Guest User


a guest
Apr 7th, 2018
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  1. set imap_user = ''
  2. set imap_pass = 'pass'
  3. set spoolfile = imaps://
  4. set folder = imaps://
  5. set record="imaps://[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
  6. set postponed=”imaps://[Gmail]/Drafts”
  7. set message_cachedir=”~/.mutt/cache/bodies”
  8. set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
  10. set smtp_url = "smtp://"
  11. set smtp_pass = "pass"
  12. set from = ""
  13. set realname = "Full Name"
  15. set sort=threads
  17. # HTML emails
  18. auto_view text/html
  20. set mail_check=300
  22. set editor="mate -w"
  24. # COLORS
  25. color attachment brightmagenta black
  26. color error brightwhite red # errors yell at you in red
  27. color hdrdefault red black # headers
  28. color indicator brightyellow magenta # currently selected message
  29. color markers brightcyan black # the + for wrapped pager lines
  30. color message brightcyan black # informational messages, not mail
  31. color normal white black # plain text
  32. color quoted green black # quoted text
  33. color search brightgreen black # hilite search patterns in the pager
  34. color signature red black # signature (after "-- ") is red
  35. color status brightyellow blue # status bar is yellow *on blue*
  36. color tilde blue black # ~'s after message body
  37. color tree red black # thread tree in index menu is magenta
  38. color signature brightred black
  39. color underline yellow black
  40. color header cyan black ^(From|Subject): # Important headers
  41. color body magenta black "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+" # picks up URLs
  42. color body magenta black [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+
  44. # Coloring quoted text - coloring the first 7 levels:
  45. color quoted cyan black
  46. color quoted1 yellow black
  47. color quoted2 red black
  48. color quoted3 green black
  49. color quoted4 cyan black
  50. color quoted5 yellow black
  51. color quoted6 red black
  52. color quoted7 green black
  54. # Colorize smileys: :-) ;-) :-/ :-(
  55. color body yellow black "[;:]-[)/(|]"
  56. color body yellow black "[;:][)/(|]"
  57. color body green black "[[:alpha:]]\+://[^ ]*"
  59. color index brightyellow black ~N # New
  60. color index yellow black ~O # Old
  61. color index magenta black ~F
  62. color index blue black ~T
  63. color index red black ~D
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