
iOS debugging

Nov 17th, 2017
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  1. Search codebase for "visible-xs navbar-fixed-top mobile header-en"
  2. (class attribute values of top header which is getting injected after page-load by JS)
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------
  6. var ALC = ALC || {};
  8. ALC.constants = {
  9. CONTENT_ROOT: '/content/alc/',
  10. MY_PROFILE_PATH : '/my-account/my-profile.html',
  11. REINSTATEMENT_CONFIRMATION_PATH: '/self-exclusion-reinstatement/reinstatement-confirmation.html',
  12. SELF_EXCLUSION_PATH: '/my-account/play-responsibly.html#3',
  13. DIGITAL_INSTANTS_WRAPPER: '/play-online/instant-win-games/game.html?',
  14. REVERIFY_PATH: '/registration/reverify-account.html',
  15. LOGIN_REDIRECT_PATH: '/login.html?redirectUrl=',
  16. CART_PATH: '/cart.html',
  17. CHECKOUT_PATH: '/checkout.html',
  18. CHECKOUT_PENDING_PATH: '/checkout-pending.html',
  19. CONFIRMATION_REDIRECT_PATH: '/confirmation.html',
  20. ADD_FUNDS_PATH: '/my-account/add-withdraw-funds.html#0_1',
  21. PAYMENT_PREFERENCES_PATH: '/my-account/add-withdraw-funds.html#1',
  22. AEM_DISPATCHER_FAILOVER_PATH: '/errors/error.html',
  23. LOTTOMAX_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.LottoMax_JPID,
  24. LOTTO649_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.Lotto649_JPID,
  25. SALSABINGO_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.SalsaBingo_JPID,
  26. ATLANTIC49_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.Atlantic49_JPID,
  27. KENOATLANTIC_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.KenoAtlantic_JPID,
  28. BUCKO_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.Bucko_JPID,
  29. POKERLOTTO_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.PokerLotto_JPID,
  30. DAILYGRAND_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.DailyGrand_JPID,
  31. LOTTO4_JPID: ALC.applicationProperties.Lotto4_JPID,
  32. lottoTicketErrorStates: [-1,0,4,6],
  33. lottoTicketAdvanceErrorStates: [-1,0,2,7,8]
  34. };
  37. /**
  38. * isMobileSafari
  39. * Fixes long-standing iOS "fixed position modal" bug
  40. * @returns boolean true if the RegEx of the User Agent string evaluates as iOS/WebKit
  41. */
  42. function isMobileSafari () {
  43. return ( /iP(hone|od|ad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && /WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome|CriOS|OPiOS/i.test(navigator.userAgent) );
  44. }
  46. // Modal on iOS Safari needs a window listener to maintain 100% WxH scale (orientation flips or screen focus/resize)
  47. if ( isMobileSafari() ) {
  48. $(window).resize(function(){
  49. $(".modal-login").css("width","100vw");
  50. $(".modal-login").css("height","100vh");
  51. $("body").css("height","100vh");
  52. });
  53. }
  57. ALC.common = {
  58. dashboardPromise: null,
  59. termsOfServicePromise: null,
  60. lang: $("html").attr("lang"),
  61. allowCharacters: function(myfield, event, allowedType) {
  62. if(event.altKey){
  63. event.preventDefault();
  64. return;
  65. }
  66. var elm = $(myfield),
  67. elmVal = elm.val(),
  68. code;
  69. if (event.keyCode){
  70. code = event.keyCode;
  71. } else if(event.which){
  72. code = event.which;
  73. }
  76. // Allow: backspace, insert, delete, tab, escape, enter, home, end, left, right, num lock
  77. if ($.inArray(code, [45, 46, 8, 9, 27, 13, 35, 36, 37, 39, 144]) !== -1 ||
  78. // Allow: Ctrl+A, Command+A
  79. (code == 65 && ( event.ctrlKey === true || event.metaKey === true ))){
  80. return;
  81. }
  82. if(elm.attr('arrowinput') === 'disabled'){
  83. if($.inArray(code, [38, 40]) !== -1){
  84. event.preventDefault();
  85. return;
  86. }
  87. } else {
  88. if($.inArray(code, [38, 40]) !== -1){
  89. // Allow up and down
  90. return;
  91. }
  92. }
  94. if(allowedType === 'numericonly'){
  95. if(elm.attr('step') === '1'){
  96. if($.inArray(code, [110, 190]) !== -1){
  97. event.preventDefault();
  98. return;
  99. }
  100. } else if(elm.attr('step') === '0.01'){
  101. if($.inArray(code, [110, 190]) !== -1 && $.inArray(ALC.common.numericOnly.lastTyped, [110, 190]) !== -1){ // prevent 2 consecutive decimal points
  102. event.preventDefault();
  103. return;
  104. } else if(elmVal.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
  105. var fraction = elmVal.split('.')[1];
  106. if(fraction && fraction.length === 2){
  107. event.preventDefault();
  108. return;
  109. }
  110. }
  111. ALC.common.numericOnly.lastTyped = code;
  112. }
  113. // If not a number or decimal point stop the event
  114. if ((event.shiftKey || (code < 48 || code > 57)) &&
  115. (code < 96 || code > 105) &&
  116. $.inArray(code, [110, 190]) === -1){
  117. event.preventDefault();
  118. }
  119. } else if(allowedType === 'alphanumericonly'){
  120. //Detect Chrome for Android
  121. if (code === 0 || code === 229){
  122. var regexSpecialChars = new RegExp("/[^A-Z0-9]/gi");
  123. if (regexSpecialChars.test(myfield.value)){
  124. myfield.value = myfield.value.replace(/[^A-Z0-9]/gi, '');
  125. return;
  126. }
  127. }
  128. // If not alphanumeric stop the event
  129. if (event.originalEvent.type === "keypress"){
  130. if(!((code >= 97) && (code <= 122) || (code >= 48) && (code <= 57))){
  131. event.preventDefault();
  132. return;
  133. }
  134. }else{
  135. //for keyup & keydown
  136. if(!((code >= 65) && (code <= 90) || (code >= 96) && (code <= 105) || (code >= 48) && (code <= 57))){
  137. event.preventDefault();
  138. return;
  139. }
  140. }
  141. //Includes french language special characters
  142. var regex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$");
  143. var regexAlphaOnly = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+$");
  144. var key = String.fromCharCode(!event.charCode ? event.which : event.charCode);
  146. if ((!regex.test(event.key) || !regex.test(key)) || (event.key === undefined && event.shiftKey === true)) {
  147. if(!regexAlphaOnly.test(key)){
  148. event.preventDefault();
  149. return;
  150. }
  151. }
  152. }
  153. },
  154. numericOnly: function(event) {
  155. ALC.common.allowCharacters(this, event, 'numericonly');
  156. },
  157. alphaNumericOnly: function(event){
  158. ALC.common.allowCharacters(this, event, 'alphanumericonly');
  159. },
  160. shortProvince: function(province){
  161. switch (province){
  162. case "Nova Scotia":
  163. return Granite.I18n.get("NS");
  164. case "New Brunswick":
  165. return Granite.I18n.get("NB");
  166. case "PEI":
  167. return Granite.I18n.get("PE");
  168. case "Newfoundland":
  169. return Granite.I18n.get("NL");
  170. default:
  171. return "No Atlantic Province Found";
  172. }
  173. },
  174. numberFormat: function(number, locale){
  175. if (locale === 'en-ca' || locale === 'en') {
  176. return number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
  177. } else {
  179. return number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ");
  180. }
  181. },
  182. priceFormat: function(number, locale, digits, dollarspan){
  183. var fixedDigits = isNaN(digits) ? 2 : digits,
  184. dollarSign;
  185. number = parseFloat(number).toFixed(fixedDigits);
  186. if(dollarspan === true){
  187. dollarSign = "<span class='dollarSign'>$</span>"
  188. } else {
  189. dollarSign = "$";
  190. }
  192. if (locale === 'en-ca' || locale === 'en') {
  193. //ENGLISH PRICE Negative
  194. if (number < 0){
  195. number = number.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");
  196. return '-'+dollarSign + number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
  197. }
  199. return dollarSign + number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
  200. } else {
  202. return number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ").replace('.', ',') + " " + dollarSign;
  203. }
  204. },
  205. priceFormatHTML: function(number){
  206. var twoDecimalPlaces = (number % 1 != 0) ? parseFloat(Math.round(number * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) : number;
  207. return '<span>' + twoDecimalPlaces.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))|(?=(\.))/g, "</span><span>") + "</span>";
  208. },
  209. getLang : function(){
  210. return Cookies.get('locale');
  211. },
  212. getShortLang : function() {
  213. return ALC.common.getLang() === "fr-ca" ? "fr" : "en";
  214. },
  215. getLocale : function() {
  216. return ALC.common.getLang() === "fr-ca" ? "fr_CA" : "en_CA";
  217. },
  218. isEditMode : function() {
  219. return (CQ.WCM !== null && typeof CQ.WCM === 'object' && typeof CQ.WCM.isEditMode === 'function' && CQ.WCM.isEditMode());
  220. },
  221. enableButton : function(targetButton) {
  222. targetButton.prop('disabled', false);
  223. },
  224. parseMomentDateFromFeed : function(rawDateString){
  225. // Assumes rawDateString is "\/Date(1435719600000-0300)\/" format
  226. var parsedDate = rawDateString.match(/\d+/g);
  227. return moment(parseInt(parsedDate[0])).utcOffset("-" + parsedDate[1]);
  228. },
  229. scrollTop: function(rootEl){
  230. $(rootEl).find('.scroll-top').on('click', function(e){
  231. e.preventDefault();
  233. $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
  234. });
  235. },
  236. breadcrumbsPathChange: function(pageID, pageTitle) {
  237. $(pageID).find('.currentPage').text(pageTitle);
  238. },
  239. getHashParams : function() {
  241. var hashParams = {};
  242. var e,
  243. a = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space
  244. r = /([^&;=]+)=?([^&;]*)/g,
  245. d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); },
  246. q = window.location.hash.substring(1);
  248. while (e = r.exec(q))
  249. hashParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);
  251. return hashParams;
  252. },
  253. fetchNewTermsOfService: function() {
  254. var locale = Cookies.get("locale");
  255. if (!locale) locale = "en-ca";
  256. ALC.common.termsOfServicePromise = Q($.ajax({
  257. url : "/services/pam/GetTermsOfService?subJurisdictionId=1&locale=" + locale,
  258. dataType: "json"
  259. }));
  260. return ALC.common.termsOfServicePromise;
  261. },
  262. fetchTermsOfService: function() {
  263. if (!ALC.common.termsOfServicePromise) ALC.common.fetchNewTermsOfService();
  264. return ALC.common.termsOfServicePromise;
  265. },
  266. termsModalLaunch : function() {
  267. ALC.common.fetchTermsOfService().then(function(data) {
  268. var termsText = data.TermsOfService || "";
  269. $('#terms-modal .modal-body').html(termsText);
  270. $('#termsId').val(data.TermsOfServiceId);
  271. }).fail(function(errordata) {
  272. console.log("CAN'T GET TERMS: ", errordata);
  273. });
  274. },
  275. privacyModalLaunch : function() {
  276. var lang = (Cookies.get("locale") == "fr-ca") ? "fr" : "en";
  277. $.ajax({
  278. url : "/content/alc/" + lang + "/legal/privacy-policy.infinity.json",
  279. success : function(data){
  280. var policyText = data['jcr:content']['privacyPolicy'].text;
  281. $('#privacy-modal .modal-body').html(policyText);
  282. },
  283. error : function(errordata){
  284. console.log("CAN'T GET PRIVACY POLICY: ", errordata);
  285. }
  286. });
  287. },
  288. getQueryParameters : function(str) {
  289. return (str || document.location.search).replace(/(^\?)/,'').split("&").map(function(n){return n = n.split("="),this[n[0]] = n[1],this}.bind({}))[0];
  290. },
  291. fetchNewUserDashboard : function() {
  292. var dashboardAjax = function(){
  293. return $.ajax({
  294. url: "/services/pam/Dashboard",
  295. dataType: "json",
  296. cache: false
  297. });
  298. };
  300. ALC.common.dashboardPromise = Q(dashboardAjax()).then(function(data){
  301. if(data.error_code === 500 || data.error_code === 408){
  302. // Add a one-time retry in the event the dashboard call fails
  303. return Q(dashboardAjax());
  304. }
  305. return data;
  306. });
  307. return ALC.common.dashboardPromise;
  308. },
  309. fetchUserDashboard : function(){
  310. if (!ALC.common.dashboardPromise) ALC.common.fetchNewUserDashboard();
  311. return ALC.common.dashboardPromise;
  312. },
  314. /**
  315. * Updates the data-verify-url data attr or returns the users login+verified status.
  316. *
  317. * @param {object} dashboard - The expectation is that this will be
  318. * a dashboard object retrieved from a fetchUserDashboard call.
  319. *
  320. * @param {jQuery object} $linkEl - A jQuery wrapped <a> element
  321. * If this parameter is included, then the function will update
  322. * the element's data attr accordingly. If it isn't included, then
  323. * the function will return the state (for a knockout bind to use)
  324. * (Optional)
  325. */
  326. verifyLink : function(dashboard, $linkEl){
  327. var userLimitStatus,
  328. userLimitOnly;
  329. if (!dashboard || !ALC.UserInfo.isLoggedIn()) {
  330. userLimitStatus = 'GUEST';
  331. } else if (dashboard.IsAgeVerified === false){
  332. userLimitStatus = 'REVERIFY';
  333. } else if (dashboard.IsAgeVerified === true) {
  334. if (dashboard.ExclusionType && dashboard.ExclusionType != "NotExcluded"){
  335. userLimitStatus = "EXCLUDED";
  336. } else {
  337. userLimitStatus = null;
  338. }
  339. } else {
  340. userLimitStatus = 'GUEST';
  341. }
  343. if ($linkEl) {
  344. userLimitOnly = $linkEl.attr('data-verify-only');
  345. if (!userLimitStatus) {
  346. $linkEl.removeAttr('data-verify-url');
  347. if(userLimitOnly){
  348. $linkEl.removeAttr('data-verify-only');
  349. }
  350. } else {
  351. if(userLimitOnly){
  352. if(userLimitOnly.indexOf(userLimitStatus) === -1){
  353. $linkEl.removeAttr('data-verify-url');
  354. } else {
  355. $linkEl.attr('data-verify-url', userLimitStatus);
  356. }
  357. $linkEl.removeAttr('data-verify-only');
  358. } else {
  359. $linkEl.attr('data-verify-url', userLimitStatus);
  360. }
  361. }
  362. }
  364. return userLimitStatus;
  365. },
  366. launchLoginModal : function(){
  367. if (typeof NativeApp === 'object' && NativeApp !== null && typeof NativeApp.login === 'function') {
  368. NativeApp.login();
  369. return false;
  370. }
  371. return ALC.Modal.showModal({
  372. id: "modal-login",
  373. onShow: function() {
  374. if(ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('sessionExpires', true)) {
  375. $('.modal-login').find('.account-timeout').removeClass('hidden');
  376. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem('sessionExpires', true);
  377. }
  378. if(ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('sessionError', true)) {
  379. $('.modal-login').find('.session-error').removeClass('hidden');
  380. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem('sessionError', true);
  381. }
  382. //iOS fix
  383. if ( isMobileSafari() ) {
  384. //set modal to have absolute positioning rather than Fixed for iOS/Safari combo
  385. $(".modal-login").css("position","absolute");
  386. //all other elements need to be hidden
  387. $("body > :not(.modal-login)").hide();
  388. $(window).trigger("resize");
  389. }
  390. },
  391. onHidden: function() {
  392. $('.modal-login').find('.account-timeout, .session-error').addClass('hidden');
  393. if(ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('sessionExpires', true)) {
  394. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem('sessionExpires', true);
  395. }
  396. if(ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('sessionError', true)) {
  397. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem('sessionError', true);
  398. }
  399. //iOS fix
  400. if ( isMobileSafari() ) {
  401. //all other elements shown again
  402. $("body > :not(.modal-login)").show();
  403. $(window).trigger("resize");
  404. }
  405. }
  406. });
  407. },
  408. alcLogin : function(email, password, componentRoot, reloadPage, mobileapp) {
  409. function requestLogin(loginData) {
  410. Q(mobileapp || loginRequest(loginData))
  411. .then(checkLoginResponseMessage)
  412. .then(promoteAnonymousCartRequest)
  413. .then(reloadPageOnSuccess);
  414. }
  415. var loginRequest = function(loginData) {
  416. return Q($.ajax({
  417. type: 'POST',
  418. dataType: 'json',
  419. contentType: "application/json",
  420. url:'/services/pam/Login',
  421. data: loginData
  422. }));
  423. };
  424. var checkLoginResponseMessage = function(response) {
  425. if (response.error_code) {
  426. loginFail(response.message || response.MessageCode || Granite.I18n.get('Login Error'));
  427. // AJAX was successful but service threw an error
  428. throw response;
  429. } else {
  430. // if player has Post-Exclusion Reinstatement flag set, redirect to self-exclusion-reinstatement video page
  431. if ($.inArray("MUST_ACCEPT_EXCLUSION_EXPIRE", response.Player.playerStateFlag) !== -1) {
  432. ALC.common.sessionStorage.setItem('REVERIFY_URL',ALC.constants.CONTENT_ROOT + ALC.common.getShortLang() + '/self-exclusion-reinstatement.html');
  433. }
  434. }
  435. };
  436. var promoteAnonymousCartRequest = function() {
  437. var anonCartId = Cookies.get('AnonymousCartId');
  438. if (!anonCartId) return true;
  439. return Q($.ajax({
  440. type: 'POST',
  441. url: '/services/cart/PromoteAnonymousCart?AnonCartId=' + anonCartId,
  442. contentType: 'application/json'
  443. })).then(function(response) {
  444. if (response.error_code) {
  445. // AJAX was successful but service threw an error
  446. if(!mobileapp){
  447. promoteAnonymousCartFail(response.error_code);
  448. }
  449. throw response;
  450. } else {
  451. Cookies.remove('AnonymousCartId', { path: '/' }, {domain: 'alc.ca'});
  452. return response;
  453. }
  454. });
  455. };
  456. var promoteAnonymousCartFail = function(err) {
  457. $('.modal-body, .modal-header').addClass('hidden');
  458. $('#promote-anonymous-cart-alert').removeClass('hidden').insertAfter('.modal-header');
  459. };
  460. var loginFail = function(err) {
  461. $(componentRoot).find('.wrong-credentials').removeClass('hidden').html('<div class="error-message-content">' + $("<textarea/>").html(err).text() + '</div>');
  462. };
  463. var reloadPageOnSuccess = function() {
  465. if ($('#page-login').length) {
  466. window.location.href = decodeURIComponent(ALC.common.getQueryParameters().redirectUrl);
  467. } else if (ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('sessionReturnURL')) {
  468. var returnURL = ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('sessionReturnURL');
  469. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem('sessionReturnURL');
  470. window.location = returnURL;
  471. } else if (ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('REVERIFY_URL')) {
  472. var reverifyUrl = ALC.common.sessionStorage.getItem('REVERIFY_URL');
  473. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem('REVERIFY_URL');
  474. window.location.href = reverifyUrl;
  475. } else if (reloadPage) {
  476. window.location.reload(true);
  477. }
  478. };
  480. var geoRequestLogin = function (geoData) {
  481. var geoLocation = {
  482. IpAddress : JSON.parse(geoData).IpAddress,
  483. GeoLocation: JSON.parse(geoData)
  484. };
  486. // Get User Credentials
  487. var userCredentials = {
  488. EmailUserName: email,
  489. Password: password,
  490. AuditData : geoLocation
  491. };
  493. if (Cookies.get("Referrer")) {
  494. userCredentials.Referrer = Cookies.get("Referrer");
  495. }
  496. var userCredentialsJSON = JSON.stringify(userCredentials);
  497. requestLogin(userCredentialsJSON);
  498. };
  500. ALC.common.getIPGeolocation()
  501. .then(function(data){
  502. geoRequestLogin(data);
  503. })
  504. .fail(function (error) {
  505. loginFail("Geolocation Failed");
  506. });
  507. },
  508. alcLogout : function(redirecturl){
  509. var userCookies = ["PlayerCardId","LoginTime","CartHandle","AnonymousCartId","WalletId","locale","AuthTokenExpires","AuthSignature","InactivitySeconds","SessionSignature","Province","NickName", "LastActivity"];
  510. var endSession = function(){
  511. //Clear cookies/data before calling BE endSession service
  512. ALC.UserInfo.isLoggedIn(false);
  513. for (var i = 0; i < userCookies.length; ++i) {
  514. Cookies.remove(userCookies[i], { path: '/', domain: '.alc.ca'});
  515. }
  516. ALC.userUrchinTracking.removeUTMString();
  518. return Q($.ajax({
  519. url: '/services/pam/EndSession',
  520. type: 'POST'
  521. }).then(function(response){
  522. if(response !== "success"){
  523. throw response;
  524. }
  525. return response;
  526. }));
  527. };
  529. endSession().then(function(){
  530. if(redirecturl) {
  531. window.location.href = redirecturl;
  532. }
  534. if(typeof NativeApp === 'object'){
  535. NativeApp.logout();
  536. }
  537. }).fail(function(error){
  538. console.error('endSession() =>', error);
  539. });
  540. },
  541. ticketsSubmit: function( ticketsArr ){
  542. Q( ALC.common.packageTicketsJSON( ticketsArr ) )
  543. .then( ALC.common.sendToCart )
  544. .then( ALC.common.handleCartResponse )
  545. .fail( ALC.common.handleSubmitFail );
  546. },
  547. lookupBetTypeId : function(jackpotId, betType) {
  548. switch(jackpotId){
  549. case ALC.constants.DAILYGRAND_JPID : // Daily Grand
  550. switch(betType){
  551. case "CBO5" :
  552. return "105";
  553. default:
  554. return "100";
  555. }
  556. case ALC.constants.LOTTOMAX_JPID : // Lotto Max
  557. switch(betType){
  558. case "CBO6" :
  559. return "106";
  560. case "CBO8" :
  561. return "108";
  562. case "CBO9" :
  563. return "109";
  564. default :
  565. return "100";
  566. }
  567. case ALC.constants.LOTTO649_JPID : // Lotto 6/49
  568. switch(betType){
  569. case "CBO5" :
  570. return "105";
  571. case "CBO7" :
  572. return "107";
  573. case "CBO8" :
  574. return "108";
  575. case "CBO9" :
  576. return "109";
  577. default :
  578. return "100";
  579. }
  580. case ALC.constants.KENOATLANTIC_JPID : // Keno-Atlantic
  581. switch(betType){
  582. case "2Spot" :
  583. return "102";
  584. case "3Spot" :
  585. return "103";
  586. case "4Spot" :
  587. return "104";
  588. case "5Spot" :
  589. return "105";
  590. case "6Spot" :
  591. return "106";
  592. case "7Spot" :
  593. return "107";
  594. case "8Spot" :
  595. return "108";
  596. case "9Spot" :
  597. return "109";
  598. case "10Spot" :
  599. return "110";
  600. default :
  601. return "100";
  602. }
  603. default :
  604. return "100";
  605. }
  606. },
  607. getCombinationName : function(combination){
  608. if(typeof combination === "string"){
  609. return Granite.I18n.get("Combination - {0}", [parseInt(combination.slice(3), 10)])
  610. }
  611. },
  612. distributeAddons : function(tickets, addons, index) {
  613. var fatTickets = addons % tickets,
  614. commonNumber = Math.floor(addons/tickets);
  615. return (index < fatTickets) ? commonNumber + 1 : commonNumber;
  616. },
  617. packageTicketsJSON: function(response){
  618. var ItemsObj = [];
  620. $(response.itemsConfig.games).each(function(index){
  621. var addonsObj = this.AddOns,
  622. itemsObj = this.Items,
  623. totalCost = 0,
  624. jackpotId = String(itemsObj.JackpotId),
  625. jackpotName = String(itemsObj.JackpotName),
  626. inPerpetuity = Boolean(this.Subscribe),
  627. advanceDraws = parseInt(this.AdvanceDraws);
  629. $(itemsObj.Numbers).each(function(index){
  630. var addonsCost = 0;
  631. if( addonsObj ){
  632. var AddOns = $.map(addonsObj, function(data) {
  633. var count = ALC.common.distributeAddons(itemsObj.Numbers.length, parseInt(data.count), index),
  634. cost = parseInt(data.cost);
  635. if(count){
  636. addonsCost += count * cost;
  637. }
  638. return {
  639. "AddonName": String(data.name),
  640. "Count": count,
  641. "Numbers": "",
  642. "Cost": count * cost,
  643. "UnitCost": cost
  644. };
  645. });
  646. }
  648. var Panels = [],
  649. panelNumbers = this[0].toString(),
  650. betType = this[1].toString(),
  651. ticketCost = parseInt(this[2]),
  652. quickPicks = parseInt(this[3]),
  653. totalCost = (addonsCost + ticketCost)*advanceDraws,
  654. panel = {
  655. "Numbers": panelNumbers,
  656. "BetType": betType,
  657. "QuickPicks": quickPicks,
  658. "CostPerDraw": ticketCost + addonsCost,
  659. "CostBasis": ticketCost,
  660. "ComboBet": ""
  661. };
  663. Panels.push(panel);
  664. //Daily Grand -- Only add if NOT a combo play
  665. if (jackpotName === "DailyGrand" && this[1].toString().substring(0,3) !== "CBO"){
  666. var grandNumber = {
  667. "Numbers": this[4],
  668. "BetType":this[1].toString(),
  669. "QuickPicks":(quickPicks) ? 1 : 0,
  670. "CostPerDraw":0,
  671. "CostBasis":0,
  672. "ComboBet":""
  673. };
  674. Panels.push(grandNumber);
  675. }
  677. var subscriptionItem = {
  678. "SubscriptionItem":{
  679. "LottoPanelsContainer": {
  680. "JackpotId": jackpotId,
  681. "Multiplier": false,
  682. "MidDay":false,
  683. "Panels": Panels
  684. },
  685. "AddonPanelsContainer": {
  686. "AddonsCostPerDraw": addonsCost,
  687. "Panels": AddOns
  688. },
  689. "PlayerGroupId": null,
  690. "JackpotId": jackpotId,
  691. "NumDraws": advanceDraws,
  692. "InPerpetuity": inPerpetuity,
  693. "TotalCost": totalCost,
  694. "JackpotName": jackpotName,
  695. "BetTypeId": ALC.common.lookupBetTypeId(itemsObj.JackpotId, betType),
  696. "BetTypeCost": ticketCost,
  697. "CostPerDraw": ticketCost + addonsCost
  698. }
  699. };
  700. ItemsObj.push(subscriptionItem);
  701. });
  703. });
  705. ALC.common.gaECommerce.addToCartItems = ItemsObj;
  707. var itemsJSON = JSON.stringify({"Items": ItemsObj});
  709. return itemsJSON;
  710. },
  712. sendToCart : function( itemsJSON ){
  713. return Q($.ajax({
  714. url :'/services/cart/AddItemsToCart',
  715. data : itemsJSON,
  716. dataType: 'json',
  717. contentType: "application/json",
  718. type: 'POST'
  719. }));
  720. },
  722. handleCartResponse : function(response) {
  723. if(response.error_code) {
  724. throw response;
  725. } else {
  726. ALC.common.gaECommerce.addToCart(ALC.common.gaECommerce.createProductsList(ALC.common.gaECommerce.addToCartItems));
  727. ALC.common.gaECommerce.addToCartItems = null;
  729. var locale = locale || ALC.common.getShortLang();
  730. window.location = ALC.constants.CONTENT_ROOT + locale + ALC.constants.CART_PATH + '?Updated=' + new Date().getTime();
  731. }
  732. },
  734. gaECommerce : {
  735. productImpression : function(products) {
  736. dataLayer.push({
  737. 'ecommerce' : {
  738. 'detail' : {
  739. 'products' : products
  740. }
  741. }
  742. });
  743. },
  744. addToCartItems : null,
  745. createProductsList : function(items) {
  746. var products = [];
  748. items.forEach(function(ticket){
  749. products.push(
  750. {
  751. 'name': ticket.SubscriptionItem.JackpotName,
  752. 'id': ticket.SubscriptionItem.JackpotId,
  753. 'price': ticket.SubscriptionItem.BetTypeCost/100,
  754. 'brand': ticket.SubscriptionItem.JackpotName,
  755. 'category': ALC.common.gaECommerce.lookUpGTMCategory(ticket.SubscriptionItem.JackpotName),
  756. 'quantity': ticket.SubscriptionItem.NumDraws
  757. }
  758. );
  759. ticket.SubscriptionItem.AddonPanelsContainer.Panels.forEach(function(addon){
  760. products.push(
  761. {
  762. 'name': addon.AddonName,
  763. 'id': ALC.common.gaECommerce.lookUpGTMAddonId(addon.AddonName),
  764. 'price': addon.UnitCost/100,
  765. 'brand': addon.AddonName,
  766. 'category': ALC.common.gaECommerce.lookUpGTMCategory(addon.AddonName),
  767. 'quantity': addon.Count * ticket.SubscriptionItem.NumDraws
  768. }
  769. );
  770. });
  771. });
  773. var productsCollection = products.reduce(function(collection, product){
  774. if(!collection[product.name]){
  775. collection[product.name] = product;
  776. } else {
  777. collection[product.name].quantity += product.quantity;
  778. }
  779. return collection;
  780. }, Object.create(null));
  782. products.length = 0;
  783. Object.keys(productsCollection).forEach(function(key){
  784. products.push(productsCollection[key]);
  785. });
  787. return products;
  788. },
  789. addToCart : function(products) {
  790. if(!products.length) return;
  792. dataLayer.push({
  793. 'event': 'addToCart',
  794. 'ecommerce': {
  795. 'currencyCode': 'CAD',
  796. 'add': {
  797. 'products': products
  798. }
  799. }
  800. });
  801. },
  802. removeFromCart : function(products) {
  803. if(!products.length) return;
  805. dataLayer.push({
  806. 'event': 'removeFromCart',
  807. 'ecommerce': {
  808. 'currencyCode': 'CAD',
  809. 'add': {
  810. 'products': products
  811. }
  812. }
  813. });
  814. },
  815. cartCheckout : function(products) {
  816. if(!products.length) return;
  818. dataLayer.push({
  819. 'event': 'checkout',
  820. 'ecommerce': {
  821. 'checkout': {
  822. 'actionField': {
  823. 'step': 1,
  824. 'option': 'Wallet'
  825. },
  826. 'products': products
  827. }
  828. }
  829. });
  830. },
  831. cartConfirmation : function(order, products) {
  832. if(!products.length) return;
  834. dataLayer.push({
  835. 'event': 'purchase',
  836. 'ecommerce': {
  837. 'purchase': {
  838. 'actionField': {
  839. 'id': order.PurchaseId,
  840. 'revenue': (order.TotalCost/100).toFixed(2)
  841. },
  842. 'products': products
  843. }
  844. }
  845. });
  846. },
  847. lookUpGTMCategory : function(name){
  848. switch(name) {
  849. case 'Lotto649' :
  850. case 'LottoMax' :
  851. case 'Atlantic 49' :
  852. case 'Tag' :
  853. case 'Bucko' :
  854. case 'SalsaBingo' :
  855. case 'KenoAtlantic' :
  856. case 'DailyGrand' :
  857. case 'Twist' :
  858. return 'Lottery';
  859. default :
  860. return '';
  861. }
  862. },
  863. lookUpGTMAddonId : function(name){
  864. switch(name) {
  865. case 'Atlantic 49' :
  866. return '6';
  867. case 'Tag' :
  868. return '9';
  869. case 'Twist' :
  870. return '3';
  871. default :
  872. return '';
  873. }
  874. }
  875. },
  879. handleSubmitFail : function(error){
  880. console.log("Fail to submit to cart:", error);
  881. ALC.common.enableButton($('button[data-action="addtocart"]'));
  882. },
  883. getSubscriptionDraws : function(gameid) {
  884. switch(gameid) {
  885. case ALC.constants.ATLANTIC49_JPID : // atlantic-49 ex 17
  886. return 2*4;
  887. case ALC.constants.BUCKO_JPID : // bucko ex 20
  888. return 7*4;
  889. case ALC.constants.KENOATLANTIC_JPID : // kenoatlantic ex 18
  890. return 7*4;
  891. case ALC.constants.LOTTO649_JPID : // lotto-649 ex 15
  892. return 2*4;
  893. case ALC.constants.LOTTOMAX_JPID : // lotto-max ex 16
  894. return 1*4;
  895. case ALC.constants.POKERLOTTO_JPID : // poker-lotto ex 23
  896. return 7*4;
  897. case ALC.constants.SALSABINGO_JPID : // salsa-bingo ex 22
  898. return 7*4;
  899. case ALC.constants.DAILYGRAND_JPID : // daily-grand ex 21
  900. return 2*4;
  901. default :
  902. return 1;
  903. };
  904. },
  905. getParameterByName : function(name, url) {
  906. if (!url) url = window.location.href;
  907. name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
  908. var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
  909. results = regex.exec(url);
  910. if (!results) return null;
  911. if (!results[2]) return '';
  912. return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
  913. },
  914. QueryStringToJSON : function(qs) {
  915. qs = qs || location.search.slice(1);
  917. var pairs = qs.split('&');
  918. var result = {};
  919. pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
  920. var pair = pair.split('=');
  921. var key = pair[0];
  922. var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');
  924. if( result[key] ) {
  925. if(result[key].constructor === Array) {
  926. result[key].push( value );
  927. } else {
  928. result[key] = [ result[key], value ];
  929. }
  930. } else {
  931. result[key] = value;
  932. }
  933. });
  935. return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
  936. },
  937. padDigits : function(number, digits) {
  938. return Array(Math.max(digits - String(number).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + number;
  939. },
  940. formatPrizeNumber: function(number) {
  941. return number.slice(0, -2) + '-' + number.slice(-2);
  942. },
  943. validationUtils:{
  944. /**
  945. * Validate postal code against Atlantic province prefixes. If a spefic province is selected then it will be used instead
  946. */
  947. postalCode: function(value, requirements){
  948. var postalValue = ALC.common.multiFieldUtils.concatMultiField(requirements, '', true);
  949. var provinces = {'NL' : 'A', 'NS' : 'B', 'PE' : 'C', 'NB' : 'E'};
  950. var postalPrefix = ($('#province').val()) ? provinces[$('#province').val()] : 'ABCE';
  951. var rxString = '^['+postalPrefix+'][0-9][ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ][0-9][ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZ][0-9]';
  952. var validPostalRX = new RegExp( rxString, 'i' );
  953. return validPostalRX.test(postalValue);
  954. },
  955. /**
  956. * Opposite of built-in Equalto validator.
  957. * @param {string} requirements - set on the validator data attr
  958. * requirements starting with # will use the value of the element with that id
  959. * otherwise, requirements are used directly as the value to compare against
  960. *
  961. * Updated functionality to do a 'fuzzy' match that converts everything to lowercase before comparing
  962. */
  963. notEqualto: function(value, requirements){
  964. if (requirements.charAt(0) === '#'){
  965. return $(requirements).toArray()
  966. .every( function(elem) {
  967. return $(elem).val().toLowerCase() !== value.toLowerCase();
  968. });
  969. }else {
  970. return value.toLowerCase() !== requirements.toLowerCase();
  971. }
  972. },
  973. /**
  974. * Parsley has a built-in phone validator, but we have specific requirements:
  975. * 1. Merge three separate input fields and validate as one string
  976. * 2. SGI has the following field validation that must be duplicated on the FE:
  977. * - The First two "exchanges" can't be 0 or 1 (Essentially the 1st and 4th character can't be 0 or 1)
  978. */
  979. phoneNumber: function(value, requirements) {
  980. var phoneValue = ALC.common.multiFieldUtils.concatMultiField(requirements);
  981. var rxString = /^[2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{6}$/;
  982. return rxString.test(phoneValue);
  983. },
  984. checkPassword: function(password, requirements){
  985. var rx = {
  986. number: /[0-9]/,
  987. lowerCase: /[a-z]/,
  988. upperCase: /[A-Z]/,
  989. full: /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z!@#$%^&*()_+-=<>?,.|{}`~]{8,}$/
  990. };
  991. var errorMessage = $('.password-criteria').first().clone().removeClass('hidden');
  992. errorMessage.find('.psw-count').toggleClass('checked', password.length >= 8);
  993. errorMessage.find('.psw-num').toggleClass('checked', rx.number.test(password));
  994. errorMessage.find('.psw-lwr').toggleClass('checked', rx.lowerCase.test(password));
  995. errorMessage.find('.psw-uppr').toggleClass('checked', rx.upperCase.test(password));
  996. $('[name='+requirements+']').parsley().options.passwordValidMessage = errorMessage[0].outerHTML;
  997. return rx.full.test(password);
  998. },
  999. nameWithSpecialChars: function(value) {
  1000. /*
  1001. * Name Regex:
  1002. * Valid: roman letters, fr-ca accented letters, hypens, spaces, apostrophes
  1003. * Invalid: Numbers, symbols, foreign characters (ie: asian, arabic)
  1004. */
  1005. var validNameRX = /^[-'’\sa-zàâçéèêëîïôûùüÿ]+$/i;
  1006. return validNameRX.test(value);
  1007. }
  1008. },
  1009. popoverDefaults : {
  1010. // For list of options check http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_ref_js_popover.asp
  1011. animation : true,
  1012. html : true,
  1013. container: 'body',
  1014. title: '',
  1015. trigger : "focus",
  1016. placement : function(el, triggerEl){
  1017. if($(window).width() >= 768) {
  1018. return "right";
  1019. } else {
  1020. return "bottom";
  1021. }
  1022. }
  1023. },
  1024. multiFieldUtils : {
  1025. arrayHasUndefined: function(arr){
  1026. return arr.indexOf("") >= 0;
  1027. },
  1028. concatMultiField : function(requirements, sep, allFieldsRequired){
  1029. /**
  1030. * Returns a concatenated string from all the fields in a multi-field-group
  1031. * allFieldsRequired = true will trigger an additional check to make sure all the fields have values. Returns false if there are undefined values
  1032. */
  1033. var separator = sep || '';
  1034. var fieldValues = $( '[data-multi-field="'+requirements+'"]' ).map(function() {
  1035. return $(this).val();
  1036. }).get();
  1038. if(allFieldsRequired && this.arrayHasUndefined(fieldValues)){
  1039. return false;
  1040. }else{
  1041. return fieldValues.join(separator);
  1042. }
  1043. },
  1044. multiFieldIsDirty : function(fieldGroup){
  1045. //Returns true if all the fields in the group have been blurred (using pristine vs dirty states)
  1046. var fieldsInGroup = $('[data-multi-field="'+fieldGroup+'"]').length;
  1047. var dirtyFieldsInGroup = $('[data-multi-field="'+fieldGroup+'"][data-validation-state="dirty"]').length;
  1048. return fieldsInGroup === dirtyFieldsInGroup;
  1049. },
  1050. clearPopover : function(multiFieldsGroup, triggerField){
  1051. //Only clear popover if entire multi-field group is blurred
  1052. setTimeout(function(){
  1053. if(!multiFieldsGroup.is(':focus')){
  1054. triggerField.popover('hide');
  1055. }
  1056. }, 10); //Delayed functions are undesirable but the focus event is only _nearly_ instantaneous after a blur when tabbing or clicking, so it has to be this way
  1057. }
  1058. },
  1059. parsleyValidation : (function() {
  1060. var isInitialized = false;
  1061. return {
  1062. init: function(formEls, validationOptions){
  1063. var initForm = function(formEl){
  1064. formEl.parsley({
  1065. errorClass: 'has-error',
  1066. successClass: 'has-success',
  1067. classHandler: function(el) {
  1068. // classes added on closest .form-group element
  1069. return el.$element.closest('.form-group');
  1070. },
  1071. errorsWrapper: '',
  1072. errorTemplate: '',
  1073. validationOptions: validationOptions
  1074. });
  1075. }
  1076. //Add support for handling an array of forms on one page or just one
  1077. if($.isArray(formEls)){
  1078. formEls.forEach(function(el){
  1079. initForm(el);
  1080. });
  1081. }else{
  1082. initForm(formEls);
  1083. }
  1084. if(!isInitialized){
  1085. isInitialized = true;
  1086. window.Parsley.on('field:success', function(fieldInstance) {
  1087. var elm = $(this.$element);
  1088. var targetElm = elm;
  1089. if(elm.closest('.validation-container').length){
  1090. //Conditional parent target class for fields like radio and checkbox that have hidden inputs with styled replacements
  1091. targetElm = elm.closest('.validation-container');
  1092. }
  1093. // This global callback will be called for any field that passes validation.
  1094. targetElm.popover("destroy");
  1095. });
  1096. window.Parsley.on('field:error', function(fieldInstance) {
  1097. // This global callback will be called for any field that fails validation.
  1098. var elm = $(this.$element);
  1099. var targetElm = elm;
  1100. var arrErrorMsg = targetElm.parsley().getErrorsMessages(fieldInstance);
  1101. var errorMsg = arrErrorMsg.join(';');
  1102. var content = errorMsg;
  1104. var popoverClass = 'error-popover';
  1105. var validationOptions = fieldInstance.parent.options.validationOptions;
  1106. var options = (validationOptions && validationOptions.popoverOptions) ? validationOptions.popoverOptions : {};
  1108. if(validationOptions){
  1109. if(validationOptions.extraMargins){
  1110. popoverClass += (elm.closest('.validation-container').length) ? ' extra-margin-group' : ' extra-margin';
  1111. }
  1112. if(validationOptions.modalPopover){
  1113. popoverClass += ' modal-popover';
  1114. }
  1115. }
  1117. //Conditional parent target class for fields like radio and checkbox that have hidden inputs with styled replacements
  1118. if(elm.closest('.validation-container').length){
  1119. targetElm = elm.closest('.validation-container');
  1120. }
  1122. if(targetElm.data && targetElm.data('bs.popover')){
  1123. //Element already has popover initialized -- check if message has changed
  1124. var popover = targetElm.data('bs.popover');
  1126. if(popover.options.content != content){
  1127. popover.options.content = content;
  1128. if(popover.$tip){
  1129. //Dynamically trigger a redraw of content for an active popup. Most of the positioning/calcuation stuff is repurposed from the original bootstrap/js/tooltip.js file
  1130. var pos, actualWidth, actualHeight, calculatedOffset;
  1131. var placement = typeof popover.options.placement == 'function' ?
  1132. popover.options.placement.call(popover, popover.$tip[0], popover.$element[0]) :
  1133. popover.options.placement;
  1135. popover.setContent();
  1136. popover.$tip.addClass(placement);
  1137. // Recalculate popover and tip positioning
  1138. pos = popover.getPosition();
  1139. actualWidth = popover.$tip[0].offsetWidth;
  1140. actualHeight = popover.$tip[0].offsetHeight;
  1141. calculatedOffset = popover.getCalculatedOffset(placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight);
  1142. popover.applyPlacement(calculatedOffset, placement);
  1144. }
  1145. }
  1146. }else{
  1147. if(elm.is('[data-multi-field]')){
  1148. options.trigger = 'manual';
  1149. }
  1150. //Popover not initialized
  1151. targetElm.popover(
  1152. $.extend({}, ALC.common.popoverDefaults, {
  1153. content: content,
  1154. template: '<div class="popover '+popoverClass+'" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-content"></div></div>'
  1155. }, options)
  1156. );
  1157. //Only show if the field is currently in focus
  1158. if(elm.is(':focus')){
  1159. targetElm.popover('show');
  1160. }
  1161. }
  1162. });
  1164. window.Parsley.on('field:validated', function(fieldInstance) {
  1165. var validationOptions = fieldInstance.parent.options.validationOptions;
  1166. //Submit button will only be enabled if the form is visible
  1167. if(!validationOptions || (validationOptions && !validationOptions.enableSubmit)){
  1168. var parentForm = fieldInstance.parent.$element,
  1169. submitBtn = parentForm.find('[type="submit"]'),
  1170. hasErrorClasses = parentForm.find('.has-error').length > 0;
  1172. var hasEmptyRequired = parentForm.find('input').prop('required', true).filter(function () {
  1173. return !this.value;
  1174. }).length > 0;
  1176. submitBtn.toggleClass('disabled', hasErrorClasses || hasEmptyRequired);
  1177. }
  1178. });
  1180. /**
  1181. * Multi-field extension for Parsley, which currently has no built-in support for this feature
  1182. * Uses the pristine vs. dirty concept from Angular JS to track/detect if a field has been 'touched'. Validation for the group shouldn't happen until all the fields are dirty
  1183. * Adds the ability to trigger the error popover from the focus event a non-trigger field and other manual popover show/clear functions
  1184. */
  1185. $('[data-multi-field]').each(function(){
  1186. var fieldGroup = $(this).data('multiField');
  1187. var multiFields = $('[data-multi-field="'+fieldGroup+'"]');
  1188. var triggerField = $('[data-multi-field="'+fieldGroup+'"][data-parsley-trigger]');
  1190. //Apply pristine field state to all fields by default
  1191. $(this).attr('data-validation-state', 'pristine');
  1193. $(this).on('focus', function(){
  1194. //Set field state to 'dirty' on focus
  1195. $(this).attr('data-validation-state', 'dirty');
  1197. //Check for and fire popover on trigger field
  1198. var targetElm = triggerField;
  1199. if(targetElm.data && targetElm.data('bs.popover')){
  1200. var popover = targetElm.data('bs.popover');
  1201. if(!popover.$tip || (popover.$tip && !popover.$tip.hasClass('in'))){
  1202. popover.show();
  1203. }
  1204. }
  1205. });
  1207. if(!this.hasAttribute('data-parsley-trigger')){
  1208. // Run validation on trigger field from any of the other fields in the group if all fields are dirty
  1209. $(this).on('change', function(){
  1210. if(ALC.common.multiFieldUtils.multiFieldIsDirty(fieldGroup)){
  1211. triggerField.parsley().validate();
  1212. }
  1213. });
  1215. $(this).on('blur', function(){
  1216. //Manual clearing of popover on blur
  1217. ALC.common.multiFieldUtils.clearPopover(multiFields, triggerField);
  1218. });
  1219. }else{
  1220. $(this).on('blur', function(){
  1221. // Automatically set all fields to dirty once the trigger field has been changed
  1222. multiFields.each(function(){
  1223. $(this).attr('data-validation-state', 'dirty');
  1224. });
  1225. //Manual clearing of popover on blur
  1226. ALC.common.multiFieldUtils.clearPopover(multiFields, triggerField);
  1227. });
  1228. }
  1229. });
  1231. // Equalto validation (such as 'Confirm Email') works in reverse
  1232. // if first input is edited/re-edited after Confirm input
  1233. $('[data-parsley-equalto]').each(function() {
  1234. var firstFieldId = $(this).attr('data-parsley-equalto');
  1235. var secondField = $(this);
  1236. $(firstFieldId).on('input', function() {
  1237. if ($(secondField).val()) {
  1238. $(secondField).parsley().validate();
  1239. }
  1240. });
  1241. });
  1243. //Generic validation/input helpers
  1244. $(document).on('input', '[data-autoadvance-after]', function (e) {
  1246. if ( $(this)[0].hasAttribute('data-validate-type') && $(this)[0].hasAttribute('pattern') ){
  1247. var regexPattern = '^' + $(this).attr('pattern') + '$';
  1248. var regexSpecialChars = new RegExp ( regexPattern );
  1249. if(regexSpecialChars.test(this.value) && $(this).val().length === $(this).data('autoadvanceAfter')) {
  1250. $(this).nextAll("input")[0].focus();
  1251. }
  1252. }else{
  1253. if($(this).val().length === $(this).data('autoadvanceAfter')) {
  1254. $(this).nextAll("input")[0].focus();
  1255. }
  1256. }
  1257. });
  1258. }
  1260. }
  1261. };
  1263. })(),
  1264. getUrlParameter: function(paramName) {
  1265. //gets all url parameters and returns the value of the paramters name passed in
  1266. var searchString = window.location.search.substring(1),
  1267. i,
  1268. val;
  1270. if (searchString.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
  1271. params = searchString.split("?")[1].split("&");
  1272. } else {
  1273. params = searchString.split("&");
  1274. }
  1276. for (i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
  1277. val = params[i].split("=");
  1278. if (val[0] === paramName) {
  1279. return val[1];
  1280. }
  1281. }
  1283. return null;
  1284. },
  1285. getMobileUserAgent: function(){
  1286. return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
  1287. },
  1288. /**
  1289. * HTML5 Geolocation API
  1290. *
  1291. * returns: a Q promise based on user's browser settings/choices regarding sharing of Geolocation data
  1292. */
  1293. getGeolocation: function(geoOptions){
  1294. var deferred = Q.defer();
  1295. var geoData = {
  1296. Latitude : "",
  1297. Longitude : ""
  1298. };
  1299. var options = geoOptions || {};
  1300. options.timeout = 5000;
  1302. function resolvePromise(){
  1303. deferred.resolve(geoData);
  1304. }
  1305. function getPositionSuccess(position) {
  1306. //Truncate geo values for SGI API if enableHighaccuracy flag isn't set
  1307. if(!options.enableHighAccuracy){
  1308. geoData.Latitude = position.coords.latitude.toString().substr(0,10);
  1309. geoData.Longitude = position.coords.longitude.toString().substr(0,10);
  1310. }else{
  1311. geoData.Latitude = position.coords.latitude.toString();
  1312. geoData.Longitude = position.coords.longitude.toString();
  1313. }
  1314. resolvePromise();
  1315. }
  1316. function getPositionFailure() {
  1317. resolvePromise();
  1318. return;
  1319. }
  1321. if (!navigator.geolocation) {
  1322. getPositionFailure();
  1323. } else {
  1324. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(getPositionSuccess, getPositionFailure, options);
  1325. }
  1327. // Trigger timeout manually since Edge doesn't trigger fail
  1328. setTimeout(getPositionFailure, options.timeout);
  1330. return deferred.promise;
  1331. },
  1332. geolocationDebug: {
  1333. //Debugging object allows QA/Devs to manually override Browser geolocation (lat/long) values
  1334. settings : {
  1335. enabled: false,
  1336. geoData:{
  1337. Latitude : "",
  1338. Longitude : "",
  1339. IpAddress: ""
  1340. }
  1341. },
  1342. setValues: function(latitude, longitude, ipAddress){
  1343. if(ALC.applicationProperties.enableDebugging == 'true'){
  1344. //Override is only availble in specific environments
  1345. this.settings.enabled = true;
  1346. this.settings.geoData.Latitude = latitude.toString().substr(0,10);
  1347. this.settings.geoData.Longitude = longitude.toString().substr(0,10);
  1348. this.settings.geoData.IpAddress = ipAddress;
  1349. }
  1350. }
  1351. },
  1352. getIP: function(forceIP){
  1353. var environment = ALC.applicationProperties.envName;
  1354. if(environment === 'sgiprod' && forceIP){
  1355. return Q($.ajax({
  1356. url: '/services/GetClientIp',
  1357. dataType: 'text',
  1358. cache: true
  1359. }));
  1360. }else if(environment !== 'sgiprod'){
  1361. return Q($.ajax({
  1362. url: 'https://api.ipify.org',
  1363. dataType: 'text',
  1364. cache: true
  1365. }));
  1366. }else{
  1367. return Q('');
  1368. }
  1369. },
  1370. convertLotto4WinningNumbers: function (lotto4WinningNumbers) {
  1371. //Lotto4 is a Digit game and comes with a single 0-9999 digit. We want to split up the numbers for display purposes.
  1372. return lotto4WinningNumbers[0].split("");
  1373. },
  1374. getIPGeolocation: function(geoOptions, forceIP) {
  1375. if(ALC.common.geolocationDebug.settings.enabled && ALC.applicationProperties.enableDebugging == 'true'){
  1376. //Override is only availble in specific environments
  1377. return Q.when(JSON.stringify(ALC.common.geolocationDebug.settings.geoData));
  1378. }
  1380. if(typeof NativeApp === 'object'){
  1381. return ALC.common.getIP(true).then(function(ipAddress){
  1382. var nativeGeoIP = {
  1383. Latitude: 45.2597798,
  1384. Longitude: -66.1090706,
  1385. IpAddress: ipAddress
  1386. };
  1388. return JSON.stringify(nativeGeoIP);
  1389. });
  1390. }
  1392. var options = geoOptions || {};
  1393. var geoPromises = [ALC.common.getGeolocation(options), ALC.common.getIP(forceIP)];
  1395. return Q.all(geoPromises).spread(function(geoData, ipData){
  1396. var geoIPData = {
  1397. IpAddress: ipData
  1398. };
  1400. if (options.enableHighAccuracy) {
  1401. geoIPData.latitude = geoData.Latitude;
  1402. geoIPData.longitude = geoData.Longitude;
  1403. } else {
  1404. geoIPData.Latitude = geoData.Latitude;
  1405. geoIPData.Longitude = geoData.Longitude;
  1406. }
  1407. return JSON.stringify(geoIPData);
  1408. });
  1409. },
  1410. getGameName: function(gameId){
  1411. switch(gameId){
  1412. case 'Lotto649' :
  1413. return Granite.I18n.get('LOTTO 6/49');
  1414. case 'Atlantic49' :
  1415. return Granite.I18n.get('Atlantic 49');
  1416. case 'DailyGrand' :
  1417. return Granite.I18n.get('DAILY GRAND');
  1418. case 'KenoAtlantic' :
  1419. return Granite.I18n.get('Keno Atlantic');
  1420. case 'LottoMax' :
  1421. return Granite.I18n.get('LOTTO MAX');
  1422. case 'SalsaBingo' :
  1423. return Granite.I18n.get('Salsa Bingo');
  1424. case 'AllLotto' :
  1425. return Granite.I18n.get('All Lotto Games');
  1426. case 'ScratchNWin' :
  1427. return Granite.I18n.get('All Scratch N\' Win Games');
  1428. case "Lotto4":
  1429. return Granite.I18n.get('LOTTO 4');
  1430. case 'PokerLotto' :
  1431. return Granite.I18n.get('POKER LOTTO');
  1432. default :
  1433. return Granite.I18n.get(gameId);
  1434. }
  1435. },
  1436. getCustomTranslation: function(key){
  1437. switch(key){
  1438. case 'All Lotto649 Winners' :
  1439. return Granite.I18n.get('All LOTTO 6/49 Winners');
  1440. case 'All Atlantic49 Winners' :
  1441. return Granite.I18n.get('All Atlantic 49 Winners');
  1442. case 'All DailyGrand Winners' :
  1443. return Granite.I18n.get('All DAILY GRAND Winners');
  1444. case 'All KenoAtlantic Winners' :
  1445. return Granite.I18n.get('All Keno Atlantic Winners');
  1446. case 'All LottoMax Winners' :
  1447. return Granite.I18n.get('All LOTTO MAX Winners');
  1448. case 'All SalsaBingo Winners' :
  1449. return Granite.I18n.get('All Salsa Bingo Winners');
  1450. case 'All Lotto4 Winners' :
  1451. return Granite.I18n.get('All LOTTO 4 Winners');
  1452. case 'All PokerLotto Winners' :
  1453. return Granite.I18n.get('All POKER LOTTO Winners');
  1454. default :
  1455. return Granite.I18n.get(key);
  1456. }
  1457. },
  1458. sessionStorageSupported: undefined,
  1459. sessionStorage: {
  1460. setItem: function(key, value, forceCookie){
  1461. if(!forceCookie && ALC.common.sessionStorage.checkSessionStorage()) {
  1462. window.sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);
  1463. } else {
  1464. Cookies.set(key, value, {path: '/', domain: 'alc.ca'});
  1465. }
  1466. },
  1467. getItem: function(key, forceCookie){
  1468. var keyValue;
  1469. if(!forceCookie && ALC.common.sessionStorage.checkSessionStorage()) {
  1470. keyValue = window.sessionStorage.getItem(key);
  1471. } else {
  1472. keyValue = Cookies.get(key);
  1473. keyValue = (keyValue !== undefined) ? keyValue : null;
  1474. }
  1475. return keyValue;
  1476. },
  1477. removeItem: function(key, forceCookie){
  1478. if(!forceCookie && ALC.common.sessionStorage.checkSessionStorage()) {
  1479. window.sessionStorage.removeItem(key);
  1480. } else {
  1481. Cookies.remove(key, { path: '/', domain: '.alc.ca'});
  1482. }
  1483. },
  1484. clear: function(keys, forceCookie){
  1485. if(!forceCookie && ALC.common.sessionStorage.checkSessionStorage()) {
  1486. if(keys instanceof Array){
  1487. keys.forEach(function(key){
  1488. ALC.common.sessionStorage.removeItem(key);
  1489. });
  1490. } else {
  1491. window.sessionStorage.clear();
  1492. }
  1493. } else {
  1494. if(keys instanceof Array){
  1495. keys.forEach(function(key){
  1496. Cookies.remove(key, { path: '/', domain: '.alc.ca'});
  1497. });
  1498. }
  1499. }
  1500. },
  1501. checkSessionStorage: function(){
  1502. var testKey = 'test',
  1503. storage = window.sessionStorage;
  1505. if(ALC.common.sessionStorageSupported === undefined){
  1506. try {
  1507. storage.setItem(testKey, '1');
  1508. storage.removeItem(testKey);
  1509. ALC.common.sessionStorageSupported = true;
  1510. } catch (error) {
  1511. ALC.common.sessionStorageSupported = false;
  1512. }
  1513. }
  1514. return ALC.common.sessionStorageSupported;
  1515. }
  1516. },
  1517. createAbsoluteURL: function(path) {
  1518. var a = document.createElement('a');
  1519. a.href = path;
  1521. return a.href;
  1522. },
  1523. detectKeyInObject: function(obj, key) {
  1524. var type = typeof key,
  1525. keyParts;
  1527. if(!obj || !key) return null;
  1529. if (type === 'string' || type === 'number') {
  1530. keyParts = String(key).replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, function (m, keyPart) {
  1531. return '.' + keyPart.replace(/^['']|['']$/g, '');
  1532. }).split('.');
  1533. } else {
  1534. return null;
  1535. }
  1537. for (var i = 0; i < keyParts.length; i++) {
  1538. if (obj.hasOwnProperty(keyParts[i])) obj = obj[keyParts[i]];
  1539. else return null;
  1540. }
  1542. return obj;
  1543. }
  1544. }; //end of ALC.common
  1547. ALC.AjaxLoader = (function() {
  1549. /* CONSTANTS */
  1550. var initialTheta = 0; // The initial rotation angle, in degrees.
  1551. var thetaDelta = 5; // The amount to rotate the square about every 16.7 milliseconds, in degrees.
  1552. var defaultDelayTime = 750; // default time delay to initializing spinner after AJAX call is made.
  1554. var requestAnimationFrameID;
  1555. var ajaxLoader;
  1557. var doAnimation = function() {
  1558. if (ajaxLoader) {
  1559. ajaxLoader.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + ajaxLoader.currentTheta + ")"); // Rotate the widget by a small amount.
  1560. ajaxLoader.currentTheta += thetaDelta; // Increase the angle that the widget will be rotated to, by a small amount.
  1561. requestAnimationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(doAnimation); // Call the doAnimation() function about 60 times per second (60 FPS), or about once every 16.7 milliseconds until cancelAnimationFrame() is called.
  1562. }
  1563. };
  1565. var initLoaderDimensions = function() {
  1566. var scrollPosition = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset;
  1567. var viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
  1568. var documentHeight = document.body.clientHeight + "px";
  1570. $("#ajaxLoaderContainer")
  1571. .css("height", documentHeight)
  1572. .find("svg");
  1573. };
  1575. var initLoader = function() {
  1576. var ajaxLoaderContainer = $("#ajaxLoaderContainer");
  1578. if (ajaxLoaderContainer.length > 0) {
  1579. ajaxLoaderContainer.show();
  1580. }
  1581. else {
  1582. var svgLoaderHtml = '<div id="ajaxLoaderContainer"><svg width="80px" height="80px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-50 -50 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"><rect id="ajaxLoaderBG" x="-50" y="-50" width="100" height="100" fill="none"></rect><circle id="ajaxLoader" cx="0" cy="0" r="30" stroke-dasharray="143.36281798666926 87.9645943005142" stroke="#d9534f" fill="none" stroke-width="10"><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" values="0 0 0;180 0 0;360 0 0;" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" begin="0s"></animateTransform></circle></svg></div>';
  1584. $(document.body).append(svgLoaderHtml);
  1585. }
  1587. initLoaderDimensions();
  1588. };
  1590. return {
  1591. /**
  1592. * @param {object}: options - loader config options
  1593. * options.noBlock: loader will not spawn the translucent gray bg to block the page if set to true
  1594. * options.size: pixel size of the loader (i.e. "100px")
  1595. * options.color: spinner color (i.e. "#FFFFFF")
  1596. * options.bgColor: background color of the loader (i.e. "#000000")
  1597. */
  1598. setOptions : function(options) {
  1599. if (!options) { return; }
  1601. if (options.noBlock) {
  1602. $("#ajaxLoaderContainer").css("height", 0);
  1603. }
  1604. if (options.size) {
  1605. var ajaxLoaderSVG = $("#ajaxLoaderContainer svg")[0];
  1606. if (ajaxLoaderSVG) {
  1607. ajaxLoaderSVG.setAttribute("width", options.size);
  1608. ajaxLoaderSVG.setAttribute("height", options.size);
  1609. }
  1610. }
  1611. if (options.color) {
  1612. ajaxLoader = ajaxLoader || document.getElementById("ajaxLoader");
  1613. ajaxLoader.setAttribute("stroke", options.color);
  1614. }
  1615. if (options.bgColor) {
  1616. var ajaxLoaderBG = document.getElementById("ajaxLoaderBG");
  1617. if (ajaxLoaderBG) {
  1618. ajaxLoaderBG.setAttribute("fill", options.bgColor);
  1619. }
  1620. }
  1621. },
  1622. ajaxRequestCount: 0,
  1624. start : function(options) {
  1625. var self = this;
  1626. var delayTime = (options && options.delayTime !== null) ? options.delayTime : defaultDelayTime;
  1627. self.delayTimer = setTimeout((function() {
  1628. initLoader();
  1629. if (options) {
  1630. self.setOptions(options);
  1631. }
  1633. if (!Modernizr.smil) {
  1634. // only do JS animation for IE
  1635. ajaxLoader = document.getElementById("ajaxLoader");
  1636. ajaxLoader.currentTheta = initialTheta; // The initial rotation angle to use when the animation starts, stored in a custom property.
  1637. requestAnimationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(doAnimation); // Start the loop.
  1638. }
  1639. }), delayTime);
  1640. },
  1642. stop : function() {
  1643. clearTimeout(this.delayTimer);
  1645. var ajaxLoaderContainer = $("#ajaxLoaderContainer");
  1647. if (ajaxLoaderContainer.length > 0) {
  1648. ajaxLoaderContainer.hide();
  1649. }
  1651. if (requestAnimationFrameID) {
  1652. cancelAnimationFrame(requestAnimationFrameID);
  1653. }
  1654. }
  1655. };
  1656. })();
  1658. /**
  1659. * Global AJAX defaults
  1660. * Unless the they are specifically defined in 'local' $.ajax() calls,
  1661. * the options below will replace the AJAX defaults for ALL AJAX calls
  1662. */
  1663. (function($){
  1664. $.ajaxSetup({
  1665. cache: false,
  1666. error: function(response){
  1667. var responseData;
  1669. try{
  1670. responseData = JSON.parse(response);
  1671. }catch(err){
  1672. responseData = response;
  1673. }
  1674. if(response.readyState == 0 && response.status == 0){
  1675. window.location = ALC.constants.CONTENT_ROOT + ALC.common.getShortLang() + ALC.constants.AEM_DISPATCHER_FAILOVER_PATH;
  1676. return;
  1677. }
  1678. },
  1679. success: function(response){
  1680. if(response.error_code === 401 && response.MessageCode === "SessionExpired"){
  1681. ALC.common.sessionStorage.setItem('sessionExpires', true, true);
  1682. ALC.common.sessionStorage.setItem('sessionReturnURL', window.location.href);
  1683. ALC.common.alcLogout(ALC.constants.CONTENT_ROOT + ALC.common.getShortLang() + '.html');
  1684. }
  1685. }
  1686. });
  1687. })(jQuery);
  1689. // AJAX Loader
  1690. (function($){
  1691. var clearAjaxLoader = function(){
  1692. ALC.AjaxLoader.stop();
  1693. if (ALC.activityTimer) {
  1694. ALC.activityTimer.refreshActivityCookie();
  1695. }
  1696. };
  1698. $(document).ajaxSend(function() {
  1699. if (ALC.AjaxLoader.ajaxRequestCount < 1) {
  1700. ALC.AjaxLoader.start();
  1701. }
  1702. ALC.AjaxLoader.ajaxRequestCount++;
  1703. });
  1704. $(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
  1705. ALC.AjaxLoader.ajaxRequestCount--;
  1706. if (ALC.AjaxLoader.ajaxRequestCount <= 0) {
  1707. clearAjaxLoader();
  1708. }
  1709. });
  1710. })(jQuery);
  1724. -------------------------------------------
  1725. LOGIN MODAL Mobile
  1726. -------------------------------------------
  1727. $(window).resize(function(){
  1728. $("#page-en").css(“width”,“100vh”);
  1729. $("#page-en").css(“height”,“100vh”);
  1730. });
  1733. SIGN IN link (button, uggh...)
  1734. body > header.visible-xs.navbar-fixed-top.mobile.header-en > div.nav-right-side.clearfix > div.account-holder
  1735. //*[@id="page-en"]/header[2]/div[2]/div[2]
  1736. <div class="account-holder">
  1737. <button class="account-login dropdown-toggle sign-in-circle link-button" data-toggle="dropdown" type="button" data-bind="visible : !isLoggedIn()" aria-expanded="false"><span class="button-text-underline">Sign In</span> <span class="material-icons md-18">lock</span>
  1738. </button>
  1739. </div>
  1742. Login Modal body > div.parbase.modal-base.section.modal-login
  1744. <div class="parbase modal-base section modal-login" style="width:100%"><div id="modal-login" class="alc-modal modal-login login modal fade in" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="false" style="z-index: 1040; display: block; width: 100%; padding-left: 0px;">
  1745. <div class="modal-dialog" style="width:100%; height:100%">
  1746. <div class="modal-content">
  1747. <div class="modal-header">
  1748. <button type="button" class="close close-modal" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
  1749. </div>
  1750. <div class="modal-body state-login">
  1751. <div class="container-fluid">
  1752. <div class="row">
  1753. <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 signin-form">
  1754. <div class="modal-title">
  1755. <h2>Sign In</h2>
  1756. </div>
  1757. <div class="account-timeout error-message hidden">
  1758. <p><strong>Sorry your session has timed out.</strong></p>
  1759. <p>Please sign in and try again.</p>
  1760. </div>
  1761. <div class="session-error error-message hidden">
  1762. <p><strong>Sorry, there was an error with your session</strong></p>
  1764. </div>
  1765. <div class="wrong-credentials hidden error-message"></div>
  1766. <form id="login-submit-form" novalidate="">
  1767. <div class="form-group">
  1768. <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Email</label>
  1769. <input type="text" class="form-control" id="exampleInputEmail1" placeholder="Email" required="" data-parsley-required-message="Enter Email address (myname@emaildomain.ca)">
  1770. </div>
  1771. <div class="form-group">
  1772. <label for="exampleInputPassword1">Password</label>
  1773. <input type="password" class="form-control" id="exampleInputPassword1" placeholder="Password" required="" data-parsley-required-message="Enter Password">
  1774. </div>
  1775. <div class="modal-actions">
  1776. <a href="/content/alc/en/registration/password-reset.html" class="forgot-password chevron-link">Forgot Password?</a>
  1777. <button type="submit" id="login-submit-btn" class="button arrow-button orange btn-default btn-primary login-submit">Sign In</button>
  1778. </div>
  1779. <div class="help-block">
  1780. <p>By signing in you confirm that you are 19 years of age or older, a resident of and physically located in Atlantic Canada.</p>
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  1900. successCallback(loginModal);
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  1906. popoverOptions: {
  1907. container: '#modal-login'
  1908. }
  1909. }
  1910. ALC.common.parsleyValidation.init($('#login-submit-form'), validationOptions);
  1913. $('#login-submit-form').submit( function (event) {
  1914. if($('#login-submit-form').parsley().validate()){
  1915. ALC.common.alcLogin($('#exampleInputEmail1').val(), $('#exampleInputPassword1').val(), '.modal-body', true, false);
  1916. }
  1917. event.preventDefault();
  1918. });
  1920. $('.modal-login').on('hide.bs.modal', function(ev){
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  1931. ADD FUNDS Mobile
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  1940. Accept: application/json, text/javascript; */*; q=0.01
  1943. Keep-Alive: timeout=30, max=100
  1951. {"locale":"en_CA","Amount":1000,"RedirectUrl":"https://www.alc.ca/content/alc-mobile/en/my-account/add-withdraw-funds.html","CancelUrl":"https://www.alc.ca/content/alc-mobile/en/my-account/add-withdraw-funds.html?cancelled=true","TimeoutUrl":"https://www.alc.ca/content/alc-mobile/en/my-account/add-withdraw-funds.html?timeout=true","HostedPageType":2,"ClientIpAddress":""}
  1957. "{
  1958. \"error_code\": 408,
  1959. \"message\": \"\"
  1960. }"
  1966. Object
  1968. abort: function(i)
  1970. always: function()
  1972. complete: function()
  1974. done: function()
  1976. error: function()
  1978. fail: function()
  1980. getAllResponseHeaders: function()
  1982. getResponseHeader: function(i)
  1984. overrideMimeType: function(e)
  1986. pipe: function()
  1988. progress: function()
  1990. promise: function(b8)
  1992. readyState: 4
  1994. responseText: ""
  1996. setRequestHeader: function(i,cs)
  1998. state: function()
  2000. status: 200
  2002. statusCode: function(i)
  2004. statusText: "OK"
  2006. success: function()
  2008. then: function()
  2010. arguments: null
  2012. caller: null
  2014. length: 0
  2016. name: "then"
  2018. prototype: then {}
  2020. Function Prototype
  2022. apply(thisObject, [argumentsArray])
  2024. arguments
  2026. bind(thisObject, ...arguments)
  2028. call(thisObject, ...arguments)
  2030. caller
  2032. constructor: function()
  2034. arguments: TypeError: 'arguments', 'callee', and 'caller' cannot be accessed in this context.
  2036. caller: TypeError: 'arguments', 'callee', and 'caller' cannot be accessed in this context.
  2038. length: 1
  2040. name: "Function"
  2042. prototype()
  2044. Function Prototype
  2046. apply(thisObject, [argumentsArray])
  2048. arguments
  2050. bind(thisObject, ...arguments)
  2052. call(thisObject, ...arguments)
  2054. caller
  2056. constructor: function()
  2058. length: 0
  2060. name: ""
  2062. toString()
  2064. Symbol(Symbol.hasInstance)()
  2066. Object Prototype
  2068. length: 0
  2070. name: ""
  2072. toString()
  2074. Symbol(Symbol.hasInstance)()
  2076. Object Prototype
  2083. * Using the browser console: https://www.wickedlysmart.com/hfjsconsole/
  2084. * Log to Safari JavaScript Console: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3748809/log-to-safari-javascript-console
  2085. * Save Safari javascript console to file?: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15507059/save-safari-javascript-console-to-file
  2086. * JavaScript Debugging Tips You Probably Didn’t Know: https://raygun.com/blog/javascript-debugging/
  2087. * Copy JSON from console.log in developer tool to clipboard?: https://superuser.com/questions/777213/copy-json-from-console-log-in-developer-tool-to-clipboard
  2088. * How to save the output of a console.log(object) to a file?: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11849562/how-to-save-the-output-of-a-console-logobject-to-a-file
  2089. * Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10305365/javascript-chrome-how-to-copy-an-object-from-the-webkit-inspector-as-code
  2090. * JS files under clientlibs are not getting loaded: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281311/js-files-under-clientlibs-are-not-getting-loaded
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