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Oct 24th, 2018
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  1. IGN: Bin
  2. Previous IGN:
  3. Age: 17
  4. Timezone: CEST
  6. When did you join Viper: Used to play back in the day around 2 years ago.
  7. How do you believe you are viewed in the community?
  8. I'm not sure many people recognize me because I never played in a big faction or anything and just trolled around with my mates. For the people who do know me, from other servers I was staff on, I believe I am viewed as a friendly person.
  9. How active are/were you?: Due to school not being too difficult for me I can safely say that I will be very active as a staff member.
  10. Can you contribute up to 10 hours a week minimal?: I can 100% contribute triple that amount.
  12. Why would you like to apply for Viper?
  13. There are plenty of reasons for why I want to become staff on Viper. Let's start out with why I am applying. It is very clear that Viper is a large server which has been around for a long time and consists of many people to assist and accommodate towards. I think I have the skills and experience to work with such a large server. The fact that I used to be a manager on different servers, means I could deal with more complex situations and be more beneficial towards the staff team. In order for the server to be running on a successful foundation, the staff team needs to run on a successful infrastructure. When there's a staff problem I eliminate any bias towards a person and deal with them as if we just met. I love screensharing and eliminating all the hackers out there and I love helping people in general. I know what players like and I know what players don't like, so I can influence effective techniques to keep the server running smoothly. I love this server as I believe there is not another server that has such individuality as this one. I really want to help this server to the best of my ability and help it succeed to its full potential (which it has a lot of). I feel like the relationship between the staff and players should be strong as it gives the players a sense of happiness and gives them a sense of worth in the server. To elaborate from this I think I would be a positive addition to the staff team as I would strive to make sure every single person on this server feels happy and feels like they have staff who truly care about them. I LOVE Minecraft and love watching servers succeed, but instead of just watching I want to put my skills to use and help the server to succeed. It may sound cheesy but I have so much respect for staff/owners and I want to show I can also be dedicated to the server and actually bring a skill set that will benefit the server. I would like to help continue connecting with players, such as taking in any suggestions people have and making sure they feel like they have a voice inside the server and they are not "useless." Overall, my contribution to the team would lead to a very successful, but nonetheless enjoyable server.
  15. What would you do to benefit Viper and its community?
  16. Well, that's a very good question and I have a decent answer, as no answers are perfect unless we're talking mathematically. All right enough with the puns, let's cut to the chase.
  17. My intention is to create a successful environment in which both the server and staff team can thrive. It is my job, as a staff representee, to provide a server for the community, which they would want to play. I think there are 5 main factors that make me a better applicant than others.
  18. 1) Experience: I know that many applying haven't had the chance to have a lengthy experience like I have. From working my way up to the Manager position on a known factions server to starting over and earning my way up to mod on one of the biggest practice servers out there. I know this amount of experience gave me the skill set I needed to be a good staff member who knows what they are doing and I am not sure everyone has had the luxury of doing so.
  19. 2) Time: Being in high school gives me a huge advantage. My school times vary each day so at times I can be on for 8 hours and at times only 4, but on Holidays and Weekends, I have plenty of time on my hands.
  20. 3) Multilingual: As I can fluently speak 3 languages, I think this gives me a huge advantage over the other applicants because it allows me to offer support to a bigger range of players. This is a good thing because language barriers can be really difficult to get around, meaning I can help out any other staff member if they are having trouble communicating with someone who speaks a different language. It can also be very frustrating for other staff members to try and understand people with other languages and I believe I can help to cut out this frustration.
  21. 4) Patience: I am a very patient person, which means I don't get frustrated easily. This makes me unique because most of the people I know can get very frustrated. If you are a staff you should consider yourself as being in a professional environment most of the time and not let your emotions get the better of you. This means I can be very patient/professional if need be. Such as if someone was in Teamspeak being extremely toxic and he or she were cursing and shouting at me, I would not be the kind of person to shout back I would just kindly tell them how his or her attitude towards staff is not acceptable. Everything I have explained in this paragraph makes me stand out from other applicants.
  22. 5) Determination: As a person, I am very determined. If I dedicate my time to something or make a promise, I will complete it to the best of my ability. This makes me unique compared to A LOT of the other applicants as I will not half-ass any job I am given, such as if I am helping someone in the server I will not take the short route out because it is taking time, instead I will make sure I have helped them and made sure their problem/query is solved. Another example where I will be very determined on the server is making sure everyone is happy because if even ONE person is unhappy my job is not being done to the best of my ability.
  24. What will you do to improve the community? We all know that the factions community is probably one of the most toxic ones out there and unfortunately there is little that can be done to help that, but I always rather be optimistic about things and maybe, just maybe, Viper, along with my and everyone else's contribution could resolve this issue. Although I think my biggest improvement to the community would be getting rid of cheaters as much as possible as I am pretty confident about my SSing skills.
  26. Previous staff experiences
  27. My staff experience is pretty lengthy and what in my opinion gives me the upper hand over other applicants.
  28. OstiaPvP/OkiMC - These 2 servers, owned by the same 2 owners, were the 2 Faction Servers I have been staff the longest on. I applied on OkiMC and the then manager accepted my application where I was given the Helper rank. Working my way up to Moderator during the first map and eventually Mod+, I resigned a day after my promotion due to many issues with the server regarding DDOSing and DOXing. Coming to OstiaPvP after my resignation on OkiMC Map #1, I received the Mod+ position slowly earning the Admin Rank and eventually Manager. I came back to Oki after a map of being staff on OstiaPvP where I was offered the Manager Position. Since I received the Manager position we would switch between Oki and Ostia everytime the month ended. My Resignation came on the latest Map (#3, February) due to issues I had with the Owners. Being the manager of a 500 player base faction server was a lot to handle and has thought me a lot of things. What I would say are the 2 main things needed for this job is Time and Patience, which often collide with each other, at the end of the day you need time to be patient. The biggest challenge is having to control a server which consists of one of the most toxic communities out there and 100+ man factions. You would think to yourself that having a 100+ man faction is good for the server but at times it gets really frustrating. For example, lets say a faction broke a big and important rule that benefited them in any way, it is really hard to deal with the situation, one wrong move and you could lose 100 players, this is where Patience is really important and it would sometimes even take days to find a conclusion where everyone is satisfied. To sum up my experience on this server, it was a fun and challenging job but very difficult which led to one of the few reasons I decided to resign and start over. This brings me to the next server.
  29. ZonixUS - My first big Practice server, Zonix is where I applied and later got accepted after around 2 months of roaming around playing different servers. This server wasn't really like any other server I have been staff on, the community was completely different which was good for me after I decided that I never wanted to go back to Factions. Zonix was much more chill and a completely new game mode where I learned new things. One of the biggest things I learned was how to "screenshare", which is one of the most important things in a practice server for a staff member to know. I also learned how to handle smaller issues and not the same ones I would be getting as a manager. Like something as simple as handling a ban appeal or choosing to ban someone over controversial proof. After being staff on Zonix for around a month and earning the Moderator position, the server, unfortunately, shut down and I was forced to resign.
  30. Arcane - This is when things started to get serious. Getting accepted on one of the most popular Minecraft servers at the time was a great accomplishment and what really made me more known in the community. Breezing my way through Trial-Mod, Mod is where things started to get tough, from frustration in Support Rooms to complicated situations in game, I survived as a Mod for a full month but unfortunately got demoted for getting IP-logged on Teamspeak and "making the server look bad". I completely disagree with their decision because it had absolutely no circumstances on the server or staff team but couldn't change their mind.
  32. Can you record?: Yes
  33. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
  34. Do you have Discord?: Yes (Bin#1000)
  35. Have you ever been banned from Viper?: No
  36. Have you ever been banned from any server?: I have been banned from numerous servers before because I used to cheat back in the day, obviously, all of that is behind me now.
  37. Do you vow that if you are accepted into the team that you will not harm, disrupt, or destroy Viper and it's community?: I do
  38. Do you vow that during the time of Staffing you will follow our set of Staff Rules/Guidelines, not leak them and respect your fellow companions despite not liking them?: Yes
  39. Can you get along with most people even if you do not like them at all? And never be biased in your decisions as staff? I can
  40. Do you understand that we can demote you at any time for anything?: I understand
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