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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. command /klatki [<text>] [<player>]:
  2. permission: klatki
  3. permission message: &4&lBLAD &cNie masz uprawnien!
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 is not set:
  6. send "&7&m--------[&f &6&lKLATKI &7&m]--------"
  7. send ""
  8. send "&8- &6/klatka ustaw1"
  9. send "&8- &6/klatka ustaw2"
  10. send ""
  11. send "&8- &6/klatka dajitemy"
  12. send "&8- &6/klatka start"
  13. send ""
  14. send "&8- &6/klatka &6klatka1 &enick"
  15. send "&8- &6/klatka &6klatka1 &enick"
  16. send "&8- &4&/klatka koniec &6- Musisz to dac!!!"
  17. send ""
  18. send "&cKlatka by Eri!"
  19. send ""
  20. send "&7&m--------[&f &6&lKLATKI &7&m]--------"
  21. if arg-1 is "ustaw1":
  22. set {klatka.1} to location of player
  23. send "&aKlatka 1 zostala ustawiona na %{klatka.1}%"
  24. if arg-1 is "ustaw2":
  25. set {klatka.2} to location of player
  26. send "&aKlatka 2 zostala ustawiona na %{klatka.2}%"
  27. if arg-1 is "klatka1":
  28. if arg-2 is set:
  29. teleport arg-2 to {klatka.1}
  30. set {klatka.%player%} to true
  31. send "&cGracz &6%argument 2%&c Bierze udzial w evencie! &4&lKLATKI" to all players
  32. else:
  33. send "&cPodaj nick gracza!"
  34. if arg-1 is "klatka2":
  35. if arg-2 is set:
  36. teleport arg-2 to {klatka.2}
  37. set {klatka.%player%} to true
  38. send "&cGracz &6%argument 2%&c Bierze udzial w evencie! &4&lKLATKI" to all players
  39. else:
  40. send "&cPodaj nick gracza!"
  41. if arg-1 is "dajitemy":
  42. if {klatka.%player%} is true:
  43. give 1 306 to player
  44. give 1 307 to player
  45. give 1 308 to player
  46. give 1 309 to player
  47. give 1 272 to player
  48. delete {klatka.%player%}
  49. if arg-1 is "start":
  50. wait 1 second
  51. send the player title "&7Start za!" with subtitle "&a&l-= 3 =-" for 3 seconds
  52. wait 1 second
  53. send the player title "&7Start za!" with subtitle "&e&l-= 2 =-" for 3 seconds
  54. wait 1 second
  55. send the player title "&7Start za!" with subtitle "&4&l-= 1 =-" for 3 seconds
  56. wait 1 second
  57. stop
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