

Feb 19th, 2023
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  1. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘A great deal it seems to me they had
  2. achieved when earth and heaven were made and sun and stars
  3. were put in position and days were separated — and where did the
  4. people come from who inhabit the world?’
  6. Then High replied: ‘As Bor’s sons walked along the sea shore,
  7. they came across two logs and created people out of them. The
  8. first gave breath and life, the second consciousness and movement,
  9. the third a face, speech and hearing and sight; they gave
  10. them clothes and names. The man was called Ask, the woman
  11. Embla, and from them were produced the mankind to whom the
  12. dwelling-place under Midgard was given. After that they made
  13. themselves a city in the middle of the world which is known as
  14. Asgard. We call it Troy. There the gods and their descendants
  15. lived and there took place as a result many events and developments
  16. both on earth and aloft. In the city there is a seat called
  17. Hlidskialf, and when Odin sat in that throne he saw over all
  18. worlds and every man’s activity and understood everything he
  19. saw. His wife was called Frigg Fiorgvin’s daughter, and from them
  20. is descended the family line that we call the Æsir race, who have
  21. resided in Old Asgard and the realms that belong to it, and that
  22. whole line of descent is of divine origin. And this is why he can be
  23. called All-father, that he is father of all the gods and of men and of
  24. everything that has been brought into being by him and his power.
  25. The earth was his daughter and his wife. Out of her he begot the
  26. first of his sons, that is Asa-Thor. He was possessed of power and
  27. strength. As a result he overcomes all living things.
  30. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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