
Canter U: Day 15 Monday [Biology Midterm]

Aug 6th, 2013
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  1. >You slowly wake up... faint traces of the sight of boxers, bras and panties...
  2. >What did you dream about?
  3. >Mmm... you could care less.
  4. >Your morningwood disagrees with you.
  5. >You check your phone... 7:50.
  6. >Alarm's supposed to ring at 8...
  7. >Fuck it, you're up.
  8. >You check outside... looks slightly warmer than yesterday.
  9. >You get showered and dressed.
  10. >Henley and jeans.
  11. >>>/fa/
  12. >But I'm way too lazy to read any of that shit on there.
  13. >Checking yourself in the mirror, you make sure you're well equipped for the test...
  14. >Pencils, pens, erasers... and your lucky mechanical pencil that ran out of lead in junior year.
  15. >Hasn't failed you yet.
  16. >It's only 8:15 though, and bio is at 9.
  17. >Going out to the lobby, bag on back, you see Twilight buried in a book, and Rarity and Pinkie just getting out of their hall.
  19. A. Breakfast
  20. B. Twilight
  21. C. Rarity and Pinkie
  22. D. Leave early for a good seat.
  24. >You head towards the mini kitchen and get out yourself some milk and pick out a random box of cereal.
  25. >Reese's Puffs.
  26. >Can't complain.
  27. >You miss Oreo-O's though.
  28. Fun fact, you can actually still get oreo o's, but only in Korea.
  29. All the more reason to become Challenger Tier
  30. >You pour a bit of your peanut butter chocolate-y flavor into your bowl, and fill it with a reasonable amount of milk.
  31. >Taking the box with you, you sit next to Twilight, set your bag down and begin your meal.
  32. >You bid Twilight a good morning, to the best of your ability.
  33. "Hey'non."
  34. >Her face is still in the book.
  35. >She really wants to be prepared for this test, huh?
  36. >Whatevs. You're feeling good. You woke up ahead of your alarm, and you're about to have a great breakfast.
  37. >You take a spoonful of equal light brown and dark brown puffs as Twilight flips a page.
  38. >After solving the little maze on the back of the box, and reading the nutrition facts, you've finished your cereal.
  39. >8:35. Probably a good time to leave.
  40. >Applejack and Fluttershy exit their hall and greet you good morning... right on cue.
  41. >You ask Twilight if she's ready to go.
  42. "I'll be good in a minute... just one last thing."
  43. "Alrighty then... let's go!"
  44. >Applejack confidently leads you and Fluttershy out the door.
  45. >The biology test location is actually past the Greens on the opposite side of campus.
  46. >Midterm week's got everybody in a twist.
  47. >Fluttershy walks quietly beside you, looking at the trees.
  48. >Applejack's smiling... and almost skipping.
  49. >You've got a long walk ahead of you.
  51. A. small talk
  52. B. midterm talk.
  53. C. bizness talk
  55. >Best to keep your mind off of any subject matter...
  56. >That way, it'll be fresh when you take the midterm.
  57. >There's a similar concept in soda.
  58. >Open it too early, it gets flat.
  59. >Heh, can't believe you just thought of that.
  60. >You start off with Appleskip over there.
  61. >You ask her why exactly is she so happy?
  62. "Hmm? Me? Aww, a girl cain't be happy, Anon?"
  63. >Applejack
  64. >girl
  65. >Wait, what?
  66. >You piece it together... totally must be a girl thing or something...
  67. >You remember back to what your friends told you.
  68. >Don't girls get a monthly present or something?
  69. >Birch Box... Loot Crate... must be one of those subscription things...
  70. "Ah'm just rilin' ya... Ah'm just excited for the test! Ah feel like ah'm gonna ace it!"
  71. >Fluttershy smiles a bit.
  72. "I'm actually feeling confident too! I feel like I could take on the whole empire myself!"
  73. >The last person you remember who said that got squished by a giant mechanical foot... while you watched.
  74. >Just then, a fly finds its way into her face.
  75. >She freaks out...
  76. >In a moe stock character sort of way.
  77. >You make it into the lecture hall, and take your seats.
  78. >Last person to make it in is Twilight... looking a tad sweaty.
  79. >The tests are handed out and you click your pencil.
  81. "Hoowhee! That was a real doozy!"
  82. >Fluttershy nods in agreement.
  83. >You walk out and join in the discussion.
  84. "Aww shucks! Ah shoulda known it was A! Yer so smart, Shy..."
  85. "Why, thank you."
  86. >Looks like Twilight's gonna use the whole period...
  87. >You're feeling kinda drained... and a tad hungry... should you wait?
  89. A. Wait for Twilight
  90. B. Go back to the dorms
  92. >Might as well wait for her.
  93. >I mean... you didn't just fuck her, lead her on, cheat on her with with two other girls in HER OWN bed INCLUDING her roommate, brutally friendzone her, ditch her, fuck her mentor, and give her a cold in a matter of 2 weeks.
  94. >You're a dick, Anon...
  95. >A big, throbbing, hard dick.
  96. >And you wouldn't have it any other way.
  97. >You put on your shades.
  98. >Wayfarer design master race.
  99. >You take a seat in the grass patch near the lecture hall, and the two girls do the same.
  100. >After worrying about how many questions you answered "E", more and more people flood out of the lecture hall...
  101. >Including Twilight.
  102. >Her hair is a mess, and worst of all...
  103. >Her shirt doesn't match her skirt.
  104. >Stupid cunt, go back to /fa/
  105. >Ms. Frizzle and Anne Frank would be jealous of that hair though.
  106. >Once again... her face looks like she just got raped.
  107. >She approaches you, shaking her head.
  108. "Now Twilight... I'm sure you did fine... you're very smart... and I like your hair."
  109. >Fluttershy's so kind...
  110. >What elements
  111. >Instead of freaking out at a million WPM, and twitching her eye... she just folds.
  112. >She lets out a huge sigh as you three pull her in for a group hug.
  113. >All this negativity could get to you though...
  114. >Oh crap... how many questions did you answer E?
  115. >Paranoia activ-
  116. >No no... that ain't you.
  117. >You're calm, and your sure you did fine.
  118. >Got an hour till the next class...
  120. A. Lunch
  121. B. Dorms
  122. C. Library study
  123. D. Find/Invite
  125. >Oh yeah, time for some grub.
  126. >You spend the majority of the walk toward the dining halls comforting Twilight... telling her how she's super smart, and how she's better than you at stuff.
  127. "Thanks Anon..."
  128. >She gives you a weak smile as you continue walking.
  129. >You text a couple people.
  130. Celestia: Hey there :) Remember, you and Twilight are working today at 3.
  131. Vinyl: nm, at the dining halls
  132. >You reply to Vinyl to hang around for a bit, because you're omw.
  133. Vinyl: sure thing, i'll save a seat ;)
  134. >You ask for four seats.
  135. >The four of you walk into the dining halls and grab your food.
  136. >After craning your neck, you spot the electric blue hair.
  137. "Hey, Anon... ain't that the gal you wanted me to find yesterday?"
  138. >Vinyl's sitting by herself, sipping on some soup, sunglasses sitting on the table.
  139. >You walk up to her, lunch tray in hand.
  140. "Oh... heya, Anon! I didn't know you were gay!"
  141. >Not even for Braeburn, honey...
  142. "Anon's not gay!"
  143. >First defense from Twilight, and Applejack nods in agreement.
  144. "I'm kiddin'! ... so Anon, introduce me to your collection, you big pimp!"
  145. >Twilight didn't take kindly to that remark.
  146. >Reasons listed in the last post.
  147. >Point to the girl in a neat sweater, but fucked up hair... Twilight.
  148. >You point to the tall blonde... Applejack.
  149. >You point to the skinny pink haired one... Fluttershy.
  150. >And you whisper to Vinyl that you're 2 for 4...
  151. "Four?"
  152. >You won't point it out to her.
  153. "Is it okay if we sit with you?"
  154. >Vinyl nods and the four of you keep her company and eat your food.
  156. A. small talk
  157. B. Business talk
  158. C. bizness talk
  160. >You tell Vinyl how these girls are all from building A... and how they're all your study buddies.
  161. >Applejack goes on about how she's really into plant biology, Fluttershy talks about her endeavors of vet medicine, and Twilight talks about how she wants to discover something great in lab.
  162. "Oh... science majors? That's cool... I suppose Anon's told you guys all about me, huh?"
  163. >They shake their heads... including you.
  164. "I'm a music comp major... and popular and professional DJ!"
  165. >You further explain to the girls about the events she was at... first response coming from Applejack.
  166. "That's right! You were at that bonfire! Ah thought you looked familiar!"
  167. >Vinyl smiles a bit at the recognition before returning to her soup.
  168. >After a while, she looks up at you guys.
  169. "Wow... you look tired! Midterms?"
  170. "Eeyup... It was a real doozy."
  171. >Doozy.
  172. >Twilight speaks up.
  173. "Can we not talk about it?"
  174. >She returns to her food, eating silently.
  175. "Well anyways... If you guys are ever in need of a DJ, I'm your girl!"
  176. >She finishes up what's left of her bowl and packs up.
  177. "I'll catch ya later!"
  178. >Tossing a drawstring bag around her back, she cleans up her mess and takes off.
  179. >It's getting to class time for you four two.
  182. >You head out to chem class with your group, and sit in a nice little pack.
  183. >The professor starts lecturing and tells you how your midterm grades will be up on Wednesday.
  184. >Twilight sinks in her seat, before preparing herself for notes.
  185. >The professor goes on about entropy, and how the world works.
  187. A. Notes
  188. B. Goof off / nap
  189. C. Twilight
  190. D. AJ
  191. E. Fluttershy
  192. F. Text someone
  194. >You put your pencil down.
  195. >Midterm took a shit on you...
  196. >And you're pretty pooped.
  197. >I've never been good with jokes.
  198. >You ask Twilight if she's still bummed.
  199. "I'm... getting better, but y'know... I can't help but worry."
  200. >You guess that it's just how she is.
  201. >She goes back to taking notes.
  202. >You pull out your phone, and text Vinyl.
  203. Oh yeah, totally forgot to tell you about the "clingy texter" mechanic.
  204. >You get no response.
  205. >One to Rarity.
  206. Rarity: Hello Anon, in class. ttyl.
  207. >You sigh and resist the urge to look at more pictures of Starbucks on instagram.
  208. >You set your phone on your desk before grabbing your pencil...
  209. >You spin it once and put it back down.
  210. >You turn to Twilight and pull her away from her notes... AGAIN.
  211. >And you ask her what she thinks of Vinyl.
  212. "She's... cool. Into a lot of cool music."
  213. >Of course... Twilight likes electronic stuff.
  214. >Fucking nerd bitch.
  216. >The rest of class goes by without a hitch.
  217. >You didn't take a lot of notes though...
  218. >And the ones you did take were barely legible...
  219. >Ah well, you'll ask someone for it later.
  220. >2 Hour break. You head back to the dorms.
  222. A. gym
  223. B. food
  224. C. vidya
  225. D. study/work
  227. >You figure you've asked Twilight for enough, so you turn to Fluttershy.
  228. >You're pretty sure she took notes.
  229. >Fluttershy rummages through her bag.
  230. "Here you are, Anon..."
  231. >She hands you a paper, as you walk into the dorm.
  232. >Applejack says she wants to take a nap.
  233. "Oh... Sleep... sounds great."
  234. >Twilight trudges off to her room as well.
  235. "Would you like to study for the Physics test tomorrow? I mean... if you're not doing anything... that is."
  236. >You smile and nod, as the two of you take a seat at a table inside the lobby, taking out your books and whatever material you can manage.
  237. >You two both work out some practice problems in silence, her moreso than you because you're still reviewing her chem notes that you didn't take.
  238. >You lazy fuck. You haven't even been to the gym in 5ever, let alone played League!
  239. >Where's your priorities?
  240. >You get up and do a quick set of pushups to keep you alive, Fluttershy looks away from her book to watch you.
  241. "Wow Anon, you're really strong! I couldn't do that many!"
  242. >You did like, what? 15?
  244. A. Do more, 15 is just a warm up.
  245. B. Embrace the compliment and flex your arms.
  246. C. Play it off and go back to work.
  247. D. Throw up because 15 reps is too many.
  249. >You tell her how all those workouts with her roomie, Rainbow Dash, have been paying off.
  250. >Although it's been a good few days since the last time.
  251. >And you did, like... 15 pushups.
  252. >That's it... everybody, off your asses.
  253. >15 pushups now, before you can vote.
  254. >You get up from your pushup stance and stretch your arms out, flexing at the vertex of your stretch.
  255. >Fluttershy blushes, looking away.
  256. "W-w-wow..."
  257. >You've always been oddly defined by the arms, but you've never been really strong.
  258. >Ah well, like your green buddy Zac says...
  259. >It's not how much you can lift. It's how good you look!"
  260. Always max your E first.
  261. >You keep your sleeves rolled up as you sit back down.
  262. "C-can I... oh... I hope this isn't too forward... but... can I f-f-feel?"
  263. >You hold out your arm.
  264. >She looks away, like you just showed her your dick.
  265. >She gives your arm a good squeeze.
  266. "That's... nice."
  267. >You catch her with a little eye contact, which causes her to let go and go back to studying.
  269. >The rest of the afternoon goes by.
  270. >Chem lab was no issue. A lab to represent isotopes or whatever.
  271. >Celestia used this new element... "Candium"
  272. >After class, you and Twilight follow Celestia into lab.
  273. "So... Celestia... What'd you do with Anon on Saturday?"
  274. >You can see her "oh fuck" face.
  275. >You have no idea how Twilight would react if she found out...
  276. >But you're pretty sure it wouldn't be pretty.
  278. A. Let Celestia answer.
  279. B. Interject with your perfect excuse.
  280. C. Tell the WHOLE truth.
  282. >You see the noodles peaking out of her pockets.
  283. >Signore! The spaghetti!
  284. >No, Mario... you have this under complete control.
  285. >You cut in front of the almost suffocating Celestia, slicing through the spaghetti aura.
  286. >You tell Twilight how you really like telling this story.
  287. >Albeit, you've told it once... at an IHOP.
  288. >You tell her how after they left, Discord decided to go a little hardcore, and ordered some top shelf shit.
  289. >Y'know... daiquiris.
  290. >Twilight looks at Celestia, who's nodding nervously.
  291. >You go on to tell her how Discord promised you an A on the psych midterm if you could outdrink him.
  292. >Long story short, you got fucked up and Celestia being the good employer that she is...
  293. "I let him crash at my... apartment! Oh, definitely... Anon could barely walk."
  294. >Twilight buys the story for $19.99.
  296. >You three make it to the lab, and Celestia writes up a to do list.
  297. >While she writes it up, you take a look around.
  298. >Dimly lit, dirty counters, full sink.
  299. >The two girls walk off to work by themselves, leaving you in front of the to do list.
  300. >"Clean Up" is the last thing on the list... written in tiny font.
  302. A. Do an experiment.
  303. B. Clean the lab up.
  304. C. Twilight
  305. D. Celestia
  307. >Fuck... you're not some kind of neatfreak...
  308. >But it's gross as shit in here.
  309. >And plus... cleaning is a lot easier than...
  310. >"Interspecific hydrophobic alkaline spectrometry probe maintenance fo-"
  311. >You put down the list, grab a bottle of ethanol and ready a brick of paper towels.
  312. >Flicking on a couple of lights, you head over and spray the counters down with your bottle of 200% proof alcohol.
  313. >This shit could get you FUCKED UP if you drink it.
  314. >Maybe some other day.
  315. >I mean... you do have access to this lab... and it's not like Celestia's in here 24/7.
  316. >Then again... you want to have a working liver when you're 20.
  317. >You bury that thought and get to wiping away.
  318. >What even is this caked on shit?
  319. >You scrub and wipe, spraying ethanol everywhere like you're some kind of G-unit hustler.
  320. >Bitches, Paper and Alcohol.
  321. >You've got it all.
  322. >You pass by Celestia's workstation...
  323. "Thanks, Anonymous..."
  324. >Cleaning's an easy job... it's no pro-
  325. "No... I mean... You had a good save back there with Twilight."
  326. >She winks at you as you clean some shit around her.
  327. >Washing the beakers that have been piled up in the sink, Twilight comes by to get some water.
  328. "Oh, you're washing the dishes? Thanks, Anon!"
  329. >She gives you a wet high five, stopped by a millimeter of nitrile gloves, for extra sterility.
  330. >In a matter of a couple hours... you've got the lab spotless.
  331. >You may be out of ethanol for a bit... but it was worth it.
  332. >Celestia smiles at you as you victoriously cross off "Clean up" off the list.
  333. >Checking the list... everything else has been done by the other two.
  334. >Celestia waves you two off, as she goes through her notebooks.
  335. >Rest of the day off.
  337. A. Gym
  338. B. Vidya
  339. C. Work/Study
  340. D. Text/Invite
  342. >You head off to your room, and get changed for the gym.
  343. >You miss the feeling of pumping iron and getting sweaty.
  344. >You take your pants off as you text your bro.
  345. Rainbow: Oh, totally forgot I told you that we're playing on the road... I'll see ya on Wednesday! :)
  346. >Pants are off. Might as well...
  347. >You take a picture of your dick.
  348. >After drawing in a couple of spermcells, you head off to snapchat...
  349. >One for Celestia... choo choo!
  350. >Dick train.
  351. >You text Pinkie to work out with you as you get into some decent gym shorts.
  352. Pinkie: sure thing!!! ill meet you there!
  353. >Once you make it to the gym, your phone vibrates.
  354. Celestia: you're fired.
  355. >Fuck.
  356. >You have a quick cry break before...
  357. "Aww... Nonny? Why are you crying?"
  358. >Pinko.
  359. >You gather yourself enough to start telling her the story.
  360. "Why the heck would you do something like that?"
  362. >You two work out for a bit.
  363. >Pinkie spends a lot of time running on the treadmill, while you focus a bit more on some core work.
  364. >Situps, and all that jazz.
  365. >You end the workout early... You're not feeling very motivated anymore...
  366. >No Rainbro to keep pushing you.
  367. >Not to mention, you're out of a job.
  369. >On the way out of the gym, Pinkie tells you how she's gonna bake some cookies...
  370. >Sweet.
  371. >After a moment of silence, Pinkie springs up.
  372. "Oh yeah! That's totally right! I was talking to Rarity and the other girls this morning about the weekend! Got any plans?"
  373. >Um...
  374. "I'm trying to plan a little trip for everybody! It'd be perfect because everybody's done with midterms, and it'll be a great way to relieve stress. Any ideas?"
  376. A. Mountains
  377. B. Forest
  378. C. Beach
  379. D. Theme Park
  381. >You tell her how you think a camping trip in the forest would be pretty sweet.
  382. "You know what else is sweet, Anon? Cookies!"
  383. >Pinkie has cookies... and you're suddenly in the dorms... showered up, munching on a cookie and sipping on a protein shake.
  384. >You know what else is sweet? Having a job.
  385. >Well... dammit.
  386. >You solemnly sip your shake in silence, as Pinkie Pie proceeds to pass out cookies to people.
  387. >Alliteration... a littered Asian. A lit oration.
  388. >What am I even writing right now.
  389. >You mope for a bit before bidding everybody good night.
  390. >It's been a long day...
  391. >Not to mention you got fired.
  392. >No more pay for you.
  393. >No more good references to a future institution or job.
  394. >No more contributing to the secular knowledge compendium of science.
  395. >No more respect from Sunbutt... or even Twilight...
  396. >Fuck.
  397. >You swipe your ID card to room 226.
  398. >Spike's right clicking away as you climb into bed.
  399. >You fumble a bit under the sheets before sighing yourself to sleep.
  400. >Just as the grasp of dreamland tries to take you, your phone vibrates.
  401. >You grumble and open the text.
  402. Celestia: Just kidding. :P
  404. End day 15.
  405. Day 15 Summary
  406. Finished Bio midterm
  407. Physics midterm tomorrow
  408. Forest camping trip on Saturday
  409. Psych grades up tomorrow
  410. Cleaning skill: increase
  411. Strength: increase
  412. Celestia rapport: decrease
  413. Dash debt: $18
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