
Fiona the Sheepgirl

Jan 17th, 2014
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  1. Part 1: Chicken and Pesto
  3. You head to the cafeteria and begin queuing for lunch, the selection seems to be huge to incorporate all of the different dietary requirements the students must have, after queuing for a bit you end up getting some spaghetti and meatballs. After you are served you spy Sam in a secluded corner and decide to sit with him, you dont really know anyone else so take a seat with him, as you approach he waves and takes out a brown bag and tips out a sandwich "Sup man, how you holding up? Ive managed to avoid attention so far" He triumphantly declares as you sit down with him "Eh, not bad just thinking of joining a club" You reply as you start eating your food. It's awful the sauce is watery and the spaghetti is over-cooked to a mush, not to mention the "Meat" in the meatballs doesn't taste very meaty. "Dude dont eat that shit, they probably put aphrodisiacs then take you as a slave or some shit" He says "And I aint joining a club, I need all the time I can away from these beasts, im probably gonna head back to my place right after, say did you watch the new Kamen Rider?" He asks, completely derailing the conversation.
  5. You spend the rest of the lunch chatting with him, thinking about the awful food why not join the Cooking Club? You saw a poster for it and you where never really bad at cooking, at least you can make something more exciting than toast and make your own lunch to not have to eat this crap again. A part of you thinks it would be a good way to meet girls, then you realizes that the girl: guy ratio is like 30:1, it stands true for every club. A quick look around does reveal a few more guys but they are surrounded by girls, they seem to be loving the attention more than you and your shut-in friend. Soon lunch ends and Sam slinks off home as you shovel the remains of your barely food into the bin, you decide to track down the cooking club, might have some free food to make up for your horrible lunch.
  7. After a few minutes you track down a door which has a piece of paper with "Cooking Club" written on it with a picture of a stick figure holding a pan stuck to the door, you assume that you just head right in and open the door. It seems to be a sort of kitchen, its got a good few ovens and hobs as well as surfaces for food prep. Inside are a few girls around, you notice a girl who looks like a chameleon, complete with scales and swirly tail half fading in to the wall, a girl who doesn't seem to have any legs and resembles one of those creepy Victorian dolls and a girl wearing a shirt short sleeves and huge fluffy arms and tiny adorable horns growing out of her forehead all standing in a group. On the other side of the room taller girl who seems to be made of blueish slime at the other side of the room, who approaches as you enter "Ahh Bonjour! Mon nom est Claudette and I will be running this club, you must be here for the club de cuisine, oui?"?
  9. She seems to be speaking French, but has a London accent which throws you off a bit "Ermm... Yes I thought it would be interesting to learn how to cook a bit more". You reply, you could have tried to reply in what little French you know, but you can tell if the girl is French and just has a London accent, or if she is doing it for show and will make you look stupid. "Ahh bon choix, well we have an even number so we shall begin, first we will get everyone parler à l'autre and thinking, I have chosen some ingredients at random, I will split you into groups of deux and see what you can make. We shall start now and others can as they arrive, you two can work together and you Anon can work with Fiona, now commencer!"
  11. The fluffy girl with horns approaches and says "Hello im Fiona, im going to be cooking with you" You a closer look at you, she is about the same height as you but she seems more filled out than you, you wouldn't call her fat, but not skinny just ....healthy she has meat in the right places, she had quite large breasts hidden behind her quite tight shirt and wide hips definitely not unattractive although her arms and neck are covered in what seems to be fluffy wool. She had long brown hair tied back into one long braid, she does seems to seem a little uncomfortable being around you though. You walk over to her and introduce yourself and make small talk, soon she seems to relax, after a while talking Claudette approached with a bag and gives it to you, inside you find some pesto, chicken, peppers and lettuce " Bonne chance!" she declares as she walks (slides?) over to the other group.
  13. You and Fiona begin planning, she seems really into this and getting a bit competitive with the chameleon and ghost girl, who she is classmates with, after about five minutes of planning you decide on pesto baked chicken with shredded peppers and lettuce; during this time a few more groups have arrived, leaving the total number of people including Claudette nine. "Wow anon that sounds good how did you come up with that?" She asks, seemingly delighted with your idea "Ahh, just something I found in a book" you reply, not wanting to say you found it on /Ck/ a week ago. Soon you begin preparing the food, as you reach for a knife to prepared the chicken when Fiona reaches for the same knife, you accidentally end up touching some of the fluff on her wrist, it's so soft, it's probably the softest thing you have ever touched, Fiona pulls her hand away and blushes "Oopps sorry anon, I didnt know you wanted that knife too". Hnnng, you apologize and carry on, trying to work through the heart boner she just gave you, she's too damn cute when she blushes... wait did you just call a girl you met five minutes ago cute?
  15. About half an hour later the food is ready and prepared, you put it on a plate and give it a little try, it seems pretty good, little over baked but a good first try for a recipe you got off /ck/ and only half remembered, Fiona seems happy with the results "Oh my this is good, you are good at this anon" she says with a slight smile soon Claudette comes around and tries a piece. You see it go into her mouth go down her throat and disappear "Hmmm, a good balance of flavor, good use of pepper for heat, bon premier essai!" She praises both of you, Fiona is beaming "I like forward to seeing what else you make, next week I will be walking you all through making a cake, but for now the lesson is over, remember, after classes on Mondays in here every week!" You look around and notice everyone else is finished, they all look a little jealous of the praise you got. Soon you are tidying up and Fiona says "Wow anon you are good, I didn't think boys where good at cooking but you proved me wrong!" "Well what can I say? I'm a man of many skills" you reply, as nonchalantly as you can. "You could teach me alot... we should hang out sometime" she says, slightly nervous, you smile.
  17. You have attention from a girl and it isnt rape off to a good start, soon you exchange phone numbers to organize hanging out she hastens to add , as you leave she walks over to you and says "Its good to meet you anon" and gives you a small hug, she feels so damn soft, you see her face us beet-red as she turns and goes to talk to the chameleon and ghost girls who immediately erupt into excited chatter. You walk out of the room with a huge smile on your face feeling alpha as fuck.
  19. Part 2 : Chocolate Cheese Cake (With Lemon)
  21. Time went on and everything became strangely normal, after the initial shock of meeting human males for the first time alot of the girls seemed to become much less interested in you and the other guys, seems they were a little disappointed but you can't you that you are, not getting molested is good. Based on the squeaking of bed springs you hear some nights you assume that others arnt in the same position as you, you wish the roof was thicker and you know sure as hell that it isnt Sam.
  23. You end up hanging around with Fiona and her friends, the ghost girl and the chameleon, who's names you discover are Ella and Sarah. Ella still puts you on edge, always having a slightly creepy smile and passing through things since she doesn't even have a corporeal form she communicates telepathically with a flat, slightly mocking voice which sends a shiver down your spine. Hell she only eats "Spirit Energy" you dont even know why someone who cant eat or hold a knife is in the cooking club. Sarah on the other hand is easier to deal with, she's quite shy to start with but when you get to know her she is really talkative, sometimes to the stage where she talks to fast and her long tongue unravels out of her mouth, making her become embarrassed and hide. Fiona becomes more chatty, you all often spend your lunch hour talking and hanging out after classes. Cooking Club is going well, you and Fiona seem to make a good team often being the highest praised by Claudette.
  25. A month passes and you and Fiona seem to be getting closer, she sits closer to you when you're talking always smiling at you and brushes against you whilst cooking, you can't say you don't like it, she is a nice girl and not unattractive, you could ask her out even, but you arn't quite sure how she will take it. On time after cooking you walk back to her dorm with her, you didnt intend to, you jusy got talking and kept walking and ended up at her dorm. You talk for a little more and say your goodbyes, she says her fare well then gives you a quick peck on the cheek, she then blushes slightly and goes into her room. You feel overjoyed, perhaps tomorrow you could ask if she wants to go on a date or something, she IS adorable, and you do enjoy her company, you promise your self you will. The next day however she seems to be avoiding you though she doesnt in even turn up for class. You ask Anna and Sarah if they have seen her "We think she is in her room" Sarah says "She is going through a tough time at the moment and kinda needs some time alone" you ask if their is anything you can do to help her and Sarah replies blushing through her scales "I dont think so its... ermm "Girl Problems, very... specific ones"" She says, going as far to use inverted commas with her fingers.
  27. You figure that you shouldn't invoke the red rage and give her some space, but it isnt the same. You go to the next Cooking Club session and work on your own, your heart isnt in it and you feel you half-arsed the food "Is something wrong Anon? You seem éperdu" Claudette asks, you just pass it off as being tired, you feel in a malaise without her, is she avoiding you because of the kiss?
  29. A few days later after classes you go to Sam's place to hang out for a bit, take your mind of things, for a shut-in he sure is friendly with you, chilling out discussing anime and manga and guy things in general. You head in and he is making some ramen again, all that guy seems to eat is ramen. "Is that all you have eat" You ask him "Yeah, its safe from contaminants and stuff, not letting the girls slip things into my food and do unspeakable things to me!" he replies.
  31. This man is really paranoid, then again you have heard stories about it, so you cant fully dismiss him. "Hey dude you tired or something? You look like shit" he asks with some genuine concern, you think about telling him about Fiona, but you dont think he will have a good reaction to you colluding with the enemy "Just havn't been sleeping well that's all, something up with my bed" You reply, you have been using that lie alot, you are quite good at it. "I know the feeling sometimes its hard to sleep when your surrounded by succubi, hey wanna watch some Evangelion?" He asks, you give a nod and watch some of the show for a bit, chatting about school work for a good few hours, but soon you get tired and head off to your room, hoping to get some sleep.
  33. You lie on your bed for a while thinking things over, maybe you should head to the Fiona's dorm and talk to her,tell her that she shouldn't be embarrassed and that you would like to fo on a date with her sometime. You hear a peal of thunder and soon its hammering it down with rain, you listen to it for a while, trying to relax, you think about going to make some food when you here a knock at the door, you get up and go to answer it. Its Fiona, shes soaked through from the rain, shivering slightly. You quickly invite her in, noticing she is holding a box under her arm, she seems to be moving mechanically, awkwardly. "Hey there!" you say grinning, she brings you into a tight hug, but it feels different, her body is unusually warm, and she is pressing her breasts into you, she then very suddenly pulls away looking confused "Err.. Hi" she says, she seems distracted, she sits down at the table and puts the box on it, you take a seat near her and she pushes it over to you. "Open it" she says blankly. You do and find a Chocolate Cheese cake garnished with lemon, it looks hand made and aside from being a little janky looking it does seem quite tasty.
  35. You thank her and begin to stand up to grab a knife to get a slice when something grabs your hand , you close your eyes and hear a loud bang, and when you open them Fiona has you pinned to a wall she is surprisingly strong, her eyes are glazed over, but she seems to be on the verge of crying. "Im so sorry, I just cant hold back! Ive liked you for so long, since we met but couldnt say it, ive had...thoughts about you, they drove me wild. I kissed you and then my heat kicked in and I couldn't stop my self! I locked my self away in my room to try and stop my self but I just cant dont want to rape you but I cant stop, please dont hate me please!" she yells bursting in to tears, but also pushing her self against you.
  37. You cant run away from her you like her too much, perhaps this could be your chance? You know that there is only one choice. Man up mode engaged. You shrug hard to break Fiona's grasp on you and rush into her, she is taken aback by this as you kiss her although she soon melts a little and you pull away, she looks confused "Anon, why?" she asks "Because...." Come on man you can say it! "Because I love you! I was going to ask you on a date after you kissed me but I didnt have the chance" you yell, Fiona bursts into tears again, wrong answer? She grabs you and gives you a bear hug, shes laughing as she cries, its tears of joy. "Thank you so much anon! I didnt think you would I thought you would hate me for trying to rape you, I didnt know you liked me" "Its not rape if I consent right?" You ask with a grin on your face.
  39. She looks at you what can only be described as lewdly as she leads you to your bedroom, just before you can pass the threshold of the door you can a knock on the walls and a voice yelling "Keep it the fuck down, im playing videogames!"
  41. Soon you are in your bedroom with the girl as you remove your shirt and she stands next to you, you have one more quick but passionate kiss, the last one was you had was your first but you here no complaints. "Anon... Im soaking" she says, with a shiver slightly fidgeting, at first you think its dirty talk, then you are reminded of the rain, she is soaked, you only just noticed how her wet sweater is clinging to her figure, she most have walked all the way here in the rain without so much as an umbrella. "I couldnt hold on anymore and had to head over even in the rain, it made me think a little clearer but it couldnt stop me, but now... now im so happy!" She say gleefully, jumping a little, causing her breasts to bounce somewhat, which you notice, they are not subtle at that size...
  43. Fiona notices your attention and grins "Enjoying the show, perhaps you would like a better look~" She says, somewhat lustily as she slowly pulls her wet sweater off over her head, discarding it on the floor, leaving her in her bra and skirt. You see how covered in fluff she is, on her head and neck are you can see her skin , this follows down her front, ending at her thighs and shoulders where all of her limbs are covered in the wool, her back seems to be as well. You also get to realize just how big she is in the right places, her breasts are large by anyone's standards, a E-Cup by your guess, her bra plain white with some lace around the edges. Her waist seems to taper inwards slightly to her waist then out at her hips, giving her a very slight hour glass. You notice she has a slight belly, she isn't fat but its small almost cute. You stand and admire her figure, she seems slightly embarrassed it seems she her heat keeps giving her bursts of confidence, which then fades back into shyness. Her bra does seem somewhat small for her breasts though, and seemingly a little too tight "I always thought that you wouldn't like my figure, I always have been a little...big, most guys seem to prefer petite girls" She says a little flustered, even though a few minutes ago she was trying to rape you shes too damn adorable.
  45. Saying your a tit man seems a little crass, even though its true, and not to mention its not a normal situation but you opt for a more diplomatic "Id love you regardless of how you look, your lovely", she giggles and asks you to help her with her bra clasp at the back. You walk around her and look at the clasp "This cant be too hard" you think to yourself, you begin fiddling around with it and it comes undone soon enough, she lets it fall to the floor.
  47. Standing behind her you give her a hug for behind, whilst her front is skin her back is covered in her fluffy wool, its like holding a living duvet, if your mind wasnt on other things you would have fallen asleep then and there. During the hug you give her neck a little nuzzle, to which she replies with a soft moans he moves your hands to down her breasts, letting you feel them, they are almost as soft, yielding slightly to your hands with the slightest touch. Its like firm dough, puts up some resistance, but your fingers still sink in a little, you move your hands to her nipples, they feel relatively small considering their size, but pleasant no the less, after some gentle moving, not wanting to apply too much pressure, with several moans you can feel them become erect in your hands, poking out slightly, she then gently pulls away your hands before spinning around and giving you a tight hug, pushing the her breasts into your chest "Do you like them?" she asks; as if you would reply with anything other than yes, you tell her how heavenly they feel, she thanks you for the compliment and gives you a passionate kiss, during which she guides you too the bed.
  49. When the kiss ends she playfully pushes your chest, sending you falling backwards, on to your bed, compared to the softness of her you find it sadly lacking. She smiles once again as she slowly removes her knee-length skirt, revealing her fluffy legs ending at her hips turning into a skin, which you can see a small strip off before her panties. She fills again at her huge hips, you heard the term "child-bearing hips" before, you notice the front of her panties are already wet. "Child bearing" reminds you of something; protection ! You didn't plan on this happening! "Errm I don't suppose you have -" Before you even finish fore she reaches into her discarded sweaters pocket and fishes out a condom "Thank god" You say, relieved, she lets out a giggle, it gives your heart a boner... as well as your actual one beginning to tent in your pants. "Just relax Anon" She says as she stands at the edge of the bed, she swaying her hips in circles standing only in her panties, showing off her entire body, the swaying of her hips is enthralling, not to mention the slightly jiggle it gives her breasts, any more and you would be popping out of your boxers. She seems to have noticed your interest and leans over you, holding eye contact with lewd looking eyes, gently pressing her breasts against your body. "Ready anon?" She asks she seems to have completely lost the glazed eyes and awkwardness nothing like what she was ten minutes ago. She is beaming as you reply "Yes" You reply.
  52. She removes your boxers and reveals your cock, already heard, she takes it in her fluffy hands and begins playing with it, running her hands along your length. Her fluffy hands are so ticklish and warm against your dick, its almost makes you want to laugh, its very enjoyable, after a good few minutes you are completely erect, she removes her hands and gently rolls the condom into you. "Good thing I remembered this, I am at my most fertile right now don't want a baby... yet" A part of you becomes afraid, but fuck it, maybe one day. She soon removes her wet panties and asks you to lie down, she is soon straddling you she slowly lowers herself on to you. She moans lightly "If you want to stop just say" you tell her as you let out a moan yourself feeling her folds press against you "I'll be fine she says as she continues her slow decent, you start bucking your hips almost uncontrollably. Soon she is all the way inside of you and begins moving her entire body, she places her hands on your chest to steady herself. "This is my first time, i'm sorry if i'm not very good at this" She says her skin flushes. "It's my first time as well, don't worry" You reply. Soon she begins rolling her hips against you, you reply with more gentle, controlled thrusts of your hips, she soon moans in reply and begins lightly bouncing, sending quivers through her entire body, her breasts bouncing slightly. Time goes on and you can feel your need building up, she has sped up to a decent pace with you watching her speed "Anon... Im almost ready, It feels so good!" She says then she suddenly yells and speeds up, bouncing her against you, she feels much tighter on your dick, soon you erupt, she keep on bucking for a few minutes before letting out a loud yell and gives a few very rapid bounces, she soon calms down and collapses on top of you. You lay together panting, that certainty was something, she is holding you tightly no one speaks until she suddenly says "Does this mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend?". You smile and in-between panting utter "Yes". You're so damn tired you can feel yourself falling to sleep, the last thing you see is her saying "I love you". The last thing you say before passing out is "I love you too".
  54. You wake up and its almost pitch black, a quick glance at your clock shows its about 3:00 am, your floor is still covered in clothes, you see Fiona standing by your bed, wearing only your shirt your eyes meet and she beams at you "Good morning boyfriend!". Was this girl trying to give you a heart attack? You smile at her as you stand up, seems she has taken the liberty of removing the condom and putting a new set of boxer on you, how thoughtful. "Hello" you reply equally happy, you hug her and give her a gentle kiss, which is interrupted by your stomach growling, you never did get round to having any dinner. She gives a giggle and reminds you of the cheese cake, you both go and split it, taking turns in feeding each other a spoonful, all this cutesy stuff seems to melt her heart as much as yours. Afterwards you both head back to your bed and cuddle "Anon thank you, I didn't expect this to happen, I thought you'd hate me and-" You interrupt her with a well timed kiss. She smiles "Im tired, night night anon" she takes you into a tight hug as she puts her head down on the pillow and closes her eyes, you soon follow suite, falling asleep in her fluffy embrace
  56. -Last update was posted in the main pastebin and its gonna stay there till headway is made, this one was just fluffing up some of the pre-lewd, adding in more foreplay and description and whatnot, still not quite sure about the next chapter, trying to think of something substantial to put in, as well as some different lewd, which I will probably write after more AlicexFemMC stuff.
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