
Snow's Stories 1

Jan 22nd, 2014
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  1. (From Snow Blind's Journal)
  3. Four thousand years, each single one seeming to get shorter still, compared to how long I've been in this condition. It has been almost four-thousand years since I was brought into this world, a world I would learn to despise in the numerous years to come.
  5. I was born the youngest in a family of eight children in the dells of the old country. Farm folk, we were. In my life until thirty my intelligence was menial compared to the scholars in the shimmering city in the west. There was where I longed to be: the great city in the sunset. It was never meant to be. Years had passed, and I had found love in our little town, fourteen years into my life. We married at the dawn. Thereafter, murmurs arose of a coming upheavel. The city to the west would fall soon after to the brutish masses of us barbarians. My love and I took no part, and for that crime we were banished. I would never return home in their lifetimes.
  7. My condition emerged as I entered my middle age. By that time, I had surrounded myself with six beautiful children, none of which would share my condition. Despite my age, which should have rendered me slower and somewhat weaker, I was as spry as I was in the prime of my adulthood. I explained it could have been my diet, yet I consumed what others did. Exercise was no answer either, for I was no athlete or fighter. This was no concern to me for several more years.
  9. I entered my eighties, still the same. It was clear to all that something obscure had its grasp on me; a curse that forced me that mid-winter's night to hold my love's hoof as she shook with fear of what was to come and then, shortly after, ceased as she slipped away from me forever. I pleaded her forgiveness before then, only to hear the haunting reply that I fear may never come to fruition: that we would embrace, one day soon. Days are meaningless, now.
  11. One by one, I was forced to watch as all that I shared love left, some cursing me before then due to my condition. The reasoning being that I could not share this curse. This is something that, even if I was aware of its workings, would stay myself from such. The suffering must be mine alone.
  13. And yet I am not. Hundreds of years went by. My civilization fell to bitterness, the land purging itself of its inhabitants, leaving only I to wander. Loneliness was common place, and if I ever had company, then our time was too short for them to be burned into my memory. Another civilization came, forming a new order known simply as Equestria. It stood with a thousand years of peace, which they were so kind as to share with me. Then the land fell to the terrible entropic machinations of a despot. I was no longer welcome. Hundreds of years of his reign flew by, and a thousand years ago there was another great turning. The immortal monster was overthrown by two regal sisters, both of which shared what I would say was my condition. Through means I am obscured to, we met. Though it was for a day I remember this meeting in the clearest. The sisters predated me, I shortly found out. Having around five thousand years themselves at the time, they were empathetic to my plight. The eldest revealed to me the means of which this curse would end: they would kill me. Yet for that mercy to be completed, my soul would be shattered. I would never see my love again in the great beyond no matter what I chose.
  15. At that moment I despised them so, continuously spitting curses at them as they left my presence. They would return time and time again to talk for a short time. The younger became twisted with envy and attempted to plunge the land into perilous night. She was banished by some means unknown to me. From then on, I was without contact. The eldest never came to converse with me for another millennium, and when she did it was on her sister's reminder. The youngest was returned to pure wisdom, uncorrupted by a thousand years of isolation. The eldest pleaded for forgiveness, explaining that the shock of banishing her sister had resulted in her memory of me escaping. How the youngest never forgot in all that time is something I would ask if I had the will to. Their visit was short, I merely mumbled my responses. I did not forgive her for abandoning me, nor did I hold a grudge. I simply did not care.
  17. Now here I sit, in a dense forest that I know for fact was my former home. Here I shall stay, maybe caring for the trees, defending this forest from the harm of new industries. Time has taken much from me, it will not take my new love before it takes me.
  19. -Snow Blind
  20. (work on this!)
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