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Mar 9th, 2013
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  2. [10:30pm] Kooz: well, I should scamper
  3. [10:30pm] Kooz: ornot...
  4. [10:31pm] RetardedUsername: Do not
  5. [10:31pm] DragonDaemon: yes, you should not ;)
  6. [10:31pm] Glun: Eh? Right.
  7. [10:31pm] Kooz: I will have to some time soon, I"m at my Fella's place and want to like, do stuff now that he's up and about
  8. [10:31pm] • Glun clings to Kooz like an overdramatic damsel
  9. [10:31pm] Kooz: XD
  10. [10:31pm] Glun: Nooooo
  11. [10:32pm] • Kooz pats Glun *there there, you'll be fine
  12. [10:32pm] • Glun purrs at the contact
  13. [10:32pm] • DragonDaemon stands in the lonely corner
  14. [10:32pm] Glun: Very well then
  15. [10:33pm] Kooz: oh Daemon, don't be like that
  16. [10:33pm] • Kooz pets the dragon's head
  17. [10:33pm] DragonDaemon: ok
  18. [10:33pm] • Glun clings to Daemon like an overdramatic puppy dog
  19. [10:33pm] Glun: Yeah Daemon
  20. [10:33pm] Glun: Don't be like that
  21. [10:33pm] • DragonDaemon jumps on Kooz's shoulder
  22. [10:33pm] Glun: Woah!
  23. [10:33pm] • Glun is flung onto Kooz' other shoulder
  24. [10:34pm] Glun: …I have no quarrel with this situation
  25. [10:34pm] Knucis` is now known as Knucis.
  26. [10:34pm] Kooz: oh... my...
  27. [10:34pm] • RetardedUsername joins by hugging Kooz's head, no intention of letting go
  28. [10:34pm] Kooz: AHHH! I"M BLINED!
  29. [10:34pm] • DragonDaemon wonders how Kooz can support a Glun on her shoulder
  30. [10:34pm] • Kooz starts flailing about
  31. [10:34pm] Knucis: hallo
  32. [10:34pm] • RetardedUsername falls off
  33. [10:34pm] m joined the chat room.
  34. [10:34pm] • Glun has conveniently morphed into a small and light Kea
  35. [10:35pm] • RetardedUsername falls on Knucis' head
  36. [10:35pm] DragonDaemon: :o
  37. [10:35pm] m was promoted to half-operator by ChanServ.
  38. [10:35pm] Glun: Kaw! :D
  39. [10:35pm] DragonDaemon: thief!
  40. [10:35pm] Knucis: .__o
  41. [10:35pm] DragonDaemon: you stole Mesmer's birdy!
  42. [10:35pm] Glun: Naw, we discussed it
  43. [10:35pm] • Kooz wonders what a Kea is
  44. [10:35pm] • RetardedUsername also does
  45. [10:36pm] • Glun suggests Kooz look at BBC docs about Keas
  46. [10:36pm] RetardedUsername: Guys
  47. [10:36pm] RetardedUsername: Mind telling me how to improve this?
  48. [10:36pm] RetardedUsername:
  49. [10:36pm] Glun:
  50. [10:36pm] Kooz is now known as TheDryad.
  51. [10:36pm] TheDryad: I am friend of all nature and life
  52. [10:36pm] DragonDaemon: ...
  53. [10:37pm] • DragonDaemon is confused about the sudden change of texture under his talons
  54. [10:37pm] • Glun wobbles at Kooz' transformation, but is actuall more comfortable on the newly formed branch
  55. [10:37pm] • TheDryad tenderly pets Daemon's head
  56. [10:37pm] • DragonDaemon looks down and is shocked to see Kooz gone
  57. [10:37pm] Glun: Coar ain't this nice
  58. [10:38pm] • RetardedUsername stares at kooz's odd transformation from Knucis' head
  59. [10:38pm] • Glun pecks at the branch experimentally, flapping his wings for balance
  60. [10:38pm] RetardedUsername: So THAT is a kea?
  61. [10:38pm] • DragonDaemon screeches at the dryad
  62. [10:39pm] RetardedUsername: Hmm
  63. [10:39pm] TheDryad is now known as Kooz.
  64. [10:39pm] Kooz: fine...
  65. [10:39pm] RetardedUsername: Okay
  66. [10:39pm] Kooz: ow ow
  67. [10:39pm] Kooz: ow ow ow!
  68. [10:39pm] • Glun wobbles about again
  69. [10:39pm] DragonDaemon: ...?!
  70. [10:39pm] • DragonDaemon 's head spins
  71. [10:39pm] • Glun forgets to adjust his claws' grip
  72. [10:39pm] Glun: o:
  73. [10:39pm] • DragonDaemon faints
  74. [10:39pm] Glun: Sorry Kooz
  75. [10:39pm] • Glun adjust accordingly this time
  76. [10:39pm] • Kooz catches Daemon * NO! LIttle dragon noooo!
  77. [10:39pm] Glun: adjusts*
  78. [10:39pm] Glun: Kaw?
  79. [10:40pm] Mesmeratio: I missed al lot?
  80. [10:40pm] RetardedUsername: Quite
  81. [10:40pm] Glun: Oh hi
  82. [10:40pm] • Kooz cuddles the small dragon in arms * awwww, poor thing
  83. [10:40pm] Glun: I'm a Kea
  84. [10:41pm] Mesmeratio: You're a kea?
  85. [10:41pm] Glun: And I'm on Kooz' shoulder.
  86. [10:41pm] RetardedUsername: I'm a kooz clone in disguise
  87. [10:41pm] RetardedUsername: Because if they find out, I'll be decimated
  88. [10:41pm] Minelord: [johnno disconnected]
  89. [10:41pm] • Kooz gently rolls shoulder *ow... glad I"m wearing a red shirt today...
  90. [10:41pm] RetardedUsername: But there is no worries, Glun is a kea, Daemon a dragon, and I'm a clone
  91. [10:41pm] • Glun embarrassedly lightens his grip
  92. [10:42pm] • Glun wobbles and has to flap his wings for balance at an increased rate
  93. [10:42pm] • RetardedUsername is amazed at kooz's badass attitude at bleeding
  94. [10:42pm] Kooz: just, get on the other shoulder for now... *shakes sholder a little*
  95. [10:43pm] • Glun flaps and hops over Kooz' head
  96. [10:43pm] • Glun settles lightly on the other shoulder
  97. [10:43pm] Kooz: Just don't freak out again, okay?
  98. [10:44pm] RetardedUsername: hey kooz
  99. [10:44pm] Glun: Without unexpected changes of footing that should be no problem, Kaw!
  100. [10:44pm] • Kooz frees up a hand from holding DragonDaemon and rubs sore shoulder, lifting sleeve to see the damage
  101. [10:45pm] Kooz: yeesh... need to put sandpaper on your stand...
  102. [10:45pm] Kooz: sup, ret?
  103. [10:45pm] RetardedUsername: Ah
  104. [10:45pm] • Glun playfully gives Kooz' ear a few light pecks
  105. [10:45pm] RetardedUsername: Can you see the cycle now?
  106. [10:45pm] Kooz: nee! NEEE!
  107. [10:45pm] • Kooz tries to hid ear* noo! tickles!
  108. [10:45pm] Kooz: yeah, hang on
  109. [10:45pm] RetardedUsername: suuure
  110. [10:45pm] RetardedUsername: Oh man, you need to draw something about this
  111. [10:46pm] RetardedUsername: Otherwise, I will
  112. [10:46pm] Kooz: that actually looks really good, Ret!
  113. [10:46pm] Kooz: I want to see this again when I"m at home on my desktop, cause I don't know if my netbook is having hickups or not
  114. [10:46pm] • Glun chuckles in his birdlike manner
  115. [10:47pm] Kooz: and draw what exactly, Ret?
  116. [10:48pm] Glun: Whatever you feel like, Kooz
  117. [10:48pm] • Kooz gives DragonDaemon a light bounce in her arms as she hold him, getting worried *
  118. [10:48pm] Glun: Which as the case may be- SQUAWK -might be nothing
  119. [10:48pm] DragonDaemon: a faint plume of smoke drifts up from the dragon's nostrils
  120. [10:49pm] • Glun lightly hops down Kooz' arm, curious to get a closer look at Daemon
  121. [10:49pm] • Kooz gingerly lets the dragons head turn to it's side awy from her, just in case *
  122. [10:49pm] Kooz: ohhh, don't you push it, birdy
  123. [10:49pm] • Glun 's talons tingle on Kooz' bicep
  124. [10:50pm] RetardedUsername: Sorry
  125. [10:50pm] RetardedUsername: Went for meal
  126. [10:50pm] • Glun leans in to tap Daemon once or twice with his beak
  127. [10:50pm] RetardedUsername: Ah
  128. [10:50pm] RetardedUsername: Draw the clone thing
  129. [10:50pm] RetardedUsername: umm
  130. [10:51pm] • DragonDaemon 's tail twitches
  131. [10:51pm] RetardedUsername: This dragon and keaglun thing
  132. [10:51pm] Glun: DragonDaemon? Kaw?
  133. [10:51pm] Kooz: lol, oy vey... that would be like,... so much chaos
  134. [10:51pm] • Glun taps again, a little more firmly
  135. [10:51pm] Glun: Don't promise anything Kooz, that'll only get you stressed
  136. [10:51pm] Glun: Kaw!
  137. [10:51pm] RetardedUsername: Oh look
  138. [10:51pm] • DragonDaemon 's tail jerks up and thwaps Glun in the head
  139. [10:52pm] RetardedUsername: An wise kea!
  140. [10:52pm] Glun: Kaw!
  141. [10:52pm] RetardedUsername: A wise sorreh
  142. [10:52pm] Kooz: lol, you know, so far every one has been like "Kooz! A new comic idea!" but I"m in like all of them and I feel like it's becoming "Koozma's adventures in Minelord" XD
  143. [10:52pm] • Glun hops back onto Kooz' shoulder, disgruntled
  144. [10:52pm] Glun: Well it could easily be that
  145. [10:52pm] RetardedUsername: I think it's better like that
  146. [10:52pm] Glun: You're not here to record anything you're not in, after all
  147. [10:52pm] RetardedUsername: You kinda get the mood of the situation
  148. [10:52pm] • Glun flaps his wings some more
  149. [10:52pm] RetardedUsername: Yeah
  150. [10:53pm] RetardedUsername: What glunny sed
  151. [10:53pm] Kooz: yeah, but you guys could always be like "KOOZ! YOu missed this! Go read!"
  152. [10:53pm] Kooz: X3
  153. [10:53pm] Glun: Would you like us to be?
  154. [10:53pm] • Kooz shifts DragonDaemon in her arms alittle and smiles *
  155. [10:53pm] • Kooz shurgs
  156. [10:53pm] Kooz: I don't know if I will do more comics past the zombie one
  157. [10:53pm] Kooz: but never hurts to have options
  158. [10:53pm] Glun: Exactly
  159. [10:54pm] RetardedUsername: I was actually hinting a static scene
  160. [10:54pm] RetardedUsername: No comic
  161. [10:54pm] • Glun kaws contentedly on Kooz' shoulder
  162. [10:54pm] RetardedUsername: Just an image for the record
  163. [10:54pm] Kooz: oh I see, an illistration
  164. [10:54pm] RetardedUsername: Yeah
  165. [10:54pm] Glun: Also a nice idea, Retty, but we'll just see if inspiration strikes, shall we?
  166. [10:54pm] Kooz: we'll see
  167. [10:55pm] • RetardedUsername patiently waits for that
  168. [10:55pm] Glun: Artists need space, and Kooz has plenty other things to do, mm-hmmmkay
  169. [10:55pm] Glun: kaw*
  170. [10:55pm] Kooz: yeah, that I do D:
  171. [10:55pm] RetardedUsername: Was just tellin :P
  172. [10:55pm] • Glun nods
  173. [10:55pm] Glun: Kaw.
  174. [10:55pm] Kooz: I would love to sit around drawing stuff ALL THE TIME... but I have to make money -__-
  175. [10:56pm] Glun: Kaw :c
  176. [10:56pm] Kooz: the pains of working for yourself and not a company
  177. [10:56pm] RetardedUsername: :c
  178. [10:56pm] Kooz: no set hours, so you work all the time
  179. [10:56pm] Kooz: I've been tempted to just go and get a actual parttime job lately just to have set hours and know how much I"ll make in a week for sure :P
  180. [10:56pm] • Glun kaws at Mesmeratio
  181. [10:56pm] RetardedUsername: Sad realities with kooz
  182. [10:56pm] Mesmeratio: oui?
  183. [10:56pm] Kooz: very much so
  184. [10:57pm] • Glun flaps his wings meaninglessly
  185. [10:57pm] Kooz: oh well, I don't have to deal with morons though. which is aplush
  186. [10:57pm] Glun: Kaw.
  187. [10:57pm] Kooz: *a plus
  188. [10:57pm] • Glun nods soberly
  189. [10:57pm] Glun: Absolutely
  190. [10:57pm] Glun: Not having to deal with morons.
  191. [10:57pm] Glun: A big plus.
  192. [10:57pm] Glun: Kaw.
  193. [10:57pm] • Glun pecks at Kooz' ear again
  194. [10:58pm] Mesmeratio: what's up?
  195. [10:58pm] m left the chat room. (Quit: )
  196. [10:58pm] Kooz: accept for those that want plush that are... anatomically correct... >_>;;; effing perv...
  197. [10:58pm] • Glun gives Mesmeratio that sideways birdy look
  198. [10:58pm] Glun: Kaw?
  199. [10:58pm] Kooz: sorry, now i'll just start ranting about the stupid stuff D:
  200. [10:59pm] Mesmeratio: birdy look?
  201. [10:59pm] • Kooz changes subject
  202. [10:59pm] • Mesmeratio gives Glun a bird cookie.
  203. [10:59pm] • DragonDaemon makes soft screeches
  204. [10:59pm] Glun: Kaw!
  205. [10:59pm] • Glun nibbles at it gratefully
  206. [10:59pm] • DragonDaemon 's legs twitch
  207. [10:59pm] • DragonDaemon 's wings flutter
  208. [11:00pm] • Glun stares at Daemon with interest, still nibbling at the cookie
  209. [11:00pm] Kooz: oh? Does the little thing awaken?
  210. [11:00pm] • DragonDaemon perks his ears
  211. [11:00pm] • Glun experimentally proffers half the cookie near Daemon's nose
  212. [11:01pm] • Kooz smiles down at the dragon
  213. [11:01pm] • DragonDaemon slants his head sideways, towards Kooz
  214. [11:01pm] • Glun 's wings flap wildly to keep the pose in place
  215. [11:01pm] LaS3r left the chat room. (Quit: )
  216. [11:01pm] • Glun regains balance on Kooz' shoulder, unable to offer the cookie properly from there
  217. [11:02pm] • Kooz then shifts DragonDaemon carefully and sets him down on the ground gently, then gets the Glun Parrot on her hand and places him in a branch
  218. [11:02pm] Kooz: oops, time for me to go!
  219. [11:02pm] Glun: Kaw! D:
  220. [11:02pm] • Glun flaps his wings and stares at Kooz with one beady, sad bird-eye
  221. [11:02pm] Kooz: play nice!
  222. [11:03pm] • Glun nods loyally
  223. [11:03pm] • Glun flaps his wings for balance again
  224. [11:03pm] • DragonDaemon emits a low scree
  225. [11:03pm] • DragonDaemon curls up and goes back to sleep
  226. [11:03pm] • Glun flutters down to Daemon and leaves half the cookie next to Daemon
  227. [11:03pm] Kooz: bye every one! have a good night!
  228. [11:03pm] • Glun flutters up to a different branch
  229. [11:03pm] Glun: Kaw!
  230. [11:04pm] Glun: G'day, Kawooz!
  231. [11:04pm] Kooz: thanks for the laughs!
  232. [11:04pm] • DragonDaemon 's nostrils twitch at the new smell
  233. [11:04pm] • DragonDaemon spouts a small ember which engulfs the cookie
  234. [11:04pm] • DragonDaemon swallows the cookie
  235. [11:04pm] • Glun watches with interest
  236. [11:05pm] Glun: …kaw
  237. [11:05pm] Kooz left the chat room.
  238. [11:06pm] • DragonDaemon stares at the door Kooz left through
  239. [11:06pm] • DragonDaemon huffs
  240. [11:07pm] • RetardedUsername wakes up
  241. [11:07pm] RetardedUsername: Wah
  242. [11:07pm] RetardedUsername: What?
  243. [11:07pm] Glun: KAW
  244. [11:07pm] • RetardedUsername falls asleep on Knucis' head again
  245. [11:07pm] • Glun flies at RetardedUsername angrily
  246. [11:07pm] jewzma is now known as moomoohk.
  247. [11:08pm] • Glun pecks and claws at him, fluttering about his head
  248. [11:08pm] • RetardedUsername falls off Knucis' head
  249. [11:08pm] • RetardedUsername still asleep, burps on the kea above him
  250. [11:08pm] Glun: KAWAUGH
  251. [11:09pm] • Glun flies away in distress
  252. [11:09pm] • Mesmeratio conjures up a pot of tea and a platter of cookies.
  253. [11:10pm] • RetardedUsername is waken by such a smell
  254. [11:10pm] • Mesmeratio gives Glun a sideway look.
  255. [11:10pm] • DragonDaemon angrily thumps his tail against the floor
  256. [11:10pm] Mesmeratio: Want some tea?
  257. [11:10pm] • RetardedUsername stares at the cookies with cute eyes
  258. [11:10pm] • Glun glides onto a branch near Mesmer
  259. [11:11pm] • Glun hops across the branch a little nearer to the platter
  260. [11:11pm] • Glun leers at Mesmer the only way birds can
  261. [11:11pm] Glun: Kaw?
  262. [11:11pm] • Mesmeratio offers a cookie to the Kea.
  263. [11:12pm] • Glun flutters nearer the platter, and struts about it, initially ignoring the cookie
  264. [11:12pm] • Glun pecks at the pot a few times
  265. [11:13pm] • Glun looks at Mesmer again
  266. [11:13pm] • RetardedUsername steals a cookie while mesmer is distracted with the kea
  267. [11:13pm] Mesmeratio: It's Lady Grey tea, with sprinkles of orange.
  268. [11:13pm] Glun: Kaw
  269. [11:13pm] Psi left the chat room. (Connection closed)
  270. [11:13pm] • RetardedUsername escapes
  271. [11:13pm] • Glun pecks at the pot again
  272. [11:14pm] Psi joined the chat room.
  273. [11:14pm] Psi was promoted to operator by Windlord.
  274. [11:15pm] • Glun flutters to the side of the platter, and pecks at the empty space between the pot and the small collection of biscuits
  275. [11:15pm] • Glun flaps his wings, looks at Mesmer, and waits.
  276. [11:17pm] Glun: Kaw?
  277. [11:17pm] Glun: Kaw.
  278. [11:17pm] RetardedUsername left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  279. [11:18pm] • DragonDaemon swishes his tail along the floor
  280. [11:18pm] • Glun hops at the pot, gnaws at its lid, and kicks at it a few times
  281. [11:18pm] • Glun skips back and forth around the pot for a short while before kicking it again
  282. [11:19pm] • Glun finds an angle with some extra give and kicks the pot over
  283. [11:19pm] • DragonDaemon gets annoyed with the noise
  284. [11:19pm] • Glun enjoys drinking from the spillage
  285. [11:19pm] • DragonDaemon flies up and torches the whole lot
  286. [11:20pm] Glun: KAWGH
  287. [11:20pm] • Glun is now roast chicken
  288. [11:20pm] Mesmeratio: D=
  289. [11:20pm] Mesmeratio: my tea!
  290. [11:20pm] Mesmeratio: That smells nice though
  291. [11:21pm] • Mesmeratio conjures up another pot of tea, and a set of cups.
  292. [11:21pm] • Mesmeratio pours 4 cups of lovely brown.
  293. [11:21pm] • Glun emits an odour of brazen meats and burnt feathers
  294. [11:21pm] Mesmeratio: One for the bird, on for the dragon, one for the retard, and one for me.
  295. [11:22pm] • Glun fails to kick any buckets on account of already being dead
  296. [11:23pm] • Glun continues to be very non-alive.
  297. [11:23pm] • DragonDaemon notes Glun's magical ability to respawn
  298. [11:23pm] • Glun is a bird, not a sprite
  299. [11:25pm] • Mesmeratio looks up a revival spell.
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