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Primal Instinct 2.0

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Jul 4th, 2016
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  1. [4:38] Merch: fuck you guys
  2. [4:38] Merch: I'm quitting this game
  3. [4:38] Diagun: But whatever yo
  4. [4:38] Diagun: Oi ninaj i mightave maybe won the forst one
  5. [4:38] watergate: two hours is all you need to get to 10 strength, yo.
  6. [4:38] Merch: Tell him to release me dude
  7. [4:38] NinjaKrill: Merch, how's the Inn? <3
  8. [4:38] Merch: Diagun
  9. [4:37] Diagun: Itll tske about...3 months?
  10. [4:37] Diagun: I canr grind regularly
  11. [4:37] Merch: He's selfish
  12. [4:37] Diagun: Not for me yo
  13. [4:37] NinjaKrill: kek water
  14. [4:37] Merch: Ninjas gonna loot it
  15. [4:37] watergate: shouldn't take too long, maybe about two hours to get back to cap, dia.
  16. [4:37] NinjaKrill: battle*
  17. [4:37] NinjaKrill: I won a attle
  18. [4:37] NinjaKrill: Ye
  19. [4:37] Diagun: Come on man bring em back i gotta go grind
  20. [4:37] Merch: Ninja u faggot look what u did
  21. [4:37] Diagun: Ninja
  22. [4:37] Tankk: [Visit Store] BIG SALE
  23. [4:37] NinjaKrill: LMAO
  24. [4:37] Merch: wtf
  25. [4:36] Diagun: I have grinding to do....
  26. [4:36] NinjaKrill: HOLY SHIT LOL
  27. [4:36] Diagun: Can you bring me my hings
  28. [4:36] Merch: oh
  29. [4:36] Diagun: Ninja
  30. [4:36] NinjaKrill: -48 KEK
  31. [4:36] Diagun: Thi is...more than i asked for......
  32. [4:36] Infamous King: Oh man
  33. [4:36] Diagun: Oh.......
  34. [4:36] Diagun: Oh..
  35. [4:36] NinjaKrill: WOOOOOOOO
  36. [4:36] Merch: dude please let me out
  37. [4:36] NinjaKrill: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  38. [4:36] NinjaKrill: OHHHH
  39. [4:36] Tankk: [Visit Store] come visit my storebin aera. Good gear and great prices
  40. [4:36] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Troll King use bludgeon damage
  41. [4:36] Merch: I've had enough today please
  42. [4:36] NinjaKrill poofs
  43. [4:36] NinjaKrill: Fuck
  44. [4:35] NinjaKrill: It's a critical hit! 49 damage (12 was from strength) was done to the NinjaKrill with Diagun's Ascalon. But because of the critical hit, an additional 74 damage was done for a total of 123 damage. However, this attack was partially blocked. Slashing damage was reduced by 103 due to the Death's Embrace, Full-plate of the Black King, and Mithril of the Black King, 20 total damage was dealt.
  45. [4:35] TehRealOne: I've checked the guides, it says to do troll first, but troll would take too long imo
  46. [4:35] watergate: just follow what tsuchi said
  47. [4:35] Merch: astop please dude
  48. [4:35] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Get a better shield too
  49. [4:35] Diagun: And now none
  50. [4:35] Merch: thhhdthbjiugvb
  51. [4:35] Diagun: Then both
  52. [4:35] NinjaKrill: MERCH I LOVE YOU
  53. [4:35] Diagun: Then rested
  55. [4:35] Diagun: First you had pumped
  56. [4:35] Diagun: Youre buffs were freaking out yo
  57. [4:35] Merch: STOP LET ME OUT
  58. [4:35] Mattmath: Thanks Art
  59. [4:35] NinjaKrill: o-o
  60. [4:35] Diagun: Weird
  61. [4:35] NinjaKrill: Do what
  62. [4:35] Diagun: Eh?
  63. [4:35] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Hey Merch if you can say "help" 4 times in a row without interruption I'll release you
  64. [4:35] Diagun: Howd you do thaT.
  65. [4:35] Diagun: Oi ninja
  66. [4:35] Diagun: Damned lag.. stopping my heart yo
  67. [4:35] NinjaKrill: <3
  68. [4:35] NinjaKrill: Merch I love you
  69. [4:35] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Although you should invest in a better helmet
  70. [4:34] Merch: shut up Diagun no one cares about that brat
  71. [4:34] TehRealOne: but the troll king has 200 trolls protecting him and I dont think my toaster will handle 200 fast pace fights
  72. [4:34] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Matt you can
  73. [4:34] Diagun: NINJANDYING YO
  74. [4:34] Merch: Matt don't listen to them
  75. [4:34] Merch: Them
  76. [4:34] [ART] Tsuchigumo: In there there's a summary of all the bosses in game
  77. [4:34] Merch: Matt ignore then
  78. [4:34] Diagun: fight bufs last 5 minutes?
  79. [4:34] [ART] Tsuchigumo: There's another guide by acbdl
  80. [4:34] watergate: likely, yrsh
  81. [4:34] [ART] Tsuchigumo: In the guide ^
  82. [4:33] Merch: yes Matt
  83. [4:33] [ART] Tsuchigumo: [View the player-made starter guide]
  84. [4:33] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Hmm
  85. [4:33] Mattmath: Last question and then I'll stop bothering you guys: could I beat the troll king?
  86. [4:33] Merch: ur just trying to team up but all of you are shit by yourselves
  87. [4:33] TehRealOne: what bosses are decent to go for then?
  88. [4:33] Diagun: COME ON COME ON
  89. [4:33] [ART] Tsuchigumo: RIP
  90. [4:33] [ART] Tsuchigumo: The new orcish helm
  91. [4:33] Diagun: NINJA
  92. [4:33] Rollend: k i'll try to gear up at 6
  93. [4:33] NinjaKrill: LOL WATER
  94. [4:33] Merch: water shut up
  95. [4:33] Diagun: Stay away teh
  96. [4:33] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Shaman sucks now :(
  97. [4:33] Diagun: No no no
  98. [4:33] watergate: tfw the master of card jitsu is insulting you
  99. [4:33] [ART] Tsuchigumo: No
  100. [4:33] Tankk: Assholes, yeah
  101. [4:33] TehRealOne: btw guys, is it worth vsing the shaman boss?
  102. [4:33] Diagun: But he needs stats to get geae. So six and some okish gear.
  103. [4:33] Merch: probably irl bullies
  104. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Try to invest in half plate/scalemail/leather cloak
  105. [4:32] Merch: You guys purposely exclude and harass people
  106. [4:32] TehRealOne: 6 if you have decent gear
  107. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: It's about your gear
  108. [4:32] Diagun: Around 6 rollend
  109. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: It's not about the stats
  110. [4:32] TehRealOne: 6.5
  111. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Rollend
  112. [4:32] Mattmath: At one point I had 8 hp, haha
  113. [4:32] Rollend: what strength should i stop fighting trolls and go to thieves?
  114. [4:32] Mattmath: THANK YOU, FRIENDS
  115. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol
  116. [4:32] watergate: nice job, matt.
  117. [4:32] Diagun: HOORAY FOR MATT
  118. [4:32] Merch: u guys don't even see what you're saying
  119. [4:32] NinjaKrill: CONGRATS MATTMATH
  120. [4:32] Diagun: Niggakrill?
  121. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Woooo
  122. [4:32] Mattmath: YES
  123. [4:32] NinjaKrill: NOOOOOOO
  124. [4:32] Mattmath: I'M OUT
  125. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: YOU SELFISH DAGGER
  126. [4:32] [ART] Tsuchigumo: YOU'RE GONNA TAKE THAT
  127. [4:31] [ART] Tsuchigumo: NINJA
  128. [4:31] watergate: senseless taste in words, bub.
  129. [4:31] [ART] Tsuchigumo: SELFISH DAGGER
  130. [4:31] Merch: niggakrill do u have a problem
  131. [4:31] Diagun: Never heard that one.
  132. [4:31] NinjaKrill: KEK
  133. [4:31] Diagun: A selfish dagger?
  134. [4:31] NinjaKrill: You use faggot and nigga
  135. [4:31] NinjaKrill: Of all the insults possible
  136. [4:31] Merch: you such your dad off so you're a selfish dagger
  137. [4:31] Diagun pets kitty
  138. [4:31] [ART] Tsuchigumo is triggered
  139. [4:31] NinjaKrill: Why you gotta use that word
  140. [4:31] [ART] Tsuchigumo: :(
  141. [4:31] [ART] Tsuchigumo: >faggot
  142. [4:31] Merch: bitch
  143. [4:30] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lmao
  144. [4:30] Diagun: Ya win I'll shut up.
  145. [4:30] Merch: greedy faggot
  146. [4:30] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Locking people up
  147. [4:30] Diagun: Fight me yo
  148. [4:30] NinjaKrill: He's literally done nothing to you all day
  149. [4:30] Merch: nah u steal and take advantage
  150. [4:30] Diagun: Hoh?
  151. [4:30] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Ninja is the police here
  152. [4:30] NinjaKrill: Also, leave Dia out of this
  153. [4:30] NinjaKrill: And laugh at them
  154. [4:30] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lel
  155. [4:30] NinjaKrill: I lock people like you up
  156. [4:30] Merch: Diagun shut up dude
  157. [4:30] watergate: :/
  158. [4:30] NinjaKrill: No
  159. [4:30] Diagun: Maybe more i dont knoe
  160. [4:30] Merch: bitch
  161. [4:30] Diagun: There is about..12? At each area
  162. [4:30] Merch: ninja u loot people like a greedy botch
  163. [4:30] Mattmath: s just taking a while
  164. [4:30] Mattmath: m krilling them, but it'
  165. [4:30] Mattmath: I
  166. [4:30] Mattmath: yeah, that's what I was trying, haha
  167. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Or forward I guess
  168. [4:29] Merch: lol ok I actually help other people
  169. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: And kill some more trolls :P
  170. [4:29] NinjaKrill: It's hilarious how Merch is just repeating what we're thinking of him
  171. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: You can also try to walk backward
  172. [4:29] Merch: Matt ignore them
  173. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: So yeah
  174. [4:29] NinjaKrill: Lol
  175. [4:29] Mattmath: Cool, thanks!
  176. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: It's randomized
  177. [4:29] Merch: bad parenting
  178. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: In which you'll be kicked out of the cave
  179. [4:29] Merch: they get spoiled so they don't understand other people
  180. [4:29] [ART] Tsuchigumo: There's a range between 1 and 10 minutes
  181. [4:29] Diagun: T-T
  182. [4:28] Mattmath: Says any moment
  183. [4:28] [ART] Tsuchigumo: When it his 0 and it said "At any moment"
  184. [4:28] Diagun: I wasted 30 dura on that fight
  185. [4:28] [ART] Tsuchigumo: When you see the reinforce timer
  186. [4:28] Diagun: Ascalon
  187. [4:28] Merch: they get spoiled
  188. [4:28] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Yeah
  189. [4:28] Mattmath: I can wait it out
  190. [4:28] Merch: don't listen to them
  191. [4:28] Mattmath: Oh word?
  192. [4:28] NinjaKrill: There's a difference
  193. [4:28] Merch: they're selfish
  194. [4:28] NinjaKrill: We won't help you
  195. [4:28] [ART] Tsuchigumo: How do you manage to get stucked in thhere
  196. [4:28] NinjaKrill: No Merch
  197. [4:28] Diagun: To gt out just wait the timer out
  198. [4:28] [ART] Tsuchigumo: I can't STAY in troll cave to save my life
  199. [4:28] NinjaKrill: Matt; Just wait, you'll get kicked right?
  200. [4:28] Merch: Matt don't talk to them
  201. [4:28] Mattmath: but they just keep coming @__@
  202. [4:28] Diagun: Ah
  203. [4:28] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Huh
  204. [4:28] Merch: they won't help
  205. [4:28] Mattmath: I'm not dying because I'm at the rest area
  206. [4:27] Merch: matt don't talk to them
  207. [4:27] Mattmath: I've been trying to fight my way out of the troll cave for like, an hour
  208. [4:27] NinjaKrill: lol
  209. [4:27] watergate: tfw haven't played at all today but still fucking merch's game up
  210. [4:27] Merch: selfish assholei
  211. [4:27] [ART] Tsuchigumo: The troll cave?
  212. [4:27] NinjaKrill: wew
  213. [4:27] [ART] Tsuchigumo: mattmath what's up
  214. [4:27] Diagun: What cave?
  215. [4:27] Diagun: What dungeo ?
  216. [4:27] [ART] Tsuchigumo: No
  217. [4:27] Merch: inconsiderate selfish brats
  218. [4:27] Mattmath: okay, is it common to get stuck in dungeons/caves?
  219. [4:27] NinjaKrill: vv
  220. [4:27] [ART] Tsuchigumo: This game is clearly not for you :(
  221. [4:27] Merch: fuck you scumbag
  222. [4:27] Merch: I grind all day and you assholes ruin everything
  223. [4:26] Diagun: Dont wank me man you did the same
  224. [4:26] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Like how your father should have pulled out
  225. [4:26] NinjaKrill: You think of that one yourself, mate?
  226. [4:26] Sir Galahad: vvv
  227. [4:26] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Learn to insult like a boss
  228. [4:26] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Get creative
  229. [4:26] NinjaKrill: Wew
  230. [4:26] Merch: fuck you
  231. [4:26] NinjaKrill: Lol
  232. [4:26] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Gid gud m8
  233. [4:26] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Tfw merch just rehashing like 5 insults
  234. [4:26] Diagun: YOU HAD 10 HP DAMN IT
  235. [4:26] Merch: idc someone will
  236. [4:26] Diagun: I ALMSOT KILLED YOU
  237. [4:26] Diagun: YOU BASTARD
  238. [4:26] NinjaKrill: DIA YOU BUFFING WANKER
  239. [4:25] Diagun: FIRST YOU RUN AND NOW YOU LEAVE
  240. [4:25] Merch: 12 year olds
  241. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: ID gives no shit
  242. [4:25] Merch: so us your humor
  243. [4:25] NinjaKrill: keeek
  244. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lmao
  245. [4:25] Diagun: NINJA YOU SHIT
  246. [4:25] Merch: your comebacks are trash
  247. [4:25] Sir Galahad: Let it be said
  248. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: I've been trying to get the devs to do something about the whole kidnapping thing for weeeks
  249. [4:25] NinjaKrill: o_o
  250. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: I'll give him all my stuff
  251. [4:25] Diagun: OH NOOO
  252. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: If he actually achieve anything from this
  253. [4:25] Diagun: Atelling he devs
  254. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Wait wait
  255. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Wait guys
  256. [4:25] NinjaKrill: Devs kek
  257. [4:25] Diagun: Pffft
  258. [4:25] NinjaKrill: Oh
  259. [4:25] [ART] Tsuchigumo: ...
  260. [4:25] NinjaKrill: Who are you reporting to?
  261. [4:25] NinjaKrill: Just out of serious interest
  262. [4:25] Merch: I'm telling all the devs
  263. [4:24] Diagun giggles
  264. [4:24] NinjaKrill: Reporting US for harassment kek
  265. [4:24] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Sure m8
  266. [4:24] NinjaKrill: Lmfao
  267. [4:24] [ART] Tsuchigumo: ...
  268. [4:24] Merch: I recorded this reporting for harassment
  269. [4:24] NinjaKrill: If you dig around enough you'll probably find some soap
  270. [4:24] [ART] Tsuchigumo: "Water shut up u asshole"
  271. [4:24] watergate: what'd i say
  272. [4:24] [ART] Tsuchigumo: "Water save me"
  273. [4:24] watergate: lol?
  274. [4:24] Merch: water shut up u asshole
  275. [4:24] NinjaKrill: Please help yourself to the complementary hygiene products
  276. [4:24] [ART] Tsuchigumo: I should make a sex dungeon for this purpose
  277. [4:24] Merch: his*
  278. [4:24] watergate: primal instinct 2.0 has begun
  279. [4:24] Merch: 10 year old made him name ninja
  280. [4:23] NinjaKrill: We'll throw you some scraps later this evening
  281. [4:23] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol
  282. [4:23] Merch: shut up scumbag
  283. [4:23] NinjaKrill: Oh, that's right, you bought the cheap ticket
  284. [4:23] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Oh wait
  285. [4:23] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Merch rolling out the big words
  286. [4:23] NinjaKrill: Merch, are you enjoying your stay in Fleet Inn?
  287. [4:23] Merch: all
  288. [4:23] Merch: ur a trash
  289. [4:23] Merch: ur both trash
  290. [4:23] Merch: shut up
  291. [4:23] Diagun: ILL LOSE
  292. [4:23] NinjaKrill: kek
  293. [4:23] NinjaKrill: NFL
  294. [4:23] Diagun: NO
  295. [4:23] [ART] Tsuchigumo: It'd go much faster
  296. [4:23] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Fight naked
  297. [4:23] [ART] Tsuchigumo: How about you both
  298. [4:23] Merch: fuckin moron
  299. [4:22] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol dia
  300. [4:22] Merch: shut up dunbass
  301. [4:22] watergate: wew lad
  302. [4:22] Diagun: BASTARD
  303. [4:22] Diagun: You bastard
  304. [4:22] [ART] Tsuchigumo: What
  305. [4:22] Diagun: I had you i had you at 10
  306. [4:22] NinjaKrill: merch has dem vocabs
  307. [4:22] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lel
  308. [4:22] Diagun: Fuck you now i gotta heal
  309. [4:22] Merch: ur birth was an accident
  310. [4:22] Merch: ninja 12 year old retard
  311. [4:22] Diagun: YOU FUCK
  312. [4:22] Diagun: I CAN ONLY RUN AND DIDNT
  313. [4:22] Diagun: I CANT
  314. [4:22] NinjaKrill: FIGHT ME TWAT
  315. [4:22] Diagun: YOU BASTARD COWARD SHIR
  316. [4:22] Merch: shitty sense of humor faggot
  317. [4:22] NinjaKrill: WHY'D YOU END COMBAT
  318. [4:21] NinjaKrill: WTF
  319. [4:21] Diagun: NINJA
  320. [4:21] Diagun: NINJA YOU SHIT
  321. [4:21] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol
  322. [4:21] Merch: retard ninja dumbass
  323. [4:21] Diagun: OOOOOH
  325. [4:21] Diagun: I LIKE HAVING OPTIONS OK
  326. [4:21] Diagun: WHATS THE DIFFERANCE
  327. [4:21] Merch: little bitch
  328. [4:21] Diagun: NO
  329. [4:21] Diagun: Your attack missed! The NinjaKrill counter attacks... The NinjaKrill missed!
  330. [4:21] NinjaKrill: Let me attack
  331. [4:21] Merch: and excluding others
  332. [4:21] NinjaKrill: Let me attack
  333. [4:21] [ART] Tsuchigumo: ;9
  334. [4:21] NinjaKrill: You're not attacking fast enough
  335. [4:21] NinjaKrill: Dia you fuck
  336. [4:21] Merch: you guys just like being pathetic
  337. [4:20] NinjaKrill: End of story
  338. [4:20] NinjaKrill: We'll continue to lock you up
  339. [4:20] Diagun: I feel my heart stop.
  340. [4:20] NinjaKrill: And while you continue to be an asshole
  341. [4:20] Merch: no dude
  342. [4:20] Diagun: The lag i mean
  343. [4:20] NinjaKrill: You were being an asshole
  344. [4:20] Diagun: It hurts you know
  345. [4:20] Merch: no
  346. [4:20] NinjaKrill: That's why we locked you up yesterday
  347. [4:20] NinjaKrill: You were complaining before we locked you up
  348. [4:20] Merch: You expect me not to say anything when u lock me up
  349. [4:20] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol
  350. [4:20] Diagun: Ah damn it it lied to me
  351. [4:20] Diagun: What
  352. [4:19] Tankk: Yay dia
  353. [4:19] NinjaKrill: It says I'm on full
  354. [4:19] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Ninja has full HP o-o
  355. [4:19] NinjaKrill: o_O
  356. [4:19] [ART] Tsuchigumo: ?
  357. [4:19] Diagun: HUZZAH
  358. [4:19] Diagun: I DID 1 DAMAGE
  359. [4:19] [ART] Tsuchigumo: The exciting part is over
  360. [4:19] Diagun: OH OH
  361. [4:19] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Well i guess
  362. [4:19] Diagun: Yep
  363. [4:19] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Probably
  364. [4:19] NinjaKrill: This will just end in an unblock won't it
  365. [4:19] NinjaKrill: Dia
  366. [4:19] [ART] Tsuchigumo: [11:10] Merch: I didn't even do anything to yoy
  367. [4:19] NinjaKrill: Someone get the camera
  368. [4:18] NinjaKrill: Oh look Merch has started the insults again
  369. [4:18] Diagun: It doesnt who till you get hit
  370. [4:18] [ART] Tsuchigumo: U both r still full HP
  371. [4:18] NinjaKrill: Death's Embrace
  372. [4:18] Diagun: Oh
  373. [4:18] Merch: ninja ur a hypocritical trashbag
  374. [4:18] NinjaKrill: Nothing is happening
  375. [4:18] Diagun: Ye?
  376. [4:18] Diagun: Fuck me only 24 damage yo
  377. [4:18] NinjaKrill: Are you even fighting me
  378. [4:18] NinjaKrill: How quickly are you attacking
  379. [4:18] NinjaKrill: Lol
  380. [4:17] Diagun: Diaguns got better dex but less syr
  381. [4:17] watergate: even if i wanted to help you, i don't know the pathing
  382. [4:17] Merch: I'll probably pick him up and never drop him
  383. [4:17] Tankk: Please someone shut him up. Ill pay 2k for that right now
  384. [4:17] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol
  385. [4:17] NinjaKrill: Nah
  386. [4:17] Merch: can't wait till ninja dies and someone traps him
  387. [4:17] NinjaKrill: Lol
  388. [4:17] Diagun: Full.
  389. [4:17] NinjaKrill: What hp are you Dia?
  390. [4:17] Hameed: Hey Rollend
  391. [4:17] Diagun: Wheres the 120 and up?
  392. [4:17] watergate: :/
  393. [4:17] Diagun: 1 damage 3 damage 100 damage
  394. [4:17] [ART] Tsuchigumo: This entertainment
  395. [4:17] Diagun: All we're getting is tiny hits
  396. [4:17] NinjaKrill: Asking for help from him of all people?
  397. [4:17] [ART] Tsuchigumo: 5/7 perfect score
  398. [4:17] NinjaKrill: Lol?
  399. [4:16] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Hahahahahahah
  400. [4:16] Merch: water help me
  401. [4:16] NinjaKrill: Fucking kek
  402. [4:16] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Watergate its k we love you
  403. [4:16] Diagun: Shit
  404. [4:16] Diagun: The attack hit! 43 damage (8 was from strength) was done to the NinjaKrill with Diagun's Ascalon. However, this attack was completely blocked due to the Death's Embrace, and Full-plate of the Black King. No slashing damage was done. The NinjaKrill counter attacks... It's a critical hit! 32 damage (16 was from strength) was done to the Diagun with NinjaKrill's Death's Embrace. But because of the critical hit, an additional 64 damage was done for a total of 96 damage. However, this attack was completely blocked due to the Dragonscale Shield, Ascalon, and Dragonheart Warrior's Mithril. No slashing damage was done.
  405. [4:16] watergate felt the hate earlier
  406. [4:16] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lol Dia and ninja
  407. [4:16] watergate: oof
  408. [4:16] Merch: there's a reason
  409. [4:16] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Usually it is
  410. [4:16] Diagun: We just keep missing....
  411. [4:16] Merch: if u guys were observant you'd know I'm nice to half of you guys and I hate the rest of you
  412. [4:16] watergate: [10:51] Merch: master at card jitsu
  413. [4:16] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lmao
  414. [4:15] Tankk: This chat has been better than the game tonight
  415. [4:15] [ART] Tsuchigumo: [11:10] Merch: I didn't even do anything to yoy
  416. [4:15] Merch: nah I don't need to learn anythin
  417. [4:15] NinjaKrill: sorry just a sec
  418. [4:15] NinjaKrill: ah shit
  419. [4:15] Tankk: Merch will never learn...
  420. [4:15] [ART] Tsuchigumo: [11:14] Merch: nah u guys just enjoy teamin up even though im better than your group of 12 yr olds
  421. [4:15] Diagun: NINJA
  422. [4:14] Diagun: Lets hope i dont get one shot again
  423. [4:14] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Lmao
  424. [4:14] [ART] Tsuchigumo: And this is why
  425. [4:14] Diagun: Ok
  426. [4:14] [ART] Tsuchigumo: V
  427. [4:14] Merch: nah u guys just enjoy teamin up even though im better than your group of 12 yr olds
  428. [4:14] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Heh
  429. [4:14] watergate: tfw i'm the prime example for joke hate vs real hate
  430. [4:14] Diagun: Cause kitty is kitty
  431. [4:14] [ART] Tsuchigumo is totally superior to Merch
  432. [4:14] NinjaKrill: It's about shaming the wankers
  433. [4:14] NinjaKrill: It's not about superiority
  434. [4:14] Rollend: lol your name is hameed
  435. [4:13] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Hi Hameed
  436. [4:13] [ART] Tsuchigumo: No not rly
  437. [4:13] NinjaKrill: Five of us is everyone who is active in chat kek
  438. [4:13] Merch: you guys like feeling superior
  439. [4:13] A new player has just joined Initium from here thanks to xre. Please welcome Dongs!
  440. [4:13] Merch: No it was only about 5 of u
  441. [4:13] Hameed: Yoooo
  442. [4:13] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Hi Rollend
  443. [4:13] NinjaKrill: vvv
  444. [4:13] [ART] Tsuchigumo: It's not us, it's you
  445. [4:13] [ART] Tsuchigumo: If you think EVERYONE is an asshole to you
  446. [4:13] Merch: u can't deny it
  447. [4:13] Rollend: hi roxasgaming!
  448. [4:13] NinjaKrill: /r/initium
  449. [4:13] NinjaKrill: Are you listening to yourself
  450. [4:13] Merch: yrs
  451. [4:13] NinjaKrill: Teaming up?!
  452. [4:12] [ART] Tsuchigumo walks away awkwardly
  453. [4:12] Merch: yeah but it's not fair everyone was teamin up on me
  454. [4:12] NinjaKrill: Stop waiting for my buff oto wear off
  455. [4:12] Diagun: IM SORRY, I DIDNT MEAN IT
  456. [4:12] [ART] Tsuchigumo: :(
  457. [4:12] NinjaKrill: Dia you wanker
  458. [4:12] Diagun: BAD KITTY
  459. [4:12] Diagun: Uhm urhm hurm...
  460. [4:12] Varront: I hate you Kitty
  461. [4:12] NinjaKrill: And we had to suffer for it
  462. [4:12] Diagun: You...want me to hate you?
  463. [4:12] NinjaKrill: For no reason at all
  464. [4:12] [ART] Tsuchigumo: EVERYONE SUCKS
  465. [4:12] NinjaKrill: Merch was just being a whiny bitch
  466. [4:12] [ART] Tsuchigumo: FLEET SUCKS
  467. [4:12] [ART] Tsuchigumo: But people don't hate me :(
  468. [4:12] Diagun: Who doesnt insult fleet?
  469. [4:12] NinjaKrill: We love you <3
  470. [4:12] NinjaKrill: yeah but we know you're kidding, Kitty
  471. [4:12] Varront: I know these things because i don't come around often.
  472. [4:12] [ART] Tsuchigumo: WATERGATE YOU SUUUUCKS
  473. [4:11] [ART] Tsuchigumo: I mean i do that too
  474. [4:11] Merch: yeah after they ticked me off
  475. [4:11] Varront: i was around when you were shitting everyone
  476. [4:11] NinjaKrill: And I have logs to prove it
  477. [4:11] NinjaKrill: And you swore at everyone around you all day
  478. [4:11] watergate: :/
  479. [4:11] NinjaKrill: Yes, you did. You vigorously and remorselessly insulted my group members
  480. [4:11] Merch: wow
  481. [4:11] Varront: he might do it
  482. [4:10] Varront: Offer him 4 hours of min wage
  483. [4:10] Merch: I didn't even do anything to yoy
  484. [4:10] The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home lurks around behind your back.
  485. [4:10] Varront: beg for him to resurrect him
  486. [4:10] Rollend: hi
  487. [4:10] Merch: rebirth lost at 9.5 STR then 8.5 now this
  488. [4:10] NinjaKrill: And now your second has been taken away from you. Are you getting the message yet?
  489. [4:10] Varront: When ID come online
  490. [4:10] Diagun: I CANT GET HIT TO GET THE SLEEP BUFF
  492. [4:10] Merch: I already grinded 4 hours nonstop and lost my 1st account
  493. [4:10] Varront: he lost enough health
  494. [4:10] Varront: Merch died today
  495. [4:10] NinjaKrill: >:(
  496. [4:09] Rollend: hi roxasgaming!
  497. [4:09] Varront: Is it
  498. [4:09] NinjaKrill: You have five minutes or no fight
  499. [4:09] NinjaKrill: Dioa
  500. [4:09] Diagun: Man its so hard to lose hp nowadays :(
  501. [4:09] Merch: dude please
  502. [4:09] Diagun: If youre buffing yourself why cant i?
  503. [4:09] Diagun: Hey man hang on
  504. [4:09] NinjaKrill: Cowardly potatocake
  505. [4:09] NinjaKrill: Where are you
  506. [4:09] NinjaKrill: Diagun you fucking shitstick
  507. [4:08] Merch: what
  508. [4:08] NinjaKrill: No
  509. [4:08] Merch: dude let me out
  510. [4:08] Varront: and started shouting at people.
  511. [4:08] NinjaKrill: Lmao
  512. [4:08] NinjaKrill: If you get mad
  513. [4:08] NinjaKrill: It's completely not our fault
  514. [4:08] Varront: No you just got mad
  515. [4:08] Crickets chirp loudly
  516. [4:08] Tankk: He must be made sacrifice
  517. [4:08] Merch: no They got me mad on purpose
  518. [4:07] NinjaKrill: Then perhaps you wouldn't be in this position.
  519. [4:07] Merch: dude come on
  520. [4:07] NinjaKrill: And then apologizing right before doing the exact same thing again..
  521. [4:07] NinjaKrill: And turning global chat into a bowl of cancer..
  522. [4:07] Merch: I apologized for them already
  523. [4:07] NinjaKrill: Rather than needlessly insulting watergate, our hard-working wikibot
  524. [4:07] Merch: dude
  525. [4:07] The Morrigan: Lol
  526. [4:07] Merch: I already restarted once today
  527. [4:07] Tankk: Make him lotion up for ya
  528. [4:06] NinjaKrill: Perhaps maybe if you'd thought about your earlier actions..
  529. [4:06] Merch: dude
  530. [4:06] Merch: mouse
  531. [4:06] The Morrigan: Eh just make new alt problem solve
  532. [4:06] NinjaKrill: I'd rather not
  533. [4:06] NinjaKrill: No shit, Sherlock
  534. [4:06] Merch: dude let me out
  535. [4:06] Merch: only u can UR in the group
  536. [4:06] NinjaKrill: I'm aware of that
  537. [4:06] Merch: I can't leave
  538. [4:05] NinjaKrill: Why
  539. [4:05] Merch: ninja come
  540. [4:05] Merch: Dude I need to join party
  541. [4:05] The Morrigan: I wonder why
  542. [4:05] Diagun: Let me get back to ya
  543. [4:05] Diagun: I just did
  544. [4:05] The Morrigan: Lol
  545. [4:05] Merch: IM LOCKED IN A HOUSE
  546. [4:05] Tankk: 20% of the time im on the chat is full of merch whining
  547. [4:05] NinjaKrill: Bitch you can't leave
  548. [4:05] NinjaKrill: What?
  549. [4:05] Merch: HELP DUDE
  550. [4:05] Diagun: Brb then
  551. [4:05] Diagun: Youresting on me boy?
  552. [4:05] The Morrigan: Say help 2 more times
  553. [4:04] Diagun: Oi oi oi
  554. [4:04] Merch: HELP
  555. [4:03] Diagun: Stats?
  556. [4:03] Merch: HELP
  557. [4:03] Diagun: Stas
  558. [4:03] Tankk: Is he always whining
  559. [4:03] The Morrigan: We're not suppose to have custom stats anyway
  560. [4:03] Diagun: LETS GO NINJA
  561. [4:03] Diagun: AH WHATEVER
  562. [4:03] Merch: HELP ME OUT OF THE HOUSE
  563. [4:03] The Morrigan: :/
  564. [4:03] Merch: GUYS
  565. [4:03] Diagun: ÈIT USED TO BE MUCH BETTER
  566. [4:03] Diagun: IT USED TO BE BETTER
  567. [4:02] Merch: help me get out
  568. [4:02] The Morrigan: All excellent
  569. [4:02] Merch: dude
  570. [4:02] Diagun: I AINT DEFENDING SHIT
  571. [4:02] The Morrigan: 44% block
  572. [4:02] Diagun: NO YOY
  573. [4:02] The Morrigan: 32 avg dmg
  574. [4:02] Merch: pls
  575. [4:02] NinjaKrill: FUCKING DEFEND
  576. [4:02] The Morrigan: ...
  577. [4:02] Diagun: You defend
  578. [4:02] Merch: let me out dude
  579. [4:02] Diagun: Thats you
  580. [4:02] Diagun: Nah nah naj
  581. [4:02] Diagun: And its slash yo....slash is trash....
  582. [4:02] NinjaKrill: You shit
  583. [4:02] NinjaKrill: Fucking defend
  584. [4:02] Diagun: Ascalon
  585. [4:02] The Morrigan: -Ninja asked innocently
  586. [4:02] Diagun: Death's Embrace
  587. [4:02] Merch: save me
  588. [4:01] NinjaKrill: Kek
  589. [4:01] NinjaKrill: What are you doing in our garbage can?
  590. [4:01] The Morrigan: Rekt
  591. [4:01] Merch: bro I had to restart on rebirth last time
  592. [4:01] The Morrigan: Ascalon
  593. [4:01] NinjaKrill: :O
  594. [4:01] Diagun: T-T
  595. [4:01] Merch: The house is fleet garbage can
  596. [4:01] Diagun: Not anymore
  597. [4:01] Diagun: Nah
  598. [4:01] The Morrigan: Your sword -is- OP
  599. [4:01] Diagun: Was he the one i kidnapped earlier today?
  600. [4:01] NinjaKrill: What's the house name, prey tell?
  601. [4:01] Diagun: Ooooh
  602. [4:01] Merch: NOOOOOOO
  603. [4:01] NinjaKrill: KEK
  604. [4:00] Merch: OH NO
  605. [4:00] Merch: I'm stuck in a house again oh no
  606. [4:00] Vagante: Well-done ninja or whoever.
  607. [4:00] watergate: inb4 the wiki is ruined
  608. [4:00] Vagante: That explains why I'm not finding him :D
  609. [4:00] Diagun: Made it 10 points less than that piece of shit.
  610. [4:00] Merch: thanks dude
  611. [4:00] Diagun: We habe to nerf it to reasonablemlevels they said
  612. [4:00] The Morrigan: Screw the uniques
  613. [4:00] Diagun: Youre swords to op they said
  614. [4:00] NinjaKrill: hey merch is alive
  615. [4:00] Diagun: Death's Embrace
  616. [4:00] The Morrigan: Nah
  617. [3:59] watergate: unique items are a lesser priority, but i'll make sure it's in eventually.
  618. [3:59] Sir Galahad: Lol
  619. [3:59] Vagante: Joke. Halfway plate will do?
  620. [3:59] Vagante: Trying to attract Hailstorm!
  621. [3:59] Vagante: It's the God damn principle Morrigan
  622. [3:59] watergate: heh
  623. [3:59] Apex Curator: Best item
  624. [3:59] Apex Curator: Dia's waifu
  625. [3:59] The Morrigan: Don't wear scale in GMS
  626. [3:59] The Morrigan: Dude vagante
  627. [3:59] watergate: what item, diagun?
  628. [3:58] Vagante: Will find y eventually
  629. [3:58] watergate: heh jk
  630. [3:58] watergate: the really badclub? yes
  631. [3:58] Unconscious Merch: ye
  632. [3:58] Vagante: I'm exploring GM summit right
  633. [3:58] Unconscious Merch: Diagun help me plz
  634. [3:58] Diagun: Do you have the best item in gsme on the wiki?
  635. [3:58] watergate: ?
  636. [3:58] Diagun: Oh water gate
  637. [3:58] Unconscious Merch: hi is anyone gonna help me
  638. [3:58] The Morrigan: <3
  639. [3:57] watergate: but i take this work very seriously, so if you do make edits they need to be real.
  640. [3:57] Unconscious Merch: yep
  641. [3:57] The Morrigan: Time to put dickbutts everywhere
  642. [3:57] watergate: i mean, anyone can edit the wiki, it's not like i hold the wiki hostage.
  643. [3:57] Unconscious Merch: I'm in the best high school in my state dude
  644. [3:57] Diagun: All i need is a few good crits eh
  645. [3:57] Unconscious Merch: lol Im great with vocab
  646. [3:56] Diagun: 62-100 = 62-100 = -38.0
  647. [3:56] watergate: uh...
  648. [3:56] Diagun: Hurm
  649. [3:56] watergate: :/
  650. [3:56] NinjaKrill: you can barely spell
  651. [3:56] NinjaKrill: no
  652. [3:56] Unconscious Merch: can I help with wiki
  653. [3:56] watergate: ?
  654. [3:55] Unconscious Merch: water
  655. [3:55] The Morrigan: Woo
  656. [3:55] watergate: All Protectors have been added to the wiki
  657. [3:55] The Morrigan: /r/coming
  658. [3:54] NinjaKrill: coming
  659. [3:54] Unconscious Merch: I'll just buy new ones
  660. [3:54] Unconscious Merch: don't get my items my items are trash
  661. [3:54] Diagun: Hurry hurry
  662. [3:54] Diagun: Oi ninja
  663. [3:54] Unconscious Merch: I'm wearing a breastplate lmaoo
  664. [3:54] Vagante: :D
  665. [3:54] The Morrigan: Lel
  666. [3:54] Vagante: /desperate
  667. [3:54] Unconscious Merch: nah lol
  668. [3:54] Vagante: Did he have a Hailstorm?
  669. [3:53] Diagun: >:(
  670. [3:53] The Morrigan: Rip
  671. [3:53] Unconscious Merch: the frost giant had like 13 hp left
  672. [3:53] Diagun: :(
  673. [3:53] TehRealOne: Im at grand mountain but Im not premium member :(
  674. [3:53] Unconscious Merch: they all hate me
  675. [3:53] Unconscious Merch: no one gonna beat u there
  676. [3:53] [ART] Tsuchigumo: If you don't wear some full plate
  677. [3:53] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Vagante you're gonna die again
  678. [3:53] Unconscious Merch: ok thabks
  679. [3:53] Diagun: Ya set?
  680. [3:53] Diagun: Kk ninja
  681. [3:53] Vagante: Will make my way there, unless someone beats me to it.
  682. [3:52] [ART] Tsuchigumo: DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE
  683. [3:52] Unconscious Merch: thx
  684. [3:52] Unconscious Merch: if anyone wants to help im at grand mountain summit
  685. [3:52] Unconscious Merch: exactly 0 hp wow
  686. [3:52] Diagun: A whole course!
  687. [3:52] Roger Rabbit: ._.
  688. [3:51] [ART] Tsuchigumo: Krill
  689. [3:51] Unconscious Merch: shit
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