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Fascism discussion /pol/

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May 1st, 2016
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  1. Ok /pol/ let us have another discussion about fascism. Before we begin let's get a few things clear.
  3. First, the Spirit of fascism did not originate with Mussolini and Italy's Fascist movement.
  5. The Spirit of Fascism can be found in the Roman Empire most accurately shown by the Julius Caesar and Augustus.
  7. It can be found in Pinochet of Chile, Adolf Hitler of Germany.
  9. It can be found in the culture of Sparta, and the ideal society of Plato.
  11. The Fascist Spirit holds meritocracy, hierarchy, pragmatism and tradition above all else.
  13. meritocracy and hierarchy go hand in hand. if you have merit you can naturally rise in the hierarchy and thus have more power.
  15. Pragmatism is the root of tradition, a culture's traditions are pragmatism as unity.
  17. The fascist spirit dissolves the individual to multiply him, just as the soldier is dissolved into the entire Army.
  19. It dissolves the useless liberties and leaves only the useful and good liberties.
  21. It uses the principle of unity to empower the national identity and culture, this greatly strengthens the national identity therefore strengthening the state.
  23. What it removes for unity and efficiency's sake depends on what needs to be removed. This can be other races, communists or anything else that creates an apparent useless division.
  25. >Everything Within the State, Nothing outside the state, nothing against the state
  27. Every man, woman and child is a part of the state. Every man who lives, has ever lived and shall live in the nation is part of the state.
  29. Working for the good of the state is working for the good of all, working for the good of yourself is working for the good of the all.
  31. Economically fascism is plastic, it accepts all that does not harm the nation or it's character.
  33. It can manifest as capitalistic or socialistic.
  35. Fascism will change to suit the nation and its cultures depending on the specific circumstance.
  37. Now then let us discuss fascism.
  39. The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves the individual adequate elbow room.
  41. It has curtailed useless or harmful liberties while preserving those which are essential. In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, but the State only.
  43. it should be understood that fascism is a spiritual force but it is in no way opposed to religion, it sees the value of religion and specifically the Christian religion.
  45. Fascism respects the God of ascetics, saints, and heroes, and it also respects God as conceived by the ingenuous and primitive heart of the people,
  47. the God to whom their prayers are raised.
  49. For those who wish for record of fascist governments and rulers and beliefs, look at Caesar, Mussolini, Hitler, Pinochet and many other great men.
  51. If I had to condense fascism down to three core aspects these would be the aspects.
  53. 1. all pervasive nationalism
  55. This is a core aspect, this sense of duty and love for your people must be cultivated and this is key to the strength of the state and key for it to prosper,
  57. 2. Meritocracy
  59. Acceptance of the law of nature which is the law of the strong. (The mentally strong and those who show merit are better and more fit to lead and survive than those who are work.) this is not ethnic and this is not racial, this is simply an acceptance of fact that can be observed in nature and society.
  61. 3. A rejection of egalitarianism and it's implications
  63. Egalitarianism makes the smart and strong have to suffer for the good of the weak and foolish, it breeds weakness and punishes refining of one's self. This unnatural doctrine is rejected.
  65. To those who say my definitions and understandings of fascism are some special snowflake variety, understand I am drawing from the works of Giovanni Gentile and Mussolini, this is the model presented.
  67. To the Christians here, does not the Christian religion have a natural hierarchy? Is it not said that the sun has it's own glory, as does the moon has it own and also the stars?
  69. To the atheist and non-religious, is not unity strength? In a secular understanding do you not see how the religious strengthen each other's resolve and empower each other through community? this then is the power of tradition.
  71. to the libertarian, do you not embrace meritocracy?
  73. To the moderates and leftists, do you not see the inherit value of a realistic and pragmatic approach? Do you not see the inherit value in efficiency?
  75. To those worried about their freedoms, what freedoms would be suppressed you might ask? Only those that directly harm and would be negative to the nation.
  77. surely you agree that man does not need nor does he have the right to molest a child. if you reject this liberty then you understand why fascism will remove the worthless liberties.
  79. To he who fears government and its size, do you not see what occurs in fascism? Where hierarchy allows for an absolutely omnipresent government while still having the benefits of small government? It is this use of hierarchy that grants us this efficiency.
  81. further, what fear of the government is there when all people are part of the state? Shall the state devour its self? of course not because this is foolish and illogical.
  83. In the draconian government, the corrupt are dealt with extreme severity for their corruption.
  85. Is this not at the heart what you anarchists and rebels want?
  87. Ha, and you think the powers aren't in the hands of small groups already?
  89. Do you know the history of democracy? How it started in Greece as a lie and a trick to make slaves work harder.
  91. In democracy around the world, you get to pick from a small selection of people from an even lower amount of available sources.
  93. It is good and fine and respected and rejoiced when they do not listen to the general will of the public, rather it is endorsed when they listen to the small elite group.
  95. When they wish to do the will of the people and speak for them, are they not labeled populists? Is not populism considered a cancer by so many advocates of democracy?
  97. Your "democracy" is nothing more than an oligarchy that changes hands to the people who are able to convince the most people with empty promises at any given.
  99. Democracy is Oligarchy.
  101. Ideally it'd be an aristocracy that's under draconian law, that one may only enter through merit and one can drop out of by showing a lack of merit.
  103. More or less it'd work as a way of creating an extremely powerful gene pool.
  105. Again, not very practical.
  107. Ultimately sounds like you want hierarchy, aristocracy and a caste system without a head of the hierarchy.
  109. No I do not think it is possible for there to be no head of the hierarchy.
  111. While it's an interesting idea we must understand human nature is always to strive to better ourselves and our own positions.
  113. We can dissolve this will for personal growth into a unification with the will of the entire nation for its mutual growth, but there will always be people who will say and think and act in the nature of "I must be the head of the state, for this would benefit the state the most."
  115. And honestly we can only use work and the like as measures of merit and values, work and life.
  117. It's an interesting thought experiment but I think human nature gets in the way.
  119. Off the cusp question here, ever read timeaus? If so how do you feel about the idea of children of differing values being allocated to parents of corresponding values in order for them to be risen in the perfect manner for their own merit but the entire society treating the children as their own?
  121. The economic model is plastic and depends on the nation.
  123. The only aspect of fascist economics that is uniform is the shutting down of corporations and businesses which harm the people and their character and keeping work/corporations within the nation. The private sector can do its thing, but it'll slightly be guided in a manner that most benefits the State.
  125. For example the porn industry would be shut down and globalism would be fought to an extreme level.
  127. I like to think of the economy of fascism like this, in a capitalist nation, the government and corporations are married on the corporations terms.
  129. In the fascist nation the corporations and government are married also, on the government's terms.
  131. During fascism in history, we see nationalization of monopolies but majority privatization.
  133. As for sanctions, as long as the nation doesn't outright call itself fascist and the nation is built in truly a fascist manner, it'll be just fine.
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