
Day Bad Seed (Clop)

Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. >Day BAD SEED in Equestria
  2. >Lately you have gotten pretty close to Applejack
  3. >Its been a couple of years since you arrived and you think you are ready to ask her to be your special somep0ny
  4. >And today is the day you are finally going to do it. It was time to finally confess.
  5. >You only hope that she will return your feelings
  6. >You are on your way to the Apple Orchard with a bouquet of purple roses
  7. >They are supposed to mean love at first sight or something like that according to Rose
  8. >As you are walking down the main path in the orchard you hear a shout
  9. >"It's her gals! We gotta hurry!" Huh it sounds like Applebloom.
  10. >As you turn to see what they are yelling about Scootaloo collides heavily with your leg causing you to fall
  11. >It also caused a certain 40 bit bouquet to fly out of your hand and land on the ground about ten feet in front of you
  12. >Before you can get up and get to it an unfamiliar orange filly walks up to them and looks you in the eyes with a smirk before she proceeds to jump on them a few times and running off.
  13. "WHAT THE HELL!?!"
  14. >You scream as you get to your feet and run after her. Pausing only to pick up the remains of your gift.
  15. >Having four times her gait helped quite a bit
  16. >Grabbing her tail you pull her up short and yell at her
  18. >Fear flashes across her face for a moment as she realizes she has been caught.
  19. >You go to question her some more when the sound of a door quickly swinging open catches both of you off guard
  20. >She pauses for a fraction of a second before scrunching up her face as a couple of fake tears start to make their way down her face
  21. >"What in tarnation is goin on out here?" Applejack yells from the doorway
  22. >"CUZ' THIS MEAN MONSTER IS TRYING TO HURT ME!" The orange and red filly in your hand cries
  23. >"Anon what are ya doin to Babs?" She looks shocked.
  24. "I-She.." You take a few seconds to compose yourself "I was on my way here to talk to you when Applebloom and her friends knocked me over and this FILLY jumped up the flowers I brought for you." you manage to get out fairly coherently
  25. >Applejack looks at the trampled flowers in your hand "Ya were bringin me flowers?" she asked sounding confused
  26. >"I DIDN'T MEAN TO STEP ON NO FLOWERS!" The filly exclaims through fake sobs "I was chasing Applebloom and tha girls and accidentally stepped on them"
  27. >Applejack looks at her sadly while you stare daggers at the lying little shit
  28. >"Go play with the others Babs. I will talk ta Anon" she motions you inside with her hoof as Babs squirms out of your grasp and runs off
  29. >"Ya gotta forgive her Anon. She was bullied back in Manehatten. My Aunt asked if she could come out here fer a while ta cool off. Babs Seed aint a bad little filly she just aint found her place yet."
  30. >Well you could forgive the little...filly this one time you guess. You understand being bullied can make you do stupid shit.
  31. "I guess that makes sense. I just wish that the flowers were not ruined." you sigh as you say that.
  32. >"Why were ya bringin little ol' me flowers anyways?" she asks with a small blush
  33. "Well...you see...I was hoping..." god now you sound like Fluttershy. Time to man up "Applejack will you be my special somep0ny?"
  34. >You offer her the destroyed flowers
  35. >"Anon I'd love ta!" She says with tears in her eyes as she throws herself at you
  36. >You share a tender kiss before making plans to go on a date the following day
  38. >The next day went by quickly as you did some errands and spend most of the afternoon celebrating with Twilight and Rarity they were so happy for you.
  39. >Finally when it came time Rarity helped you get ready before you headed out with a smile on your face
  40. >You walk your way down the same path to the Apple Farm as you reach the house you see AJ standing out front with Big Mac
  41. >They both look angry
  42. >"Stahp right there Anon. I don't know what makes ya think I would want ya here after what ya did today." AJ says looking like she wanted to buck you and not in a good way
  43. "What? AJ I didnt do anything today? I Spent most of the af-"
  45. >"Ya know we hold our family above all else Anon. How could ya do this ta us? How could ya do this ta me?" The last came out as a whisper "Ya are no longer welcome here."
  46. "AppleJack you know I would never-"
  47. >Big Mac snorts and you and stops his front hooves as you try to take a step forward
  48. >"Ah thought Ah knew ya Anon."
  49. >Big Mac makes a charge for you. You back off and look at AJ sadly before you walk off.
  50. >What the hell happened? You go home and decide that tomorrow you were going to get this all sorted out. >Let her have the night to calm down and remember that you would never do that
  52. >The next morning you wake up tired as the sun shines brightly in your eyes
  53. >You got almost no sleep as you could not get that look of hate from AJ out of your mind
  54. >Determined to get this sorted out you get dressed and head to Twilight's treebrary to get a witness of your innocence
  55. >As you leave your house you see a familiar filly standing at your gate
  56. >"Give me your all ya bits Anonymous" The filly commands in an incredibly annoying accent
  57. "Why in Celestias hairy ass would I ever give you my bits? You lied to the pony who means more than anything to me just out of spite."
  58. >Surely this little shit is just fucking with you. Trying to make you fuck up so she can take you down.
  59. >Babs Seed stares at you with a smug smile on her face a smug smile that makes you want to punch her
  60. >"Give me yo bits or I will tell everyp0ny that ya touched me in my special place."
  61. >You stare at her like she just sprouted a second head. This was the last thing you expected her to say
  62. "What?"
  63. >"Who would they believe Anonymous? A helpless little filly or a big alien monkey? Especially after ya got dumped for hurting me. Now hand over your bits."
  64. >Many emotions went through you in the few seconds following this. Despair, rage, and disbelief were the prime three.
  65. >You feel your arm pulling back to throw a punch when you stop yourself.
  66. >No matter what you do you cannot win at this. So you decide to not play.
  67. >Pretending she was not there you walk away and head directly to Twilight's place
  68. >As she opens the door she asks "So how did it go las-" her smile drops as she sees the look of barely controlled rage on your face
  69. >You tell her everything that happened. About the flowers and what happened this morning as well.
  70. >She does not believe you "No filly would do that!" shocked that you would even try to get her to believe that.
  71. "She will Twilight. I know that look on her face. Can I stay by you all day so at least YOU will see believe me when I say I didn't do anything"
  72. >She agrees quickly even offering to let you stay the night in your old room if you want
  73. >The day crawls on as you do spikes job so he can spend the day with Rarity.
  74. >No word from anyone other than Dash who came to confront you about what she heard from AJ yesterday.
  75. >However Dash believes you over that filly and defended you to AJ. What a bro.
  76. >The shortly after you drift off to sleep you are woken to the sound of a knock on the door and a yell of
  77. >"LET ME AT 'IM TWI! I AM GOING TO BEAT 'IM SENSELESS!" That was AJ's voice
  78. >Knowing whats coming you quickly get up and throw on some clothes and make your way out of Twilight's basement
  79. >When you make it up the stairs you see Twilight hair disheveled standing between the basement and a red eyed furious Applejack who is now floating in the air in a purple glow
  81. >Twilight looks back at you with shock her face as she understands what has happened
  82. >"Applejack when did Anon supposedly do this?" Twilight asks calmly
  84. >"That is impossible Applejack. He was with me all day yesterday." Twilight says trying to calm her down
  85. >Applejack looks at Twilight for a few seconds before exclaiming "Ya're just trying to protect him! Or may ya helped him!"
  86. >Twilight tenses and you see what looks like a purple...hoof? appear beside AJ in the air and then with a CRACK it strikes AJ across the face
  87. >"How dare you! How could you think I would do something like that Applejack! We are friends why would I lie to you?" Twilight was understandably angry
  88. >She stares at Twilight before she starts crying and Twilight lowers her to the floor.
  89. >"Ah-Ah don't know what ta think anymore. Either my special somep0ny and mah best friend are lying or mah family dun lied to me."
  90. >It takes a couple of hours for to tell AJ your side of the story and get her to believe you.
  91. >By the end she could not even look you in the eye anymore.
  92. >"Ah am sorry Anonymous. I can't tell ya how sorry I am."
  93. "Do you think we still have a chance AJ? Even after all this I still want you to be my special somep0ny."
  94. >She looked at your feet sadly "Ah don't think so Anon. It would not be fair ta ya. If Ah can't even trust ya long enough ta hear ya out how can we be together. Ah don't think we were meant to be."
  95. >You were crushed. After all that you hoped there would still be a chance. You could feel something tearing inside of you as AJ said goodbye and Twilight walked her home.
  96. >You could not stand being here any longer so you went home as well.
  97. >One little filly destroyed your chances at happiness with AJ.
  98. >She tried to turn your closest friends against you.
  99. >A coldness washed over you followed by a realization.
  100. >You wanted vengeance and you knew exactly how to get it.
  101. >Babs Seed could not be sent home tomorrow because the trains would not be running.
  102. >You had at least 24 hours to make your move. But first you had to get ready.
  103. >The next morning finds you sitting in the hayloft of the Apple barn waiting.
  104. >You know what the Apple Family does to punish children. They are sent to barn to sort apples.
  105. >Its tedious work that dulls the mind. You know as you did it for them on your first year.
  106. >Your long wait finally pays off as you hear voices approaching and the barn door opening
  108. >"But there are 80 bushels of em in here!" hearing Babs voice made your hands clench involuntarily
  109. >A few seconds silence then "Eyuup." and the barn door was closed
  110. >You did not expect Big Mac to be the one sending her here. AJ must be to furious to look at her.
  111. >Now you could grab her right now but that would be stupid. You wait for an hour to pass and her whining to die down.
  112. >Then you sneak out of your hiding spot and make your way down to her silently
  113. >When you get right behind her you draw your makeshift blackjack and strike her hard across the back off the neck
  114. >You grab her as she crumples and take her to the back of the barn where you push loose some boards out of the way
  115. >A few months ago AJ showed you how that escape rout when she was a filly.
  116. >This was the most dangerous part. Keeping your eyes open you make your way through the orchard avoiding the areas that were ready to be bucked and making your way to the Everfree forest
  117. >You make your way to a specific spot. The spot where Twilight found you two years ago.
  118. >When you get there you dump Babs on the ground and pull out some Waking salts
  119. >With one hand holding her down you shove the waking salt under her nose
  120. >She splutters and coughs as she is forced awake. Just another of those things you enjoy having Twilight around for
  121. >She looks around frantically before her eyes finally begin to focus.
  122. >Staring directly at you
  123. "Hi."
  124. >She screams and tries to struggle out of your grip. Pulling your arm back you slap her as hard as you can
  125. >The slap cuts the scream off short and she tries to curl up into a ball as you raise your hand again
  126. "Now I believe we are going to have a good chat. You are going to answer my questions, and answer them truthfully, or I am going to hurt you. Understand?" She nods
  127. "For starters I want to know why you stomped on those flowers when we first met."
  128. >She stares at you. Her terror is palpable. However she does not answer so you slap her again causing her to cry out in pain.
  130. >"I-I thought it would be funny!" she says as quickly as she could
  132. >She cowers as best as she can with you holding her down
  133. "Why did you claim I beat you? I forgave you for ruining the flowers. WHY?"
  134. >She looks away from your face. Probably trying to think of a lie. You raise your hand again and she jerks away saying.
  135. >"Because you saw me cry. I wanted to get you in trouble." she says
  136. "So you made my special somep0ny think I hurt her family because I saw you cry? BECAUSE YOU MADE YOURSELF CRY TO GET OUT OF GETTING IN TROUBLE?"
  137. >You rear back and punch the ground beside her head. The dirt splashing away from your fist and into her mane
  138. >She is sobbing at this point trying to curl up into the fetal position
  139. "Its time for a new game."
  140. >You say as you unzip and work your quickly hardening member out of your boxers
  141. "You have destroyed something very precious to me Babs. Something I will never get back. So now I am going to destroy something of yours."
  142. >Running your hand across her face you wet your hand as best as you can from her tears and then rub that hand along your dick
  143. >You are going to fuck her and literally use her tears for lube
  144. >Grabbing one leg with your left hand you force the other open with the right.
  145. >Slowly you guide your cock ever closer to her untouched vagina
  146. >She is too busy crying to look at what is about to happen to her
  147. >Well until she feels something prodding about her untouched nethers
  148. >Her eyes go wide as she realizes what you are about to do and she begins struggling again
  149. >You slap her across the face one more time and she stops fighting
  150. >The thought occurs to you that your fist time with a pony will be a hate fuck of a filly.
  151. >This causes you to be both disgusted and turned on
  152. >Pushing your rigid rod against her pristine lips you gradually manage to get your dick inside her
  153. >She begins struggling again but you ignore it as her fighting gives you even more pleasure from both the movement and the sick happiness her pain brings you
  154. >You momentarily hit a wall in your progress but push through it as she lets out a strangled yelp of pain.
  155. >When you are about 3/4 of the way inside her you are stopped by what must be her cervix
  156. >Adjusting your position you look her in the eyes and say
  157. "Now is where the fun begins."
  158. >You begin to pump with force in and out back and forth in her painfully tight box
  159. >Making sure that each thrust strikes the cervix hard
  160. >This was not about enjoyment. This was about pain and punishment.
  161. >Her screams accompany each thrust as your cock slams home
  162. >Over and over you thrust into her before you start feeling each thrust come a little easier
  163. >With a sadistic smile you look down at her and say
  164. "Hah you are starting to enjoy this aren't you!"
  165. >Now that there was some lubrication going you started to enjoy this as well
  166. >You unconsciously started to thrust faster and faster pounding her clam as hard as you could
  167. >Her squeals of pain and sobs making you speed up your thrusts until its basically a solid cry
  168. >Until finally you slammed your cock one last time against her cervix as you cum
  169. >You unload inside her filling her with everything you have
  170. >She has been reduced to quiet sobs as you slowly pull out
  171. >You grab her face and look her dead in the eyes
  172. "You ruined my life. From now on when I look at a mare I will see AJ the mare that you made sure I could never have. So now I have ruined your life. Until the day you die any stallion you look at will be me. You are ruined property. You are filth. Worst of all you are something that Applejack despises above all else. You are a liar. If you even attempt to tell them this happened than no one will believe you. I may be the one with the wet cock but you fucked yourself."
  173. >Grabbing your blackjack you knock her out again. You take her to a nearby stream and clean her and yourself up.
  174. >Sneaking back into the barn you place her on a pile of hay and make your way back to your place.
  175. >Today was a vengeful day.
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