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Against the Night 1

a guest
Feb 21st, 2013
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  1. Princess Luna walked along the royal gardens with a slight smile on her face, the simple pleasure of having a sunset stroll and smelling the flowers of autumn appealed to Luna greatly. Sometimes, she liked to pretend that that was the only reason she was out there besides what she currently had to do, but royal duties applied. Being the Princess of the Night had its perks, like bestowing dreams to those she favoured, and dispelling nightmares, or getting Twilight Sparkle's nightly letters, but it also had its downs, like making the daily, or, rather, nightly trek to the gardens to actually begin the night.
  3. She sighed as she saw the pedestal where her sister currently stood, hooves applied on the pedestal's shiny stone surface and horn aglow with power. Her eyes were closed as she focused on the great Celestial body she was now controlling, inching its way down towards the horizon to light the other side of the world. Even from where she was she could feel the power, it tugged at her gut and invaded her mind, creating a sense of fear deep within her. She ignored it and pushed it towards the pack of her thoughts. The side effect of Alicorn magic was that it created a kind of fear factor as soon as a spell was charged. Even in the smallest one, the unconscious part of the spell would reach into the target's mind and ignite images of defeat and failure. When performing simple tasks such as levitation where there were no targets there was not such an effect, but now Celestia was focusing all her power on the sun as it drooped low in the sky, and she could no control the aura of fear as it spread. Even the guards on the battlements looked a little uneasy.
  5. The stone slab where her sister's hooves were resting shone too, almost like the sun itself. It was a mere reflection from the sun and her sister's horn though, and it was shaped like the sun itself, with tiny rivers of fire sparking out of it and twirling around it. They were stone carvings of course, but the pedestal had been kept polished and clean for centuries. It was beautiful, but Luna preferred when it changed.
  7. She watched her sister for a few more minutes as she felt the spell come to a close and Celestia control her powers. She opened her eyes and smiled at Luna.
  9. "Ah, Luna, you're here. You should have said something rather than nothing," Celestia said with a smile, and Luna returned it.
  11. "I have always enjoyed watching you lower the sun sister, it reminds me of the way Mother and Father would do it," she said and Celestia smiled wider. "Although you do do it with much more... flair than they did," she said, and Celestia raised an eyebrow.
  13. "Was that a fancy way of saying I make it too colorful?" Celestia asked, and Luna shrugged before they both giggled.
  15. "To tell you the truth Lulu, I personally prefer watching you raise the moon and stars. Each night seems to be unique. You always were more artistic than me, I think father made the right choice about handing the night over to you," she complimented, and Luna faked a smile at the sentiment, keeping buried the three thousand year guilt and regret. She had loved her parents as much as any Unicorn filly would, but...
  17. She snapped herself out of it as Celestia's front hooves connected with the ground.
  19. "Well, Lulu, now it's your turn. See what magic you can weave on the sky tonight," Celestia said as she stepped away from the stone, which had now turned to a crescent moon surrounded by three stars. The absence of light made it behave like that. It spent all day absorbing the light of the sun, and at night it shone like the moon itself. The pedestal was really a ceremonial piece, but Luna and Celestia still used it as tradition. It helped Luna craft the sky and it helped Celestia make the colours of sunset.
  21. Luna trotted up to the pedestal and placed her hooves on it, focusing on the niggling feeling at the back of her mind that signified the moon wanted to shine. A dash of moonlight erupted from the horizon as Luna wove an imaginary cord around it and pulled. The moonlight spread and disappeared, yet lingered in the tinkling dashes of stars, like sprinkles on a large cake. The moon rose over the mountains and flooded the land with light, illuminating everything in its pale white glow. She focused her magic and decided tonight, she would be just as showy as Celestia. Her mane now sparkled, holding in her stars, and she let them go, erupting into the darkness. The stars were set free all across the night, and anypony watching Canterlot as far away as Manehatten would have seen it.
  23. She then decided to spend more time tonight working on the stars. She felt along the sky for each and every one, and once she found them all, she then decided to move them. There was a cluster near the moon she wanted the world to see, and another cluster she felt had been stealing the spotlight too long. She focused and they moved together, claiming each other’s places. Just for good measure she added a streaking light to the sky in the form of a meteorite just for any lucky pony who might be needing a wish.
  25. The sky was vast, and she had lost count of the stars nearly as soon as she finished moving them. There were too many to change them now, she could only hope no one missed the cluster she had moved. She would never hear the end of it from the astronomers and star-mappers.
  27. Down off the pedestal and onto the ground went her hooves. Her eyes, which she hadn't noticed she had closed, opened and surveyed her work. She felt a surge of pride and turned to Celestia.
  29. "Well, sister, I think that counts as art, wouldn't you say?" she said and Celestia's jaw was nearly halfway to the floor. Luna giggled and Celestia clapped her hooves twice, Luna taking a bow.
  31. "How long have you been practising that, Lulu?" she asked and Luna blushed.
  33. "All week sister, and now that I've perfected it, I'd say that calls for a celebration, wouldn't you?" she asked, and Celestia nodded.
  35. "Most definitely," she agreed, and they both walked towards the castle where they would take dinner.
  37. Twilight watched the night in awe, she had never seen that before, the way the stars just seemed to explode from nowhere, then move of their own accord. She didn't miss the shooting star, and was half tempted to wish for something... something she knew she couldn't have.
  39. It was no secret to anypony who knew Twilight well that she was a night-owl in nearly every sense of the word. She had a telescope in the library, several books on Astronomy, and she had stayed up late studying the stars Celestia knew how many times.
  41. Yes, Twilight was a night-owl, but for more reasons than the ones stated above. She loved the night-time, she loved the moon, she loved the stars, she loved the way the night stifled and silenced the land, leaving everything asleep while she stayed awake. She felt adventurous when she stayed up late, the night was privately hers to enjoy to its fullest.
  43. She also loved something, or rather, somepony else. Granted, she had met her in person only twice, but they had been swapping letters for some time now. She had been added to Spike's “send” roster, and a linking spell had linked her to him so they could now swap letters without the need for Celestia sending them. She had now sent nearly twice as many letters to her as she had Celestia, friendship reports, responses to questions, even advice. Yes, she had given the goddess of the night advice.
  45. Twilight sighed as she stared out the window at the stars.
  47. Luna. The name danced in her head, rolled off of her tongue whenever she spoke it, and made her smile just with the thought of those eyes, and that oh so gentle smile. She could get lost in that smile and those blue sapphire eyes.
  49. She sighed and dropped down to her bed, covering her face with her pillow. She had to stop thinking things like that. She idly glanced towards the quill and scroll on the bedside cabinet. Maybe she could get away with not sending a letter that night, maybe Luna was getting annoyed with the nearly nightly updates.
  51. She nodded to herself. Twilight really didn't want Luna to get bored with her. Call it her one allowance of selfish belief. She had been suppressing her feelings for the dark Alicorn for so long she thought she deserved at least one tiny bit of selfishness.
  53. Another sigh. She really should send a letter, if only as an update.
  55. No, she wouldn't, she just had to avoid the temptation. She turned over in her bed and lifted the covers, letting herself sink into the mattress and her head sink into the plush pillows. She wished for a peaceful sleep, but as soon as her eyes were closed, she saw images of a mane filled with stars, sapphire eyes filled with compassion and archaic beliefs. In a way they were so similar, yet they couldn't be more different.
  57. And then she felt it, an almost subconscious yearning, backed up by her very conscious dreams. It was ten past midnight, well past the time she would normally send Luna her letters, but she thought one late scroll never hurt anypony.
  59. She rolled back over to the bedside unit and picked up the scroll and quill, pressing the tip to the paper surface. She began to write...
  61. Dinner was pleasant to say the least, but it was a that shame Luna seemed... off somehow. Celestia didn't miss the odd glances towards the large clock that hung above the door to the dining room, and Luna kept glancing at it like she had an appointment. Celestia took her own glance at the clock then back to Luna, who busied herself by pretending to see something on her fork.
  63. The clock read 8 minutes past midnight exactly.
  65. Celestia smiled.
  67. "Am I keeping you from a previous engagement?" Celestia asked, and Luna looked back up and shook her head.
  69. "No, no, of course not Sister. I was just... well, it sounds silly," she said, glancing down at her empty plate. Celestia offered a warm smile.
  71. "Tell me, Luna," she gently commanded, and Luna shrugged.
  73. "Well, it's just that I've been exchanging letters with your student, Twilight Sparkle, and it has gotten to the point where we have been exchanging letters on a nightly basis. She normally sends them around now, midnight exactly, when she knows I'm awake but not overcome with royal duties," she explained, and Celestia listened intently, a little surprised how she had not known about this nightly letter exchange. She made a note to ask Twilight about it next time she saw her faithful student.
  75. "Maybe she's just running late," Celestia offered, and Luna shrugged.
  77. "It could be, but have you ever known Twilight to willingly run late?" she asked her sister, and Celestia giggled as she remembered the days of the young filly's childhood.
  79. "No, I honestly cannot," Celestia admitted.
  81. "She was always turning things in on time exactly, or even early," Celestia said, and Luna smiled, shaking her head. That was so like Twilight.
  83. "Maybe I should send her a scroll asking if there's anything wrong, I mean, better safe than sorry, isn't that what you always tell me?" she said, and Celestia nodded once more.
  85. "Yes indeed, although, perhaps-"
  87. Celestia was cut off by a loud puff of green smoke and a scroll landing on the table. Luna and Celestia shared a look, Celestia's one of humour, Luna's one of relief. Luna delicately picked up the scroll with her magic and began to read quietly to herself the words scribbled in the Unicorn Cursive she had come to associate with Twilight.
  89. Dear Luna
  91. How are you today? I'm doing fine, and just sent this scroll because I would like to know when you're next free. My friends and I are holding a gathering to watch the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower, and we were really hoping you could attend, because, well, it'll be nice to have you there. Also because it's been so long since you relaxed and took a personal day.
  93. Afterwards we're going to Sugarcube Corner for Pinkie Pie's after-meteor party. We don't actually know why she's holding a party for us, but, well, it's Pinkie Pie, she's known for throwing surprise parties like the one to celebrate your return.
  95. We're really hoping you decide to come, Luna.
  97. Hoping for a reply soon, your friend, Twilight Sparkle.
  99. Luna arched her brow and looked onwards her sister, then back to the note. Princesses could rarely just take a personal day, as Twilight had so delicately put it, and Luna was torn between severely wanting to go and finding out the real reason why Twilight invited her, because that excuse seemed a bit far-fetched and fanciful even for Twilight. Luna sincerely doubted that all of Twilight Sparkle's friends wanted her there.
  101. She stole a glance at Celestia and then back at the letter again, She sincerely wanted to go, but she doubted Celestia wanted to accept all of her royal duties just like that. She was still the goddess of the night, and she wouldn't abandon her post to go and watch a meteor shower and party like a common pony.
  103. But, then again, this was Twilight Sparkle, her saviour and, in recent times, confidant. She didn't want to disappoint her. She sighed dejectedly and her ears drooped a little as she re-read the note.
  105. Celestia watched her with a curious look and then spoke after a few minutes.
  107. "Luna, is there something wrong?" Celestia asked her with an air of almost motherly concern, and Luna looked at her again.
  109. "Nothing's wrong, per se, it's just your student Twilight Sparkle wants me to attend tomorrow's meteor shower in Ponyville, with her and her friends, and then go partying at a place called Sugarcube Corner," she explained, and Celestia smiled.
  111. "I love that place, best cupcakes in all of Equestria," she interjected, and Luna watched her with a curious look.
  113. "Please go on," Celestia said gently, and Luna sighed.
  115. "I really want to go, mostly because I don't want to upset Twilight, but, can I just take a 'personal day' as Twilight put it? I don't think I can abandon my post for a whole day and night, can I?" she asked, and Celestia smiled gently.
  117. "Luna, you know I can handle things until you get back, and you can just as easily raise the moon and command the meteor shower from anywhere else, even if it wasn't here. You should go, take a day just for yourself and hang out with your friends," Celestia said, and Luna looked at her like an excited young filly.
  119. "Really? I can go?" she asked disbelievingly, and Celestia nodded.
  121. "Yes, you can go, in fact, I am telling you to go," she said jokingly, and Luna sprang off of her seat and jumped in the air, doing a back-flip as she unconsciously pumped her wings.
  123. "Yes! I'm going to a social gathering! Oh, I need to tell Twilight I'm going! See you in the morning sister!" she yelled back as she ran down the corridor. Celestia watched her go with a smile, before she sighed and looked back down at her plate.
  125. "Oh, Luna," she said to herself. "If only you knew..."
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