
Kingdom of Mayhem

Nov 3rd, 2019
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  1. Birth Name: Ong Hyejeong
  2. Age: 19
  3. Birthday: 23rd August 2000
  5. Slot: Seduce
  6. Backup Slot: (Reserved)
  8. Face Claim: Kwon Eunbin (CLC)
  9. Backup Face Claim: Hwang Yeji (ITZY)
  11. Personality: Hyejeong is not easily upset or affected by things. She is also not easily swayed or influenced by others and has her own mind about things. Even if there is difficulty, she will continue to persue something she believes in and won't stop until she gets it. She is very determined and motivated by passion and her own goals. When she has faced obstacles that have pushed her down, instead of moping about feeling sorry for herself, she has tried again and kept going. This is why she gets what she wants because she will stop at nothing until she has it. She is very persuasive and uses words, actions or bribes (which may include food, help or even herself) to persuade people to do something. You could view this as being manipulative and you are not wrong she just prefers to call her techniques "persuasive". She is very confident and doesn't get shy or nervous easily. She can be very flirtatious and it is just part of her nature. Flirting just comes naturally to her, however, she will make an effort to flirt more when she is interested in someone.
  13. Relationship with Mother: She had an extremely close bond to her mother. This was known around the kingdom. Another thing that was widely spoken about was the reseblance she had to her mother more than any of the other girls. She had the same persistance and strong-mindedness as her mother.
  15. Relationship with Father: As a result of the extreme similarites she has with her mother, he only sees his wife when he looks at her which makes him very angry and so she is potentially the child that he hates the most. She hates the way he treats her and her sisters and hates what he has become. He has single-handedly destroyed the kingdom and doesn't even seem to feel remorse which is what makes her more angry.
  17. Love Interest: San (Ateez)
  18. Backup Love Interest: Yoonbin (Treasure 13)
  20. Their Age: 19
  21. Their Birthday: 28th November 1999
  23. Their Personality:
  24. He is a very charming guy and older women love him because of his good looks and his smoothness. He can get out of a lot of trouble because he can easily and smoothly talk his way out of it. He loves making jokes and he is quick to respond with a snappy but funny remark. With his witty humour comes the dirty humour as well and when he is with his group of friends or people he is comfortable with, he will not miss an oppurtunity to make a dirty joke or laugh at something someone said that sounded a bit dirty. He can be very flirtatious, giving a suggestive look or saying something very forward. When something has not quite gone to plan, he is able to think on his feet and come up with a solution. This also helps when he has to come up with an excuse quickly. He is very eloquent and smooth with the way he speaks which draws people to him however, he is not arrogant about it but he is grateful. He is someone who can easily get comfortable with people this is also down to how playful he is.
  26. How you and your Love Interest interact with each other:
  27. + Before they start dating, they are always blatantly flirting with each other but when the girls or boys call them out or point it out, they deny it as if it is the most absurd thing that they had ever heard.
  28. + They are very touchy as in they cannot seem to keep their hands off of each other.
  29. + They often have very deep conversations when they are alone (both before and while they are dating).
  30. + They are generally very close, like best friends but they obviously think of each other as more than best friends.
  32. Any Important notes: Not that I can think of right now but if I do, then I will message you.
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