

Oct 20th, 2015
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  1. Cilixia whispers: Sorry..
  2. Cilixia whispers: Sorry if you hate me.
  3. Nuclar > Cilixia: -shrugs-
  4. Nuclar > Cilixia: i dont hate you.
  5. Cilixia whispers: Okay..
  6. Nuclar > Cilixia: But im not happy with you either.
  7. Cilixia whispers: Why?
  8. Nuclar > Cilixia: "Maybe i should jsut leave imvu"
  9. Nuclar > Cilixia: dont pull that card with me
  10. Nuclar > Cilixia: im not your other friends.
  11. Cilixia whispers: It's obviously the best at times to leave for awhile.
  12. Nuclar > Cilixia: Yes, but they way you go about is all wrong
  13. Nuclar > Cilixia: Just say you need a break , dont say mayeb i should just leave -w- ..
  14. Nuclar > Cilixia: makes me want to choke you
  15. Cilixia whispers: Okay.
  16. CupcakeYumiSparkle has joined the chat
  17. Nuclar > Cilixia: But as i said when you poofed, Im done. Ill keep my nose outta shit, and not bother to give a fuck. Tired of getting no where.
  18. Cilixia whispers: I'm sorry..
  19. Nuclar > Cilixia: Dont be. Its pointless.
  20. ParalyticDesireParalyticDesire WhisperAdd Friend has joined the chat
  21. Nuclar > Cilixia: But i will say this.
  22. Nuclar > Cilixia: If you want to be loyal.
  23. Nuclar > Cilixia: Stop saying shit abotu fucking others.
  24. Cilixia whispers: Okay I will.
  25. Nuclar > Cilixia: -nods- ..i may not know Onna well enough, or liek what she has done to you, but i dont think she deserves you talking like that behind her back
  26. Nuclar > Cilixia: just as i would hope you feel the same if i did the to bree.
  27. Nuclar > Cilixia: or if bree did that to me.
  28. Nuclar > Cilixia: -sighs- i hate caring sometimes.
  29. Cilixia whispers: I understand nuc..
  30. Cilixia whispers: I'm sorry
  31. Cilixia whispers: Hugs.
  32. Nuclar > Cilixia: -pets your head- its whatever
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