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st_1 doc ST_ variables c++.txt

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May 9th, 2015
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  1. Full documentation on the new changes to add new variables to the sequence in order
  2. to tag them for: sprite and triggery.
  4. isSprite()
  5. isTriggery()
  7. 1.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. The first file to change is: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.h
  9. inside "enum eCommandType" locate the line
  10. CmdSetSequenceCyclic,
  11. After that line we add these new eCommandType:
  13. CmdSetSequenceSprite, ///irei1as_ STsequences
  14. CmdSetSequenceTriggery, ///irei1as_ STsequences
  16. 2.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.h)
  18. After the line
  19. bool addCmd_setSequenceCyclic( const Command& newCmd );
  20. We add:
  22. bool addCmd_setSequenceSprite( const Command& newCmd ); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  23. bool addCmd_setSequenceTriggery( const Command& newCmd ); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  25. 3.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.h)
  27. After lines
  28. bool getSequenceCyclic( const char* name );
  29. bool setSequenceCyclic( const char* name, bool cyclic );
  30. We add:
  32. bool getSequenceSprite( const char* name ); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  33. bool setSequenceSprite( const char* name, bool cyclic ); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  34. bool getSequenceTriggery( const char* name ); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  35. bool setSequenceTriggery( const char* name, bool cyclic ); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  40. 4.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. The second file to change is: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp
  42. Locate
  43. DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod( getSequenceCyclic, bool, ( const char* name ),,
  44. and after all its definition (after the "}}" that closes this DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod) we add:
  46. ///irei1as_ STsequences start "get" DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod
  47. DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod( getSequenceSprite, bool, ( const char* name ),,
  48. ( name ), false,
  49. "Check if this sequence is sprite (no animation interpolation).\n"
  50. "@param name name of the sequence to query\n"
  51. "@return true if this sequence is sprite, false if not\n\n"
  52. "@tsexample\n"
  53. "if ( !%this.getSequenceSprite( \"ambient\" ) )\n"
  54. " error( \"ambient sequence is not sprite!\" );\n"
  55. "@endtsexample\n" )
  56. {
  57. GET_SEQUENCE( getSequenceSprite, seq, name, false );
  58. return seq->isSprite();
  59. }}
  60. DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod( getSequenceTriggery, bool, ( const char* name ),,
  61. ( name ), false,
  62. "Check if this sequence has special animation Triggers.\n"
  63. "@param name name of the sequence to query\n"
  64. "@return true if this sequence has special animation Triggers, false if not\n\n"
  65. "@tsexample\n"
  66. "if ( !%this.getSequenceTriggery( \"ambient\" ) )\n"
  67. " error( \"ambient sequence is not checked for Triggers!\" );\n"
  68. "@endtsexample\n" )
  69. {
  70. GET_SEQUENCE( getSequenceTriggery, seq, name, false );
  71. return seq->isTriggery();
  72. }}
  73. ///irei1as_ STsequences end "get" DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod
  75. 5.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  77. Locate
  78. DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod( setSequenceCyclic, bool, ( const char* name, bool cyclic ),,
  79. and after all its definition (after the "}}" that closes this DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod) we add:
  81. ///irei1as_ STsequences start "set" DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod
  82. DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod( setSequenceSprite, bool, ( const char* name, bool sprite ),,
  83. ( name, sprite ), false,
  84. "Mark a sequence as sprite or non-sprite.\n"
  85. "@param name name of the sequence to modify\n"
  86. "@param sprite true to make the sequence sprite, false for non-sprite\n"
  87. "@return true if successful, false otherwise\n\n"
  88. "@tsexample\n"
  89. "%this.setSequenceSprite( \"ambient\", true );\n"
  90. "%this.setSequenceSprite( \"shoot\", false );\n"
  91. "@endtsexample\n" )
  92. {
  93. GET_SEQUENCE( setSequenceSprite, seq, name, false );
  95. // update sprite flag
  96. if (sprite != seq->isSprite())
  97. {
  98. if (sprite && !seq->isSprite())
  99. seq->flags |= TSShape::Sprite;
  100. else if (!sprite && seq->isSprite())
  101. seq->flags &= (~(TSShape::Sprite));
  104. }
  105. return true;
  106. }}
  107. DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod( setSequenceTriggery, bool, ( const char* name, bool triggery ),,
  108. ( name, triggery ), false,
  109. "Mark a sequence as triggery or non-triggery.\n"
  110. "@param name name of the sequence to modify\n"
  111. "@param triggery true to make the sequence triggery, false for non-triggery\n"
  112. "@return true if successful, false otherwise\n\n"
  113. "@tsexample\n"
  114. "%this.setSequenceTriggery( \"ambient\", true );\n"
  115. "%this.setSequenceTriggery( \"shoot\", false );\n"
  116. "@endtsexample\n" )
  117. {
  118. GET_SEQUENCE( setSequenceTriggery, seq, name, false );
  120. // update triggery flag
  121. if (triggery != seq->isTriggery())
  122. {
  123. if (triggery && !seq->isTriggery())
  124. seq->flags |= TSShape::Triggery;
  125. else if (!triggery && seq->isTriggery())
  126. seq->flags &= (~(TSShape::Triggery));
  129. }
  130. return true;
  131. }}
  132. ///irei1as_ STsequences end "set" DefineTSShapeConstructorMethod
  134. 6.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  136. Locate
  137. else RETURN_IF_MATCH(SetSequenceCyclic);
  138. and add these after it:
  140. else RETURN_IF_MATCH(SetSequenceSprite); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  141. else RETURN_IF_MATCH(SetSequenceTriggery); ///irei1as_ STsequences
  143. 7.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  145. Locate
  146. case CmdSetSequenceCyclic: addCommand = addCmd_setSequenceCyclic( cmd ); break;
  147. and add these after it:
  149. case CmdSetSequenceSprite: addCommand = addCmd_setSequenceSprite( cmd ); break; ///irei1as_ STsequences
  150. case CmdSetSequenceTriggery: addCommand = addCmd_setSequenceTriggery( cmd ); break; ///irei1as_ STsequences
  152. 8.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  154. Locate
  155. bool TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::addCmd_addSequence( TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::Command& newCmd )
  156. inside that look for
  157. case CmdSetSequenceCyclic:
  158. and after that add:
  160. case CmdSetSequenceSprite: ///irei1as_ STsequences
  161. case CmdSetSequenceTriggery: ///irei1as_ STsequences
  163. 9.----------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  165. Find
  166. bool TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::addCmd_setSequenceCyclic( const TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::Command& newCmd )
  167. and after all its definition (after the "}" that closes it) add:
  169. ///irei1as_ STsequences start "ChangeSet::addCmd_setSequence" TSShapeConstructor::
  170. bool TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::addCmd_setSequenceSprite( const TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::Command& newCmd )
  171. {
  172. // Replace any previous setSequenceSprite command, but stop if the
  173. // sequence is used as a source for addSequence (since the priority is
  174. // copied).
  176. for ( S32 index = mCommands.size()-1; index >= 0; index-- )
  177. {
  178. Command& cmd = mCommands[index];
  179. switch ( cmd.type )
  180. {
  181. case CmdSetSequenceSprite:
  182. if ( namesEqual( cmd.argv[0], newCmd.argv[0] ) &&
  183. dAtob( cmd.argv[1] ) != dAtob( newCmd.argv[1] ) )
  184. {
  185. mCommands.erase(index); // ignore both setSprite commands (1 undoes the other)
  186. return false;
  187. }
  188. break;
  190. case CmdAddSequence:
  191. if ( namesEqual( cmd.argv[1], newCmd.argv[0] ) )
  192. return true; // Sequence is used as source => cannot go back further
  193. break;
  195. default:
  196. break;
  197. }
  198. }
  200. return true;
  201. }
  202. bool TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::addCmd_setSequenceTriggery( const TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::Command& newCmd )
  203. {
  204. // Replace any previous setSequenceTriggery command, but stop if the
  205. // sequence is used as a source for addSequence (since the priority is
  206. // copied).
  208. for ( S32 index = mCommands.size()-1; index >= 0; index-- )
  209. {
  210. Command& cmd = mCommands[index];
  211. switch ( cmd.type )
  212. {
  213. case CmdSetSequenceTriggery:
  214. if ( namesEqual( cmd.argv[0], newCmd.argv[0] ) &&
  215. dAtob( cmd.argv[1] ) != dAtob( newCmd.argv[1] ) )
  216. {
  217. mCommands.erase(index); // ignore both setTriggery commands (1 undoes the other)
  218. return false;
  219. }
  220. break;
  222. case CmdAddSequence:
  223. if ( namesEqual( cmd.argv[1], newCmd.argv[0] ) )
  224. return true; // Sequence is used as source => cannot go back further
  225. break;
  227. default:
  228. break;
  229. }
  230. }
  232. return true;
  233. }
  234. ///irei1as_ STsequences end "ChangeSet::addCmd_setSequence" TSShapeConstructor::
  236. 10.---------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  238. Locate
  239. bool TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::addCmd_renameSequence( const TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::Command& newCmd )
  240. inside there's
  241. case CmdSetSequenceCyclic:
  242. add these lines after that:
  244. case CmdSetSequenceSprite: ///irei1as_ STsequences
  245. case CmdSetSequenceTriggery: ///irei1as_ STsequences
  247. 11.---------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShapeConstruct.cpp)
  249. Locate
  250. bool TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::addCmd_removeSequence( const TSShapeConstructor::ChangeSet::Command& newCmd )
  251. inside there's
  252. case CmdSetSequenceCyclic:
  253. add these lines after that:
  255. case CmdSetSequenceSprite: ///irei1as_ STsequences
  256. case CmdSetSequenceTriggery: ///irei1as_ STsequences
  258. 12.---------------------------------------------------------------------
  259. The third file to change is: Engine/source/ts/tsShape.h
  260. Just after "class TSShape" There's an enum of flags BIT( x ) like
  261. Cyclic = BIT(4),
  262. After the line
  263. HasTranslucency= BIT(6),
  264. we add:
  266. Sprite = BIT(7), ///irei1as_ STsequences
  267. Triggery = BIT(8), ///irei1as_ STsequences
  269. 13.---------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. (File: Engine/source/ts/tsShape.h)
  271. We locate
  272. bool isCyclic() const { return testFlags(Cyclic); }
  273. and add after it:
  275. bool isSprite() const { return testFlags(Sprite); } ///irei1as_ STsequences
  276. bool isTriggery() const { return testFlags(Triggery); } ///irei1as_ STsequences
  278. 14.---------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. For completeness...
  280. Within the file Engine/source/ts/tsDump.cpp locate
  281. mShape->sequences[i].isCyclic() ? " (cyclic)" : "",
  282. and add after it:
  284. mShape->sequences[i].isSprite() ? " (sprite)" : "", ///irei1as_ STsequences
  285. mShape->sequences[i].isTriggery() ? " (triggery)" : "", ///irei1as_ STsequences
  287. 15.---------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. That's the end of setting the variables for C++.
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