
Duet - A Doogle & Motifanon Collaboration

Dec 15th, 2015
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  1. “And it looks like the snow won’t stop coming until the weekend, be sure to keep warm and…” The weatherman winked at the camera, “Stay frosty.” Asgore sighed at the news. Another few days of constant snow. He never liked the cold, despite being able to conjure flame with a snap of his fingers. Cold wilted his flowers and naturally put other people in a bad mood, not willing to open up lest any of their precious heat escape. At least his tea was even more effective at bringing good spirits in the cold, and his bear hugs were more welcome.
  3. Toriel was sitting in her usual chair, gently rocking and humming a tune to herself. The cold weather had never really bothered her. The more snow on the ground, the more time she got to spend at home with her family, instead of working at the school. The only problem was that Frisk wasn’t at home, she was sleeping over at Monster Kid’s house with a few other school friends.
  5. The stove clicked as it ignited, a small flame reaching out under the pot. The water sloshed as it settled, slowly beginning to bubble. Asgore placed a few leaves and petals in his ornate teapot, running his fingers along the smooth porcelain, he crushed up a few spices, a little bit of cardamom, a pinch of saffron. The scents of the freshly prepared spices wafting through the home, catching Toriel’s nose. Asgore glanced away from the pot for a moment when he heard Tori’s tiny sneeze. Cute.
  7. Once the pot was prepared, he grabbed two cups, one slightly warped with age. He carefully set them down and poured some hot water into them. He let them sit as he filled the teapot, stirring slightly to allow all the flavors to mix and combine. He let the boiling water sit in the vessels as he looked out the window. The ground was not visible, all he could see was white. Snowflakes fell from the sky, dusting the landscape. The tree limbs sagged under the weight of the thick slush. He sighed, at least it was still warm inside.
  9. He tore his attention from the window and focused on the tea. Oh, the sugar. Asgore emptied the cups back into the pot and reached for the sugar jar. Two lumps for Toriel, one for himself, same ever since they first were together. Toriel’s cup was filled about a quarter of the way with hot water, Asgore’s had none. He picked up the teapot, holding the lid as he poured it into each of the cups, filling them both nearly to the brim.
  11. He whistled a tune, a melody he couldn’t recall the name of, as he placed everything back, keeping the teapot handy in the case of a refill. A saucer was placed under each cup, and they were carried over to couch that Toriel was sitting in, her books put aside and the television turned off.
  13. Asgore handed her the appropriate cup, she smiled in thanks, and he rested beside her. They sat there for a while, enjoying the other’s company, idly sipping tea. The quiet clinking of porcelain and the soft hiss of falling snow were the only things that interrupted the silence.
  15. “Do you remember Snowdin?” Toriel’s words startled Asgore out of his reprieve. She had gotten up out of the chair, steaming cup of tea in hand. She was staring out of the window.
  17. “Hmm? Oh, yes. It was a nice place to go for a walk.” He joined her by the window.
  19. “That’s several hours’ walk. You’d go that far just for some exercise?”
  21. “I had a lot of time to... think, back then, and I can’t say I didn’t appreciate the solitude. Never did much enjoy the cold, though.”
  23. Toriel smiled sadly, looking out the window with a distant expression. “Those were difficult times, with lots of solitude. But ever since then, whenever I see snow… It reminds me of the day when I left the ruins. It felt like forever since I had been through that gate. After so many years, seeing snow falling… I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I knew I had to come out and do something. And afterwards, when we saw the sun… I never thought I’d see it again, Gorey. I thought we’d all be down there forever.”
  25. Asgore shuffled closer, putting his arm around his wife. She leant against him. “We were given a second chance. Multiple second chances, really.”
  27. “Two old monsters, up on the surface together with a new life. Life is unusual, is it not?”
  29. “It has its ups and downs. It’s not all bad, though. There’s a handful of fringe benefits.” Asgore grinned, sneaking a hand lower and giving Toriel a light pinch, causing her to jump, nearly spilling her tea.
  31. “Ah! Asgore Dreemurr, you forget yourself!” She huffed at him, flustered.
  33. “I don’t know Tori, I think maybe I remember.” Asgore said, placing his cup on the windowsill and pulling Toriel closer. She made a surprised sound, managing to balance the cup on her saucer, too distracted with trying not to scald herself to put up much of a fight. She looked up at Asgore, obviously trying to channel the spirit of a stern, unimpressed teacher, but there was a certain rosy hue to her cheeks that suggested she didn’t mind terribly much.
  35. Asgore leant down gently, pressing his nose against hers gently and nuzzling. He was delighted to discover that she hadn’t lost her touch, nuzzling back as though all those years apart had never happened.
  37. “At least let me put this down before I spill it over the both of us, you insufferable flirt.”
  39. Asgore chuckled to himself as Toriel placed her cup next to his. They sat huddled together, steaming up the glass. He sighed wistfully.
  41. “Hmm? Everything ok?”
  43. “It’s just… I missed this, Tori. I missed wasting time with you, snuggling, nuzzling, drinking tea, whatever we did back then. This, now, it’s almost like a dream. I missed it so much, and I missed you.”
  45. Toriel rolled her eyes, pulling her husband in a little closer. “You know, I missed this too.” Asgore looked over, surprised at his wife’s words. She had seemed so cold and hostile when they met again, when Frisk was about to fight him. Had it been a facade? “I had hated you, thought of you as a pitiful and wretched murderer, a criminal. Heartless and bloodsoaked. But... centuries of exile give you a lot of time to think.”
  47. Asgore could see the pain and tiredness in her eyes. Years of sadness and regret was written there. Her face hid the fatigue, but Asgore could still see it, staring back at him. “We’ve both had our share of problems, made more than our fair share of mistakes. I could have done things… Differently. But at least we’re still here.”
  49. Toriel looked him in the eyes, just a touch less tired. “I think we owe it to Frisk to keep trying.” She let out a light chuckle, “I’m just glad that we can start again.” Asgore didn’t respond, lost in her words and gaze. As they echoed, something inside of him seemed to snap back into place, his emotions taking a wild swing. He clutched his wife in his arms, his characteristic grin widening, tears streaming down his cheeks.
  51. Toriel was shocked, the sudden swing of emotions taking her by surprise. “Gorey? Are you ok?” His labored breathing pausing for a moment as he tried to calm himself.
  53. “I’m fine, Tori. Better than I’ve been in a long time.” Asgore swallowed, wiping at his eyes with an arm. Toriel reached up, gently wiping his face in the spots he had missed.
  55. “Still so emotional, heart on your sleeve. Like a big child, you are. After all this time, you’re still that awkward teenager I married, aren’t you?” She chuckled again.
  57. “Please, Tori. I’ve learned a few things since then,” Asgore said in mock hurt.
  59. “Have you now?” Toriel smiled slyly, reaching up and tickling Asgore under the chin. “Have you been ‘studying’ while I was away?”
  61. Asgore blushed, trying to pull away from the teasing. “T-Tori!”
  63. “Tut, tut,” said Toriel, a sultry smile growing on her face, “Such a naughty little king you are. You’re supposed to share everything with your queen.” She touched her nose to his, her smirk growing, giving him a teasing nuzzle.
  65. Asgore cleared his throat, shuffling on the spot, completely flustered. Toriel grabbed his hand into hers, giving him a teasing kiss on his nose. He harrumphed, and she giggled.
  67. “Ahem. Heh, I guess… I could arrange a royal audience. If my queen commands it, who am I to say no?” he grew his own cheeky smile, kissing her back. Toriel slipped into the kiss, relaxing into the wall of fluff before her.
  69. Asgore suddenly picked her up, sweeping her off of her feet. She let out a playful shriek, kicking slightly in his grip, but he held onto her firmly and strode off towards the bedroom, laughing slightly. The tea was left to fog the window in its own time.
  71. “A royal audience, though? Really?”
  73. “What’s the matter? I thought you liked terrible jokes. You tell them all the time.” His grin got somehow cheekier as Toriel smacked him.
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