroomGenerator v1.0.0
  35. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] Loading PlaceholderAPI v2.8.1
  36. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [PlugMan] Loading PlugMan v2.1.1
  37. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Races] Loading Races v2.3.5
  38. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [YouTubeBridge] Loading YouTubeBridge v1.5.0._1
  39. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [MCSGSigns] Loading MCSGSigns v1.0
  40. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [PandaWire] Loading PandaWire v1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
  41. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ChatTagger] Loading ChatTagger v1.0.0
  42. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [DurabilityWarner] Loading DurabilityWarner v1.0.7-SNAPSHOT
  43. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [GeneralLib] Loading GeneralLib v0.1.2
  44. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [EntityDetection] Loading EntityDetection v1.1.1 (build #17)
  45. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [BlockStore] Loading BlockStore v1.2
  46. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ChatReaction] Loading ChatReaction v1.6.2
  47. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Arconix] Loading Arconix v1.1
  48. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [DeluxeTags] Loading DeluxeTags v1.7.1
  49. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [AutoRestart] Loading AutoRestart v2.10.0
  50. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [HideStream] Loading HideStream v3.8
  51. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ChestMaster] Loading ChestMaster v3.5
  52. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [CoreProtect] Loading CoreProtect v2.14.2
  53. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Elements] Loading Elements v1.0
  54. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [VeinMiner] Loading VeinMiner v1.11.3
  55. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ClearLag] Loading ClearLag v2.9.3
  56. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Heads] Loading Heads v1.8.9
  57. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.8.6
  58. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [MessageAnnouncer] Loading MessageAnnouncer v1.8.0
  59. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [BuycraftX] Loading BuycraftX v10.2
  60. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Votifier] Loading Votifier v2.3.5
  61. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [EasyBackup] Loading EasyBackup v2.3.2
  62. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [BannerBoard] Loading BannerBoard v1.9.8
  63. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [IronElevators] Loading IronElevators v1.1
  64. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [VoidSpawn] Loading VoidSpawn v1.16.0
  65. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b722
  66. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [GuiRedeemMCMMO] Loading GuiRedeemMCMMO v1.5.4
  67. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Loading MVdWPlaceholderAPI v1.0.0
  68. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Loading FastAsyncWorldEdit v17.04.18-1564733-644-12.3.9
  69. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Vouchers] Loading Vouchers v1.6.3.2
  70. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ZotBox] Loading ZotBox v1.3.8.4
  71. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [SlimeMobs] Loading SlimeMobs v1.4
  72. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [DeluxeMenus] Loading DeluxeMenus v1.8.0
  73. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.23.5-SNAPSHOT
  74. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [WARN] [PermissionsEx] This server is in offline mode. Unless this server is configured to integrate with a supported proxy (see, UUIDs *may not be stable*!
  75. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading FeatherBoard v3.18.1
  76. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [DiamondGuarantee] Loading DiamondGuarantee v2.4
  77. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [mcMMO] Loading mcMMO v1.5.07
  78. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [CS-CoreLib] Loading CS-CoreLib v1.5.14
  79. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Multiverse-Portals] Loading Multiverse-Portals v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b746
  80. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [GAListener] Loading GAListener v1.3.2
  81. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49
  82. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Loading ProtocolSupport
  83. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Detected Spigot server implementation type
  84. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Allocator: PooledByteBufAllocator(directByDefault: true), direct: true
  85. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Compression level: 3
  86. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Assume 1.5.2 ping delay: 100
  87. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Assume legacy ping dealy: 200
  88. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Login threads max count: 2,147,483,647, keep alive time: 60
  89. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [VoteParty] Loading VoteParty v1.11.0
  90. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [McsgTab] Loading McsgTab v1.0
  91. 2017-13-06 12:35:00 [INFO] [EpicWorldGenerator] Loading EpicWorldGenerator v7.2.24
  92. 2017-13-06 12:35:01 [INFO] [ViaVersion] Loading ViaVersion v1.1.1
  93. 2017-13-06 12:35:01 [INFO] [ViaVersion] ViaVersion 1.1.1 is now loaded, injecting!
  94. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [MyCommand] Loading MyCommand v5.3.4
  95. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [EpicNetherGenerator] Loading EpicNetherGenerator v1.0.5
  96. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.7-SNAPSHOT;3662-a8d04c2
  97. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [TryMe] Loading TryMe v5.1.4
  98. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [BlockVersion] Loading BlockVersion v1.2
  99. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.0.1-b483
  100. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Jobs] Loading Jobs v3.9.3
  101. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v4.3.0-SNAPSHOT-b370
  102. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [WhatIsIt] Loading WhatIsIt v1.3.9
  103. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SexyPEX] Loading SexyPEX v1.2.1-B#366
  104. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SexyPEX] Registered the sexy backend.
  105. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [DeluxeChat] Loading DeluxeChat v1.12.1
  106. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1472)
  107. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [eZProtector] Loading eZProtector v4.1.4
  108. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Loading DiscordSRV v14.3
  109. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [KitPreview] Loading KitPreview v5.2.6 R2
  110. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [BannerBoard_Skills] Loading BannerBoard_Skills v2.0.1
  111. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [AuctionGUIPlus] Loading AuctionGUIPlus v1.2.11
  112. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
  113. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [CMI] Loading CMI v5.9.1.0
  114. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.2.1-SNAPSHOT;1695-6e56763
  115. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Slimefun v4.1.8
  116. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Barrels] Loading Barrels v1.11
  117. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b483
  118. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Loading PremiumVanish v1.9.4
  119. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SlimeXpansion] Loading SlimeXpansion v1.1.9
  120. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Smileychat] Loading Smileychat v3.3
  121. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [ExtraGear] Loading ExtraGear v1.1.1
  122. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [mcMMOAction] Loading mcMMOAction v1.2.2
  123. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [LiteBans] Loading LiteBans v2.2.3
  124. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [CrateReloaded] Loading CrateReloaded v1.3.93
  125. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [MergedMob] Loading MergedMob v10.2.2
  126. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [React] Loading React v4.9.4
  127. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] Setting Tick to 151
  128. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SlimefunLuckyBlocks] Loading SlimefunLuckyBlocks v1.1
  129. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [ExoticGarden] Loading ExoticGarden v1.6.3
  130. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SoulJars] Loading SoulJars v1.0
  131. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Loading GriefPrevention v16.7.1
  132. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [ChestShop] Loading ChestShop v3.8.13 (build #6)
  133. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SlimefunOres] Loading SlimefunOres v1.4.6
  134. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SlimeCalculator] Loading SlimeCalculator v1.0.0
  135. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SlimeScrap] Loading SlimeScrap v1.2.2
  136. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [PlayerEmotesPro] Loading PlayerEmotesPro v1.6.4
  137. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [Wild] Loading Wild v1.39
  138. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [SelectionVisualizer] Loading SelectionVisualizer v1.9.3.1
  139. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [TradeMe] Loading TradeMe v5.0.1.1
  140. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [CleanroomGenerator] Enabling CleanroomGenerator v1.0.0
  141. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [CleanroomGenerator] CleanroomGenerator v1.0.0 enabled
  142. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [PandaWire] Enabling PandaWire v1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
  143. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [GeneralLib] Enabling GeneralLib v0.1.2
  144. 2017-13-06 12:35:02 [INFO] [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Enabling FastAsyncWorldEdit v17.04.18-1564733-644-12.3.9
  145. 2017-13-06 12:35:03 [INFO] ====== USE PAPER ======
  146. 2017-13-06 12:35:03 [INFO] DOWNLOAD:
  147. 2017-13-06 12:35:03 [INFO] GUIDE:
  148. 2017-13-06 12:35:03 [INFO] - This is only a recommendation
  149. 2017-13-06 12:35:03 [INFO] ==============================
  150. 2017-13-06 12:35:03 [INFO] [mcMMO] Enabling mcMMO v1.5.07
  151. 2017-13-06 12:35:04 [INFO] [mcMMO] Killing orphans
  152. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
  153. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  154. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [Vault] [Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting
  155. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  156. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [Vault] [Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting
  157. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49
  158. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [ProtocolSupport] Enabling ProtocolSupport
  159. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] [EpicWorldGenerator] Enabling EpicWorldGenerator v7.2.24
  160. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO]
  161. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO]
  162. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] _ __
  163. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] |_ ._ o _ \ / _ ._ | _| /__ _ ._ _ ._ _. _|_ _ ._
  164. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] |_ |_) | (_ \/\/ (_) | | (_| \_| (/_ | | (/_ | (_| |_ (_) |
  165. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] |
  166. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO]
  167. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] Version 7.2.24 | Licensed to 80704
  168. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO]
  169. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] Documentation can be found at
  170. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO]
  171. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO]
  172. 2017-13-06 12:35:05 [INFO] > Loading structures (.EWG schematics)
  173. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_reed_2
  174. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_grass_1
  175. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - DECO_rock_18
  176. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_normal_4
  177. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_savannahhut
  178. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_normal_2
  179. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - DECO_rock_23
  180. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_savannahhut3
  181. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - TREES_scotsPine_normal_6
  182. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_brown_1_m
  183. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_fantasy_island
  184. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_marais_1
  185. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - TREES_tropicalForest_small_1
  186. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - TREES_pine_normal_2
  187. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_arch_tree_1
  188. 2017-13-06 12:35:06 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_3
  189. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_big_2
  190. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - DECO_forest_house
  191. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_big
  192. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandtower1
  193. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_cattail_1
  194. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_4
  195. 2017-13-06 12:35:07 [INFO] - CUSTOM_marais_arch
  196. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_6
  197. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_wheat_1
  198. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_spike_2
  199. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_spike_4
  200. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_fantasy_small
  201. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_yellow_1_m
  202. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_pris_tree_1
  203. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_willow_normal
  204. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ble_epouv
  205. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_pris_2
  206. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_7_bis
  207. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_cattail_2
  208. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_huge
  209. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_stoneForest_normal_3
  210. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_small_3
  211. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_giga_2_m
  212. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_lavafortress
  213. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_2
  214. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_big
  215. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_small_1
  216. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_willow_tiny_3
  217. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - DECO_rock_20
  218. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_pine_medium
  219. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_tourn_tree_1
  220. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_coral_3
  221. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_violet_1_m
  222. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_tropicalForest_medium_3
  223. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_pris_tree_3
  224. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_fantasy_normal_2
  225. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_scotsPine_normal_10
  226. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_pris_tree_2
  227. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_white_1_m
  228. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_forgottenForest_medium_5
  229. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_medium
  230. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_dead_normal_2
  231. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_bone_4
  232. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandpillar5
  233. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_scotsPine_normal_11
  234. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandpillar1
  235. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_normal_2
  236. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_dead_big
  237. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_spike_3
  238. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - DECO_rock_19
  239. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_normal
  240. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_small_2
  241. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_medium
  242. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_dead_medium
  243. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_acacia3
  244. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_cyan_1_m
  245. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_willow_small
  246. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_small_3
  247. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - DECO_jungle_tower
  248. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_willow_tiny
  249. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_willow_big
  250. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_8
  251. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_small_3
  252. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_forgottenForest_normal_2
  253. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_normal_3
  254. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_bone_1
  255. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - DECO_rock_21
  256. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_brown_2_m
  257. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_2
  258. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_3
  259. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_fantasy_normal
  260. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - DECO_rock_22
  261. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_nether_normal
  262. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_arch_tree_2
  263. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_huge
  264. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_pris_coral_1
  265. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_willow_tiny_2
  266. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_1
  267. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_big_3
  268. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_4
  269. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_1
  270. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_fantasy_small_3
  271. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_purple_1_m
  272. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_scotsPine_normal_8
  273. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_pine_small_3
  274. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_bone_3
  275. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_birch_normal
  276. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_small
  277. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_coral_2
  278. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_big
  279. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_forgottenForest_normal_3
  280. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_pris_coral_2
  281. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - TREES_scotsPine_normal_9
  282. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_arch_tree_3
  283. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_spike_1
  284. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_wheat_2
  285. 2017-13-06 12:35:08 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_7
  286. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_10
  287. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_tourn_tree_3
  288. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_small
  289. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_cyan_2_m
  290. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_col_2_m
  291. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mare_hut
  292. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_lavaalter
  293. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_desert_tower
  294. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_dragonskull1
  295. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandpillar3
  296. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_huge
  297. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_small
  298. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_tiny
  299. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_8
  300. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_17
  301. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_acacia2
  302. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_acacia1
  303. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_normal
  304. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_forgottenForest_medium_4
  305. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_11
  306. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_willow_big_2
  307. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_lavaspike1
  308. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_medium_2
  309. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_1
  310. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_02
  311. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_grass_2
  312. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_giga_m
  313. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_big
  314. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_normal
  315. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_willow_medium
  316. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_tiny
  317. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandpillar4
  318. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_small_2
  319. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_rock_2
  320. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_arch_island
  321. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_birch_normal_2
  322. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_small
  323. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_dead_normal
  324. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_2
  325. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_5
  326. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_7
  327. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandshrine
  328. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_bleu_1_m
  329. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_03
  330. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_scotsPine_normal_12
  331. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_pris_1
  332. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_birch_normal_4
  333. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_4
  334. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_lavaspike2
  335. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_champi_col_1_m
  336. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_9
  337. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_9
  338. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_stoneForest_normal
  339. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_stoneForest_normal_2
  340. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ble_moulin
  341. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_marais_arch2
  342. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_lavaspikesmall
  343. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_bone_2
  344. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_pine_tiny_2
  345. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_coral_1
  346. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_portallava
  347. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_3
  348. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_10
  349. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_tourn_tree_2
  350. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_tropicalForest_medium_1
  351. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_tropicalForest_medium_2
  352. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ele_bone_5
  353. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_mushroom_6
  354. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_small
  355. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_01
  356. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_tree_5
  357. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_ocean_reed_1
  358. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_sandpillar2
  359. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_corrupted_hero
  360. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_fantasy_small_2
  361. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_04
  362. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_jungle_small_2
  363. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_willow_medium_2
  364. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_bonsai_medium
  365. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_forgottenForest_medium
  366. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_spike_zavi_small_2
  367. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_willow_huge
  368. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - CUSTOM_bones_house
  369. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_birch_normal_3
  370. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_tropicalForest_medium_4
  371. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_dead_huge
  372. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_24
  373. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - TREES_dead_medium_2
  374. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_rock_25
  375. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] - DECO_portals_204
  376. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO]
  377. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] > Loading configuration
  378. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] EpicWorldGenerator added custom placeholder {ewgbiome}
  379. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] [EpicWorldGenerator] Hooked into MVdWPlaceholderAPI!
  380. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO]
  381. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Done
  382. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] [EpicNetherGenerator] Enabling EpicNetherGenerator v1.0.5
  383. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v4.3.0-SNAPSHOT-b370
  384. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
  385. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [WARN] **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!
  386. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [WARN] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  387. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [WARN] Whilst this makes it possible to use BungeeCord, unless access to your server is properly restricted, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  388. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [WARN] Please see for further information.
  389. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [WARN] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  390. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
  391. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Preparing level "SurvivalWorld"
  392. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] -------- World Settings For [SurvivalWorld] --------
  393. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Cactus Growth Modifier: 800%
  394. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Cane Growth Modifier: 800%
  395. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Melon Growth Modifier: 800%
  396. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Mushroom Growth Modifier: 800%
  397. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 800%
  398. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Sapling Growth Modifier: 800%
  399. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Wheat Growth Modifier: 800%
  400. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] NetherWart Growth Modifier: 800%
  401. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  402. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  403. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  404. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  405. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 3
  406. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Random Lighting Updates: true
  407. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Structure Info Saving: true
  408. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  409. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Max TNT Explosions: 100
  410. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Tile Max Tick Time: 1000ms Entity max Tick Time: 1000ms
  411. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] View Distance: 7
  412. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Mob Spawn Range: 3
  413. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  414. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  415. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Item Despawn Rate: 1200
  416. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  417. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  418. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  419. 2017-13-06 12:35:09 [INFO] Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  420. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: bones
  421. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: MUTATED_MESA_ROCK_2
  422. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: VolcanicHighLands
  423. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: Badlands
  424. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: mare
  425. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: Tropical Island
  426. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: alps
  427. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: FANTASY
  428. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: Archipel
  429. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: MUSHROOM_ISLAND
  430. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: FROZEN_OCEAN
  431. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: FROZEN_RIVER
  432. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: LavaSpikes
  433. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: AntelopeCanyon
  434. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: MUTATED_ICE_FLATS
  435. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: savannah
  436. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: TAIGA
  437. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: Sakura_Smooth
  438. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: LavaFields
  439. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: ice
  440. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: TAIGA_COLD
  441. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: PLAINS_3
  442. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: REDWOOD_TAIGA
  443. 2017-13-06 12:35:10 [INFO] Loading custom biome: Arch
  444. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Loading custom biome: CORRUPTED
  445. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Loading custom biome: mushroom-ok
  446. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Loading custom biome: OCEAN
  447. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: Scots pine forest
  448. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: bones
  449. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: mare
  450. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: Tropical Island
  451. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: FANTASY
  452. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: Archipel
  453. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: MUSHROOM_ISLAND
  454. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: FROZEN_OCEAN
  455. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: FROZEN_RIVER
  456. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: Arch
  457. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: CORRUPTED
  458. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] CUSTOM TERRAIN: mushroom-ok
  459. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] ~~~~~~~~~~~~[ EWG Settings for SurvivalWorld ]~~~~~~~~~~~~
  460. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO]
  461. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Biomes that will generated;
  462. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Mesa
  463. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Tropical Forest
  464. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Deciduous Forest
  465. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * River
  466. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Deep Ocean
  467. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Birch Forest
  468. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Fantasy Forest
  469. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Bonsai Forest
  470. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Pine Forest 2
  471. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Pine Forest
  472. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Plains
  473. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Bonsai Forest
  474. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Jungle
  475. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Desert
  476. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Ocean
  477. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Forgotten Forest
  478. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Stone Forest
  479. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Scots pine forest
  480. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * bones
  481. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * MUTATED_MESA_ROCK_2
  482. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * VolcanicHighLands
  483. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Badlands
  484. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * mare
  485. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Tropical Island
  486. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * alps
  487. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * FANTASY
  488. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Archipel
  489. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * MUSHROOM_ISLAND
  490. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * FROZEN_OCEAN
  491. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * FROZEN_RIVER
  492. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * LavaSpikes
  493. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * AntelopeCanyon
  494. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * MUTATED_ICE_FLATS
  495. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * savannah
  496. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * TAIGA
  497. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Sakura_Smooth
  498. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * LavaFields
  499. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * ice
  500. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * TAIGA_COLD
  501. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * PLAINS_3
  502. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * REDWOOD_TAIGA
  503. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Arch
  504. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * CORRUPTED
  505. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * mushroom-ok
  506. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * OCEAN
  507. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO]
  508. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Generator version: 7.2.19
  509. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO]
  510. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Biomes in total: 45
  511. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Preparing world injection
  512. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] -------- World Settings For [SurvivalWorld_nether] --------
  513. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Cactus Growth Modifier: 800%
  514. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Cane Growth Modifier: 800%
  515. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Melon Growth Modifier: 800%
  516. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Mushroom Growth Modifier: 800%
  517. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 800%
  518. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Sapling Growth Modifier: 800%
  519. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Wheat Growth Modifier: 800%
  520. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] NetherWart Growth Modifier: 800%
  521. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  522. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  523. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  524. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  525. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 3
  526. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Random Lighting Updates: true
  527. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Structure Info Saving: true
  528. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  529. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Max TNT Explosions: 100
  530. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Tile Max Tick Time: 1000ms Entity max Tick Time: 1000ms
  531. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] View Distance: 7
  532. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Mob Spawn Range: 3
  533. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  534. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  535. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Item Despawn Rate: 1200
  536. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  537. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  538. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  539. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  540. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] ~~~~~~~~~~~~[ EWG Settings for SurvivalWorld_nether ]~~~~~~~~~~~~
  541. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO]
  542. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Biomes that will generated;
  543. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Nether forest
  544. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Nether mountain
  545. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Nether roads
  546. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] * Nether ocean
  547. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO]
  548. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Generator version: 7.2.24
  549. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO]
  550. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Biomes in total: 4
  551. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Preparing world injection
  552. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] -------- World Settings For [SurvivalWorld_the_end] --------
  553. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Cactus Growth Modifier: 800%
  554. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Cane Growth Modifier: 800%
  555. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Melon Growth Modifier: 800%
  556. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Mushroom Growth Modifier: 800%
  557. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 800%
  558. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Sapling Growth Modifier: 800%
  559. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Wheat Growth Modifier: 800%
  560. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] NetherWart Growth Modifier: 800%
  561. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  562. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  563. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  564. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  565. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 3
  566. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Random Lighting Updates: true
  567. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Structure Info Saving: true
  568. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  569. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Max TNT Explosions: 100
  570. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Tile Max Tick Time: 1000ms Entity max Tick Time: 1000ms
  571. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] View Distance: 7
  572. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Mob Spawn Range: 3
  573. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  574. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  575. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Item Despawn Rate: 1200
  576. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  577. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  578. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  579. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  580. 2017-13-06 12:35:11 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -6016534661341484721)
  581. 2017-13-06 12:35:12 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 33%
  582. 2017-13-06 12:35:13 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 78%
  583. 2017-13-06 12:35:14 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 96%
  584. 2017-13-06 12:35:14 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -6016534661341484721)
  585. 2017-13-06 12:35:15 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 4%
  586. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 76%
  587. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 6221954952722800233)
  588. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.8.1
  589. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing...
  590. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] NMS based placeholders such as %player_ping% have been enabled for your server version!
  591. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: player
  592. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: deluxetags
  593. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion list from
  594. 2017-13-06 12:35:16 [INFO] [PlugMan] Enabling PlugMan v2.1.1
  595. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [PlugMan] Skipping Metrics.
  596. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Races] Enabling Races v2.3.5
  597. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] Enabling Races...
  598. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [WARN] [Races] Could not save races.yml to plugins/Races/races.yml because races.yml already exists.
  599. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] Enabled Races!
  600. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [YouTubeBridge] Enabling YouTubeBridge v1.5.0._1
  601. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] Thank you for purchasing Youtube Bridge from TechXcrafter
  602. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] Version: 1.5.0._1
  603. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] Loading file... Versions.cfg
  604. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Task Manager] Loading...
  605. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [GUI Manager] Loading...
  606. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Command Base] Loading...
  607. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Youtube] Loading...
  608. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Version Manager] Loading...
  609. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Version Manager] Your Spigot Version: v1_11_R1
  610. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Database Manager] Loading...
  611. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Database Manager] Using MySQL as Database
  612. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Manual Adder] Loading...
  613. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Wizard] Loading...
  614. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Control Panel] Loading...
  615. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Preloader] Loading...
  616. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Stream Listener] Loading...
  617. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [MCSGSigns] Enabling MCSGSigns v1.0
  618. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [ChatTagger] Enabling ChatTagger v1.0.0
  619. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [DurabilityWarner] Enabling DurabilityWarner v1.0.7-SNAPSHOT
  620. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [EntityDetection] Enabling EntityDetection v1.1.1 (build #17)
  621. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [BlockStore] Enabling BlockStore v1.2
  622. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [BlockStore] Attempting to hook WorldEdit...
  623. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [BlockStore] Hooked WorldEdit.
  624. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [ChatReaction] Enabling ChatReaction v1.6.2
  625. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [ChatReaction] You are using Spigot! Tooltips in reaction start messages are enabled!
  626. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [ChatReaction] 2084 words loaded!
  627. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [ChatReaction] Creating MySQL connection ...
  628. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] ---------------------------
  629. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] ChatReaction Updater
  630. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO]
  631. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] You are running 1.6.2
  632. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] The latest version
  633. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] of ChatReaction!
  634. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO]
  635. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] ---------------------------
  636. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [Arconix] Enabling Arconix v1.1
  637. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [DeluxeTags] Enabling DeluxeTags v1.7.1
  638. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [DeluxeTags] 178 tags loaded
  639. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [DeluxeTags] Loading DeluxeTags messages.yml
  640. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [DeluxeTags] DeluxeChat will handle fetching placeholders for tags!
  641. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [AutoRestart] Enabling AutoRestart v2.10.0
  642. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [WARN] [AutoRestart] Could not save config.yml to plugins/AutoRestart/config.yml because config.yml already exists.
  643. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [AutoRestart] Checking for update!
  644. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [AutoRestart] Enabled!
  645. 2017-13-06 12:35:17 [INFO] [HideStream] Enabling HideStream v3.8
  646. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [HideStream] Version 3.8 enabled.
  647. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ChestMaster] Enabling ChestMaster v3.5
  648. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] ChestMaster - Config file detected, reading config now!
  649. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] ChestMaster - Config loaded!
  650. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] ChestMaster - Starting ChestMaster
  651. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] ChestMaster - Using MySQL!
  652. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] ChestMaster - No SQL dataformat issues found! :D
  653. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [WARN] ChestMaster - Updater is disabled :(
  654. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [WARN] ChestMaster - Metrics are disabled :(
  655. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [WARN] ChestMaster - AdvancedMetrics are disabled :(
  656. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [CoreProtect] Enabling CoreProtect v2.14.2
  657. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [CoreProtect] CoreProtect has been successfully enabled!
  658. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [CoreProtect] Using MySQL for data storage.
  659. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Elements] Enabling Elements v1.0
  660. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [VeinMiner] Enabling VeinMiner v1.11.3
  661. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [VeinMiner] Registering events
  662. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [VeinMiner] Registering commands
  663. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [VeinMiner] Loading configuration options to local memory
  664. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [VeinMiner] Unknown world found... "WorldName". Ignoring...
  665. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ClearLag] Enabling ClearLag v2.9.3
  666. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ClearLag] Loading modules...
  667. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ClearLag] Modules enabed, loading config values
  668. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ClearLag] Modules have been loaded!
  669. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ClearLag] Clearlag is now enabled!
  670. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [ClearLag] Checking for updates compatible with your bukkit version [1.11]...
  671. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Enabling Heads v1.8.9
  672. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loading Head Cache...
  673. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loaded 19 Head Categories with 2489 Total Heads (267 ms)
  674. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Checking for Head Addons...
  675. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] No new addons found (0 ms)
  676. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loading Menu Defaults...
  677. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loaded 19 Menu Defaults (8 ms)
  678. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loading Menus...
  679. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loaded 19 Menus (13 ms)
  680. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loading Lang File...
  681. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loaded Lang File with 88 messages (8 ms)
  682. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loading Main Config...
  683. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Loaded Main Config (6 ms)
  684. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Hooked Vault Economy
  685. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Registering Commands...
  686. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Registered Commands (11 ms)
  687. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Attemping to hook BlockStore
  688. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Hooked BlockStore (1 ms)
  689. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [Heads] Heads Plugin Enabled (335 ms)
  690. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [WorldBorder] Enabling WorldBorder v1.8.6
  691. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using rectangular/square border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.
  692. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
  693. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "SurvivalWorld" has border radius 50000 at X: -2725.7 Z: 1007.2
  694. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [WorldBorder] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: 9.0 Y: 71.0 Z: 8.0
  695. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [MessageAnnouncer] Enabling MessageAnnouncer v1.8.0
  696. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [MessageAnnouncer] PlaceholderAPI integration was successful!
  697. 2017-13-06 12:35:18 [INFO] [BuycraftX] Enabling BuycraftX v10.2
  698. 2017-13-06 12:35:19 [INFO] [BuycraftX] Validating your server key...
  699. 2017-13-06 12:35:19 [INFO] [ClearLag] No updates found!
  700. 2017-13-06 12:35:19 [INFO] [BuycraftX] Fetching all server packages...
  701. 2017-13-06 12:35:19 [INFO] [AutoRestart] Please go to "" to get the latest update! New version v2.10.2
  702. 2017-13-06 12:35:19 [INFO] [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v2.3.5
  703. 2017-13-06 12:35:19 [INFO] [Votifier] Loaded token for website: default
  704. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [Votifier] Method none selected for vote forwarding: Votes will not be received from a forwarder.
  705. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [EasyBackup] Enabling EasyBackup v2.3.2
  706. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [Votifier] Votifier enabled on socket /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8196.
  707. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [EasyBackup] Loading EasyBackup schedule.
  708. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [EasyBackup] Schedule applied: 2:00 AM - data: 120
  709. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [BannerBoard] Enabling BannerBoard v1.9.8
  710. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [IronElevators] Enabling IronElevators v1.1
  711. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [VoidSpawn] Enabling VoidSpawn v1.16.0
  712. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [VoidSpawn] No SkyBlock plugins found, disabling island mode support.
  713. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [VoidSpawn] v1.16.0 by EnderCrest enabled
  714. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b722
  715. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] -------- World Settings For [shop] --------
  716. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Cactus Growth Modifier: 800%
  717. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Cane Growth Modifier: 800%
  718. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Melon Growth Modifier: 800%
  719. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Mushroom Growth Modifier: 800%
  720. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 800%
  721. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Sapling Growth Modifier: 800%
  722. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Wheat Growth Modifier: 800%
  723. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] NetherWart Growth Modifier: 800%
  724. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  725. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  726. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  727. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  728. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 3
  729. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Random Lighting Updates: true
  730. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Structure Info Saving: true
  731. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  732. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Max TNT Explosions: 100
  733. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Tile Max Tick Time: 1000ms Entity max Tick Time: 1000ms
  734. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] View Distance: 4
  735. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Mob Spawn Range: 3
  736. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  737. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  738. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Item Despawn Rate: 1200
  739. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  740. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  741. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  742. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  743. 2017-13-06 12:35:20 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: -8454243554225983927)
  744. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] -------- World Settings For [SurvivalWorld_PvP] --------
  745. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Cactus Growth Modifier: 800%
  746. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Cane Growth Modifier: 800%
  747. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Melon Growth Modifier: 800%
  748. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Mushroom Growth Modifier: 800%
  749. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 800%
  750. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Sapling Growth Modifier: 800%
  751. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Wheat Growth Modifier: 800%
  752. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] NetherWart Growth Modifier: 800%
  753. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  754. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  755. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  756. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  757. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 3
  758. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Random Lighting Updates: true
  759. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Structure Info Saving: true
  760. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  761. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Max TNT Explosions: 100
  762. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Tile Max Tick Time: 1000ms Entity max Tick Time: 1000ms
  763. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] View Distance: 4
  764. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Mob Spawn Range: 3
  765. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  766. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  767. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Item Despawn Rate: 1200
  768. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  769. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  770. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  771. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  772. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 4 (Seed: 8087230697824647308)
  773. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] -------- World Settings For [SurvivalCleanroom] --------
  774. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Cactus Growth Modifier: 800%
  775. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Cane Growth Modifier: 800%
  776. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Melon Growth Modifier: 800%
  777. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Mushroom Growth Modifier: 800%
  778. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 800%
  779. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Sapling Growth Modifier: 800%
  780. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Wheat Growth Modifier: 800%
  781. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] NetherWart Growth Modifier: 800%
  782. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  783. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  784. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  785. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  786. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 3
  787. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Random Lighting Updates: true
  788. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Structure Info Saving: true
  789. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  790. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Max TNT Explosions: 100
  791. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Tile Max Tick Time: 1000ms Entity max Tick Time: 1000ms
  792. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] View Distance: 7
  793. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Mob Spawn Range: 3
  794. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  795. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  796. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Item Despawn Rate: 1200
  797. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  798. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  799. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  800. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  801. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 5 (Seed: -6557228078393650979)
  802. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] 6 - World(s) loaded.
  803. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Version 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b722 (API v20) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
  804. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] [GuiRedeemMCMMO] Enabling GuiRedeemMCMMO v1.5.4
  805. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] GuiRedeemMCMMO Has Been Enabled!
  806. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Enabling MVdWPlaceholderAPI v1.0.0
  807. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Initializing ...
  808. 2017-13-06 12:35:21 [INFO] [Vouchers] Enabling Vouchers v1.6.3.2
  809. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [ZotBox] Enabling ZotBox v1.3.8.4
  810. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] ZotBox -> Metrics has been successfully connected. (Took 2ms)
  811. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] ZotBox -> MCUpdate has been successfully connected. (Took 13ms)
  812. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] ZotBox -> v1_11_R1 detected successfully set up packets. (Took 3ms)
  813. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] ZotBox -> Successfully setup and started all task related things! (Took 0ms)
  814. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] ZotBox -> Successfully loaded and enabled ZotBox! (Took 65ms)
  815. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [SlimeMobs] Enabling SlimeMobs v1.4
  816. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [SlimeMobs] SlimeMobs v1.4 has been enabled!
  817. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [DeluxeMenus] Enabling DeluxeMenus v1.8.0
  818. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [DeluxeMenus] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI!
  819. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [DeluxeMenus] 14 GUI menus loaded!
  820. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [DeluxeMenus] You are running the latest version of DeluxeMenus!
  821. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [DeluxeMenus] NMS hook has been setup
  822. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.23.5-SNAPSHOT
  823. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] Initializing sexy backend
  824. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] Permissions file successfully reloaded
  825. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] Successfully connected to SQL database
  826. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked.
  827. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked.
  828. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Enabling FeatherBoard v3.18.1
  829. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  830. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Plugin: FeatherBoard v3.18.1
  831. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Framework version: 2017-04
  832. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Author: Maximvdw (Maxim Van de Wynckel)
  833. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Site:
  834. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  835. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading configuration ...
  836. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading messages ...
  837. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading language file: lang_en
  838. 2017-13-06 12:35:22 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading placeholders ...
  839. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Using FeatherBoard to get placeholders!
  840. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loaded 2805 of the 5552 placholders
  841. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading Event hooks ...
  842. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: mcMMO Level down event ...
  843. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: mcMMO Level up event ...
  844. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: ChatReaction start event ...
  845. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Death hook ...
  846. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Block break hook ...
  847. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Block place hook ...
  848. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Create portal hook ...
  849. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: mcMMO Party Level up ...
  850. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla player join ...
  851. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla player rejoin ...
  852. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla player first join ...
  853. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Combat hook ...
  854. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Creating new custom effect: warning
  855. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Lines: 2
  856. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Arguments: 1
  857. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'default' ...
  858. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'combat-scoreboard-example' ...
  859. 2017-13-06 12:35:25 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'mcmmo-levelup' ...
  860. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Toggle persistence is disabled!
  861. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Adding command 'featherboard'
  862. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [DiamondGuarantee] Enabling DiamondGuarantee v2.4
  863. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] DiamondGuarantee: DiamondGuarantee enabled.
  864. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [CS-CoreLib] Enabling CS-CoreLib v1.5.14
  865. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [Multiverse-Portals] Enabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b746
  866. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [Multiverse-Portals] - Version 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b746 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
  867. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [MVPLogging] 1 - Portals(s) loaded
  868. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [Multiverse-Portals] Found WorldEdit. Using it for selections.
  869. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [GAListener] Enabling GAListener v1.3.2
  870. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [GAListener] GAListener v1.3.2 Enabled
  871. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [VoteParty] Enabling VoteParty v1.11.0
  872. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [McsgTab] Enabling McsgTab v1.0
  873. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [ViaVersion] Enabling ViaVersion v1.1.1
  874. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [MyCommand] Enabling MyCommand v5.3.4
  875. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* MyCommand *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
  876. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | Vault : Ok. Hooked on Vault 1.5.6-b49
  877. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | Command file(s) found : 1
  878. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | Config : Ready.
  879. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | PlaceholderAPI: Hooked, Ok.
  880. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | Custom commands loaded : 10
  881. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | Version: 5.3.4
  882. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | Author : emmerrei a.k.a Ivanpro
  883. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] | You are running the latest version of MyCommand.
  884. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Done! *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*
  885. 2017-13-06 12:35:26 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.7-SNAPSHOT;3662-a8d04c2
  886. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
  887. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_11_R1 as the Bukkit adapter
  888. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [TryMe] Enabling TryMe v5.1.4
  889. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [TryMe] Version 5.1.4 has been enabled
  890. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [TryMe] Vault was found - Enabling economy capabilities.
  891. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [TryMe] Connected to mysql
  892. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [TryMe] mcMMO was found - Enabling capabilities.
  893. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [BlockVersion] Enabling BlockVersion v1.2
  894. 2017-13-06 12:35:27 [INFO] [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.0.1-b483
  895. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
  896. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Essentials] Using Reflection based provider as spawn egg provider.
  897. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Essentials] Using 1.9+ BasePotionData provider as potion meta provider.
  898. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] Using locale en_US
  899. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  900. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  901. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (PermissionsEx)
  902. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Jobs] Enabling Jobs v3.9.3
  903. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 8 titles!
  904. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 0 restricted areas!
  905. 2017-13-06 12:35:28 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 49 protected blocks timers!
  906. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 641 custom item names!
  907. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 41 custom entity names!
  908. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 27 custom enchant names!
  909. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 16 custom color names!
  910. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] 4 shop items loaded!
  911. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 12 jobs!
  912. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Explorer job manager registered!
  913. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Started database save task.
  914. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Started buffered payment thread.
  915. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded 2 schedulers!
  916. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] mcMMO was found - Enabling capabilities.
  917. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] loaded 426 block protection entries. 1
  918. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loading explorer data
  919. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Loaded explorer data
  920. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [Jobs] Plugin has been enabled succesfully.
  921. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [WhatIsIt] Enabling WhatIsIt v1.3.9
  922. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [WhatIsIt] has been enabled.
  923. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [SexyPEX] Enabling SexyPEX v1.2.1-B#366
  924. 2017-13-06 12:35:29 [INFO] [DeluxeChat] Enabling DeluxeChat v1.12.1
  925. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [DeluxeChat] 20 formats loaded!
  926. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [DeluxeChat] Loading DeluxeChat messages.yml
  927. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1472)
  928. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Enabling eZProtector v4.1.4
  929. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Reloading config...
  930. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "LiteLoader" activated.
  931. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "BetterPvP" activated.
  932. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "Schematica" activated.
  933. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "Rei's Minimap" activated.
  934. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "Damage Indicators" activated.
  935. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "VoxelMap" activated.
  936. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "5zig" activated.
  937. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "World Downloader" activated.
  938. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Blockage for the mod "Better PvP" activated.
  939. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] You don't have any mods blocked.
  940. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] Your server version is compatible with eZProtector.
  941. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [eZProtector] The plugin has enabled successfully. Version: 4.1.4
  942. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Enabling DiscordSRV v14.3
  943. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [KitPreview] Enabling KitPreview v5.2.6 R2
  944. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [KitPreview] Loading language file
  945. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [KitPreview] Loading data file
  946. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] §8[§9KitPreview§8] MCUpdate enabled and loaded
  947. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [BannerBoard_Skills] Enabling BannerBoard_Skills v2.0.1
  948. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer MCMMO for plugin BannerBoard_Skills...
  949. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard_Skills:MCMMO for plugin BannerBoard_Skills...
  950. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer JOBSREBORN for plugin BannerBoard_Skills...
  951. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [BannerBoard] [INFO] Successfully registered BannerBoard custom renderer BannerBoard_Skills:JOBSREBORN for plugin BannerBoard_Skills...
  952. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [AuctionGUIPlus] Enabling AuctionGUIPlus v1.2.11
  953. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [AuctionGUIPlus] Vault economy support enabled.
  954. 2017-13-06 12:35:30 [INFO] [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
  955. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, using new version.
  956. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [HolographicDisplays] Enabled player relative placeholders with ProtocolLib.
  957. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Enabling CMI v5.9.1.0
  958. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] PEX permission plugin will be used
  959. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Loading user data files.
  960. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Registering events.
  961. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Loaded (1) custom text's!
  962. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Vault was found - Enabling capabilities.
  963. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Vault permissions was found - Enabling capabilities.
  964. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] PlaceholderAPI hooked.
  965. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] PlaceholderAPI was found - Enabling capabilities.
  966. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Essentials was found - Enabling capabilities.
  967. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Starting world timer.
  968. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Initializing world manager.
  969. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [CMI] Version has been enabled
  970. 2017-13-06 12:35:31 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v6.2.1-SNAPSHOT;1695-6e56763
  971. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  972. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  973. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld) Lava fire is blocked.
  974. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld) All fire spread is disabled.
  975. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'SurvivalWorld'
  976. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  977. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  978. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
  979. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_nether) All fire spread is disabled.
  980. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'SurvivalWorld_nether'
  981. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  982. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  983. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
  984. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_the_end) All fire spread is disabled.
  985. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'SurvivalWorld_the_end'
  986. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (shop) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  987. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (shop) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  988. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (shop) Lava fire is blocked.
  989. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (shop) All fire spread is disabled.
  990. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'shop'
  991. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_PvP) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  992. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_PvP) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  993. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_PvP) Lava fire is blocked.
  994. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalWorld_PvP) All fire spread is disabled.
  995. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'SurvivalWorld_PvP'
  996. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] DiscordSRV is up-to-date. (9095e2798cb99e5b093aaab1f9d63655fc1da103)
  997. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalCleanroom) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  998. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalCleanroom) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  999. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalCleanroom) Lava fire is blocked.
  1000. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (SurvivalCleanroom) All fire spread is disabled.
  1001. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'SurvivalCleanroom'
  1002. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
  1003. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Language initialized as English
  1004. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Thank you so much to these people for allowing DiscordSRV to grow to what it is: Ac3dUd3, Androkai, anton8604, buildblox, Bysokar, CoreyD97, DeeKay, Diamondman121314/DMAN, FataL, Foxy, geekhideout, Helmic, KaizenWorlds, LDSG Ghost, Mick, Mitecraft, Rui, Ryan (The Loyal One), Sicnus
  1005. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [Slimefun] Enabling Slimefun v4.1.8
  1006. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Files...
  1007. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Config...
  1008. 2017-13-06 12:35:32 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Items...
  1009. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Login Successful!
  1010. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Researches...
  1011. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading World Generators...
  1012. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Slimefun - GEO] Registering Ore Gen: Oil
  1013. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Slimefun - GEO] Registering Ore Gen: Nether Ice
  1014. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Slimefun] Successfully hooked into WorldEdit!
  1015. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Slimefun] Finished!
  1016. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Barrels] Enabling Barrels v1.11
  1017. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [Barrels] Barrels v1.11 has been enabled!
  1018. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b483
  1019. 2017-13-06 12:35:33 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Enabling PremiumVanish v1.9.4
  1020. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI
  1021. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] PremiumVanish added custom placeholder {premiumvanish_isvanished}
  1022. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Refreshing cached placeholders [premiumvanish_isvanished] ...
  1023. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] PremiumVanish added custom placeholder {premiumvanish_vanishedplayers}
  1024. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Refreshing cached placeholders [premiumvanish_vanishedplayers] ...
  1025. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] PremiumVanish added custom placeholder {premiumvanish_playercount}
  1026. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Refreshing cached placeholders [premiumvanish_playercount] ...
  1027. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] PremiumVanish added custom placeholder {premiumvanish_bungeeplayercount}
  1028. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [FeatherBoard] Refreshing cached placeholders [premiumvanish_bungeeplayercount] ...
  1029. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Hooked into MVdWPlaceholderAPI
  1030. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Hooked into FeatherBoard
  1031. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Hooked into Essentials
  1032. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [PremiumVanish] Hooked into Citizens
  1033. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [SlimeXpansion] Enabling SlimeXpansion v1.1.9
  1034. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Connected to WebSocket
  1035. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [Slimefun - GEO] Registering Ore Gen: Thorium
  1036. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [SlimeXpansion] SlimeXpansion has been enabled!
  1037. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [Smileychat] Enabling Smileychat v3.3
  1038. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [SmileyChat] version 3.3 Has been Enabled!
  1039. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [SmileyChat] Using: Normal Minecraft Chat.
  1040. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [ExtraGear] Enabling ExtraGear v1.1.1
  1041. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [mcMMOAction] Enabling mcMMOAction v1.2.2
  1042. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Finished Loading!
  1043. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Found server G:Minecraft Simple Gaming(162171939463495680)
  1044. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:announcements(173812473734889473)
  1045. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:network-checklist(254880187211055105)
  1046. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:changelogs(247246049872314371)
  1047. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:rules(198338521570869248)
  1048. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:staff-chat(162173751444635648)
  1049. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:helper-chat(252987814977732610)
  1050. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:staff-punisments(206792475325497344)
  1051. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:network-support(313880781519060992)
  1052. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:feature-request(306960923267039235)
  1053. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:bug-reports(302316121816825857)
  1054. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:general-chat(162171939463495680)
  1055. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:mee6(262077688687230976)
  1056. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:creative-bot(274660862889820160)
  1057. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:factions-bot(287563440099295233)
  1058. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:hub-bot(248153515883626498)
  1059. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:prison-bot(248144247818027008)
  1060. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:skyblock-bot(248159487721078786)
  1061. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:staff-bot(248170569709780992)
  1062. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:survival-bot(248161724169977856)
  1063. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:vanilla-bot(248165240439570432)
  1064. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:slimefun-help(248632918925246474)
  1065. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:media(250852452511907840)
  1066. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:other-games(172945597341368320)
  1067. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:stream-youtube(320153380402102272)
  1068. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:off-topic(206794467569696768)
  1069. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] - TC:bot-spam(198593636055646208)
  1070. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Console channel ID was invalid, not forwarding console output
  1071. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] No chat plugin hooks enabled
  1072. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Colors: {3498DB=&3, 71368A=&5, 95A5A6=&7, AD1457=&d, 11806A=&2, 206694=&1, 1ABC9C=&a, 992D22=&4, E67E22=&6, A84300=&6, E74C3C=&c, 2ECC71=&a, 979C9F=&7, 607D8B=&8, 99AAB5=&f, F1C40F=&e, 1F8B4C=&2, E91E63=&d, 9B59B6=&5, C27C0E=&6, 546E7A=&8}
  1073. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] Enabling LiteBans v2.2.3
  1074. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] Loading SQL driver: mysql (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
  1075. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] Connecting to database...
  1076. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] Connected to [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mclobby?useSSL=false] (10.2 ms).
  1077. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] [Sync] Server name: survival
  1078. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] [Sync] Server UUID: faa5d54efd494d81a649eac4b5eb05ce
  1079. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] Database connection fully initialized (29.8 ms).
  1080. 2017-13-06 12:35:34 [INFO] [LiteBans] v2.2.3 enabled. Startup took 398 ms.
  1081. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [CrateReloaded] Enabling CrateReloaded v1.3.93
  1082. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [CrateReloaded] v1_11_R1
  1083. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] Enabling MergedMob v10.2.2
  1084. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [LiteBans] GeoIP support initialized.
  1085. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge CHICKEN
  1086. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge COW
  1087. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge PIG
  1088. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge SHEEP
  1089. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge VILLAGER
  1090. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge WOLF
  1091. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge BLAZE
  1092. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge SKELETON
  1093. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge ZOMBIE
  1094. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge SPIDER
  1095. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge CAVE_SPIDER
  1096. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge CREEPER
  1097. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge ENDERMAN
  1098. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge GHAST
  1099. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge GUARDIAN
  1100. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge IRON_GOLEM
  1101. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge SLIME
  1102. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge WITCH
  1103. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] will merge PIG_ZOMBIE
  1104. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] adding ENTITY_ATTACK for kill one
  1105. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] adding PROJECTILE for kill one
  1106. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] adding FIRE_TICK for kill one
  1107. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] adding FALL for kill all
  1108. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] adding FIRE for kill all
  1109. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [MergedMob] MergedMob version 10.2.2 is Enabled
  1110. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [React] Enabling React v4.9.4
  1111. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] Started Parallel CoreTick Thread: 0
  1112. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO]
  1114. /|
  1115. //..
  1116. //....
  1117. //......
  1118. //........
  1119. //..........
  1120. //............ |
  1121. |:::::........ ::| ______ _______ ______ _______
  1122. |::::::::::... :::::| (_____ \ (_______) /\ / _____)(_______)
  1123. |::::::::::::: ::::::::::| _____) ) _____ / \ | / _
  1124. |::::::::::: ...:::::::::| (_____ ( | ___) / /\ \ | | | |
  1125. |:::::: ........::::| | || |_____ | |__| || \_____ | |_____
  1126. |:: ............| |_||_______)|______| \______) \______)
  1127. | ..........//
  1128. ........//
  1129. ......//
  1130. ....//
  1131. ..//
  1132. |/
  1135. 2017-13-06 12:35:35 [INFO] [SlimefunLuckyBlocks] Enabling SlimefunLuckyBlocks v1.1
  1136. 2017-13-06 12:35:36 [INFO] [ExoticGarden] Enabling ExoticGarden v1.6.3
  1137. 2017-13-06 12:35:36 [INFO] [SoulJars] Enabling SoulJars v1.0
  1138. 2017-13-06 12:35:36 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Enabling GriefPrevention v16.7.1
  1139. 2017-13-06 12:35:36 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Finished loading configuration.
  1140. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] 409 total claims loaded.
  1141. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Customizable messages loaded.
  1142. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Successfully hooked into WorldGuard.
  1143. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Finished loading data (File Mode).
  1144. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] GriefPrevention requires Vault for economy integration.
  1145. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Attempting to load Vault...
  1146. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Vault loaded successfully!
  1147. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Looking for a Vault-compatible economy plugin...
  1148. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Hooked into economy: Essentials Economy.
  1149. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Ready to buy/sell claim blocks!
  1150. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [GriefPrevention] Boot finished.
  1151. 2017-13-06 12:35:41 [INFO] [ChestShop] Enabling ChestShop v3.8.13 (build #6)
  1152. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [ChestShop] Vault loaded! Found an economy plugin!
  1153. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SlimefunOres] Enabling SlimefunOres v1.4.6
  1154. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SlimefunOres] SlimefunOres 1.4.6 has been enabled!
  1155. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SlimeCalculator] Enabling SlimeCalculator v1.0.0
  1156. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SlimeCalculator] SlimeCalculator v1.0.0 has been enabled!
  1157. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SlimeScrap] Enabling SlimeScrap v1.2.2
  1158. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SlimeScrap] SlimeScrap v1.2.2 has been enabled!
  1159. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [PlayerEmotesPro] Enabling PlayerEmotesPro v1.6.4
  1160. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [PlayerEmotesPro] Plugin has finished starting!
  1161. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [Wild] Enabling Wild v1.39
  1162. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SelectionVisualizer] Enabling SelectionVisualizer v1.9.3.1
  1163. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SV] GriefPrevention plugin was found!
  1164. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SV] Jobs plugin was found!
  1165. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SV] WorldEdit plugin was found!
  1166. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] [SV] WorldGuard plugin was found!
  1167. 2017-13-06 12:35:42 [INFO] SelectionVisualizer Version has been enabled
  1168. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] Enabling TradeMe v5.0.1.1
  1169. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] Version has been enabled
  1170. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] GriefPrevention plugin was found!
  1171. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] McMMO plugin was found!
  1172. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] Vault plugin was found!
  1173. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] Jobs plugin was found!
  1174. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] JobsPoints feature enabled!
  1175. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [TradeMe] Connected to sqlite
  1176. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  1177. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] Done (33.773s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  1178. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] (FAWE) Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now.
  1179. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] (FAWE) Plugin 'GriefPrevention' found. Using it now.
  1180. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [mcMMO] Cleaned backup files. Deleted 2 of 36 files.
  1181. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Preloader] Starting to load Profiles...
  1182. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Preloader] This will have no impact on the server performance
  1183. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [HideStream] Running updater ..
  1184. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [PlugMan] A new update has been found. Please visit "" to download it.
  1185. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [HideStream] No update was found.
  1186. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Loading images...
  1187. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] 74 placeholder expansions are available on the cloud.
  1188. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [PlaceholderAPI] 0 expansions you use have updates.
  1189. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image alchemy_logo.png.
  1190. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image miner_job.png.
  1191. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image twitch.png.
  1192. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image plug-dj.png.
  1193. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image old_parchment_inactive.png.
  1194. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image twitch2.png.
  1195. 2017-13-06 12:35:43 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image instagram2.png.
  1196. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image fisherman_job.png.
  1197. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image youtube.png.
  1198. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image repair_logo.png.
  1199. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image salvage_logo.png.
  1200. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image builder_job.png.
  1201. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image socialmedia.png.
  1202. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image old_parchment.png.
  1203. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image black.png.
  1204. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image weaponsmith_job.png.
  1205. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image hunter_job.png.
  1206. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image twitter.png.
  1207. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image farmer_job.png.
  1208. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image unarmed_logo.png.
  1209. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image woodcutter_job.png.
  1210. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image brewer_job.png.
  1211. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image acrobatics_logo.png.
  1212. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image instagram.png.
  1213. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image explorer_job.png.
  1214. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image facebook.png.
  1215. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image twitter2.png.
  1216. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image star.png.
  1217. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image background_texture.png.
  1218. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image crafter_job.png.
  1219. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image facebook2.png.
  1220. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image archery_logo.png.
  1221. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image axes_logo.png.
  1222. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image taming_logo.png.
  1223. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image fishing_logo.png.
  1224. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image old_parchment_active.png.
  1225. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image enchanter_job.png.
  1226. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image excavation_logo.png.
  1227. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image swords_logo.png.
  1228. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image smelting_logo.png.
  1229. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image herbalism_logo.png.
  1230. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image woodcutting_logo.png.
  1231. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image digger_job.png.
  1232. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image mining_logo.png.
  1233. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded image axes_job.png.
  1234. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded 45 image(s).
  1235. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Loaded font Minecraftia.ttf.
  1236. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Loaded font Arcadepix.TTF.
  1237. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Connecting to with key ***********4S6OACO...
  1238. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [CS-CoreLib - Protection] Loaded Protection Module "WorldGuard"
  1239. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [CS-CoreLib - Protection] Loaded Protection Module "GriefPrevention"
  1240. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [ViaVersion] ViaVersion detected server version: 1.11.1(316)
  1241. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [GAListener] Connection established!
  1242. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [GAListener] Found database: mcsurvival
  1243. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [GAListener] Using database: mcsurvival
  1244. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [Jobs] Successfully linked with Vault.
  1245. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [CMI] World (SurvivalWorld) chunk information is being checked.
  1246. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [GAListener] Loading queued votes
  1247. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [GAListener] Loaded 0 queued votes
  1248. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] ###################### - Slimefun - ######################
  1249. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] Successfully loaded 868 Items (265 Researches)
  1250. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] ( 464 Items from Slimefun, 404 Items from Addons )
  1251. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] ##########################################################
  1252. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [Jobs] Preloaded 80 players data in 0.14
  1253. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [CS-CoreLib - Updater] CS-CoreLib is up to date!
  1254. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld"
  1255. 2017-13-06 12:35:44 [INFO] [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  1256. 2017-13-06 12:35:48 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 3% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1257. 2017-13-06 12:35:50 [WARN] [SexyPEX] Plugin SexyPEX v1.2.1-B#366 generated an exception while executing task 2497
  1258. co.ryred.uuidcredits.shade.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 10
  1259. at co.ryred.uuidcredits.shade.gson.Gson.fromJson(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  1260. at co.ryred.uuidcredits.shade.gson.Gson.fromJson(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  1261. at co.ryred.uuidcredits.shade.gson.Gson.fromJson(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  1262. at co.ryred.uuidcredits.Credits$ Source) ~[?:?]
  1263. at ~[spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-6e3cec8]
  1264. at [spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-6e3cec8]
  1265. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_131]
  1266. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_131]
  1267. at [?:1.8.0_131]
  1268. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 10
  1269. at Source) ~[?:?]
  1270. at Source) ~[?:?]
  1271. at co.ryred.uuidcredits.shade.gson.internal.bind.MapTypeAdapterFactory$ Source) ~[?:?]
  1272. at co.ryred.uuidcredits.shade.gson.internal.bind.MapTypeAdapterFactory$ Source) ~[?:?]
  1273. ... 9 more
  1274. 2017-13-06 12:35:51 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 22% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1275. 2017-13-06 12:35:55 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 27% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1276. 2017-13-06 12:36:01 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 33% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1277. 2017-13-06 12:36:05 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 46% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1278. 2017-13-06 12:36:08 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 52% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1279. 2017-13-06 12:36:11 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 60% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1280. 2017-13-06 12:36:14 [INFO] [Youtube Bridge] [Preloader] Loaded all 10 Profiles.
  1281. 2017-13-06 12:36:15 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 72% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1282. 2017-13-06 12:36:18 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 75% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1283. 2017-13-06 12:36:22 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 82% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1284. 2017-13-06 12:36:25 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 92% done ("SurvivalWorld")
  1285. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 42477ms)
  1286. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 3070122 Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld"
  1287. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Avg: 0.014ms/Block
  1288. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld_nether"
  1289. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  1290. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 1ms)
  1291. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 6 Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld_nether"
  1292. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Avg: 0.167ms/Block
  1293. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld_the_end"
  1294. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  1295. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 1ms)
  1296. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 1 Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld_the_end"
  1297. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Avg: 1.0ms/Block
  1298. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "shop"
  1299. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  1300. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 1ms)
  1301. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 5 Blocks for World "shop"
  1302. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Avg: 0.2ms/Block
  1303. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld_PvP"
  1304. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  1305. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 0ms)
  1306. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 0 Blocks for World "SurvivalWorld_PvP"
  1307. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World "SurvivalCleanroom"
  1308. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] This may take a long time...
  1309. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - 2ms)
  1310. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Loaded a total of 92 Blocks for World "SurvivalCleanroom"
  1311. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Slimefun] Avg: 0.022ms/Block
  1312. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Citizens] Loaded 0 NPCs.
  1313. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
  1314. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded BannerBoard [134]
  1315. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded BannerBoard [135]
  1316. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded BannerBoard [137]
  1317. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [INFO] [BannerBoard] Succesfully loaded BannerBoard [139]
  1318. 2017-13-06 12:36:27 [INFO] [Vault] No new version available
  1319. 2017-13-06 12:36:31 [INFO] [React Server]: Loading Remote Users
  1320. 2017-13-06 12:36:31 [INFO] [BuycraftX] Fetching all due players...
  1321. 2017-13-06 12:36:32 [INFO] [SlimeCalculator] Starting item caching...
  1322. 2017-13-06 12:36:32 [INFO] [BuycraftX] Fetched due players (0 found).
  1323. 2017-13-06 12:36:33 [INFO] [CMI] Player data is fully loaded now.
  1324. 2017-13-06 12:36:35 [INFO] [SlimeCalculator] Done Caching - 3452ms
  1325. 2017-13-06 12:36:37 [INFO] [Slimefun - GitHub] Retrieving 'lines_of_code.json' from GitHub...
  1326. 2017-13-06 12:36:37 [INFO] [Slimefun - GitHub] Retrieving 'repo.json' from GitHub...
  1327. 2017-13-06 12:36:37 [INFO] [Slimefun - GitHub] Retrieving 'contributors.json' from GitHub...
  1328. 2017-13-06 12:36:38 [INFO] [SlimeScrap] Caching Items...
  1329. 2017-13-06 12:36:38 [INFO] [SlimeScrap] Done Caching - 99ms
  1330. 2017-13-06 12:36:39 [INFO] UUID of player dharbigt is 9e86e3e3-970a-4910-9b77-9a38a9f540c4
  1331. 2017-13-06 12:36:40 [INFO] dharbigt[/] logged in with entity id 984 at ([SurvivalWorld]-20553.76759119572, 68.0, 20583.003904624125)
  1332. 2017-13-06 12:36:40 [INFO] [GAListener] Player: dharbigt has 155 votes
  1333. 2017-13-06 12:36:41 [INFO] [mcMMO] Killing orphans
  1334. 2017-13-06 12:36:44 [INFO] dharbigt issued server command: /tv
  1335. 2017-13-06 12:36:45 [INFO] [Elements] There is a new vote for Time, please vote with /tv (time) or /wv (weather)!
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