

Apr 18th, 2018
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  1. Saitoka: /me It was time, the decisions had been made and all was quiet as Saito, Kin, his sister Deb, and a few others gathered around the council table. The doors to the room were closed and no visitors were allowed to enter, at least not for now. This sacred ceremony must be held without any disturbance. The king looked up to Salbae, proudly in fact, and greeted him with a simple bow. His charcoal hair falling over his shoulder armor as he made the movements and his crimson eyes held a faint glow that looked over the other being standing before him. Sai stood and opened his palms as he bowed a greeting to his guests then turned to bow his head to his guests. "Welcome everyone... We are gathered here today to accept Salbae as Lord Deceit. Salbae, with this title, comes great responsibility, which I am sure you are very much aware of. You have proven to me that you can handle this responsibility as well as hold your own as a leader. But now I would like to hear your thoughts on why you deserve this role. What makes you worthy of this title as a Sin, say this so the others are aware of your ability." After speaking, Sai sat in the large chair behind him and awaited Salbae to speak.-
  2. Salbae: /me Standing proud at 5 foot and 3 inches was Salbae. Twelve inches of onyx horns curved back atop of his head. A rare sight and almost impossible not to notice on this ceremonious occasion. His soul showing it’s true self to his family; for his King, love of his life Lady Kin and friend Deb, all of whom he trusted with his life. Usually he would glamour up and seek to return to the once human complexion or a look suited to his mood. And he wasn’t damned, neither wasn’t a demon per se. No, but he was rightly seemed the common word for corrupted, in every twisted and dark arts sense of the way. Short horn-like earrings pierced each ear and they were tipped as a sign of being elven heritage indeed. An distant relative of elves, empath and to the best of his abilities, true to who he was. The nature of who he was truly was, was a practiced act passed down through many years of being educated as any high born Lord or Lady, his lips taught how to speak words others wanted to hear and would please company, his body for entertainment of those willing to pay or aid him in advancing his social status. His wore a pitch black suit as the night sky. Salbae would greet his King with a low bow, the act poured his amethyst hair bunched strands across his left eye with a no doubt smile upturned upon his darker ebony skinned lips. His King looked upon his proudly after all. The elven male had no armor, only a body that enjoyed excess, spirit that was taken from him returned to a new body and a graceful smell of heavy, thick orange bergamot. It was although he bathed in it today. Salbae inhaled as King Sai informed everyone who they were here for and why, for him to be appointed as Sin Deceit, Lord Salbae. “I chose my path, joining Kaz’Geroth grounds to seek the truth. The ground had opened up in cracks, even the bed I wished to sleep in. I ran at first, but those voices that warned me to stay away, made me sick of avoiding the one thing that seemed to desire my presence,” he would kneel, the smile fading into one of sincerity, “My role in your Kingdom began as a mere guest. From the very first day I stepped foot into Kaz’Geroth castle, I discovered a presence that compelled me to stay,” his thoughts on Kin, “Her reasons for loyalty clear to me and I have witnessed your compelling ability to lead. I devote myself to the my two Kings’ will and service as Lord Salbae. I wish to serve you as Sin Deceit, my cunningness from a young age my single survival skill and enhanced through years of wearing a mask of who people wanted me to be. I am capable of holding my ground against any who dare to out maneuver my ability to read their intentions and decide if they true or false. I am more than able to send mixed signals to the most guarded of minds, and send a message of my own to tamper with theirs to our Kingdom’s advantage or to even relay a message to a ally or my own family in desperate times of War. To all others outside the Kingdom my true intentions hidden beneathe layers of practiced manipulation. I confess to timing my presence to those that would be opportune and ensuring a good impression on them to meet my ambitions. I deserve this role for my undying loyalty to my home and family in Kaz’Geroth and my skills and ability to deceive even the most famed and admired of mind tamperers like myself. As Sin Deceit, I will defend our home from dishonorable guests, deciphering their intention as true or malicious, and no guest, living or undead, can rival my ability to know the truth. My own self, a hidden blank canvas to them and to my Kings and family in Kaz’Geroth, you will know me and who I am truly am. I am worthy of Sin Deceit as title because I lived a life of deceiving others, when it was never my choice to do so, but a necessary act to ensure the best life I could lead being born in slavery. I wish for my natural born talents in tools of manipulation of mind reading as Kaz’Geroth Kingdom’s service and be your Sin Deceit.”
  3. Saitoka: /me Sai would nod, hearing the words of the proud Salbae, his words were strong and it brought a small smile to his lips from behind his mask but he kept his posture. Turning to his Lady Kin once she was mentioned he couldn't help but crack a smile when he gave his reasoning.Once he was finished with his speech Saito spoke loud enough for Salbae to hear, the echoes of multiple demonic entities playing throughout his voice, turning to Kin as he asked, "Do you have any questions in regards to his position as Lord Deceit?" a servant walked over and placed a scroll filled with symbols and letters of a demonic language ancient to only his and Sao's knowledge. In those words were the contract of sealing for after it was signed in blood it would be official. Sai took the scroll and opened it as he waited for preparing the scroll for signing after the oath was complete.
  4. KinVanity: /me with a slight nudge up from seated on Nota's lap Kin looked between Salbae and Saito with a straight face, she would lean back a bit and extend an arm in the ''over the room'' motion ''Well, I have prepared this one for months and he will be on his own with this as of now. Personal relations and professional do not mix to me and I have no questions wether my fiance is suitable or not to this position.'' she said in a flat tone without cracking once from the almost dead face she didnt wear very often now a days
  5. Saitoka: /me "Very well." Sai turned and looked down to the table, muttering a few words in his own demonic tongue, his tail flickered aimlessly behind him and then he placed his palm onto the table with enough force it nearly shook the room. The black mist that surrounded his body began to focus on solely on his right hand, and as he raised his it his fingers curled inwards as if pulling something out. A sharp 8-inch dagger began to form between his hand and the table, the process only took a few moments but once it was complete he held up the dagger for everyone to see. A special black steel dressed in various runes to the tip and the hilt decorated faintly of different sins who would also take this dagger into their hands. to his right, next to the scroll and he looked up to meet eyes with the general. He bowed his head once to motion for him to speak. "Recite the Oath."
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