
==> Aranea and Kankri: Engage In Fierce De88 [peestuck]

Sep 1st, 2012
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  1. “Oh 8ut you see, Kankri, it’s really got more to do with the fact that (#tw: lifespan shaming) low8loods don’t usually live as long as high8loods; even the ones that self-identify as 8eing higher in the hemospectrum,” Aranea shifted her hips, her thighs surreptitiously squeezing together, and gesturing wildly with her hands as she spoke to one of the few of her friends that actually didn’t mind listening to her. She watched as the shorter troll nodded, closing his stark white eyes and crossing his arms to prepare for a proper rebuttal.
  3. “That’s an interesting way 9f l99king at things 6ut I must disagree that lifespans have very much t9 d9 with the t9pic 9f r9mantic privilege. After all, even P9rrim managed t9 have multiple quadrant flings in the sh9rt time 9f 9ur sessi9n, it w9uld 6e feasi6le f9r such a thing t9 6e c9mm9n 9n 6ef9rus.” He wasn't nearly as impassioned as he got when talking, standing still as he responded and only bothering to open one of his eyes as he finished speaking. It was obvious he was trying to move the topic along as quickly as possible since it, like the gender discussion Porrim occasionally tried to shove on him, was boring. He could see Aranea frowning, eyebrows furrowing as she processed his speech and he eagerly awaited to either have her concede her point (#impr96able) or argue it better.
  5. “Hmmm, while you have a point I really must implore you to think about the feelings of those of shorter lifespans dying sweeps 8efore their high8looded m8es. Is that not an appropriate topic of discussion concerning high8lood privilege AND romantic privilege?” Once again, her hips moved from side to side as she talked, her knees knocking together sporadically. It wasn’t often she could pull Kankri away from Porrim or Latula, and she really did want to have the chance to talk with him about his interpretations regarding Alternia versus Beforus, but she’d gone several hours now without a restroom break and whatever bizarre ‘miraculous’ concoction Makara had let her try was working its way straight to her bladder. Thankfully, Kankri hadn’t seemed to notice her need, or if he did he had no intentions on mentioning it and stopping their discourse.
  7. “Aranea please, if we were t9 get int9 that kind 9f discussi9n we may as well start talking a69ut the plight 9f the (#tw: quadrant-normativity) gray palesexuals, pale ar9mantics, and panquadrant demir9mantics! It’s a6surd and has n9 6earing 9n the c9nversati9n at hand. N9w if y9u w9uld like t9 talk a69ut a real issue like h9w rampant cis6l99dism is 9r perhaps even the unusually large num6er of #ship sinking that keeps happening, 6y all means g9 ahead.” Gritting her teeth, Aranea choose to ignore that once again Kankri had dismissed a topic she brought up in favor for one he was more extensively involved in, trying to compose herself. Her legs weren't jostling around as much, but she was still unable to stand without clenching her thighs every few minutes. Her stomach was feeling a lot fuller than it ought to, her bladder seeming to strain and push inside her, and she coyly pretended to smooth out her dress to give her hands the chance to clutch her somewhat protruding abdomen.
  9. “Kankri if you wanted to talk a8out shipping our post-scratch counterparts you could have asked.” Her lips curled over her sharp fangs; she really couldn’t help but giggle at the flustered look he gave her, which put uncomfortable pressure on her lower body and made her jiggle in place. After a few moments, she got herself under control and continued, “8ut I think that most of us had 8ad 8r8ks; the only relationship that seemed to thrive were between Meulin and Zahhak, oddly enough. What more is there to talk a8out?” As soon as the words left her mouth she wished she could swallow them back up; she’d never seen Kankri look more offended than at that moment, and winced in preparation for a thorough talking to.
  11. “This is a69ut m9re than ‘shipping’, Aranea, h9nestly I cann9t 6elieve that y9u w9uld even 6ring up such a thing as successful m9irallegiance with9ut tagging it as #m9irail privilege, and what a69ut th9se wh9 attempted a relati9nship, 9r d9 y9u mean t9 tell me that y9u 9f all pe9ple d9n’t accept a relati9nship as legitimate unless it’s ‘true’ and ‘h9nest’? I really can’t 6elieve that a friend as dear as y9u w9uld res9rt t9 #ship sinking s9 casually, y9u really need t9 check y9ur r9mantic privilege! S9me tr9lls d9n’t (#tw: slurries and 9ther c9ncupiscent fluids) fill pails, get 9ver it…” While Kankri insisted on prattling on, Aranea could feel her bladder stretch even more, her legs crossing around each other for a few moments as a particularly rough cramp came upon her. Rolling her eyes skyward, she prayed that he would tire himself and dismiss her in disappointment (#dou8tful), instead of leaving her there to squirm around like a wiggler who had too much grubsauce before bed. Inhaling sharply, Aranea felt her body stiffen, her legs shutting quickly; she could feel herself trickling, her panties growing slightly damp as she struggled to pay attention to Kankri’s rant. Rubbing her thighs together and straining as best she could, she managed to stem the flow and keep from completely soaking herself. Glancing down, she couldn’t see any distinctive cerulean streaks and gave a sigh of relief, glad to at least have kept from having a noticeable accident. But now she really needed to leave, her bladder was throbbing, and she was aching between her legs from the sheer stress of trying to hold on. When she thought he wasn’t paying attention, Aranea would grab herself through her skirt, squeezing tight and digging her fingers into herself. More than once she thought she was almost caught, snatching her hand like she had been burnt, and was left almost doubling over in desperation. Whatever Makara had given her was making her urge accelerate exponentially; if she didn’t leave soon she’d flood the entire dream bubble.
  13. “Kankri, I’m sorry 8ut-“
  15. “…9h and here we g9 with the class 9pressi9n again, g9 ahead cerulean 6l99d what is it? 9h wait it’s n9thing imp9rtant! See h9w it feels f9r the underprivileged? And that is just a fracti9n 9f the injustice I face…” Aranea groaned, squeezing her eyes shut and bouncing where she stood. Kankri was being insufferable again, and this time she was going to pay dearly for it. Choking back a cry, Aranea could feel herself spurting again, and gasped, grabbing with both hands instinctively. Bending over with her hands shoved up her dress, she must have looked silly, her hips wiggling from side to side and droplets of azure falling on the ground silently. Biting her lower lip to keep from making much noise, Aranea raised one leg, then the other, but couldn’t stop the steady trickle of urine from seeping out of her. Her awkward stance made it so that pee went straight through her underwear, pooling on the tiled ground and rapidly turning into a forceful stream.
  17. “…(#tw: hem9spectrum) 9ther6l99ds and p9ly6l99ds and…what?” The pattering of liquid hitting the tiled floor and the acrid smell of urine finally managed to get Kankri’s attention, and he watched dumbfounded as Aranea whimpered, her hands fisted at her sides and her body still doubled over, legs bent. Now that the jig was up, Aranea let her legs separate, flushing shamefully as dark cerulean fluid hissed through her panties, pooling on the floor and filling her shoes. With her panties sagging from how full they were, Aranea sniffled and spread her legs farther to keep her underwear from falling; her flow continued strongly, the sound growing almost deafening as her puddle expanded, and she looked up at the cancer troll with pitiful, watery eyes.
  19. “Kankri…I…”
  21. “Y9u’re supp9sed t9 tag y9ur watersp9rts and put a trigger warning f9r th9se with9ut urinati9n privilege!”
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