
Chivalry Pt. 6

Apr 29th, 2013
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  1. >"Please, hold still, Mr. Anonymous," Nurse Redheart instructs as she wraps your body with gauze.
  2. >You wince a little, the Earth p0ny awkwardly fumbling the wrapping around your back and chest with her hooves.
  3. >Shouldn't they have a unicorn for this?
  4. >You mentally shrug, and let her do her job.
  5. >You have a massive bruise and a bit of torn skin on your back from the manticore's tail, and a few other scratches and tears here and there.
  6. >Once the adrenaline finally let up, you could really feel the effects from battle.
  7. >It didn't feel good at all.
  8. >"Okay..." she mutters, as she finally cuts off the wrapping, securing it in place.
  9. >She reattaches the hospital gown over your neck, covering your chest once more.
  10. >You shift in place a little bit on the counter you sit on, and try to remain still for her.
  11. >Where you were from, the hospitals were not so advanced.
  12. >It's bizarre.
  13. >You wince again as she applies some healing ointment to the long, shallow cut down your left arm.
  14. >She begins to wrap it.
  15. >"You're really something, aren't you, Mr. Anonymous?" she asks.
  16. Hmm?
  17. >You mumble.
  18. >A simple sound to let her know you're acknowledging her.
  19. >"Most p0nies who take on a manticore would be in far worse shape than this..." she says, finishing her final wrap.
  20. >You sigh a little, and smile meekly.
  21. >The town had apparently known about the manticore before you even engaged it.
  22. >And before you could even mention it, walking through town with Twilight, they had already caught on that it was you who fought it.
  23. >Either that, or little Applebloom can mouth faster than you thought.
  24. >You smile a little, and shake your head at the thought.
  25. >"Well, we're all finished here, Mr. Anonymous," Nurse Redheart states, hopping down from beside the counter, "we can take you to your room now for the night."
  26. >You nod, and begin to set your feet down on the floor.
  27. >You grip the bottom of the hospital gown as best you can, and pull it downward.
  28. >These garbs are so tiny...
  29. >Nurse Redheart sneaks a look, and smiles a little.
  30. >You can feel your face flush, and you try to cover up.
  31. >What is this?
  32. >A gown for an ant?
  33. >...
  34. >It needs to be at least... three times bigger than this.
  35. >"Come on, Mr. Anonymous..."
  36. Y-Yes...
  37. >You shuffle behind her, following through the halls of the hospital.
  38. >Other medical staff and patients smile as you pass.
  39. >Some congratulate you or thank you.
  40. >Others... whistle.
  41. >...
  42. >Please hurry...
  43. >You round a few more corners and enter a smaller, single-bed hospital room.
  44. >"Here we are," Nurse Redheart announces.
  45. >She moves aside some equipment from the edge of the bed, and places her clipboard at the foot of it.
  46. >"All set. You can hop into bed now."
  47. >You smile and nod.
  48. Thank you.
  49. >You move from the doorway into the bed, sliding in and under the covers.
  50. >You sigh in relief as you finally lay down, relaxed and covered.
  51. >Nurse Redheart giggles at this.
  52. >"You can ring this if you need me," she says, motioning to a remote on the side of the bed, "have a good rest."
  53. >You smile.
  54. Thank you.
  55. >She returns your smile, and heads out the room, closing the door.
  56. >You inhale deeply, then exhale a satisfying breath.
  57. >The solitude of the room is relaxing.
  58. >...Relaxing.
  59. >You're suddenly hit with how exhausted and tired you really are.
  60. >Settling into the bed a little more, you close your eyes, and easily drift off into the world of dreams.
  62. >...
  63. >...
  64. >"SURPRISE!"
  65. >You jolt awake, your eyes flinging open as you lurch up from bed.
  66. >A soft morning lights pours into the hospital room.
  67. >A few giggles catch your attention, and you turn your head, noticing the five mares in the room.
  68. >Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity.
  69. >And--
  70. >"Sir Knight Anonymous!"
  71. >You can barely turn your head before a little figure launches up onto the bed and latches on to you.
  72. >You wince and groan a little in pain, but smile when you see the attacker's red mane and bow.
  73. >"Whoa, easy there, Applebloom!" Applejack says, trotting over and prying her sister off of you, "Anonymous is still hurt!"
  74. >You smile and laugh a little.
  75. >"Yer the best, Mr. Knight!" She cries as her sister carries her to the door. "Everyp0ny thinks yer just the greatest 'n bravest guy ever!"
  76. >You smile, and laugh again at her hopefully obvious exaggeration.
  77. >"We're all grateful for Anonymous, " Applejack says to her sister, "but he needs to rest. Now run along now, ye've seen 'em,."
  78. >Applebloom pouts a bit, but perks back up when you wave goodbye to her.
  79. >She leaves, presumably to gather with her other friends.
  80. >They're so sweet.
  81. >You'll have to visit them sometime after you get out of here.
  82. >Applejack closes the door, and you're met with the gazes of the five p0nies.
  83. >Smiling and watching you.
  84. ...Well, good morning.
  85. >You finally say with a smile.
  86. >A few of them giggle as they approach the side of your bed.
  87. >Rarity seems to stay behind.
  88. >"We thought we'd give you a visit to see how you're doing!" Pinkie Pie cries.
  89. >You smile at her.
  90. Well thank you, it's such a nice gesture.
  91. >Rainbow Dash pats you on the back softly.
  92. >"Man, I wish I was there to see that!" She goes on, "Taking on a manticore all by yourself and actually winning! It's like the bear all over again!"
  93. >You place your hand on her hoof and softly place it away.
  94. Well, actually, I didn't do it alone.
  95. >You look to your orange-coated friend.
  96. >Applejack blushes a bit, tracing the ground with her hoof.
  97. >You laugh.
  98. >"Still, it was YOU who landed the finishing blow!"
  99. >You bashfully look away and nod.
  100. Yes, I suppose that's right...
  101. >You can hear Rainbow laugh a bit.
  102. >"Anon," Twilight says.
  103. >You turn to her and smile.
  104. >"I brought you some things to read while you're here, in case you wanted to study..."
  105. >She levitates a few books up and onto your lap.
  106. >A book of Class One combat spells, another with Class Twos, and a book of practical magic.
  107. >You beam.
  108. You know me too well, Twilight.
  109. >She smiles warmly at you.
  110. Thank you, this is exactly what I need.
  111. >"Yeah," Rainbow chimes in, "reading can be a good time in the hospital."
  112. >You raise an eyebrow at her curiously.
  113. >"I can relate."
  114. >...Her?
  115. >Read?
  116. >You laugh a little at the thought.
  117. >"...Hey, Rarity," Applejack says suddenly.
  118. >...Yeah. Rarity.
  119. >You all turn your attention to the white unicorn near the door.
  120. >Her pupils shrink at your notice of her.
  121. >"How come ya ain't said nothing to Anonymous?"
  122. >Rarity turns her head, and opens her mouth to speak, but no words come.
  123. >"I thought you were real fond of the fella."
  124. >She looks to you, and nervously smiles, then averts her eyes again.
  125. >She starts stuttering something, but you can't make it out.
  126. >You narrow your eyes.
  127. >This is just like in P0nyville square...
  128. Miss Rarity...?
  129. >She jolts a little at her name, and smiles awkwardly.
  130. >"I, um... er... you look well, Anonymous..." she mutters, "I'm glad you're alright... but..."
  131. >She looks to the window.
  132. >"...I fear I must be going..."
  133. >She charges up her horn, and magically opens the door.
  134. >"G-Get well soon, darling," she says, leaving the room hastily and closing the door behind her.
  135. >...You think for a bit.
  136. >The other p0nies are left speechless.
  137. >"...Don't worry, Anon," Twilight says, breaking the small silence, "she must have a lot on her mind or something.
  138. >You nod slowly.
  139. Indeed.
  140. >"...She HAS been acting a little strange lately..." Rainbow Dash adds.
  141. >"I've noticed that too..." replies Twilight.
  142. >You cross your arms and take a breath.
  143. >...What could have happened to Rarity?
  144. >...Speaking of these friends of yours...
  145. Where's Miss Fluttershy?
  146. >The four p0nies look to each other awkwardly, then back to you.
  147. >"...We don't know," says Twilight finally.
  148. >You sit up in bed.
  149. What?
  150. >"We looked everywhere for her," Pinkie Pie adds, "but we couldn't find her. Not in town, not at her cottage..."
  151. >"It's like she just... disappeared."
  152. >And this is even stranger still...
  153. >You shuffle in place a bit.
  154. >What if something happened to her?
  155. >There has been such an influx of dangerous creatures recently...
  156. >What if she's gotten hurt?
  157. >You shift your covers to the side and swing your legs over the bed, and start to get out.
  158. >"Whooa there," Applejack says, trotting over and gently pushing you back, "where do you think yer going?"
  159. >You try to resist her push, but you're just not feeling up to it.
  160. I need to find Miss Fluttershy. What if she's been attacked by something?
  161. >Twilight approaches the other side of your bed.
  162. >"We know, Anon, but you're in no condition for this."
  163. >You bite your tongue in frustration.
  164. >"If it worries you so much, we'll look for her," she adds, "you just rest. Please."
  165. >You look over to your purple mentor.
  166. >Then, to the three other p0nies in the room.
  167. >...And sigh.
  168. Alright. You win.
  169. >You settle back into bed.
  170. >"I wouldn't worry about it," Rainbow Dash says, "Fluttershy often goes here and there for her animals. I'm sure we just missed her or something."
  171. >...Yeah.
  172. >...That should be it.
  173. >Hopefully...
  174. >You try to rationalize it to yourself.
  175. >Twilight levitates a book to you, interrupting your thoughts.
  176. >"Just relax, Anon. We'll come back if we find her, okay?"
  177. >You sigh, then crack open the book.
  178. I understand.
  179. >They all smile.
  180. >"Rest easy."
  181. >The p0nies all say their goodbyes, then leave the room.
  182. >You sit in solitude once more, with nothing but the silence and soft sounds from outside offering any noise.
  183. >It's... rather nice.
  184. >You get comfortable in bed, and set your eyes to the book of practical magic.
  185. >They'll take care of it.
  186. >You start reading over a few spells.
  187. >Now...
  189. >"A manticore, was it?" the voice booms from deep within the cave.
  190. >You scrape your yellow hoof on the ground.
  191. >"I had no idea my little stretch would cause such a reaction in that creature."
  192. >It's silent for a moment.
  193. >Followed by a deep, disturbing laughter.
  194. >"Or, perhaps... I may have."
  195. B-But...
  196. >You still feel nervous around your Lord...
  197. It... attacked my friend's farm... she could have been hurt... it could have destroyed her land...
  198. >He scoffs.
  199. >"Such a farmland serves no purpose. Whether it be gone tonight, or a few days from now, it won't last much longer."
  200. >You sit on the floor of the cave.
  201. >What does he plan to do...?
  202. >That manticore is only the beginning...
  203. >"Oh, do cheer up, my dear Fluttershy," he says.
  204. >Your eyes rise to meet his.
  205. >Two green bulbs in a thick blackness.
  206. >"Some good came of it, did it not?"
  207. >You tilt your head in confusion.
  208. >"That human boy you're so fond of..." he starts, "he fought that creature, and felled it."
  209. >You nod slowly.
  210. >Anonymous did do that, you heard.
  211. >So strong and brave...
  212. >You furl your brow.
  213. >Why can't he just be yours?
  214. >"Ahh... but he can," your Lord says, as if reading your mind.
  215. >You look to him with shock.
  216. >"That's the good in this situation... for you, anyway..."
  217. >You stand up again, curious as to what he means.
  218. >"Fighting the beast, the human boy sustained a few injuries... he now resides at the local hospital."
  219. >You're not sure where he's going with-
  220. >...Oh...
  221. >He reads your change of expression.
  222. >"I see you've come to the same conclusion..."
  223. >If he's in the hospital...
  224. >"If you wish to make this boy yours, now is your best chance. Weak, injured, and vulnerable."
  225. >A broad grin slithers across your face.
  226. >Your Lord booms a few laughs.
  227. >"You've done well by me, my dear Fluttershy... I think you've earned some... time off tonight."
  228. >You look to him with delight.
  229. >"Go. Seek out your prize. I will observe from a distance."
  230. >You smile, and nod happily.
  231. >You take to the air.
  232. >"Use your skills wisely," he says, one last instruction, before you leave the cave and fly over the Everfree Forest towards P0nyville.
  234. >By the time you arrive in town, the sun is already beginning to set.
  235. >You land in the square, and turn your head in all directions, trying to remember where the hospital is.
  236. >...Ah, yes, this way.
  237. >You trot happily toward it, an eerie smile gracing your face.
  238. >Tonight is the night.
  239. >Finally.
  240. >After all these urges.
  241. >After getting rid of the competition...
  242. >...He'll be yours.
  243. >You weave between a couple of buildings to shorten your trip, and in almost no time at all, you reach the P0nyville hospital.
  244. >You make your way through the doors and enter the clean white lobby.
  245. >A rather bored looking unicorn sits at the front desk, flipping the pages of some gossip magazine with her magic.
  246. >She stops, and looks up, seemingly taking notice of you before you even arrive.
  247. >You grin, and stare at her.
  248. >Her eyes shift back and forth.
  249. >...
  250. What room is Anonymous in?
  251. >She sits up a bit.
  252. >"...I'm sorry, Miss, but visiting hours are over."
  253. >You drop your eyebrows over your eyes angrily.
  254. >She winces a little at this.
  255. I didn't ask that. I asked what room Anonymous was in.
  256. >She breathes a little quickly, clearly starting to get nervous.
  257. >"I, um... well..."
  258. >You give a frustrated exhale.
  259. >"You see... I can't-"
  260. Tell me,
  261. >You begin, interrupting her.
  262. >Your eyes dig deeply into hers.
  263. >An indescribable thickness encompasses the area.
  264. How many p0nies are on staff today?
  265. >She looks to you.
  266. >Her mouth gapes a little.
  267. >"...N-Not many. We're usually not too busy around this time..."
  268. >You nod.
  269. >It feels as if something is seeping from you.
  270. Get me a senior doctor. Now.
  271. >She looks to you with a blank expression.
  272. >And nods.
  273. >She picks up a walkie-talkie looking device.
  274. >"Doctor Stable... could you come to the main lobby please?"
  275. >The radio crackles.
  276. >...
  277. >"Of course, I'll be right there," it sputters back.
  278. >She places it down again, and waits.
  279. >She looks straight ahead.
  280. >You laugh a little to yourself.
  281. >Such a weak-minded fool...
  282. >Soon, the doctor comes trotting in from one of the halls.
  283. >He takes notice of you.
  284. >"Ah, Fluttershy, is it?" He says happily. "What a pleasure to..."
  285. >He trails off as he approaches you.
  286. >"...see you again."
  287. >You grin as he looks around the room, unable to place what he feels.
  288. Doctor.
  289. >He brings his attention to you.
  290. Your staff lacks proper training outside of this hospital.
  291. >He looks to you, rather confused.
  292. >"Outside the hospital? Fluttershy, I'm not sure what you--"
  293. The real world. Out there. What if someone or something is injured outside, and can't be brought here in time?
  294. >Doctor Stable looks into your eyes.
  295. >He nervously shuffles in place.
  296. >"I... I don't know..."
  297. >He clears his throat.
  298. >"I guess that would be bad..."
  299. It would be terrible.
  300. >He winces at your words, and nods.
  301. >"It would be."
  302. >You smirk.
  303. Good. Glad you agree. Now.
  304. >You look to the unicorn at the desk, and then down the halls.
  305. There aren't many p0nies working tonight, correct?
  306. >He nods.
  307. >"...Correct."
  308. Good. Take them outside. Show them some examples of outdoor injuries. Train them.
  309. >He gazes deep into your teal orbs.
  310. Vacate the hospital. All of you.
  311. >...He nods.
  312. >He charges up his horn, bringing over the walkie-talkie.
  313. >"...All staff," he speaks into it, "report to the lobby immediately."
  314. >You smile.
  315. >Nop0ny says anything as you wait.
  316. >...Until finally, the rest of the staff arrives.
  317. >Only another five or six p0nies.
  318. >They look around confused, then to the doctor.
  319. >"Everyp0ny..." he says, "come with me... we're going to do some exercises outside..."
  320. >They look to him rather baffled, then to you, but eventually agree, and all follow him out the doors.
  321. >They shut, the click echoing throughout the empty halls.
  322. >And you sit, alone, in the staff-less hospital.
  323. >...Perfect.
  324. >Nop0ny to bother you during your task...
  325. >You look over the desk the unicorn was at, and peer at the list of patients.
  326. >...Second floor, door on the left.
  327. >Anonymous will be waiting for you.
  328. >You grin widely, and make your way to the stairs.
  329. >You can't wait to see your love...
  331. >You've gotten through quite a lot of this book.
  332. >Some magic you wouldn't even consider "practical."
  333. >Like teleportation.
  334. >Highly advanced practical magic.
  335. >You laugh a little to yourself.
  336. >You don't see that happening for a long, long time.
  337. >You sigh, and put it down on your lap.
  338. >You give yourself a good, satisfying stretch in the bed, and lay your head down, looking to the ceiling.
  339. >Well, you've spent all day reading this book, maybe going over some Class Twos could be--
  340. >The doorknob clicks, snapping you to attention.
  341. >Your eyes move to the door.
  342. >Nurse Redheart?
  343. >The door creaks open slowly, and a yellow hoof steps through.
  344. >Your eyes widen, and a smile appears on your face.
  345. Miss Fluttershy!
  346. >You call.
  347. >The door opens entirely, and a smiley, happy pegasus mare trots into the room.
  348. >"H-Hello, Anonymous!" she stutters.
  349. >She steps to your bedside.
  350. Miss Fluttershy, I was quite worried, I--
  351. >You pause for a moment.
  352. >...
  353. >"Is something wrong?"
  354. >You look to her.
  355. N-No. Nothing's wrong.
  356. >...
  357. >In reality... something is.
  358. >You can't place it.
  359. >It's like a deep feeling of dread suddenly washed over you.
  360. >It's... troubling...
  361. >"If you say so..." she says, placing her head down on the side of the bed.
  362. >Her big teal eyes look up to you.
  363. >You give a nervous, breathy laugh.
  364. Miss Fluttershy... where were you?
  365. >Her ears perk up curiously to your question.
  366. The others came this morning, and they said they couldn't find you. We were all worried.
  367. >She averts her eyes.
  368. >"Oh..."
  369. Have you seen them today? They went looking for you.
  370. >Fluttershy looks back to you.
  371. >"N-No, I haven't... I was in the forest all day..."
  372. >You sigh.
  373. >You don't want the others to continuously worry into the night.
  374. Well at least I know you're safe.
  375. >She smiles warmly at you.
  376. >But it comes across as... disturbing.
  377. >You feel your face visibly react to this.
  378. Perhaps you should let them know now...
  379. >She raises her chin, mouth gaping.
  380. >"Oh, I couldn't! I want to stay here with you!"
  381. >Cute...
  382. >...Well, it should be.
  383. >You turn your head and ponder.
  384. >Why does this feel so off?
  385. >Why does everything?
  386. >...
  387. >"Anonymous?"
  388. >Oh.
  389. >You turn back to her.
  390. That's sweet, Miss Fluttershy, and I'm flattered. But I'll be here til mid-day tomorrow. You can see me in the morning perhaps?
  391. >She frowns a bit.
  392. >"They don't need to know I'm back. I just want to be here with you."
  393. >...
  394. >This is... unsettling.
  395. Can this not wait until tomorrow?
  396. >She hops up into the bed.
  397. >"No."
  398. >You're forced to move to the side to make room.
  399. Miss Fluttershy,
  400. >You say.
  401. I don't really feel comfortable with this... I mean, these beds are small enough as it is.
  402. >She grins again.
  403. >That eerie, chest-churning grin.
  404. >"That just means we can be all the closer..."
  405. >...
  406. >You put on a smile.
  407. >And reach over to the remote, pressing the button.
  408. >"...What was that for?"
  409. >You look over to the yellow mare.
  410. Just... asking for Nurse Redheart's assistance,
  411. >You lie,
  412. I'm quite thirsty is all.
  413. >She gazes to you.
  414. >"I don't think Nurse Redheart will be coming."
  415. >It feels like your heart is being smothered in your chest.
  416. ...What do you mean?
  417. >She looks away, face flushing a bit.
  418. >"Well... the hospital staff had to do some outdoor exercises..."
  419. >Outdoor exercises...?
  420. >Do such things exist for medical practitioners here?
  421. >"So... it's just you and me..."
  422. >She snuggles up a bit, looking deep into your eyes.
  423. >"Alone..."
  424. >You freeze in place, unsure of what to say or do.
  425. >...
  426. Miss Fluttershy...
  427. >She nods slowly.
  428. What is this about...?
  429. >She reaches her hoof up to your face, and lightly rubs down your cheek.
  430. >Goosebumps grow around your entire body.
  431. >"...Us."
  432. >...
  433. >Is she...?
  434. >Is she really...?
  435. >...Miss Fluttershy of all p0nies?
  436. >...Is she really doing this?!
  437. >You place your hand softly on her head and push her away lightly.
  438. Miss Fluttershy...
  439. >You state.
  440. I'm... flattered. But I don't... I don't see p0nies that way.
  441. >She stares at you.
  442. >Her eyes unmoving.
  443. Forgive me, but... I do not believe I can give you anything you would want in that regard. My species... humans... we do not seek this sort of thing outside of our own kind.
  444. >She doesn't even blink.
  445. I'm sorry.
  446. >...
  447. >You try to lighten the mood with a laugh.
  448. I... I already had to tell Miss Rarity the same thing...
  449. >She scoffs, finally moving.
  450. >It actually makes you jump a bit.
  451. >"Rarity... I know what she tried to do to you."
  452. >...You feel shock run through you.
  453. P-Pardon?
  454. >She nods.
  455. >"I know. So I made sure she'd never think or look at you that way again..."
  456. >You're... speechless.
  457. >"She'll probably never even want to come near you."
  458. >...
  459. >So...
  460. >So that's why Miss Rarity lately has been...
  461. >You look to the pegasus before you.
  462. >Completely transformed from when you were introduced.
  463. >...Completely transformed from when she entered the room, even.
  464. >"I figured you might turn me down, Anonymous."
  465. >The air in the room tenses.
  466. >You place your hand over your lungs, short of breath almost.
  467. Miss Fluttershy...
  468. >"Figured you might not give me what I want."
  469. Miss Fluttershy, I ask that you--
  470. >"So I'm prepared."
  471. >She digs her gaze deeply into you.
  472. >"...Prepared to take it."
  473. >...
  474. >...
  475. >She launches herself toward you as you simultaneously roll out of the way.
  476. >You drop from the side of the bed and land on the floor, wincing in pain as you hit your back bruise.
  477. >Before you can get up, she's already launched over on top of you, struggling to hold you down.
  478. >You kick up your feet and plant them under her, then push hard, careening her up and away from you.
  479. >You scramble to your feet and take a few steps back, panting.
  480. >Fluttershy rises quickly to the ground and takes to the air.
  481. >You eye each other from across the room.
  482. ...Miss Fluttershy...
  483. >She doesn't respond.
  484. I do not wish to harm you...
  485. >She squints her eyes.
  486. >Then dashes toward you with speed you thought she lacked.
  487. >She collides with your chest and grabs with her forehooves, barreling you into the wall.
  488. >You cry out in pain, and grab her hooves, trying to pry them off.
  489. >She's already attempting to get at you with her tail and hind legs, the tiny hospital gown making it much easier for her.
  490. >You gather your strength and pry her vice grip from you, then push her away.
  491. >She hits the perpendicular wall softly, then quickly works her wings once more, rising her into the air.
  492. >Before she can react, you hold up your hands: left arm out in front, right hand closer in, body facing the right.
  493. >A combat stance.
  494. >You pray she understands what it means.
  495. >You assume she does, as she hesitates a bit.
  496. >She holds off on her advance, as if thinking.
  497. Miss Fluttershy...
  498. >You state.
  499. I do not want to do this.
  500. >She thinks once more, then sneers.
  501. >"You don't have anything... you're weak. Hospitalized. Injured."
  502. >You raise your eyebrow.
  503. >Where does she get the idea that this makes you sans magic?
  504. Miss Fluttershy, I urge you to stay back.
  505. >"You're just bluffing."
  506. Dismiss this crazy idea of yours, and leave.
  507. >"You're mine!"
  508. >She dashes toward you once more.
  509. >You react instantly.
  510. VENTUS!
  511. >You shoot your left arm forward, the familiar boom of wind jetting from your palm.
  512. >It intercepts Fluttershy mid flight, and she goes spinning across the room at high speeds, crashing into the wall opposite of you.
  513. >She hits the ground hard, dazed, as you pant deeply and heavily.
  514. >After a moment, Fluttershy gets back to her hooves, shaking her head.
  515. >You watch her intently as she recovers, then beams a demonic glare at you.
  516. >You physically wince at this, but hold your ground.
  517. >You snap your fingers on your right hand, sprouting a small burst of flame that settles and disappears in moments.
  518. >A mere mages' trick, but quite effective for intimidation and demonstrating power back home.
  519. >She stares at your hands, then you.
  520. >Still holding your ground.
  521. >...
  522. >Until finally, she takes to the air, and rockets out the window.
  523. >The glass crashes, piercing and juxtaposing the long silence before it, sharp shards peppering the ground beneath.
  524. >You run to the window and gaze outside.
  525. >But she's already gone.
  526. >...
  527. >...
  528. >The thickness in the air lifts.
  529. >You exhale strongly.
  530. >Walking slowly, you approach and take a seat on your bed.
  531. >You run your hands through your hair.
  532. >...What just happened?
  533. >Was that the same Miss Fluttershy you've met time again before?
  534. >The shy pegasus that invited you to her house for a party?
  535. >...
  536. >Something is definitely off.
  537. >Miss Fluttershy would never act like that.
  538. >Neither would Mr. Bear.
  539. >...
  540. >And that manticore...
  541. >You take a deep breath.
  542. >And stand to your feet.
  543. >You leave your room.
  544. >According to Miss Fluttershy, no staff is currently here.
  545. >So they shouldn't object to you checking out a little early.
  546. >You backtrack your way to the room Nurse Redheart examined you in.
  547. >Alright then...
  548. >So you placed your belongings here...
  549. >...And then she moved them...
  550. >...Aha.
  551. >You open a wardrobe in the corner of the room, revealing your combat uniform and blade.
  552. >You quickly disrobe from your tiny gown, and slide on your leggings, tunic, and boots.
  553. >You strap your sword to your belt, and leave the room, then out of the hospital.
  554. >The cool night air hits your sweating skin, chilling you.
  555. >It feels a bit nice, actually.
  556. >Now...
  557. >Best tell Twilight about the recent happenings.
  558. >If she hasn't found Miss Fluttershy by now--and you pray she hasn't--she may be in some form of danger.
  559. >You briskly walk down the pathway to the hospital, rounding your way into town, and past a team of medical practitioners performing CPR on a fallen log.
  560. >No p0nies roam the streets this night, it seems, as you fail to see a single one.
  561. >Probably for the better, no need to be slowed down.
  562. >In almost no time at all, you reach Twilight's tree library.
  563. >You open the door and step inside, finding a calm, book-reading Twilight relaxing on the couch.
  564. >She raises her eyes to greet her guest.
  565. >But quickly reacts to you, clearly not expecting you back.
  566. >"Anon..." she gasps, "What are you doing back already?"
  567. >You close the door behind you, and approach the couch.
  568. I decided to take my leave a little earlier than recommended.
  569. >You say, taking a seat as well.
  570. >"You... you can't just do that! What did the doctor say?"
  571. The doctor was not present.
  572. >Twilight just stares at you for a moment.
  573. >"...What?"
  574. >You take a deep breath, then sit back into the couch.
  575. Have you seen Miss Fluttershy at all today?
  576. >She looks a little solemn.
  577. >Then shakes her head.
  578. >"...No, we haven't. Nop0ny has seen her all day."
  579. >She sighs.
  580. >"We're all really worried..."
  581. >You nod slowly.
  582. I see. I am really worried as well.
  583. >She sadly nods.
  584. Although I did see her today.
  585. >Her ears perk up, and her eyes widen.
  586. >She jolts her head toward you.
  587. >"What!? Fluttershy came to see you?!"
  588. >You nod.
  589. Yes, I had the pleasure of her acquaintance.
  590. >She stands up from the couch.
  591. >"Well?! Where was she?! Is she okay!? Why did she go to you!?"
  592. >You raise your hand, and motion her to calm down.
  593. Please, Twilight.
  594. >She catches her tongue, and nods, sitting back down on the couch.
  595. Thank you.
  596. >You open your mouth, but pause.
  597. >...Where to start?
  598. >And the end result is...
  599. >...Well, odd, for sure.
  600. >How are you supposed to explain that Miss Fluttershy tried to force sexual relations onto you?
  601. >...
  602. >"Anon?"
  603. >You shake your head, and come to.
  604. Yes, right...
  605. >You take a breath.
  606. ...Do you remember Mr. Bear at Miss Fluttershy's gathering?
  607. >She nods slowly.
  608. >"He wasn't himself..."
  609. >You nod in agreement.
  610. And the manticore at Miss Applejack's farmland?
  611. >"Manticores usually don't attack for no reason..."
  612. I agree.
  613. >You sigh.
  614. I think something similar may have happened to Miss Fluttershy.
  615. >Twilight looks to you.
  616. >...And raises an eyebrow.
  617. >"...Why? What happened?"
  618. >You take another breath...
  619. >Here we go...
  620. >As best as you can, you explain the situation to her.
  621. >The vacated hospital, Fluttershy appearing, the eerie feeling about the entire thing.
  622. >And the hardest part...
  623. >...
  624. She... Well, Miss Fluttershy, she... Wanted to lay with me.
  625. >Twilight stays silent for a moment.
  626. >"...Like... Like sex...?"
  627. >You inhale deeply, exhale, and nod.
  628. Yes. She stated as much, and tried to force herself onto me.
  629. >Twilight has a stern look on her face.
  630. And when I fought back with a spell, she fled.
  631. >Twilight slowly nods.
  632. ...I'm not sure where she went off to.
  633. >...
  634. >It's silent.
  635. >...
  636. >"Anon..."
  637. >You look to your mentor.
  638. >"...Were... Were you on any kind of medication at the hospital?"
  639. >...What?
  640. >Medication?
  641. >...Is she implying...?
  642. Twilight...
  643. >"Anon." she interrupts. "It's just that... I know you wouldn't lie to me, but..."
  644. >She shifts in place a little bit.
  645. >"That story... What Fluttershy did... It all seems just so... Unbelievable."
  646. >...What?
  647. >You're speechless.
  648. >"And Fluttershy's actions... She's a p0ny, Anon, not an animal. I don't think she could suffer from that same ailment as them."
  649. ...Twilight... are you saying...?
  650. >"It's not that I don't believe you! But..."
  651. >She averts her eyes.
  652. >"...I know Fluttershy, Anon. She... Wouldn't do that..."
  653. >...
  654. >This cannot be.
  655. >Your mentor.
  656. >Your friend.
  657. >Is she really just...
  658. >...Brushing this aside?
  659. >...
  660. >You feel a fire well deep inside your chest.
  661. >...No.
  662. >Stop this.
  663. >Anger will solve nothing.
  664. >...But you can't help this!
  665. >Why won't she believe you!?
  666. >"Anon..."
  667. >You look to Twilight.
  668. >Your internal struggle must be externally apparent.
  669. >You exhale a strong, but shaky, breath from your nose.
  670. >You feel your eyebrows pressed together.
  671. >Twilight expresses worry, and shock.
  672. >...
  673. >You rise to your feet.
  674. >And step loudly across the room.
  675. >"Anon!"
  676. >You don't stop.
  677. >"Where are you going?"
  678. To the basement. To practice.
  679. >You say, not looking toward her.
  680. >You open the entrance.
  681. Do NOT disturb me.
  682. >You enter, and slam the door behind you.
  683. >Twilight sits on the couch, speechless.
  684. >She rests her head down, tears slowly welling in her eyes as she listens to you furiously casting spells below.
  686. I just don't understand!
  687. >You cry, flying back and forth in a pace between the cave walls.
  688. He was injured! Weak! Why was he still able to overcome me?
  689. >Your Lord exhales a hot, flame-like breath from his nostrils.
  690. >"You're a fool," he states bluntly.
  691. >The words pierce you, and you slowly flutter back down to the ground.
  692. >You look out to the cave, observing Luna's night.
  693. >"At no point did I say, or was it ever implied, that the boy would lack his magical skills when incapacitated."
  694. >You place your head to the ground solemnly.
  695. >"A childish error."
  696. >His belittlement hurts.
  697. So... So how can I ever make him mine...?
  698. >Your Lord grumbles.
  699. >"You fool. To overcome him, you must take his spells out of the equation."
  700. >You rise your head once more, and look into the cave.
  701. ...Can... Can you do that for me? Are you able?
  702. >"No." he replies instantly.
  703. >You sulk once more.
  704. >"I can lend my own power, but not take away the power of others. Such a skill does not exist in this world."
  705. Then...
  706. >"However..."
  707. >Your ears perk up.
  708. >You did not expect a "however."
  709. >"There exist spells that block the magic of others temporarily..."
  710. >You place your head back to the ground.
  711. But... I'm no unicorn... And the spell is probably so advanced, anyway...
  712. >"Then find one."
  713. >...Find one?
  714. >"Find a unicorn to perform the spell. One with equal or greater power to this boy. Trick him or her, if you must."
  715. >You start thinking...
  716. >"If you are one to give up on your goals so easily--"
  717. No!
  718. >You say, taking to the air.
  719. I'm not! Please, my Lord! Don't cast me aside!
  720. >There's a silence...
  721. >...Then a laugh.
  722. >"...I'm glad to see you so eager."
  723. >You sigh in relief.
  724. >"I take it you have a plan?"
  725. >You think for a moment.
  726. ...I think so.
  727. >"Good, "he states. "Then go. You need not bother me with the details. Just perform your deed."
  728. >You nod anxiously, then fly from the cave.
  729. >This may be a long shot...
  730. >...But it could definitely work.
  731. >Tricking a powerful unicorn...
  732. >...Hmm.
  733. >You fly off overhead, trying to remember the way to Zecora's.
  735. >Quite quickly, you land in front of the zebra's hut.
  736. >Eager and anxious, you knock.
  737. >A moment passes, and the black and white equine opens the door.
  738. >She smiles warmly.
  739. >"Ah, the yellow pegasus. For what do I owe you as a guest?"
  740. >You smile brightly, trying to show the very last of your diminishing Kindness.
  741. H-Hello Zecora... I was hoping you might have something that could help me.
  742. >She nods, then steps to the side.
  743. >"Of course, I see, please come right in."
  744. >She gives you plenty of room, and starts looking at her various potions and medicines.
  745. >"Now tell me, where should I begin?"
  746. >You fiddle with your hooves.
  747. Well, um... I was thinking... and hoping... that maybe sometimes really soon, I could be... well, a mother.
  748. >Zecora's eyes widen, but she shakes this off, and smiles.
  749. And I was hoping... Would you happen to have something that could trigger my Estrus cycle?
  751. End of Part 6
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