
tnt91 x FriendshipExpress/qwazola

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. As the alarm went off at 6 AM, tnt91 was feeling very tired. Last night he had watched an excessive amount of videos on Youtube, and did not feel ready for school. He reached for the snooze button, and fell back to sleep. 15 minutes later, the alarm went off again. This time, though still tired, he got up and got ready for school. He brushed back his rainbow hair, put on his light blue hoodie, ate his cereal breakfast, grabbed his backpack, and headed out.
  2. School was boring as usual. The teachers talked for the twenty-fifth time about symbolism in "Catching Fire", how to solve radical equations, the molecular structure of glucose, and the Holocaust. tnt was tired of it, and by 5th period, he decided that he's going to head back home. He knew it all anyways.
  3. On the way out, tnt decided that it would be nice to go get some lunch at the cafeteria. It was on the way, and some students had lunch anyways. So tnt went to get some lunch and ate it. As he was about to leave, he realized that he forgot his hoodie in the gym lockers. So he ran over to the gym lockers, expecting it to be locked, but surprisingly it wasnt. Weird, was there a class in gym right now?
  4. Either way, tnt was happy. What would he do if he lost that hoodie.
  5. tnt found it on the bench that he left it on, and decided to head out.
  6. And then tnt saw someone standing 2 inches away from him, no clothes, about to put on his shirt.
  7. The boy had frozen the moment tnt walked up to the bench.
  8. tnt spoke, still shocked... "Who are you... and what the fuck are you doing here...?"
  9. The boy replied, "That's my fucking question. Could you not see I was changing here? Name's FriendshipExpress, although most call me qwazola"
  10. tnt, undeterred, said, "Obviously, I'm here for my hoodie. Now that I got it, I'm out of here. Good day."
  11. FriendshipExpress was not going to let him go just like that.
  12. "Hold up, you saw my stuff, I believe I deserve to see your stuff."
  13. tnt was obviously upset, but seeing FriendshipExpress's look like he was going to kill persuaded him to not go against what FE was saying.
  14. "Alright fine," said tnt, and removed his pants to reveal his 8-incher.
  15. Dang, thought FE at this time, its actually pretty huge.
  16. Then, drawn by some magical force, FE reached out for it and started stroking it. At the same time, FE found himself getting harder. He wasn't exactly what people would consider gay, but right now, he realized he wanted tnt's body.
  17. tnt was feeling extremely uncomfortable, but he couldnt leave. tnt tried to find something to stop the discomfort.
  18. And found it right in front of him. Looking right at qwazola, he found him strangely attractive. And then he realized that he was stroking his dick. Now, tnt didnt' want it to stop. In fact, he started stroking qwazola's 8.5 incher as well.
  19. Eventually, qwazola/FE couldn't resist it anymore. He started licking tnt's dick up and down, up and down.
  20. tnt was feeling extremely good at this point, and by the third lick, started spilling his juice all over the place. Ah, the release of the cum. How good does it feel to be releasing it in this attractive boy's warm mouth (yes, qwazola is now blowing him). He could feel the blood rushing, the hormones starting to rage. That was when tnt picked up qwazola, laid him on the bench, and placed his dick inside qwazola's ass.
  21. And started assfucking him.
  22. Damn, not only was it with someone who tnt believed was his soulmate, but qwazola knew how to make him reach orgasm too.
  23. He jiggled his ass in such a seductive way that tnt couldnt believe he was actually having sex with him.
  24. He was just too perfect
  25. And he was fucking him.
  26. Then qwazola got up and said "My turn to cum"
  27. And shoved his dick up tnt's ass.
  28. Damn, what a big dick, thought tnt.
  29. qwazola also felt like he was living a dream.
  30. His dick. In this man's ass. Feeling every muscle inside, rubbing up against his own, it seemed so surreal to him. His mind was in another place, yes, heaven. If this was heaven, qwazola would have gladly died here and now.
  32. Suddenly tnt moved and it all ended there.
  34. Hearing that, FE quickly put on his clothes. They both heard the door open, and had just finished putting on clothes when the unknown intruder walked around the corner.
  35. The unknown boy looked around.
  36. And saw tnt's sperm on the locker floor.
  37. And then looked up at both of them.
  38. He knew, both of them thought.
  39. Later that night both qwazola and tnt committed suicide by hanging themselves while masturbating.
  40. -1 Frigidus, Rainbow Shaggy, Duke of the Federation, Midnight Blue Sparkle Time Fedora, and more.
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