
Ideas for a Tumblebugs Hacking/Modding Tool

Jan 27th, 2017
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  1. - Make a Tumblebugs hack in a fifth of the normal time.
  2. - Customize values to your heart's content.
  3. - Give level name suggestions depending on the map chosen.
  4. - Allow custom level names.
  5. - Choose which helpers you want to use in your hack, if any.
  6. - Choose any bug colours you wish to have.
  7. - Generate always working <roundconfig> tags.
  8. - Mix and match maps and camera values for interesting combinations.
  9. - Have each powerup be a different value box.
  10. - Suggest the speeds of a round depending on what map is chosen, and based on three or four difficulty settings.
  11. - Use a button to have the game pick a random map.
  12. - Be able to only use a certain map once every 2+ stages.
  13. - Limit the amount of times a map can be used in the whole game. (i.e. Basement Junk only has 2 uses)
  14. - Be compatible with both Tumblebugs games.
  15. - Set the score values of rings, either as a different value for each ring, different value for each round, or a single value throughout the whole game that should default to 500.
  16. - Set how many rings you need to get an extra life. This number should default to 25.
  17. - Set the lives you start with. Should default to 3.
  18. - Set the amount of points you need to get an extra life. Defaults to 25,000. This value should only be allowed to be divisible by 1000.
  19. - Set the life incriment value. Defaults to 25,000. Much like the previous value, it should not be able to go lower than 1000 points and always be divisible by 1000.
  20. - Set the life stopping value. Defaults to 750,000. This feature should have a "Maximum" button which sets the value to 2.4 billion, or around the game's overhaul crashing point.
  21. - Set how much bugs are worth, points wise. This value should only be 1, 10, or 100.
  22. - Allow a user to set bonus scores for powerups. This value should default to 0 for every powerup except the Fast Foward, which should be 500, in Tumblebugs 1, and 0 for everything in Tumblebugs 2. A user should be able to set a single value for all powerups.
  23. - Set the values for the tags, "pathbonuspushertohead", and "pathbonusheadtoexit". The former defaults to 75 and the latter defaults to 30.
  24. - Allow a user to easily make custom tips using a form.
  25. - Set a custom time for Rescue Mode. Rescue Mode itself should be customizable just like the default game.
  26. - Have a setting that allows a user to not have level adding limits. This will default to being turned off.
  27. - A user should be able to make random levels, stages, or even randomize the entire game mode.
  28. - A user should be able to enable or disable bonus and sprite rounds.
  29. - Creation of custom bonus rounds, but not sprite rounds using a drag-and-drop interface. You should also be able to set the number of wild balls the game gives you. This value can be anything between 0 and 20.
  30. - Allow a user to make a custom username. This username should appear in a comment tag that says: <!-- This hack was made by <username> -->
  31. - Allow a user to save their hack if needed.
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