

Feb 6th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 3 Control: (Eler0, Pipeman, Malcolmo)
  2. ----[X] 1 Denaturization- Life is formed of countless, smaller lives- And those smaller lives are made up of basic mechanical parts. With this spell, you interrupt the systems that keep those parts working together, and reduce the life into just so much raw material.: (Vindictus)
  3. -----[X] 1 Dire swallows are not a thing? They are now!!!: (Heaven Canceler)
  4. --[X] 2 In what way?: (kinglugia, Heaven Canceler)
  5. ----[X] 1 MUNDANE to MONSTER: (Heaven Canceler)
  6. -[X] 3 Modify Life: (kinglugia, Heaven Canceler, Doom12394)
  7. ----[X] 7 Monstrous enhancement. Making a body, yours included, stronger, faster, and more powerful, with natural weaponry (claws, spikes, breath-weapons, tentacles ect).: (Archanist, redaeth, Joebobjoe, daydreamer, Xicree, Odysseus2099, MHLord)
  8. --[X] 1 Regeneration: (Doom12394)
  9. [X] 12 Research more about the Sphere of Life.: (Archanist, kinglugia, Heaven Canceler, Eler0, Vindictus, Joebobjoe, Doom12394, Pipeman, daydreamer, Xicree, Malcolmo, MHLord)
  10. ---[X] 10 Transformation: (Archanist, kinglugia, redaeth, Heaven Canceler, Vindictus, Joebobjoe, daydreamer, Xicree, Odysseus2099, MHLord)
  11. [X] 5 You didn’t examine the castle cellar. Do that.: (Silversun17, theweepingman, Spectrum, Redon, gibbousmoons)
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