

Jul 5th, 2016
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  1. CAT: Free new eldritch god with Drenovian name: Hra'iasasid. Use it whenever, it's the new big thing in DTG, clearly.
  2. CAU: 0/10 not enough dimensions made entirely of human corpses.
  3. CTC: Hra'iasasid, the Great Devourer.
  4. CTC: For some reason I'm getting Mongolian Death Worm vibes.
  5. CTC: Maybe slap a couple of wings on it...
  6. CAT: When you die, your face is carved into the great flesh mound of Hra'iasasid's body. Their form is composed of the faces of every single person in reality who has ever died.
  7. CTC: And now were talking
  8. CTC: They're all still sentient.
  9. CAT: Naturally.
  10. CTC: Hra'iasasid has come to DTG because of our many slaughtered entyites
  11. CTC: *entities
  12. CTC: Should we go for sentient
  13. CTC: Or non-sentient
  14. CTC: Also welcome back Consumer
  15. CAT: Non-sentient.
  16. CTC: Ah, so a moth to flame.
  17. CAU: How about an idea that is totally not inspired by the Castlevania runs going on right now :V
  18. CTC: I already have.
  19. CTC: Sure.
  20. CAT: Ultimately, Hra'iasasid's goal would be to turn reality into a plane of blood oceans, and corpse mounds, all supplemented by the central Astral Tower composed of the bones of select powerful entities, Avatars of Hra'iasasid, if you will.
  21. CAU: A cosmic horror that collects heads and has the appearance and abilities of whatever head it wears on its otherwise headless body.
  22. CAT: *Entities;
  23. CAT: Isn't that just Koh the Face Stealer.
  24. CAU: In some ways yeah.
  25. CAU: Pretty much Koh haha.
  26. CAT: Hah.
  27. CAU: No but see, we must recover the decapitated head of Secret of The Void and give it to this cosmic horror in exhange for its hlep.
  28. CAU: help* fucking pchum is starting to lag again.
  29. CAT: Anyhow, the only people that would survive the eternal blood showers would be the players who go out and hunt for their lord and savior, Hra'iasasid.
  30. CAT: There's a functional backstory for the second account plan I mentioned earlier, Revan.
  31. CTC: Blood dor Hra'iasasid
  32. CTC: Hrm?
  33. CAT: The player would just be a hunter of Hra'iasasid looking to construct the Astral Tower with some summoned entities, and bring the world into the Age of Blood.
  34. CTC: So a blood bound cultist.
  35. CAT: Basically.
  36. CAU: something something Bloodseeker.
  37. CTC: A Sanguine Symphony
  38. CAT: The construction materials of the Astral Tower would obviously be the bones of five Recondite Titans, boss entities serving as the aforementioned Avatars of Hra'iasasid.
  39. CTC: May I suggest them being sentient
  40. CAT: But of course.
  41. CAC: "But your suggestion is rejected"
  42. CTC: Hold on I've got some ideas
  43. CAU: Literally Strygwyr.
  44. CTC: Y'sham the...
  45. CAU: Quite literally the Flayed Twins.
  46. CTC: Bloodlusted
  47. CTC: Or maybe bloodstarved
  48. CAU: Obviously Hra'iasasid is another name for the Flayed Ones 
  49. CAT: You suggest whatever you wish. This is intended to be a possible plan of operations for you, after all.
  50. CTC: I knows
  51. CTC: Nyarly gets his time to shine in Acolyte and Pain & Suffering
  52. CAU: Hooray for non-canon games.
  53. CAT: As for 0, we should all clearly be shouting ИЙЛЦО ХРАьИАСАСИД.
  54. CTC: Hrmm...
  55. CAU: If you translate that, you get a jumble of letters which are actually part of a pastebin link.
  56. CAT: Hah.
  57. CTC: Should I even try?
  58. CAT: Nah, that's IJLCO HRA'IASASID.
  59. CAU: And there, we will finally find the true end of the GiIvasunner ARG.
  60. CAT: Which is basically just 'hail Hra'iasasid.'
  61. CAU: In the name of the Grand Dad.
  62. CTC: IJLCO HRA'ISASID indeed.
  63. CTC: Hrmm...
  64. CTC: But what kind of damn fool would worship a blind idiot...
  65. CTC: Hold on I've got a far more depressing take on our cultist.
  66. CTC: "Why do you think that your god won't swallow you up as well?"
  67. CTC: "Keh hah... Hah... He will, it will just be a little bit more of a wait..."
  68. CAT: My take on the cultist's backstory was mostly just that they were brainwashed from a young age in the obligatory stone-brick citadel of Hra'iasasid's worshippers in the depths of a wretched swamp in a universe far away, and that he was sent out as one of the many Hunters to find the universe best suited for the Astral Tower, which happened to be the selected game.
  69. CTC: The Astral Tower fucks over one universe at a time.
  70. CTC: Oh, my god...
  71. CAT: Especially when it turns out that each selected universe is not quite the right one, and the fabric of spacetime is irreparably marred.
  72. CTC: The Cultist's former friends/cult members are the Avatars.
  73. CTC: They've merely been... Blessed by the Devoruer...
  74. CAT: Ooh.
  75. CAT: "The Blessed Five of the Devourer are twisted in shape by their burden, grown into a quintet of Recondite Titans."
  76. CAC: I mean, you might just have been placed too high.
  77. CTC: "Please kill me..."
  78. CTC: "That's the plan!"
  79. CAT: "It turns out that Hra'iasasid was the god the Council of Fifteen manufactured in ages long past."
  80. CTC: Oh fuck.
  81. CTC: This flat out would be best.
  82. CAT: Indeed.
  83. CAT: Of course, that deviates quite from the plan of the god, so it might just be an alt timeline where we partially failed? Shrug.
  84. CTC: All that knowledge drove the Neutrality crazy.
  85. CAT: Maybe Hra'iasasid is the byproduct of creating a knowledge god.
  86. CTC: A god of ignorance?
  87. CTC: A god of consumption?
  88. CAT: "In order to see all, one must cast away their flesh, and permit it to fester in the depths, possessed of a dark consciousness intent of consuming all in a sanguine epoch."
  89. CTC: Wait so here's the idea if
  90. CTC: *we do this in 0
  91. CTC: It did a Lord English and time traveled back to its origins.
  92. CTC: The Cultist hears voices of the damned screaming at him
  93. CAT: I mean, if we do this out of sanctioned universal space, void time could just state that the god existed before any of the universes in which DTG occurs.
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