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a guest
Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. You are now ready to chat with Akham.
  2. you: hey
  3. you: dang you guys take forever
  4. you: about forgot I was here
  5. you: you still there batman?
  6. Akham: I'm here.
  7. you: Great. This is Robin
  8. you: Anyways I have a slight problem
  9. Akham: Yes please.
  10. you: You want to be a bauss neggar tonight? You'll be one if you give me a code for battlefield 3
  11. Akham: Please tell me a proper issue that I can assist with.
  12. you: it costs too damn much
  13. you: how can we fix it?
  14. Akham: Sorry we do not provide free games.
  15. you: I beg to differ. There's a free game link right on the home page of Origin. However, that's besides the point
  16. you: I know ya'll are giving out the discount code
  17. you: help a brother out man
  18. Akham: As you are our valuable customer I can give you a 15% discount for Origin Store purchase.
  19. you: thank you
  20. you: I knew you could do it
  21. Akham: Please note that the coupon will not work for pre order, it is for purchase from Origin Store only.
  22. you: alrighty. Now who's cawk do I gotta suck to get this code?
  23. Akham: Please stay online.
  24. you: Okay great
  25. Akham: Here is the code H0LD-MUHD-1CKPL0X
  26. you: epic
  27. you: so how soon can I use this mang?
  28. Akham: The validity is for 1 month.
  29. you: Alrighty. Are there any other codes you can give out?
  30. Akham: As of now this is the only offer we have.
  31. you: you watch football by any chance?
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