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a guest
Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. on *:load:{
  2. echo -a 9,1Thanks for Loading Liths Raffle! :P Pretty easy to use, right click on the chat channel, and select "IRC Raffle" and then "Start Raffle". Answer any questions it might have. You may also change options, report raffle status, and even modify the raffle itself.
  3. echo -a 7,1Modified by Anthrax after supapaint at the request of SpaceCat.
  4. set %irc_raffle_winner_delay 1
  5. set %irc_raffle_report_delay 2
  6. set %irc_raffle_winner.timelimit 1
  7. set %irc_raffle_maxclaim 2
  8. irc_raffle_resetlimituser
  9. }
  11. on *:text:claim:%irc_raffle_chan:{
  12. irc_raffle_winner.claim
  13. }
  14. on *:text:claim:?:{
  15. irc_raffle_winner.claim
  16. }
  18. on *:text:!available*:%irc_raffle_chan:{
  19. if (%irc_raffle_on == 0) { halt }
  20. set %user_name $nick
  21. irc_raffle_available.user
  22. }
  24. on *:text:!removeme:%irc_raffle_chan:{
  25. irc_raffle_removeme
  26. }
  28. on *:text:!raffle*:%irc_raffle_chan:{
  29. if (%irc_raffle_on == 0) { halt }
  30. set %irc_raffle_slotvariable 1- $+ %irc_raffle_slots
  31. if ($2 == $null) {
  32. msg %irc_raffle_chan 8,1 $nick $+ , to select a number, you need to go !raffle #, like !raffle 15, for number 15. Simply going !raffle will not work.
  33. halt
  34. }
  35. if ($2 !isnum %irc_raffle_slotvariable) {
  36. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Sorry $nick $+ , that entry is outside of the range of this raffle, this raffle will only accept numbers between 1 and %irc_raffle_slots $+ .
  37. halt
  38. }
  39. set %x 1
  40. set %y $lines(slots.txt)
  41. while (%x <= %y) {
  42. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,%x)
  43. set %irc_raffle_numb $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,1,46)
  44. set %irc_raffle_name $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,2,46)
  45. if ($nick == %irc_raffle_name) {
  46. msg %irc_raffle_chan 4,1 $+ $nick you 9,1Mubn, 4,1you already have a number, its %irc_raffle_numb
  47. halt
  48. }
  49. else {
  50. inc %x
  51. }
  52. }
  53. irc_raffle $1-
  54. }
  56. alias irc_raffle_create {
  57. set %irc_raffle_entries 0
  58. set %irc_raffle_prize $4-
  59. set %irc_raffle_on 1
  60. set %irc_raffle_slots $1
  61. set %irc_raffle_time $2
  62. set %irc_raffle_numwinners $3
  63. set %x 1
  64. write -c slots.txt
  65. while (%x <= %irc_raffle_slots) {
  66. write slots.txt %x $+ . $+ irc_noname
  67. inc %x
  68. }
  69. set %irc_raffle_start $asctime(h:nn)
  70. set %irc_raffle_truetime $ctime
  71. set %irc_raffle_end $calc(%irc_raffle_truetime + (%irc_raffle_time * 60))
  72. set %irc_raffle_endseconds %irc_raffle_end
  73. set %ampmend $asctime(%irc_raffle_end,TT)
  74. set %irc_raffle_end_date $asctime(%irc_raffle_end,m/d/yy)
  75. set %irc_raffle_end $asctime(%irc_raffle_end,h:nn)
  76. set %ampmstart $asctime(TT)
  77. set %irc_raffle_start_date $asctime(m/d/yy)
  78. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Raffle started! Raffle will be for  $+ %irc_raffle_prize $+ , 9,1and we have %irc_raffle_slots slots open! Start picking your numbers. Pick with !raffle followed by the number you would like. Valid numbers are between 1 and %irc_raffle_slots $+ .
  79. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Raffle Started at %irc_raffle_start $+ %ampm on %irc_raffle_start_date and will continue for %irc_raffle_time minute(s). Raffle will end at %irc_raffle_end %ampmend on %irc_raffle_end_date $+ .
  80. set %timer $calc($2 * 60)
  81. set %timer2 $calc(%irc_raffle_report_delay * 60)
  82. timerircraffle 1 %timer irc_raffle_stopraffle
  83. timerircrafflereport 0 %timer2 irc_raffle_report
  84. }
  86. alias irc_raffle_stopraffle {
  87. timerircrafflereport off
  88. set %irc_raffle_on 0
  89. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Raffle is over! A winner will be selected in %irc_raffle_winner_delay minute(s).
  90. set %timer_winner $calc(%irc_raffle_winner_delay * 60)
  91. timerrafflewinner 1 %timer_winner irc_raffle_winner
  92. }
  94. alias irc_raffle {
  95. set %user_number $2
  96. set %user_name $nick
  97. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,$2)
  98. set %irc_raffle_numb $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,1,46)
  99. set %irc_raffle_name $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,2,46)
  100. set %x $2
  101. if (%irc_raffle_name == irc_noname) {
  102. write $+(-l,%x) slots.txt %irc_raffle_numb $+ . $+ %user_name
  103. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1User %user_name is now set to number %irc_raffle_numb in the raffle.
  104. inc %irc_raffle_entries
  105. }
  106. else {
  107. msg %irc_raffle_chan 4,1Sorry9,1 %user_name $+ 4,1, 12,1 $+ %irc_raffle_name 4,1has already 8,1Jacked 4,1the winning number!!!
  108. irc_raffle_available.user
  109. }
  110. }
  112. alias irc_raffle_available.user {
  113. set %x 1
  114. set %y $lines(slots.txt)
  115. set %z $null
  116. set %true 1
  117. set %irc_raffle_longmessage 0
  118. set %irc_raffle_listmessage 75
  119. set %irc_raffle_msglenth 0
  120. while (%x <= %y) {
  121. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,%x)
  122. set %irc_raffle_numb $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,1,46)
  123. set %irc_raffle_name $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,2,46)
  124. if (%irc_raffle_name == irc_noname) {
  125. if (%true == 1) {
  126. inc %true
  127. set %z %irc_raffle_numb
  128. inc %x
  129. inc %irc_raffle_msglenth
  130. }
  131. else {
  132. set %z %z $+ , %irc_raffle_numb
  133. inc %irc_raffle_msglenth
  134. if (%irc_raffle_msglenth == %irc_raffle_listmessage) {
  135. if ((%irc_raffle_msglenth > 74) && (%irc_raffle_msglenth < 150)) {
  136. notice %user_name 9,1Currently, the available numbers are %z
  137. }
  138. else {
  139. notice %user_name 9,1 $+ %z
  140. }
  141. set %irc_raffle_listmessage $calc(%irc_raffle_listmessage + 75)
  142. set %irc_raffle_longmessage 1
  143. set %true 1
  144. }
  145. inc %x
  146. }
  147. }
  148. else {
  149. inc %x
  150. }
  151. }
  152. if ((%irc_raffle_longmessage == 1) && (%irc_raffle_msglenth > 75)) {
  153. notice %user_name 9,1 $+ %z $+ .
  154. }
  155. elseif (%irc_raffle_msglenth == 75) {
  156. halt
  157. }
  158. else {
  159. notice %user_name 9,1Currently, the available numbers are %z $+ .
  160. }
  161. }
  163. alias irc_raffle_available {
  164. set %x 1
  165. set %y $lines(slots.txt)
  166. set %z $null
  167. set %true 1
  168. set %irc_raffle_longmessage 0
  169. set %irc_raffle_listmessage 75
  170. set %irc_raffle_msglenth 0
  171. while (%x <= %y) {
  172. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,%x)
  173. set %irc_raffle_numb $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,1,46)
  174. set %irc_raffle_name $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,2,46)
  175. if (%irc_raffle_name == irc_noname) {
  176. if (%true == 1) {
  177. inc %true
  178. set %z %irc_raffle_numb
  179. inc %x
  180. inc %irc_raffle_msglenth
  181. }
  182. else {
  183. set %z %z $+ , %irc_raffle_numb
  184. inc %irc_raffle_msglenth
  185. if (%irc_raffle_msglenth == %irc_raffle_listmessage) {
  186. if ((%irc_raffle_msglenth > 74) && (%irc_raffle_msglenth < 150)) {
  187. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Currently, the available numbers are %z
  188. }
  189. else {
  190. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1 $+ %z
  191. }
  192. set %irc_raffle_listmessage $calc(%irc_raffle_listmessage + 75)
  193. set %irc_raffle_longmessage 1
  194. set %true 1
  195. }
  196. inc %x
  197. }
  198. }
  199. else {
  200. inc %x
  201. }
  202. }
  203. if ((%irc_raffle_longmessage == 1) && (%irc_raffle_msglenth > 75)) {
  204. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1 $+ %z $+ .
  205. }
  206. elseif (%irc_raffle_msglenth == 75) {
  207. halt
  208. }
  209. else {
  210. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Currently, the available numbers are %z $+ .
  211. }
  212. }
  214. alias irc_raffle_winner {
  215. set %irc_raffle_on 0
  216. set %irc_raffle_numwinners.temp 0
  217. set %irc_raffle_numwinners.true 1
  218. while (%irc_raffle_numwinners.true <= %irc_raffle_numwinners) {
  219. inc %irc_raffle_numwinners.temp
  220. inc %irc_raffle_numwinners.true
  221. set %winner_numb $rand(1,%irc_raffle_slots)
  222. set %irc_winner $read(slots.txt,%winner_numb)
  223. set %irc_winner_name $gettok(%irc_winner,2,46)
  224. set %x 1
  225. while ((%irc_winner_name == irc_noname) && (%x < 5000)) {
  226. set %winner_numb $rand(1,%irc_raffle_slots)
  227. set %irc_winner $read(slots.txt,%winner_numb)
  228. set %irc_winner_name $gettok(%irc_winner,2,46)
  229. inc %x
  230. }
  231. if ((%x < 5000) && (%irc_raffle_numwinners == 1)) {
  232. msg %irc_raffle_chan 4,1And our winner is....8,1 $+ %irc_winner_name $+ 9,1! Congrats! 8,1 %irc_winner_name 9,1won with number 8,1 %winner_numb $+ .
  233. write $+(-l,%winner_numb) slots.txt %winner_numb $+ . $+ irc_noname
  234. set %irc_winnerlist %irc_winner_name
  235. }
  236. elseif ((%x < 5000)) {
  237. if (%irc_raffle_numwinners.temp == 1) {
  238. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1And our first winner is.... $+ %irc_winner_name $+ ! Congrats! %irc_winner_name won with number %winner_numb $+ .
  239. write $+(-l,%winner_numb) slots.txt %winner_numb $+ . $+ irc_noname
  240. set %irc_winnerlist %irc_winner_name $+ .
  241. }
  242. if ((%irc_raffle_numwinners.temp > 1) && (%irc_raffle_numwinners.temp < %irc_raffle_numwinners)) {
  243. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1And our next winner is.... $+ %irc_winner_name $+ ! Congrats! %irc_winner_name won with number %winner_numb $+ .
  244. write $+(-l,%winner_numb) slots.txt %winner_numb $+ . $+ irc_noname
  245. set %irc_winnerlist %irc_winnerlist $+ %irc_winner_name $+ .
  246. }
  247. if ((%irc_raffle_numwinners.temp > 1) && (%irc_raffle_numwinners.temp == %irc_raffle_numwinners)) {
  248. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1And our last winner is.... $+ %irc_winner_name $+ ! Congrats! %irc_winner_name won with number %winner_numb $+ .
  249. write $+(-l,%winner_numb) slots.txt %winner_numb $+ . $+ irc_noname
  250. set %irc_winnerlist %irc_winnerlist $+ %irc_winner_name
  251. }
  252. }
  253. else {
  254. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1No Valid Winner Found, either nobody claimed the prizes and nobody is left, or nobody entered the raffle.
  255. ; timer* off
  256. halt
  257. }
  258. }
  259. msg %irc_raffle_chan 4,1Please type 9,1"Claim" 4,1here or msg me 9,1"Claim" 4,1to claim your prize. 9,1You have %irc_raffle_winner.timelimit minute(s) to claim your prize before another winner is selected. Please note, if you won more then once, please message me for each win.
  260. irc_raffle_winner.timelimit
  261. }
  263. alias irc_raffle_removeme {
  264. set $nick
  265. var %irc_num 1
  266. set %irc_raffle_lines $lines(slots.txt)
  267. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,%irc_num)
  268. while (%irc_num <= %irc_raffle_lines) {
  269. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,%irc_num)
  270. set %irc_raffle_name $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,2,46)
  271. set %irc_raffle_numb $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,1,46)
  272. if (%irc_raffle_name == {
  273. write $+(-l,%irc_num) slots.txt %irc_raffle_numb $+ . $+ irc_noname
  274. inc %irc_raffle_entries -1
  275. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Removing %irc_raffle_name $+ 's entry from the raffle. Please note, number %irc_raffle_numb is now available.
  276. halt
  277. }
  278. else {
  279. inc %irc_num
  280. }
  281. }
  282. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Unable to find an entry for user $nick $+ .
  283. }
  285. alias irc_raffle_remove {
  286. set %x $1
  287. set %irc_raffle_checknum $read(slots.txt,%x)
  288. set %irc_raffle_numb $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,1,46)
  289. set %irc_raffle_name $gettok(%irc_raffle_checknum,2,46)
  290. if (%irc_raffle_name != irc_noname) {
  291. write $+(-l,%x) slots.txt %irc_raffle_numb $+ . $+ irc_noname
  292. inc %irc_raffle_entries -1
  293. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Removing %irc_raffle_name $+ 's entry from the raffle. Please note, number %irc_raffle_numb is now available.
  294. }
  295. else {
  296. echo -a 4Error: Nobody currently has number %x selected for the raffle, therefore you cannot remove them from it.
  297. }
  298. }
  300. alias irc_raffle_options {
  301. set %irc_raffle_winner_delay $?="How many minutes would you like to wait after a raffle stops accepting entries, to auto-select a winner?"
  302. set %irc_raffle_report_delay $?="How many minutes between reports to the channel would you like there to be, on the status of the raffle? (Time Left, Entries Accepted, Ect)"
  303. set %irc_raffle_winner.timelimit $?="How many minutes would you like to grant the winner of a raffle to contact the bot, before forcing a new winner?"
  304. }
  306. alias irc_raffle_stop {
  307. timerircraffle off
  308. timerrafflewinner off
  309. timerircrafflereport off
  310. set %irc_raffle_on 0
  311. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Raffle has been stopped. No winner will be auto-selected.
  312. }
  314. alias irc_raffle_report {
  315. set %irc_raffle_endtime %irc_raffle_endseconds
  316. set %irc_raffle_current_time $ctime
  317. set %irc_raffle_minleft $calc((%irc_raffle_endtime - %irc_raffle_current_time) / 60)
  318. set %irc_raffle_mins $round(%irc_raffle_minleft,0)
  319. if (%irc_raffle_mins < 1) { set %irc_raffle_mins less then one }
  320. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1R8,1a4,1f13,1f11,1l12,1e 9,1in Progress for 7,1 $+ %irc_raffle_prize $+ 9,1. There are currently 8,1 %irc_raffle_entries 9,1entries with a max of 8,1 %irc_raffle_slots 9,1entries. This raffle will end at 8,1 %irc_raffle_end %ampmend 9,1on 8,1 %irc_raffle_end_date $+ 9,1, which is in 8,1 %irc_raffle_mins 9,1minute(s). To Enter the raffle, simply type "7,1!raffle9,1" followed by the number you would like to have for the drawing.
  321. }
  323. alias irc_raffle_addslots {
  324. set %irc_raffle_addslots $?="How many slots would you like to add to the raffle?"
  325. set %x $calc(%irc_raffle_slots + 1)
  326. set %irc_raffle_slots $calc(%irc_raffle_slots + %irc_raffle_addslots)
  327. while (%x <= %irc_raffle_slots) {
  328. write slots.txt %x $+ . $+ irc_noname
  329. inc %x
  330. }
  331. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Slots have been added to the raffle! The raffle now has a total of %irc_raffle_slots slots.
  332. }
  334. alias irc_raffle_restart {
  335. set %irc_raffle_restart_slots $lines(slots.txt)
  336. set %irc_raffle_on 1
  337. set %irc_raffle_time $?="How long untill you would like this restarted raffle to stop?"
  338. set %irc_raffle_start $asctime(h:nn)
  339. set %irc_raffle_truetime $ctime
  340. set %irc_raffle_end $calc(%irc_raffle_truetime + (%irc_raffle_time * 60))
  341. set %irc_raffle_endseconds %irc_raffle_end
  342. set %ampmend $asctime(%irc_raffle_end,TT)
  343. set %irc_raffle_end_date $asctime(%irc_raffle_end,m/d/yy)
  344. set %irc_raffle_end $asctime(%irc_raffle_end,h:nn)
  345. set %ampmstart $asctime(TT)
  346. set %irc_raffle_start_date $asctime(m/d/yy)
  347. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Raffle started! Raffle will be for  $+ %irc_raffle_prize $+ , and we have %irc_raffle_slots slots open! Start picking your numbers. Pick with !raffle followed by the number you would like. Valid numbers are between 1 and %irc_raffle_slots $+ .
  348. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Raffle Started at %irc_raffle_start $+ %ampm on %irc_raffle_start_date and will continue for %irc_raffle_time minute(s). Raffle will end at %irc_raffle_end %ampmend on %irc_raffle_end_date $+ .
  349. set %timer $calc(%irc_raffle_time * 60)
  350. set %timer2 $calc(%irc_raffle_report_delay * 60)
  351. timerircraffle 1 %timer irc_raffle_stopraffle
  352. timerircrafflereport 0 %timer2 irc_raffle_report
  353. msg $chan 9,1Past Raffle Entries as follows:
  354. set %xyz !who
  355. irc_raffle_who
  356. }
  358. alias irc_raffle_report_reset {
  359. set %irc_raffle_report_delay $?="How many minutes between delays to the channel would you like?"
  360. set %timer2 $calc(%irc_raffle_report_delay * 60)
  361. timerircrafflereport 0 %timer2 irc_raffle_report
  362. }
  364. alias irc_raffle_winner.timelimit {
  365. set %irc_winner.tokens %irc_raffle_numwinners
  366. set %irc_x 1
  367. set %irc_raffle_winner.time $calc(%irc_raffle_winner.timelimit * 60)
  368. while (%irc_x <= %irc_winner.tokens) {
  369. set %timer.token $gettok(%irc_winnerlist,%irc_x,46)
  370. $+(timer,%timer.token) 1 %irc_raffle_winner.time irc_raffle_winner.reset %timer.token
  371. inc %irc_x
  372. }
  373. }
  375. alias irc_raffle_winner.reset {
  376. set %irc_winner.nick $1
  377. set %irc_winner.tokens %irc_raffle_numwinners
  378. ; set %irc_x 1
  379. ; set %irc_raffle_winner.time $calc(%irc_raffle_winner.timelimit * 60)
  380. ; while (%irc_x <= %irc_winner.tokens) {
  381. ; set %timer.token $gettok(%irc_winnerlist,%irc_x,46)
  382. ; if (%irc_winner.tokens == 1) {
  383. ; set %winner.reset %timer.token
  384. ; }
  385. ; elseif ((%irc_winner.tokens > 1) && (%irc_x != %irc_winner.tokens)) {
  386. ; set %winner.reset %winner.reset %+ , %timer.token
  387. ; }
  388. ; elseif (%irc_x == %irc_winner.tokens) {
  389. ; set %winner.reset %winner.reset and %timer.token
  390. ; }
  391. ; inc %irc_x
  392. ; }
  393. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Winner %irc_winner.nick failed to message the bot in the allotted time. New winner will now be drawn.
  394. set %irc_raffle_numwinners 1
  395. irc_raffle_winner
  396. set %irc_raffle_numwinners %irc_winner.tokens
  397. }
  399. alias irc_raffle_winner.claim {
  400. set %irc_raffle_winner.claim $nick
  401. set %irc_raffle_winner.limit $readini Raffle.ini Maxclaims %irc_raffle_winner.claim
  402. if (%irc_raffle_winner.limit == $null) {
  403. set %irc_raffle_winner.limit 0
  404. }
  405. if (%irc_raffle_maxclaim <= %irc_raffle_winner.limit) {
  406. msg %irc_raffle_chan 4,1The winner %irc_raffle_winner.claim cannot claim this prize due to reaching the maxclaim limit already.
  407. msg %irc_raffle_winner.claim 4,1Sorry, you cannot claim this prize because you reached the max claim limit.
  408. halt
  409. }
  410. var %irc_temp $timer(%irc_raffle_winner.claim)
  411. if (%irc_temp != $null) {
  412. $+(timer,%irc_raffle_winner.claim) off
  413. msg %irc_raffle_winner.claim 9,1Prize Claimed.
  414. msg %irc_raffle_chan 9,1Winner %irc_raffle_winner.claim has claimed their prize.
  415. inc %irc_raffle_winner.limit
  416. writeini Raffle.ini Maxclaims %irc_raffle_winner.claim %irc_raffle_winner.limit
  417. inc %irc_raffle_numwinners -1
  418. set %irc_x 1
  419. while (%irc_x <= %irc_winner.tokens) {
  420. set %timer.token $gettok(%irc_winnerlist,%irc_x,46)
  421. if (%timer.token == %irc_raffle_winner.claim) {
  422. set %timer.token $deltok(%timer.token,%irc_x,46)
  423. halt
  424. }
  425. else {
  426. inc %irc_x
  427. }
  428. }
  429. }
  430. else {
  431. msg %irc_raffle_winner.claim 9,1Error: Name not detected as a winner.
  432. }
  433. }
  435. alias irc_raffle_resetlimituser {
  436. remini Raffle.ini Maxclaims
  437. echo -a 4,1Claim count for users has been reset.
  438. .msg %irc_raffle_chan 4,1Claim count for users has been reset.
  439. }
  441. alias irc_raffle_maxlimit {
  442. if ($1 == $null) {
  443. echo -a 4,1Max claims can't be null
  444. halt
  445. }
  446. set %irc_raffle_maxclaim $1
  447. msg %irc_raffle_chan 7,1Max claims has been set to9 $1
  448. echo -a 7,1Max claims has been set to9 $1
  449. }
  451. alias irc_raffle_addtime {
  453. }
  455. menu channel,status {
  456. IRC Raffle
  457. .Start Raffle: irc_raffle_create $?="How many Slots would you like in the raffle?" $?="How many minutes would you like the raffle to last?" $?="How many winners will there be in this raffle?" $?="What is it you are raffling off?" | set %irc_raffle_chan $chan
  458. .Stop Raffle: irc_raffle_stop
  459. .Restart a Stopped Raffle (this includes disconnects): irc_raffle_restart
  460. .Modify Max Claims: irc_raffle_maxlimit $?="How many max claims do you want to be set?"
  461. .Reset User Claim Amount: irc_raffle_resetlimituser
  462. .Modify Raffle
  463. ..Remove Entry: irc_raffle_remove $?="What number entry would you like to remove?"
  464. ..Add Slots: irc_raffle_addslots
  465. ..Randomly Select A New/Another Winner: set %irc_raffle_numwinners $$?="How many winners would you like to pick?" | irc_raffle_winner
  466. .Report Commands
  467. ..Raffle Status: irc_raffle_report
  468. ..Ajust Report Delay To Channel: irc_raffle_report_reset
  469. ..All Numbers Currently Open: irc_raffle_available
  470. .Options:
  471. ..Settings: irc_raffle_options
  472. }
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