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a guest
Oct 16th, 2018
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text 1.94 KB | None | 0 0
  1. lua_createtable 0x776FA0 __stdcall
  2. lua_pushstring 0x7786C0 __fastcall
  3. lua_setfield 0x7790A0 __cdecl
  4. lua_pushlstring 0x778520 __cdecl
  5. lua_pushvalue 0x778770 __stdcall
  6. lua_settable 0x7793F0 __cdecl
  7. lua_setmetatable 0x779250 __stdcall
  8. lua_type 0x779B10 __cdecl
  9. lua_touserdata 0x779AE0 __cdecl
  10. lua_getmetatable 0x7775C0 __stdcall
  11. lua_getfield 0x7772F0 __stdcall
  12. lua_tolstring 0x7796C0 __fastcall
  13. lua_settop 0x779480 __stdcall
  14. lua_newuserdata 0x777EA0 __cdecl
  15. luaL_register 0x771570 __stdcall
  16. lua_pushnumber 0x778630 __thiscall
  17. lua_call 0x776CF0 __cdecl
  18. lua_pushnil 0x7785C0 __cdecl
  19. luaL_callmeta 0x771920 __cdecl
  20. luaL_getmetafield 0x771EC0 __cdecl
  21. luaL_checklstring 0x7796C0 __fastcall
  22. luaL_loadfile 0x771F50 __cdecl
  23. luaL_typerror 0x772580 __stdcall
  24. lua_getfenv 0x777220 __cdecl
  25. getfunc 0x76E4C0 __cdecl
  26. lua_toboolean 0x779600 __cdecl
  27. lua_tonumber 0x779A30 __cdecl
  28. lua_next 0x777F60 __cdecl
  29. lua_pushthread 0x7786F0 __stdcall
  30. lua_newthread 0x777DB0 __cdecl
  31. lua_xmove 0x779B60 __cdecl
  32. lua_pushboolean 0x7781B0 __cdecl
  33. lua_insert 0x7778C0 __cdecl
  34. lua_pushcclosure 0x778230 __fastcall
  35. lua_isnumber 0x772C00 __cdecl
  36. lua_rawgeti 0x778A30 __stdcall
  37. lua_objlen 0x777FF0 __stdcall
  38. lua_checkstack 0x776D80 __cdecl
  39. lua_pcall 0x7780E0 __stdcall
  40. rawrjz 0x770457
  41. Script Context 0x013A1644
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