
I scared myself

Jan 25th, 2012
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  1. [02:57:10] <+Blizzardo1|Muffin> o.O
  2. [02:57:15] <+Blizzardo1|Muffin> I just scared myself
  3. [02:57:31] <&Brigitte> looked in the mirror? :p
  4. [02:57:37] <&Brigitte> need a shave?
  5. [02:58:24] <+Blizzardo1|Muffin> I was trying to access paint from the run dialog, didn't realise it was "mspaint", not paint... and with my earbuds set to 100%, It made me jump like I was watching Paranormal Activities 1, 2, and 3 all over again and again and again... o.O
  6. [02:58:34] <&Brigitte> lol
  7. [02:58:36] <+Blizzardo1|Muffin> I'm in that wierd part of my head again aren't I?
  8. [02:58:50] <&Brigitte> yes Blizzy :p
  9. [02:58:59] * +Blizzardo1|Muffin rushes off to the Mental Hospital once more
  10. [02:59:04] * Blizzardo1|Muffin is now known as MentalHospital
  11. [02:59:09] <&Brigitte> lol
  12. [02:59:10] <+MentalHospital> Where's my dolly?
  13. [02:59:13] <+MentalHospital> Where is it!
  14. [02:59:20] <&Brigitte> you ate it
  15. [02:59:23] <+MentalHospital> o.O
  16. [02:59:25] <+MentalHospital> Noooo!
  17. [02:59:38] <+MentalHospital> D: How could I eat my one and only friend!?
  18. [02:59:38] <&Brigitte> yup, with ketchup
  19. [02:59:43] <+MentalHospital> O.o
  20. [03:00:08] <&Brigitte> i guess you were hungry?
  21. [03:00:12] <+MentalHospital> ...
  22. [03:00:28] * neonwizard ( has joined #chris
  23. [03:00:36] <+MentalHospital> If I were hungry, I would be jump9ing off the walls singing the Wheels on the bus go round and round
  24. [03:00:49] <+MentalHospital> wat?
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