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Jun 23rd, 2023
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  1. After 2014, from 2014 to 2022, Donbass was all cut up, Donbass was plundered by various people, some of them were from the administration of the president, some from the FSB, some of the involved oligarchs, such as Kurchenko.
  2. These are people who stole money from the residents of Donbass, who were in the unrecognized republics of the LPR and the DPR.
  3. In this LPR and DPR there were corps of the People's Militia, which, in the event of an attack by the Ukrainians, had to give a worthy resistance.
  4. However, these corps did not exist, in fact, there was a minimum number of fighters and a certain number of generals who simply cut up this money.
  5. At the salary of 40,000, 20,000 was left in the caste, 20,000 was given to those who signed, if the fighter existed and was sitting at home, the preparation did not take place, and the dead souls just received this money, the generals received this money for the dead souls, and the budgets were cut.
  6. Donbass was a beautiful place where money was cut, as the employees of the administration of the president, first it was Surkov, then it was the Cossack, the FSB was also an absolutely understandable hierarchy of generals.
  7. Now about why the special operation began. The Ukrainians had a group that was located on the borders of Donbass, just the one that we broke through from Popasnoe to Artyomovskoe.
  8. This group consisted of various voluntary, let's say, nationalist formations, and also consisted of the active army of the Air Force.
  9. This group was exchanging shots, we were hitting them, they were hitting us, and this happened all these long 8 years, from 14 to 22. Sometimes the number of various shootings, roughly speaking, the exchange of ammunition, the exchange of shots, sometimes decreased.
  10. On February 24, there was nothing extraordinary. Now the Ministry of Defense is trying to deceive the public, trying to deceive the president and tell the story that there was insane aggression from Ukraine, and they were going to attack us together with the entire NATO bloc.
  11. Therefore, the so-called special operation on February 24 began in a completely different way.
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