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Sep 6th, 2020
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  1. cadets are tested and interrogated by dark-robed clerics who search incessantly for any signs of spiritual weakness or corruption. While every cadet sleeps, servo-skulls monitor their slightest eye-twitch for signs of seditious dreams. Should any foul utterances be heard within range of the drill abbot's surveillance network, those cadets are swiftly ushered into nearby chambers to endure punishment vigils. Within hangar-sized auditoriums, cadets are lectured on Imperial languages and history. Thousands of cadets sit in rows of desks, scrawling down the litanies or tactics bellowed from roving vox-casters. When they are not either learning by rote there or undergoing basic combat drills in high-walled courtyards, cadets study further within cathedral-sized librariums. A cadet's every waking hour is filled with memorisation of holy scripture, strategy implementation exercises, the practical testing of theoretical tactical formulae and brutal physical tests of skill and endurance. Even when they are allowed to sleep, subliminal reconditioning treatments take place.
  3. Codex: Militarum Tempestus pg. 7
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