

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 Choose a target. Haruka would be best, as she is larger. Use her body as a barrier between you and Michuru and work your wiles upon her. Mark her back with your tongue and gently guide her so she is presented with her partner. Whisper how beautiful she and Michuru looks together and gently guide her to orgasm which should be easier thanks to your mark. With her 'tamed' you can use her and your new gift to turn the tides and take Haruka as well.: (Selias)
  2. [X] 7 Choose a target. Haruka would be best, as she is larger. Use her body as a barrier between you and Michuru and work your wiles upon her. Mark her back with your tongue and gently guide her so she is presented with her partner. Whisper how beautiful she and Michuru looks together and gently guide her to orgasm which should be easier thanks to your mark. With her 'tamed' you can use her and your new gift to turn the tides and take Michuru as well.: (a2znut, Silversun17, redaeth, daydreamer, serra2, Nekraa, Xicree)
  3. [X] 1 Haruka seems the sort to enjoy more aggressive measures. Grip her hair (not enough to really hurt of course), use Chizuru's usual enthusiasm with... well, enthusiasm. Pinching nipples or gently using our teeth. Michiru probably enjoys a softer touch, maybe trace that painstaking rune on her belly with our fingertips, that sort of thing. Basically, give them something they probably don't get as often with each other.: (Guile)
  4. -[X] 3 Leave a nice Visible lovebite on her neck and proclaim her yours to her partner. Play up the part of the princess turning the tides and stay on the aggressive.: (serra2, Nekraa, Xicree)
  5. [X] 1 Michiru's the weak point, focus your attention on her, make her focus on how sexy Haruka looks, then apply our roses to her less dominate hand (if we can figure it out, if not just pick one).  Then when Haruka is distracted by Michiru go and apply the same to her.  Then enter the fray yourself when the two are weakened by our maneuvers and go for the kill!: (Redon)
  6. -[X] 7 Pay attention to your Roses, should half be closed upon tagging Haruka don't tag Michuru and rely on your natural seductive qualities instead.: (a2znut, Silversun17, redaeth, daydreamer, serra2, Nekraa, Xicree)
  7. -[X] 1 Pay attention to your Roses, should half be closed upon tagging Michuru don't tag Haruka and rely on your natural seductive qualities instead.: (Selias)
  8. -[X] 1 Save our power for if it looks like we're going to lose (if we orgasm once before either of them), then give it a try on each. It's an all-or-nothing gamble.: (Guile)
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