

Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. //KH Config by KoMiKoZa
  2. //Date modified: January 20, 2018 [Added Third Person with somewhat accurate aim, recommended to use with 3PS mod from the workshop]
  4. //Netcode, lerp & rates
  6. cl_cmdrate "100" // Command packets sent to server per second (Default 30)
  7. cl_updaterate "100" // Packets per second you request from the server (Default 20)
  8. cl_interp "0.066" // Interpolation value to match updaterate (Default 0.1)
  9. rate "100000" // The maximum rate you allow, best to match cmd/upd rates (Default 30000)
  11. //Hands FOV (how much of your hands you can see)
  12. cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80
  14. //L4D2 Default Crosshair Customization
  15. //In order to enable it, delete all "//" before the functions (only functions)
  16. //These are optional, the default crosshair is customized, but I recommend getting my custom ones (workshop addons).
  17. // - Custom Crosshairs
  19. //Crosshair Settings (Currently thin and yellow, adjust the values to your liking)
  20. //cl_crosshair_dynamic 1 //Makes the crosshair static
  21. //cl_crosshair_red 255 //RGB Value 1 (Red)
  22. //cl_crosshair_green 255 //RGB Value 2 (Green)
  23. //cl_crosshair_blue 0 //RGB Value 3 (Blue)
  24. //cl_crosshair_thickness 1.7 //Adjusting crosshair's thickness.
  25. //cl_crosshair_alpha 70 //Adjusting crosshair's transparency. From 0 (invisbile) to 255 (non- transparent).
  27. //Third Person Mod (Use 3PS instead)
  28. //cam_idealpitch 0 //Leave at 0 or the crosshair won't match the shooting direction
  29. //cam_idealyaw //Same as above
  30. //cam_collision 1 //Whether the camera collides with walls so as not to see through them.
  31. //cam_ideallag 0 //How much the camera waits before moving after the mouse is moved. Best left at 0.
  32. //c_thirdpersonshoulderdist 40
  33. //c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist 530 //To which distance the crosshair will be aligned at to shoot accurately. I found this value works //really well for most distances except at extremely close range, but in those cases it's a matter of aiming slightly to the side. Low //values will align better for really short distances but will greatly affect accuracy at most other distances.
  34. //c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset 20 //How much to the left or to the right of the character the camera is. Might wanna try to experiment //with it depending on screen resolution, but 20 works fine in most cases.
  35. //c_thirdpersonshoulderheight 3 //Similar to above only it controls height instead. Feel free to set it to whatever you think is right //for you.
  36. //c_thirdpersonshouldersnapto 1 //Best left at 1.
  38. //Binds
  39. alias +XhairOn +xhair1 //Default crosshair on/off by pressing f5
  40. alias +xhair1 "crosshair 1; alias +XhairOn +xhair2";
  41. alias +xhair2 "crosshair 1; alias +XhairOn +xhair1";
  43. bind "TAB" "+sb"; // Scoreboard + netgraph bind
  44. alias "+sb" "+showscores; mygraph";
  45. alias "-sb" "-showscores; net_graph 0";
  46. alias "mygraph" "net_graph 4"; // A value from 1-5 to adjust which graph will be shown
  48. alias +toggleclerp +clerp1
  49. alias +clerp1 "cl_interp_ratio 0; cl_interp 0; alias +toggleclerp +clerp2; say [KHConfig Report]: Zero Lerp has been activated!";
  50. alias +clerp2 "cl_interp_ratio 2; cl_interp 0.066; alias +toggleclerp +clerp1; say [KHConfig Report]: Zero Lerp has been deactivated!";
  52. bind f5 "+XhairOn"//Xhair button on/off
  53. bind F4 "+toggleclerp" //Lerp button on/off
  54. bind F6 "disconnect" //Disconnect from a game
  55. bind F7 "exit" //Exit the game completely
  57. //DSP Volume Accuracy (Improves the surround sound to detect SI easier)
  59. bind "W" "+mfwd"
  60. bind "A" "+mleft"
  61. bind "S" "+mback"
  62. bind "D" "+mright"
  64. alias +mfwd "dsp_volume 0;-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
  65. alias +mback "dsp_volume 0;-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
  66. alias +mleft "dsp_volume 0;-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
  67. alias +mright "dsp_volume 0;-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
  68. alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
  69. alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
  70. alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
  71. alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
  72. alias checkfwd "none"
  73. alias checkback "none"
  74. alias checkleft "none"
  75. alias checkright "none"
  76. alias none ""
  78. dsp_enhance_stereo "0"
  79. dsp_slow_cpu "0"
  81. echo > > > KHConfig has been successfully executed! < < <
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