

Oct 9th, 2014
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  1. [7:50:40 PM] Grath: well i have about 5 minutes
  2. [7:50:50 PM] alikchi: ahh okay
  3. [7:50:51 PM] Grath: so i'll sperge my side of things here and you can do what you want with it
  4. [7:50:58 PM] alikchi: that'd be great
  5. [7:51:17 PM] alikchi: general comment/statement, however you want to characterize it
  6. [7:51:47 PM] Grath: im generally pretty critical of PL's CSMs, i know they have an NDA but they've usually been pretty light on posting internally about anything CSM related at all, generally its done live in fleets during down times.
  7. [7:52:11 PM] Grath: Silva made them all look like a 24 hour news show
  8. [7:52:22 PM] Grath: he hasn't posted, ever, once, at all since being elected.
  9. [7:52:34 PM] Grath: He hasn't joined a fleet and shot the shit with people about what the CSM is doing
  10. [7:53:20 PM] Grath: and then these changes hit, and its like, hey, you couldnt' even say 'we're looking at some drastic sweet things for eve", like not even a "Hey this is what i can say and then theres a ton of other shit i can't say"
  11. [7:53:21 PM] Grath: 0 posts
  12. [7:53:22 PM] Grath: since election
  13. [7:53:26 PM] Grath: 0 communication
  14. [7:53:46 PM] Grath: On top of that, this is our gaming 'expert' we setn to iceland to be our voice
  15. [7:54:08 PM] Grath: after i started calling him out internally on our forums for his lack of ANYTHING AT ALL, he sends me a pissy pm
  16. [7:54:20 PM] Grath: 'i removed my roles, you can kick me if you want'
  17. [7:54:22 PM] Grath: which i would have
  18. [7:54:27 PM] Grath: had he been in my corp
  19. [7:55:02 PM] Grath: so on top of all that there was a guy we had who literally went in the hospital sick and was looking grim like he might die
  20. [7:55:09 PM] Grath: he asked silva to take care of his titan alt
  21. [7:55:22 PM] Grath: account sharing is bad and all that but whatever fuck you deny a dying man his wish
  22. [7:55:33 PM] Grath: anyway titan dies in B-R
  23. [7:55:43 PM] Grath: we of course send the alt the money for the titan payout
  24. [7:55:44 PM] Grath: 100b
  25. [7:55:52 PM] Grath: like a couple months after B-R, probably april
  26. [7:56:12 PM] Grath: well the guy in the hospital gets better, beats it, now its september and he's back ready to be not dead and play eve
  27. [7:56:16 PM] Grath: logs into his titan
  28. [7:56:30 PM] Grath: sitting in an alpha clone, without enough isk on the account to upgrade his clone
  29. [7:56:34 PM] Grath: zero assets left
  30. [7:56:41 PM] Grath: account other than the alts on it cleaned out
  31. [7:56:57 PM] Grath: of course dudes pissed he hits me up and is like 'hey what happened to my titan'
  32. [7:57:17 PM] Grath: im like 'it died but we sent you money for it' and he tells me and shows me a screen shot of him being broke
  33. [7:57:22 PM] Grath: i poke silva and im like
  34. [7:57:23 PM] Grath: hey
  35. [7:57:31 PM] Grath: that titan you took care of, what happened
  36. [7:57:49 PM] Grath: silva tells me he sent the isk
  37. [7:57:54 PM] Grath: to [the fellow PL member]
  38. [7:57:57 PM] Grath: and im like
  39. [7:57:58 PM] Grath: oh
  40. [7:58:12 PM] Grath: guy looks and sudenly +100b
  41. [7:58:20 PM] Grath: so
  42. [7:58:27 PM] Grath: the greasiest part
  43. [7:58:34 PM] Grath: is that the money was origianlly sent to the titan pilot in question
  44. [7:58:39 PM] Grath: its how we handle SRP
  45. [7:58:50 PM] Grath: which means that Silva moved the money OFF the account to his own
  46. [8:00:42 PM] Grath: 2014.08.31 17:15:00 Player Donation,00 ISK 200.753.416.778,56 ISK [r] Major JSilva deposited cash into [a fellow PL member]'s account
  47. [8:00:58 PM] Grath: the account log for when silva returned the money
  48. [8:01:04 PM] Grath: now
  49. [8:01:08 PM] Grath: in silva's defense
  50. [8:01:15 PM] Grath: he was active before whatever happened
  51. [8:01:24 PM] Grath: he helped a lot to set bot up in the begining
  52. [8:02:14 PM] Grath: but what he did to [a fellow PL member], and the way he acted, giving TMC interviews without ever making a single internal post to PL about anything, even rl problems, pretty much means you can sum my quotes up as follows:
  53. Fuck Silva
  54. [8:02:30 PM] alikchi: hah
  55. [8:02:38 PM] alikchi: alright, I think what i'll try to do is
  56. [8:02:51 PM] alikchi: summarize your statement as best I can and have it be a link to a pastebin of the full thing
  57. [8:02:54 PM] Grath: also i'd like [a fellow PL member]'s name left out of print if possible, i'd hate to see a guy who beat cancer get fuckign banned for account sharing
  58. [8:03:03 PM] alikchi: yeah, can do
  59. [8:03:23 PM] alikchi: i'll replace it with [a fellow PL member] or something
  60. [8:03:57 PM] Grath: perfect
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