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a guest
Aug 24th, 2017
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  1. <vaadin-grid aria-label="Server properties list" id="material" items="[[uksproperties]]">
  2. <vaadin-grid-selection-column width="66px" flex="0" select-all="{{selectAll}}">
  3. <template class="header">
  4. <paper-checkbox checked="{{selectAll}}"></paper-checkbox>
  5. </template>
  6. <template>
  7. <paper-checkbox checked="{{selected}}"></paper-checkbox>
  8. </template>
  9. </vaadin-grid-selection-column>
  10. <vaadin-grid-column>
  11. <template class="header">
  12. <div class="horizontal layout cell">
  13. <label for="keyFilter" class="keyText cell flex">Key</label>
  14. <vaadin-grid-filter class="cell" id="keyFilterVaadin" path="key" value="[[_filterKey]]">
  15. <paper-input aria-describedby="keyDescription" no-float-label class="keyFilter" id="keyFilter" slot="filter" placeholder="Filter search" value="{{_filterKey::input}}" focus-target on-input="clearAppear" >
  16. <iron-icon suffix icon="clear" class="clearIcon" on-click="clearField" clear-item-id="keyFilter"></iron-icon>
  17. </paper-input>
  18. <span id="keyDescription" style="display:none" class="description">Input text to filter to properties list by "Key" search</span>
  19. </vaadin-grid-filter>
  20. </div>
  21. </template>
  22. <template class="cell"><div class="blue">[[item.key]]</div></template>
  23. </vaadin-grid-column>
  24. <vaadin-grid-column>
  25. <template class="header">
  26. <div class="cell">
  27. value
  28. <div>
  29. </template>
  30. <template class="cell">[[item.value]]</template>
  31. </vaadin-grid-column>
  32. <vaadin-grid-column>
  33. <template class="header">
  34. <div class="horizontal layout">
  35. <div class="cell last flex ">
  36. Server
  37. </div>
  38. <paper-button slot="filter" class="export" on-click="empty">
  39. <iron-icon icon="launch"></iron-icon>
  40. Export
  41. </paper-button>
  42. </div>
  43. </template>
  44. <template class="cell last">[[item.server]]</template>
  45. </vaadin-grid-column>
  46. </vaadin-grid>
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