
Mpre buddy code blocks too big for discord

Dec 13th, 2019
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  1. playPokemonPrefab
  2. pokemonShadowFactoryPrefab
  3. PlayPokemonProductionInstaller
  4. playCharacterPrefab
  5. IPlayPokemonAction
  6. IPlayPokemonAction`1
  7. IPokemonAnimatable
  8. pokemonAnimation
  9. GetAnimationDuration
  10. IPokemonScalable
  11. .get_ScaleFactor
  12. .set_ScaleFactor
  13. ScaleFactor
  14. IPlayCharacter
  15. faster
  16. jumpDuration
  17. landAt
  18. jumpUpdate
  19. onLanding
  20. PlayJumpSequence
  21. PositionForGui
  22. TryPlayShinyFx
  23. .get_AnimationPlaybackSpeed
  24. .set_AnimationPlaybackSpeed
  25. AnimationPlaybackSpeed
  26. IPlayCharacterFactory
  27. PlayCharacterRequest
  28. ShowPreload
  29. PlayCharacter
  30. GetGuiPosition
  31. pokemonFloatingVerticalOff
  32. .set
  33. loadingPromise
  34. IPlayPokemon
  35. add_OnOriginUpdate
  36. remove_OnOriginUpdate
  37. .get_ZSpeed
  38. .get_PlayCharacterTransform
  39. socketType
  40. .get_Halo
  41. .get_CenterSocket
  42. .get_GroundSocket
  43. .get_FeedingSocket
  44. .get_AttentionBonesRotationLimitDegrees
  45. .get_AttentionBonesPettingLimitDegrees
  46. .get_AttentionBones
  47. .get_PokemonRadius
  48. .get_Display
  49. .set_ParticleSpace
  50. EntryFor
  51. TryAnimation
  52. TryAnimationAsync
  53. EasedTurnSpeed
  54. TAction
  55. ZSpeed
  56. PlayCharacterTransform
  57. Halo
  58. CenterSocket
  59. GroundSocket
  60. FeedingSocket
  61. AttentionBonesRotationLimitDegrees
  62. AttentionBonesPettingLimitDegrees
  63. AttentionBones
  64. PokemonRadius
  65. ParticleSpace
  66. OnOriginUpdate
  67. IPlayPokemonFactory
  68. add_DragStarted
  69. remove_DragStarted
  70. add_Dragged
  71. remove_Dragged
  72. add_PointerDown
  73. remove_PointerDown
  74. add_PointerUp
  75. remove_PointerUp
  76. add_PointerDrag
  77. remove_PointerDrag
  78. .get_PlayCharacter
  79. .getPoint
  80. .get_DragActive
  81. .set_DragActive
  82. .set_Face
  83. .set_Halo
  84. .set_CenterSocket
  85. .set_GroundSocket
  86. .set_FeedingSocket
  87. .set_AttentionBonesRotationLimitDegrees
  88. .set_AttentionBonesPettingLimitDegrees
  89. .set_PlacementHeight
  90. .get_Player
  91. .set_Player
  92. .set_PokeballType
  93. OnPokemonLoad
  94. InitializeAnimator
  95. shadowRequest
  96. CreateShadow
  97. ProcessMesh
  98. ProcessColliders
  99. OnPokemonLoadError
  100. AddAnimatorEntries
  101. OnlyWhenDragActive
  102. GetDragNotifier
  103. ErroredPromiseWithLog
  104. .<GetAnimationDuration>m__0
  105. .<InitializeAnimator>m__1
  106. .<InitializeAnimator>m__2
  107. .<InitializeAnimator>m__3
  108. lerpToWaitDelay
  109. turnSpeedDegreesPerSecond
  110. turnEasing
  111. turnEasingDuration
  112. playCharacterFactory
  113. pokemonShadowFactory
  114. WhenInitialized
  115. playCharacter
  116. pokemonShadow
  117. attentionBones
  118. .<DragActive>k__BackingField
  119. .<Face>k__BackingField
  120. .<Halo>k__BackingField
  121. .<CenterSocket>k__BackingField
  122. .<GroundSocket>k__BackingField
  123. .<FeedingSocket>k__BackingField
  124. .<AttentionBonesRotationLimitDegrees>k__BackingField
  125. .<AttentionBonesPettingLimitDegrees>k__BackingField
  126. .<PlacementHeight>k__BackingField
  127. .<Player>k__BackingField
  128. .<PokeballType>k__BackingField
  129. DragActive
  130. Player
  131. ShadowType
  132. HideOnCreate
  133. ShadowDirection
  134. UseMapShadowInAr
  135. ProximityBlur
  136. PriorityLayer
  137. ToRotate
  138. .<TryAnimation>c__AnonStorey0
  139. animationLength
  140. .<TryAnimationAsync>c__AnonStorey1
  141. .<ProcessColliders>c__AnonStorey2
  142. .<>m__A
  143. .<>m__B
  144. .<OnlyWhenDragActive>c__AnonStorey3
  145. .<OnlyWhenDragActive>c__AnonStorey4
  146. PlayPokemonEmote
  147. DisplayEmotion
  148. DisplayEmotionFx
  149. .<DisplayEmotion>m__0
  150. exitFxDurationSeconds
  151. .<DisplayEmotionFx>c__Iterator0
  152. .<obj>__0
  153. .<billboard>__0
  154. .<DisplayEmotionFx>c__AnonStorey2
  155. .<face>__1
  156. .<halo>__1
  157. IPlayPokemonFx
  158. .get_Asynchronous
  159. IPlayPokemonFxFactory
  160. PlayPokemonFx
  161. .get_RootFx
  162. PositionFxOnPokemon
  163. SetChildFxSocket
  164. ScaleFxToMatchPokemon
  165. rootFx
  166. childrenFx
  167. fxScaleToPokemonRadius
  168. followsPokemon
  169. anchorToGround
  170. asynchronous
  171. RootFx
  172. SocketedChildSystem
  173. PokemonAnimation
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