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May 17th, 2017
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  107. <caption>Competitors</caption>
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  112. <th>Position</th>
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  117. <tr>
  118. <td data-label="player">Russel Westbrook</td>
  119. <td data-label="team">Oklahoma City Thunder</td>
  120. <td data-label="position">Point Guard</td>
  121. <td data-label="conference">Western</td>
  122. </tr>
  123. <tr>
  124. <td data-label="player">Kawhi Leonard</td>
  125. <td data-label="team">San Antonio Spurs</td>
  126. <td data-label="position">Small Forward</td>
  127. <td data-label="conference">Western</td>
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  142. <tr class='ez-table-striped-row'>
  143. <th scope='row' class='ez-table-striped-th'>John Doe</th>
  144. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>555.123.4567</td>
  145. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>San Diego</td>
  146. </tr>
  147. <tr>
  148. <th scope='row' class='ez-table-striped-th'>John Doe</th>
  149. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>555.123.4567</td>
  150. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>San Diego</td>
  151. </tr>
  152. <tr class='ez-table-striped-row'>
  153. <th scope='row' class='ez-table-striped-th'>John Doe</th>
  154. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>555.123.4567</td>
  155. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>San Diego</td>
  156. </tr>
  157. <tr class='ez-table-striped-row'>
  158. <th scope='row' class='ez-table-striped-th'>John Doe</th>
  159. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>555.123.4567</td>
  160. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>San Diego</td>
  161. </tr>
  162. <tr class='ez-table-striped-row'>
  163. <th scope='row' class='ez-table-striped-th'>John Doe</th>
  164. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>555.123.4567</td>
  165. <td class='ez-table-striped-td'>San Diego</td>
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