
VentureChat Config

Dec 8th, 2018
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  1. #===============================================================
  2. # VentureChat Config =
  3. # Author: Aust1n46 =
  4. #===============================================================
  6. # - regex1,regex2
  7. # Simple regex tips: Use \b to "cut" a section of the word or phrase. Example: \bass,donuts
  8. # Example filtered sentence: You are an ass. Will become: You are an donuts.
  9. # Example filtered sentence: You caught a bass. Will stay: You caught a bass.
  10. # Example filtered sentence: You are an asshole. Will become: You are an donutshole.
  11. # Default filters by Jabelpeeps
  12. filters:
  14. # command without the /
  15. blockablecommands:
  16. - vote
  17. - me
  19. # blacklisted nicknames
  20. nicknames:
  21. - Notch
  22. - Inamine
  23. - Admin
  25. nickname-in-tablist: true
  27. commandspy:
  28. worldeditcommands: true
  30. antispam:
  31. enabled: true
  33. # number of messages to be spam
  34. spamnumber: 10
  36. # amount of time in seconds for it to be spam
  37. spamtime: 10
  39. # amount of time in minutes for the mute to last, use 0 for untimed mute
  40. mutetime: 10
  42. # Logging chat and commands to a mysql database
  43. mysql:
  44. enabled: false
  45. user: User
  46. port: 3306
  47. password: Password
  48. host: localhost
  49. database: Database
  51. # Login and logout messages
  52. # Use Default for the vanilla login and logout messages
  53. login:
  54. enabled: true
  55. message: Default
  56. logout:
  57. enabled: true
  58. message: Default
  60. # Loglevel feature is still in the works for adding of debug messages
  61. # Valid loglevels:
  62. # Info: Regular logging
  63. # Debug: Show extra messages and caught errors for debugging
  64. # Severe: Only show severe messages
  65. loglevel: info
  67. # saveinterval is in minutes
  68. saveinterval: 30
  70. # The time in seconds between each check to remove timed mutes
  71. unmuteinterval: 60
  73. # The color of the private messages
  74. tellcolor: light_purple
  76. # Enables or disabled BungeeCord messaging
  77. bungeecordmessaging: false
  79. # This will allow vanished players to be exempt from being sent private messages, and will act as if they aren't online
  80. vanishsupport: true
  82. # {playerto} : player receivings name
  83. # {playerfrom} : player sendings name
  84. # use Default for the basic formatting
  85. tellformatto: "&dYou &l>> &d{playerto}:&d"
  86. tellformatfrom: "&d{playerfrom} &l>> &dYou:&d"
  87. tellformatspy: Default
  88. replyformatto: "&dYou &l>> &d{playerto}:&d"
  89. replyformatfrom: "&d{playerfrom} &l>> &dYou:&d"
  90. replyformatspy: Default
  92. # {sender} : player sendings name
  93. # {player} : player receivings name
  94. # {time} : time mail was sent
  95. # use Default for the basic formatting
  96. mailformat: Default
  98. # {host} : party hosts name
  99. # {player} : player name
  100. # use Default for the basic formatting
  101. partyformat: Default
  103. broadcastafk: false
  104. formatcleaner: true
  106. # If true, /ignore will block chat from the ignored player as well as PM's
  107. ignorechat: false
  109. # The message shown to players alerting them no one is in the channel to hear them
  110. emptychannelalert: ""
  112. messageremoverpermissions: '&cYou need additional permissions to view this message!'
  114. # The name of the group is the permissions node for the format
  115. # Example: venturechat.json.Owner is the node for the group Owner
  116. # A lower priority overrides a higher priority if a player has more than 1 group
  117. # Possible options for click_name and click_prefix are suggest_command, run_command, and open_url
  118. jsonformatting:
  119. Default: # This default format is required! Do not delete or rename it!
  120. priority: 2147483647 # Integer.MAX_VALUE
  121. hover_name:
  122. - '&e&lName: &e{player_name}'
  123. - '&a&lTown: &a{towny_town}'
  124. - '&6&lBalance: &6{vault_eco_balance_formatted}'
  125. click_name: 'suggest_command'
  126. click_name_text: '/msg {player_name} '
  127. hover_prefix:
  128. - '&e&lName: &e{player_name}'
  129. - '&a&lTown: &a{towny_town}'
  130. - '&6&lBalance: &6{vault_eco_balance_formatted}'
  131. click_prefix: 'suggest_command'
  132. click_prefix_text: '/msg {player_name} '
  133. hover_suffix:
  134. - '&e&lName: &e{player_name}'
  135. - '&a&lTown: &a{towny_town}'
  136. - '&6&lBalance: &6{vault_eco_balance_formatted}'
  137. click_suffix: 'suggest_command'
  138. click_suffix_text: '/msg {player_name} '
  140. # The icon is the block shown in the GUI
  141. # The text is the display name of the block icon
  142. # Include a slash (/) before the command
  143. # Permissions are the name of the button and automatically include "venturechat."
  144. # Example: mute equals venturechat.mute
  145. venturegui:
  146. mute:
  147. icon: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
  148. durability: 0
  149. text: '&cMute {player_name}'
  150. permission: 'mute'
  151. command: '/mute {player_name} {channel} 10'
  152. slot: 1
  153. unmute:
  154. icon: 'DIAMOND_BLOCK'
  155. durability: 0
  156. text: '&bUnmute {player_name}'
  157. permission: 'mute'
  158. command: '/unmute {player_name} {channel}'
  159. slot: 2
  160. removemessage:
  161. icon: 'DIAMOND_AXE'
  162. durability: 0
  163. text: '&cRemove Message'
  164. permission: 'removemessage'
  165. command: '/removemessage {hash} true'
  166. slot: 7
  168. guiicon: '&c [✓]'
  169. guitext: '&cOpen Moderation GUI'
  170. guirows: 1
  172. # All clickable URL's will be underlined if set to true
  173. underlineurls: false
  175. # broadcast information
  176. broadcast:
  177. color: red
  178. permissions: venturechat.adminchannel
  179. displaytag: '&6[&eDonation Alert&6]'
  181. # Use $ to include arguments into the message
  182. # Valid component types are:
  183. # Command: Sends a message or command in chat
  184. # Message: Sends a message to the player
  185. # Broadcast: Sends a broadcast to all players on the server
  186. # Permissions automatically include "venturechat."
  187. # Example: permissions: alert equals venturechat.alert
  188. # Use None for no permissions
  189. # The number of arguments is the minimum number of required arguments, use 0 for no required arguments
  190. alias:
  191. donate:
  192. arguments: 0
  193. permissions: None
  194. components:
  195. - 'Command: /buy'
  196. # Valid modes are:
  197. # * Everyone
  198. # v Voice and up
  199. # h HalfOp and up
  200. # q Owner
  201. # o Op and up
  202. # Enter components like console commands
  203. # Arguments are accepted
  204. irc:
  205. enabled: false
  206. nick: 'VentureChatBot'
  207. login: 'VentureChatbot'
  208. server: ''
  209. port: 6667
  210. channel: '#venturechat'
  211. trustallcertificates: true
  212. # the delay before the bot logs into the channel in seconds
  213. # increase the time if the bot fails to login
  214. channeldelay: 60
  215. commands:
  216. mute:
  217. mode: 'v'
  218. components:
  219. - 'mute'
  220. ban:
  221. mode: 'o'
  222. components:
  223. - 'ban'
  224. kick:
  225. mode: 'v'
  226. components:
  227. - 'kick'
  229. # color = [channel] color
  230. # chatcolor = text color
  231. # cooldown is in seconds
  232. # bungeecord overrides distance
  233. # channel permissions are configurable
  234. # channels can be changed, and new channels can be created
  235. # Permissions automatically include "venturechat."
  236. # Example: permissions: staff equals venturechat.staff
  237. # Use None for no permissions
  239. # Legacy Placeholders:
  240. # Use PlaceholderAPI
  241. # {name} : player name
  242. # {nickname} : player nickname or name if they have no nickname
  243. # {prefix} : player prefix and color
  244. # {suffix} : player suffix and color
  245. # {servername} : name of the server in
  246. # {herolevel} : heroes hero level
  247. # {heroclass} : heroes hero class
  248. # {heroxp} : heroes hero xp
  249. # {herosecondclass} : heroes second class
  250. # {party} : heroes party
  251. # {herosecondmaster} : heroes second class master
  252. # {heromaster} : heroes class master
  253. # {herosecondlevel} : heroes second class level
  254. # {herosecondxp} : heroes second class xp
  255. # Use '' or "" around format, example: '[&2global&f] {prefix}{name}&2:'
  256. # You must have prefixes and suffixes set in a Vault compatible permissions plugin to avoid errors
  257. # Use "" as the prefix or suffix to have none
  258. # use Default for the basic formatting
  259. channels:
  260. Survival:
  261. color: aqua
  262. chatcolor: aqua
  263. mutable: true
  264. filter: true
  265. autojoin: true
  266. default: true
  267. distance: 0
  268. cooldown: 0
  269. bungeecord: false
  270. alias: s
  271. permissions: None
  272. format: '&f[&bS&f] &7{deluxetags_tag}{luckperms_prefix} {nickname}&f:'
  273. irc: false
  274. Staff:
  275. color: red
  276. chatcolor: red
  277. mutable: false
  278. filter: false
  279. autojoin: true
  280. default: false
  281. distance: 0
  282. cooldown: 0
  283. bungeecord: false
  284. alias: st
  285. permissions: staffchannel
  286. format: '&f[&aStaff&f] {name}&7:'
  287. irc: false
  288. Admin:
  289. color: dark_red
  290. chatcolor: dark_red
  291. mutable: false
  292. filter: false
  293. autojoin: true
  294. default: false
  295. distance: 0
  296. cooldown: 0
  297. bungeecord: false
  298. alias: a
  299. permissions: adminchannel
  300. format: '&f[&cAdmin&f] {name}&7:'
  301. irc: false
  302. Trade:
  303. color: dark_aqua
  304. chatcolor: dark_aqua
  305. mutable: true
  306. filter: true
  307. autojoin: true
  308. default: false
  309. distance: 0
  310. cooldown: 0
  311. bungeecord: false
  312. alias: tr
  313. permissions: None
  314. format: '&f[&3Trade&f] {nickname}&f:'
  315. irc: false
  316. Local:
  317. color: yellow
  318. chatcolor: yellow
  319. mutable: true
  320. filter: true
  321. autojoin: true
  322. default: false
  323. distance: 230
  324. cooldown: 0
  325. bungeecord: false
  326. alias: l
  327. permissions: None
  328. format: '&f[&eLocal&f] &7{deluxetags_tag}{luckperms_prefix} {nickname}&e:'
  329. irc: false
  330. # Global:
  331. # color: gold
  332. # chatcolor: gold
  333. # mutable: true
  334. # filter: true
  335. # autojoin: false
  336. # default: false
  337. # distance: 0
  338. # cooldown: 15
  339. # bungeecord: true
  340. # alias: g
  341. # permissions: None
  342. # format: '&f[&6Global&f] &7{deluxetags_tag}{name}&7:'
  343. # irc: false
  344. Town:
  345. color: gold
  346. chatcolor: gold
  347. mutable: false
  348. filter: false
  349. autojoin: true
  350. default: false
  351. distance: 0
  352. cooldown: 0
  353. bungeecord: false
  354. alias: tc
  355. permissions: None
  356. format: '&6[{towny_town}] &e{townytitle} {nickname}&f:'
  357. irc: false
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