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Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. 2019-07-07 13:12:13.123 [INF] LNWL: Opened wallet
  2. 2019-07-07 13:12:13.433 [INF] LTND: Primary chain is set to: bitcoin
  3. 2019-07-07 13:12:13.479 [INF] LTND: Initializing bitcoind backed fee estimator
  4. 2019-07-07 13:12:13.479 [INF] LNWL: Started listening for bitcoind block notifications via ZMQ on tcp://
  5. 2019-07-07 13:12:13.479 [INF] LNWL: Started listening for bitcoind transaction notifications via ZMQ on tcp://
  6. 2019-07-07 13:12:13.482 [DBG] LNWL: Using minimum fee rate of 253 sat/kw
  7. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.034 [INF] LNWL: The wallet has been unlocked without a time limit
  8. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.189 [INF] LTND: LightningWallet opened
  9. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.191 [DBG] LNWL: Birthday block has already been verified: height=568159, hash=00000000000000000003e6aca881b8eae22684db2033b408f1b6d7881e329776
  10. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.275 [INF] HSWC: Restoring in-memory circuit state from disk
  11. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.325 [INF] HSWC: Payment circuits loaded: num_pending=0, num_open=0
  12. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.353 [INF] HSWC: Trimming open circuits for chan_id=564667:2041:0, start_htlc_id=0
  13. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.456 [INF] LNWL: Started rescan from block 00000000000000000002595c555916c43783892d33eeda2892a272b467ccda45 (height 584352) for 59 addresses
  14. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.467 [INF] RPCS: RPC server listening on [::]:10009
  15. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.460 [INF] LNWL: Starting rescan from block 00000000000000000002595c555916c43783892d33eeda2892a272b467ccda45
  16. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.518 [INF] RPCS: gRPC proxy started at
  17. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.526 [INF] LTND: Waiting for chain backend to finish sync, start_height=584352
  18. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.534 [INF] LNWL: Rescan finished at 584352 (00000000000000000002595c555916c43783892d33eeda2892a272b467ccda45)
  19. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.534 [INF] LNWL: Catching up block hashes to height 584352, this might take a while
  20. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.590 [INF] LNWL: Done catching up block hashes
  21. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.590 [INF] LNWL: Finished rescan for 59 addresses (synced to block 00000000000000000002595c555916c43783892d33eeda2892a272b467ccda45, height 584352)
  22. 2019-07-07 13:12:16.653 [INF] RPCS: [listchannels] fetched 1 channels from DB
  23. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.539 [INF] LTND: Chain backend is fully synced (end_height=584352)!
  24. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.612 [INF] HSWC: Starting HTLC Switch
  25. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.612 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
  26. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.612 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
  27. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.658 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
  28. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.723 [INF] CNCT: Creating ChannelArbitrators for 3 active channels
  29. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.723 [DBG] CNCT: New ChainEventSubscription(id=0) for ChannelPoint(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0)
  30. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.724 [DBG] CNCT: New ChainEventSubscription(id=0) for ChannelPoint(601a6b7737e9c18a78eccfce3dd1edd3dba07855e9c2bd9c8a65fce0379e82d3:1)
  31. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.724 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
  32. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.724 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
  33. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.724 [DBG] CNCT: New ChainEventSubscription(id=0) for ChannelPoint(96c35a5d27a352054c1a2ae2aa5da4d9269329d81abf55db704d6e66c053a854:1)
  34. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.724 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
  35. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.736 [DBG] CNCT: Starting chain watcher for ChannelPoint(601a6b7737e9c18a78eccfce3dd1edd3dba07855e9c2bd9c8a65fce0379e82d3:1)
  36. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.736 [DBG] NTFN: Using height hint 584349 retrieved from cache for 601a6b7737e9c18a78eccfce3dd1edd3dba07855e9c2bd9c8a65fce0379e82d3:1
  37. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.737 [INF] NTFN: New spend subscription: spend_id=1, outpoint=601a6b7737e9c18a78eccfce3dd1edd3dba07855e9c2bd9c8a65fce0379e82d3:1, height_hint=584349
  38. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.736 [DBG] CNCT: Starting chain watcher for ChannelPoint(96c35a5d27a352054c1a2ae2aa5da4d9269329d81abf55db704d6e66c053a854:1)
  39. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.737 [DBG] NTFN: Using height hint 584349 retrieved from cache for 96c35a5d27a352054c1a2ae2aa5da4d9269329d81abf55db704d6e66c053a854:1
  40. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.737 [INF] NTFN: New spend subscription: spend_id=2, outpoint=96c35a5d27a352054c1a2ae2aa5da4d9269329d81abf55db704d6e66c053a854:1, height_hint=584349
  41. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.736 [DBG] CNCT: Starting chain watcher for ChannelPoint(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0)
  42. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.737 [DBG] NTFN: Using height hint 564667 retrieved from cache for fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0
  43. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.737 [INF] NTFN: New spend subscription: spend_id=3, outpoint=fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0, height_hint=564667
  44. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.791 [INF] CNCT: Close observer for ChannelPoint(601a6b7737e9c18a78eccfce3dd1edd3dba07855e9c2bd9c8a65fce0379e82d3:1) active
  45. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.858 [INF] CNCT: Close observer for ChannelPoint(96c35a5d27a352054c1a2ae2aa5da4d9269329d81abf55db704d6e66c053a854:1) active
  46. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.916 [INF] CNCT: Close observer for ChannelPoint(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0) active
  47. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.916 [DBG] CNCT: Starting ChannelArbitrator(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0), htlc_set=(contractcourt.htlcSet) {
  48. incomingHTLCs: (map[uint64]channeldb.HTLC) {
  49. },
  50. outgoingHTLCs: (map[uint64]channeldb.HTLC) {
  51. }
  52. }
  54. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.917 [INF] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0): starting state=StateBroadcastCommit
  55. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.920 [INF] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0): force closing chan
  56. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.977 [DBG] LNWL: ChannelPoint(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0), starting local commitment: (*lnwallet.commitment)(0x148a2d0)({
  57. height: (uint64) 0,
  58. isOurs: (bool) true,
  59. ourMessageIndex: (uint64) 0,
  60. theirMessageIndex: (uint64) 0,
  61. ourHtlcIndex: (uint64) 0,
  62. theirHtlcIndex: (uint64) 0,
  63. txn: (*wire.MsgTx)(0x16083c0)({
  64. Version: (int32) 2,
  65. TxIn: ([]*wire.TxIn) (len=1 cap=1) {
  66. (*wire.TxIn)(0x1638700)({
  67. PreviousOutPoint: (wire.OutPoint) fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0,
  68. SignatureScript: ([]uint8) {
  69. },
  70. Witness: (wire.TxWitness) <nil>,
  71. Sequence: (uint32) 2151377944
  72. })
  73. },
  74. TxOut: ([]*wire.TxOut) (len=1 cap=1) {
  75. (*wire.TxOut)(0x16083e0)({
  76. Value: (int64) 1793846,
  77. PkScript: ([]uint8) (len=34 cap=34) {
  78. 00000000 00 20 88 44 a1 d7 f9 56 2c 11 e3 ae e9 47 82 09 |. .D...V,....G..|
  79. 00000010 ee 6d b9 4e 3e 15 cc 33 d2 00 77 35 5d d8 05 19 |.m.N>..3..w5]...|
  80. 00000020 c3 ef |..|
  81. }
  82. })
  83. },
  84. LockTime: (uint32) 551882071
  85. }),
  86. sig: ([]uint8) (len=71 cap=71) {
  87. 00000000 30 45 02 21 00 b0 6d d8 a2 2b 7b 67 13 68 53 7e |0E.!..m..+{g.hS~|
  88. 00000010 b1 55 1e 11 c9 18 f2 a8 f8 cc 5a 73 23 de e4 d0 |.U........Zs#...|
  89. 00000020 bd 86 0d 77 25 02 20 47 ed f6 46 a7 88 f0 4a 51 |...w%. G..F...JQ|
  90. 00000030 05 b9 f9 32 75 9e 8d 72 ce f7 2b cb 55 fd 73 71 |...2u..r..+.U.sq|
  91. 00000040 2b 65 28 c5 cc b4 03 |+e(....|
  92. },
  93. ourBalance: (lnwire.MilliSatoshi) 1793846000 mSAT,
  94. theirBalance: (lnwire.MilliSatoshi) 0 mSAT,
  95. fee: (btcutil.Amount) 0.00006154 BTC,
  96. feePerKw: (lnwallet.SatPerKWeight) 8500,
  97. dustLimit: (btcutil.Amount) 0.00000573 BTC,
  98. outgoingHTLCs: ([]lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) <nil>,
  99. incomingHTLCs: ([]lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) <nil>,
  100. outgoingHTLCIndex: (map[int32]*lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) {
  101. },
  102. incomingHTLCIndex: (map[int32]*lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) {
  103. }
  104. })
  106. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.984 [DBG] LNWL: ChannelPoint(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0), starting remote commitment: (*lnwallet.commitment)(0x158c240)({
  107. height: (uint64) 0,
  108. isOurs: (bool) false,
  109. ourMessageIndex: (uint64) 0,
  110. theirMessageIndex: (uint64) 0,
  111. ourHtlcIndex: (uint64) 0,
  112. theirHtlcIndex: (uint64) 0,
  113. txn: (*wire.MsgTx)(0x1608420)({
  114. Version: (int32) 2,
  115. TxIn: ([]*wire.TxIn) (len=1 cap=1) {
  116. (*wire.TxIn)(0x16387c0)({
  117. PreviousOutPoint: (wire.OutPoint) fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0,
  118. SignatureScript: ([]uint8) {
  119. },
  120. Witness: (wire.TxWitness) <nil>,
  121. Sequence: (uint32) 2151377944
  122. })
  123. },
  124. TxOut: ([]*wire.TxOut) (len=1 cap=1) {
  125. (*wire.TxOut)(0x1608440)({
  126. Value: (int64) 1793846,
  127. PkScript: ([]uint8) (len=22 cap=22) {
  128. 00000000 00 14 8c 3a 36 77 4d d4 6c 84 bd 04 2f eb 45 51 |...:6wM.l.../.EQ|
  129. 00000010 84 d3 7a 04 8e f9 |..z...|
  130. }
  131. })
  132. },
  133. LockTime: (uint32) 551882071
  134. }),
  135. sig: ([]uint8) {
  136. },
  137. ourBalance: (lnwire.MilliSatoshi) 1793846000 mSAT,
  138. theirBalance: (lnwire.MilliSatoshi) 0 mSAT,
  139. fee: (btcutil.Amount) 0.00006154 BTC,
  140. feePerKw: (lnwallet.SatPerKWeight) 8500,
  141. dustLimit: (btcutil.Amount) 0.00000573 BTC,
  142. outgoingHTLCs: ([]lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) <nil>,
  143. incomingHTLCs: ([]lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) <nil>,
  144. outgoingHTLCIndex: (map[int32]*lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) {
  145. },
  146. incomingHTLCIndex: (map[int32]*lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor) {
  147. }
  148. })
  150. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.984 [INF] HSWC: Removing channel link with ChannelID(68228ceed21eaafd4004faca2403f869bd5e953247ac8220c9673fb3eb66e1fe)
  151. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0): unable to force close: unable to find key for addr bc1qw46p63a4madly5gekuhmy2a2rw5kr0tr0ht4q5
  152. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [ERR] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0): unable to advance state: unable to find key for addr bc1qw46p63a4madly5gekuhmy2a2rw5kr0tr0ht4q5
  153. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [INF] NTFN: Cancelling epoch notification, epoch_id=4
  154. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [INF] CNCT: Stopping ChainArbitrator
  155. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [DBG] CNCT: Stopping ChannelArbitrator(fee166ebb33f67c92082ac4732955ebd69f80324cafa0440fdaa1ed2ee8c2268:0)
  156. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [DBG] CNCT: Stopping ChannelArbitrator(601a6b7737e9c18a78eccfce3dd1edd3dba07855e9c2bd9c8a65fce0379e82d3:1)
  157. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [DBG] CNCT: Stopping ChannelArbitrator(96c35a5d27a352054c1a2ae2aa5da4d9269329d81abf55db704d6e66c053a854:1)
  158. 2019-07-07 13:12:17.986 [ERR] SRVR: unable to start server: unable to find key for addr bc1qw46p63a4madly5gekuhmy2a2rw5kr0tr0ht4q5
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