
Terraria Ass - The Twins

May 20th, 2014
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  1. You can’t help but feel it will be a terrible night as you dash back to pick up your gear.
  2. Before you reach it a blast of green fire nearly hits you. A quick glance around shows you what fired it, two large mostly female forms hover above you, resembling that beast you slew long ago. Their skin is stark white with large red veins visible on the surface, an oddity yes, but the two most striking features are the large fleshy cord connecting them by the back and that instead of heads, they each have a single gigantic eye, one red and one green.
  3. You dodge and weave, trying to get to your gear but just as it’s within reach one of them seems to phase through the ground launching you into the air. You hang in the air for a split second between them before they grab the cord and pull, both turning around and slamming their asses into you. They separate and slam back together several times, disorienting you with each impact. When you can make sense of the world again you are trapped in a warm, foul smelling darkness. After a bit of struggling you realize your head is trapped between their asses, one in front and one behind you. Before you can even attempt to get free, a small green spark and a rancid smell erupts from the pucker in front of you, the gas burning your eyes, nose, and mouth as it flows into you. Your muffled screams only cause them to squish together tighter as they carry you off to take revenge for what you did to their younger sister.
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