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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. If you're going to take a stance, call for change, cause a difference that justifies negative effects by their end goals, then, please, be a real human being, and do actual research yourself.
  3. Everyone, everyone, EVERYONE is biased, and NO ONE should be trusted alone. Even if someone thinks that what they're saying is the absolute truth, they probably don't have the whole story.
  5. Your voice is powerful, and, if you want to truly affect positive change in our country and world, you need to have the personal conviction to use it for good. Crying wolf after reading a click-bait article fans the flames of hatred, and hatred works against everyone.
  7. Follow these steps before you form and state your opinion on an event:
  9. 1. Wait 72 hours for things to calm down, assessments to be made by the authorities, and proper news articles to be written.
  11. 2. Go 2/2/2 - find two credible news articles that are as unbiased as possible stating facts about the event, two credible news articles that appear to favor one side, and two credible news articles that appear to favor the opposite side.
  13. 3. Read them all, and take detailed notes. Compare the facts against each other, attempting to leave out your own bias and desires.
  15. 4. Form the whole story, as best you can, from beginning to end.
  17. 5. Outline your reasoned response.
  19. 6. Act on your response. Post in social media, join a rally, whatever - just make sure that you do something. You're now one of the precious few well-reasoned voices, and have the power to make a real difference on the effects of this event.
  21. If you can't be bothered to do the research yourself, then you have no worthwhile opinion. Recognize that, respect yourself and the unprecedented social reach that you have today, and either decide to do the work or have the conviction to shut up.
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